Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). Aristotle On the Soul. Pedagogy and education, 4, 348–352. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68458
The article is devoted to the analysis of an unfinished treatise of Aristotle 'On the Soul'. The aforesaid treatise made a significant influence on the historical fate of psychology. In fact, Aristotle became the founder of scientific psychology identifying soul with psyche. The ancient philosopher believed that soul was the reason and beginning of a living body. Assuming that the essence defines existence of each item, Aristotle interprets life as the essence of living creatures. The philosopher devoted a significant part of the treatise to criticizing misconceptions of soul. Many provisions of his philosophy are beyond doubt. Mental processes are actually related to physical processes. Soul is not a harmony, in fact, because mental life is full of contradictions and collisions. According to Aristotle, mind is not identical to body and cannot be interpreted as an organic function. In his article Gurevich uses the principle of historicism which allows to demonstrate the development of principles associated with the development of views on mental processes. Aristotle's views on the nature of soul played an important role in the creation and development of psychology. However, Gurevich also shows that Aristotle's philosophy of soul displaced other interpetations and definitions of soul that had certain heuristic potential. This can be said about Plato's teaching in particular. In fact, Aristotle's concept of soul and Plato's concept of soul never synthesized. Reduction of soul to psyche only impoverished the essence and definition of soul and narrowed the concept of human inner life. Today's discoveries made by neuroscientists and transpersonal psychologists prove that Aristotle's concept of soul is rather narrowed.
movement, sensation, immanence, transcendence, emotions, body, human, psychology, psyche, soul
Vaskevich T.V. (2016). Dispute of Education Systems: Is a Compromise Possible? Anthropological Mission of Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 353–362. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68459
The present article is devoted the development of the Russian education system. The author of the article describes theoretical grounds for the current developmental path of education in Russia and gives a description of Anglo-Saxon and Romano-German education systems. Educational strategy and various aspects of interpretation of education are also considered. Relying on V. Slobodchikov's, A. Ostapenko's, A. Muravev's and A. Shuvalov's researches the author pays special attention to the anthropological approach to interpreting education that allows to reveal a true mission of education, i.e. formation of the human in a human. Within the anthropological interpretation of education, the anthropological principle as the practice of cultivation and formation of subjective abilities in a human is being realized. The research methodology is based on the comparative analysis and synthesis of scientific sources on the problem of education systems and educational models. The basic results of the carried out research are recommendations about formation of the Russian education system as the optimum convergence of existing education systems constructed on the basis of the principle of reasonable balance, i.e. identity of theoretical and practical education, within the framework of the anthropological approach that reveals the true humanitarian side of education which is the development of the human in each human.
anthropological prospect, humanitarian education, Russian education system, principle of reasonable balance, Romano-Germanic education system, Anglo-Saxon education system, anthropological approach to education, interpretations of education, education model, education model
Malikov R.Sh., Galiev R.R., Gazizov F.G. (2016). The Role of Folk Pedagogy on a Genetic Predisposition in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle Among the Younger Generation. Pedagogy and education, 4, 363–366. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68460
Genetic predisposition includes skills, readiness, inclinations and tendency to do anything beforehand in a known manner. Genetic predisposition is widely and variously disclosed by Tatar folk pedagogy. This article discusses some external factors of genetic predisposition of children associated with their parents and relatives. In fact, there is a huge amount of them in Tatar folk pedagogy. Proverbs contribute to the proper choice of a life partner whichdirectly affects a healthy lifestyle. The authors of the article have used the following methods: pedagogical analysis and synthesis, scientific inquiry, historical, educational analysis, and analysis of folk pedagogy highlighting the most valuable material from the source. The authors have identified and justified theoretical and methodological bases of a healthy lifestyle and healthy living in the Tatar folk pedagogy as well as have identified philosophical and sociological foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the Tatar folk pedagogy reflected in the requirements for life, environment, and also depending on the genetic predisposition.
sayings, proverbs, heredity, healthy lifestyle, means of education, genetic predisposition, folk pedagogy, education content, identity formation, growing generation
Modern strategies and forms of education
Khoroshikh P.P. (2016). Socio-Cultural Environment as a Factor of Preschooler's Development. Pedagogy and education, 4, 367–370. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68461
The article is devoted to the socio-cultural environment as one of the most important elements of today's preschool education system. The author of the article demonstrates that the socio-cultural environment allows to activate a critial thinking ability of a child, take into account his or her role in social processs as well as contribute to his or her 'self manifestation' as a 'developing personality' in the situation of continuous education taking into account cultural traditions. The given principle allows to orient elective activities of a preschool educational institution at developing children's love for Homeland and positive attitude to their folk culture. The author of the article also notes that it is necessary to take into account the regionalization principle when building the socio-cultural environment at a preschool educational institution as well as pay attention at the main learning conditions that promote a child's personal growth and intellectual development. The analysis of the socio-cultural environment as a new method in the system of preschool education has shown that the aforesaid approach allows a child to grow personally taking into account peculiarities of folk pedagogy. Being an innovative method, regionalization forms elective activities taking into account features of the socio-cultural environment where a child develops.
folk pedagogy, traditions, FSES PE (Federal State Educational Standards of Pr, socio-cultural environment, Homeland, patriotism, culture, teacher, regionalization, parenting
Structure of pedagogical science
Konoryukova I.V. (2016). Structural Representation of Subjective Properties of a Preschool Educator at the Stage of Adaptation to Professional Activities. Pedagogy and education, 4, 371–378. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68462
Within the aim of the research to identify personal prerequisites for successful adaptation of a specialist to professional activities, the author carried out a professional graphic analysis and modeled a mental graph of a preschool teacher. In her article Konoryukova lists conceptual and theoretical principles of her approach to the phenomenon of adaptation of teachers to their professional activity. Based on researches by A. Markova and E. Klimov, the author considers the possibility of professional development of teachers in terms of awareness of personal constructs. The emphasis is made on issues of successful adaptation, subjective positionality and reflexive abilities of educators. Successful adaptation of teachers to professional activity is described based on analysis of factors determining the transformation path of professional development. The author demonstrates the importance of being aware of personality constructs and attitudes to professional activities in the process of self-improvement as a necessary basis for successful adaptation. The draft scenario of the process of acquiring professional skills and knowledge based on reflective actions allows to create conditions for understanding all aspects of labour in terms of a professional profile and, as a result, to successfully complete the aforesaid stage of professional development.
labour functions, profession, success of adaptation, personality, expert assessment, content analysis, psychic profile, profesionally important qualities, professional activity, adaptation
Developing pedagogical technologies
L'vova S.V., Arakelyan K.A. (2016). Developing Creative and Thinking Abilities of Elementary School Student Using LEGO Engineering. Pedagogy and education, 4, 379–389. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68463
The article investigates the impact of LEGO engineering as part of additional education on the development of elementary school students's abilities. The authors present the results of studying second-grade students' creative and visual-spatial abilities. In their article the authors describe the additional education LEGO program that has been tested at a Moscow general education institution over the period of time since 2015 till 2016. The authors provide the results of the summative and formative assessment and analyze data obtained in the course of the research. The authors prove their educational program to be efficient. Thus, the authors have prepared their own educational LEGO construction program to be used in the sphere of additional education and out-of-school activities. To define the levels of creative and visual-spatial abilities the authors have used the following methods: Ellis Torrance's Creative Thinking Test and Raven Progressive Matrices. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that LEGO construcion lessons are an understudied topic in terms of additional education and out-of-school activities. Based on the results of the research and after testing the additional education program the authors have defined positive dynamics demonstrated by children who attended lessons. LEGO construction lessons allowed to develop creative thinking and visual-spatial thinking abilities faster compared to children who had not attended lessons. Learning was always accompanied with play activity in class and lessons allowed children to obtain additional skills and knowledge not related to formal education, to develop thinking abilities and to grow personally.
development, creation, creative abilities, engineering, LEGO, additional education, educational psychology, pedagogy, potential, out-of-class activity
Person and personal development
Shikhanova E.G. (2016). Specific Features of the Legal Culture of Technical Students. Pedagogy and education, 4, 390–399. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68464
The object of the research is the legal culture of students majoring in technical sciences. The subject of the research is specific features of a future engineer that will influence the development of his or her legal culture during his or her studies at a University. The author analyzes the concepts of "personality", "culture" and examines their interrelation from the point of view of the activity approach. Special attention is paid to the definition of legal culture of an individual and specific features of the process of legal culture development depending on students' age, social and psychological peculiarities. The author also examines factors influencing the development of legal culture of future engineers. The results of this research are obtained through analysis and systematization of the earlier author's and other scientists' researches. The main findings of the present study is that the author determines external (e.g., technicalized educational environment) and internal (such as values) factors influencing the development of legal culture of technical students. It is noted that the active use of University educational space appears to be effective in increasing the level of legal culture.
culture, features of a future engineer, development of legal culture, technical student, legal culture, personality, technical profile of education, higher education institution, educational space
Volkova V.V., Makhnin V.L., Emel'yanov A.P., Ermakov Yu.V., Polyakov V.T. (2016). Analyzing Methods of Education Intensification and Forms of Military Specialists' Training. Pedagogy and education, 4, 400–412. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68465
The subject of the research is the transformation of teaching military professional education systems as a whole and improvement of teaching methods in particular in relation to the shift in the paradigm of war and armed struggle. The results demonstrate today's system of military education faces new goals and objectives including tasks associated with the change in ways of organizing learning, expansion of the arsenal of means and modalities of implementation of educational activities and changing characteristics of the particular educational environment. This requires consideration of the combinations, and combinations of complementary teaching systems and methods, given that a particular type of system or methodology is the dominant method of training, and the remaining complement and enrich it. The research methodology combines methods of systems analysis, professional pedagogy, professionally-oriented and object-oriented learning. The main conclusion of the study is the need to review teaching methods both as components of the methodology of educational activities and as elements of the didactic construct that best suits the nature and characteristics of university educational activities and allows to intensify the educational process taking into account the means and modalities of implementation of educational activities and characteristics of the particular educational environment.
receive training, teaching didactics, didactics, classification of training methods, method of training, methodical system of training, training, education system, learning content, imitation methodical system
Innovative methodology and technology
Kiryushin I.I., Baumtrog V.E. (2016). Using Capabilities of Network Technologies in Training Specialists at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Pedagogy and education, 4, 413–419. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68466
It is possible to apply the global Internet network, institutional information-telecommunication system, and local internal network in the teaching process at educational establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors of the present article describe varios ways to implement network technologies in distance learning, touch upon legal regulations and standards related to the development of law enfocement agencies' media landscape and give adresses of distance learning websites in the intergrated multi-service telecommunication systems. Branched information networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allow to fully use the most recent achievements of information-communication technologies not only within education establishments but also between them as well as in practical activity of local offices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Today one of the most profesionally important skills of a specialist is to be able to apply methods, technologies and means of data processing. As a result of constant changes in information arrays a police officer deals with, it is necessary to constantly improve skills and knowledge. Implementation of distance information technologies provide police officers with additional opportunities for self-improvement and raising a proficiency level, and access to data developed and systematized by teachers which of course save up time necesary to develop specialist's competences.
Stellus, state-of-art network technologies, unified system, consulting-education portal, support portal, road map, procedural guidelines, distance learning technologies, united data system, intergrated multi-service telecommunication system
Effectiveness of training
Lysenkov A.Yu., Lysenkova L.F. (2016). The Semantic Role of Architectural Drawing in the Creative Process of an Architect. Pedagogy and education, 4, 420–424. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68467
The subject of the research is the semantic role of architectural drawing in the creative process of an architect. The architectural drawing in the creative process carries different semantic load and performs different functional roles. This includes drawing as a travel sketch, drawing as a reconstruction, drawing as a theatrical scenery, drawing as a moment of formation of an architectural image, drawing as an illustration of an architectural project and example of a formal architectural composition, as an explanatory and auxiliary means for the transmission of an architectural project on paper, as a pastiche of the manners of an architectural image and as a projection of an architectural style of the image. The method of the research is drawing at different stages of designing an object. This may be the initial stage when the idea is just being formed, the appearance of a building is not clear but the hand is already making the first sketches on paper. Or it may be another stage when the object has already been formed and the architect wants to breathe life into the building. The special contribution of the authors is that they give a definition of the versatility of an architectural drawing, identify their common characteristics and goals. Many drawings serve to several purposes and different semantic roles. These semantic aspects of a drawing manifest themselves differently in each situation. The predominance of one of them, or a combination of several in conjunction with the individual graphical skills of an artist, gives a certain value and significance to a drawing both as a starting sketch when an artistic image of an architectural object is formed in general as well as independent works of graphic art in particular.
sketch, composition, style, form, semantic load, aspects, role, architect, drawing, different times
Knowledge and understanding
Flerov O.V. (2016). Specific Features of Speaking a Foreign Language and its Influence on the Image of Linguistic Education in Contemporary Russia . Pedagogy and education, 4, 425–435. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=68468
In his article Flerov analyzes the status of linguistic education in the current socio-economic environment of Russia. In the last century foreign languages were one of the most promising professional majors even despite the fact that Russia was a closed-off country. Nowadays linguistic education does not have such a high status and economics, management and law are in greater demand than foreign languages even though much is being said about the academic space, academic mobility and cross-cultural exchange. The object of the present research is the ability to speak a foreign language as a 'final product' of the process of linguistic education. The choice of the topic is conditioned by the fact that one's ability to speak a foreign language is a constant phenomenon despite changes with the labour market, educational standards, etc. The subject of the research is the image of a language expert as a professional under the conditions of a growing value of profession's financial component and simultaneous reduction in the number of workspaces where an expert in such a major may show himself or herself. From the methodological point of view, 'image' is a convenient category for analyzing the foresaid problem because it contains both cognitive and socio-economic features of a profession that are often differentiated or even opposed to one another. According to the author of the present researh, synthesis of these two components allows to take a new look at gaps and problems in linguistic education, in particular, those related to the transfer of the education system to the two-level organizational structure. The author of the article concludes that image and popularity of education are two different phenomena even though these two terms often merge as a result of education marketing. On the other hand, there is no denying that difficulties of today's professional linguistic development are quite objective and partly caused by specific features of speaking a foreign language. The author assumes that it is possible to overcome these difficulties through developing the system of linguistic education, particularly, more efficient use of Master's degree programs as an independent level of linguistic education. The author also assumes that by analyzing vocational training based on special features of a particular professional major, it is possible to take a fresh look at traditional educational problems and issues. This gives fruit for the thought and material for further researches, especially, in order to develop particular solutions of the aforesaid problems and issues.
linguistic training, vocational choice, professional route, educational route, professional education, linguistic education, linguistic knowledge, educational image, linguistic competence, prestige of education