Knowledge and understanding
Kovaleva, N. B. (2016). Text as the Point of Meeting and Misconception.
Media Hermeneutics of Self Conceptions
and Images. Pedagogy and education, 3, 238–248.
In her research Kovaleva describes theoretical grounds and conceptual principles of her refl ective positional
approach to scenario planning of personality development situations. She also analyzes a number of objective factors
that determine transformation of maturity paths and personality development in the media culture. Based on the
heritage of Lev Vygotsky, Aleksey Losev, Sergey Averintsev, and Mikhail Bakhtin, the researcher analyzes opportunities
of personal growth in terms of comprehension of sign-image and symbolic grounds of the language in the creative space
of group discussion of cultural patterns. Th e research focuses on the issues of creative self-consciousness development,
subjective positionality and refl ective-hermeneutical competence of students. Th e framework for describing means
and opportunities of development is formed taking into account analysis of factors that determine transformation
of maturity paths and personality development in the media culture.
Kovaleva describes the role of the ability to understand the metaphoric language of media texts as the necessary basis
for developing subjective positionality. She illustrates principles and potential eff ects of media hermeneutics as the
basic technology of the refl ective positional approach by discussing the Oscar-winning cartoon ‘Th e Old Man and the
Sea’ directed by A. Petrov. Th e project discussion scenario composed based on refl exive actions and prospective creative
forms of refl ection allows to provide conditions for creative understanding of the main ideas of the aforesaid cartoon
in terms of one’s life and development tasks with reference to the objective cultural meaning of the author’s idea.
cultural activity approach, media environment, refl exive positional approach, image, symbol, sign, media
hermeneutics, refl ection, understanding, positionality.
Question at hand
Mamedova, L. V., Khoroshikh, P. P., Sergievich, A.A., Gudkov, Yu. E. (2016). The Role of a Teacher Mediator in the Inclusive
Environment of the General Education School. Pedagogy and education, 3, 249–254.
Th e object of the present research is the mediation service as part of developing the inclusive education
system at the general education school. Creation of the inclusive environment created a number of confl ictogenic
factors that infl uence all participants of the educational process: children, parents and teachers. Being an expert
in confl ict resolution, a teacher mediator may help to release tension both in a group of children facing disputable
situations as a result of the presence of a child with limited health capacities and in a group of teachers. In this
particular article the authors analyze the teacher mediator’s methods of working with the main participants of the
educational process. Special attention is paid to the principles of working with children who have limited health
capacities. Th e main conclusion of the research is the established basic methodological grounds for the work of
a teacher mediator in the inclusive environment. Th e authors note that the development of the inclusive system
creates a number of confl icts which can be fully resolved only with the help of professional teacher mediators. Th e
authors of the article also underline specifi city of the mediation service as part of interaction with a child who has
limited health capacities.
culture of mediation, mediator, confl ict, inclusion, limited health capacities, teacher, confl ictogenic
factors, child, education environment, psychological safety.
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). There are People Who Enjoy Murdering. Pedagogy and education, 3, 255–259.
The article is devoted to the problem of human aggression. There are a lot of philosophical and psychological literature sources discussing whether human can be considered to be a murder by nature. As modern researches prove, humans do not have a genetic predisposition to death. The author believes that it is necessary to appeal to social and cultural factors in order to clarify the issue. Initially human believes himself to be a resemblance of animal. This belief is still peculiar for so called 'hunting nations' or nations who follow archaic traditions. Has culture made human to lose these 'animal-like' qualities? Many researchers try to answer this question. The question is whether we can actually assume that each human is a potential murderer or it is true for only some representatives of human society? In his research Gurevich has used neuroscientific, genetic and sociobiologic findings. Special attention is paid to cultural and ethnographic researches. In this article Gurevich gives a theoretical criticism of sociobiological researches that explain human's genetic predisposition to murder. Based on modern genetic researches, the author proves that humans have no genetic predisposition to murder. Many paradoxes of human behavior become obvious if we study sociocultural factors of people's lives. According to the author, the theory 'human murderer' is not only pseudoscientific but also harmful because it leads to such social and political consequences as racism. People are not monkeys, neither they are angels marked with the original sin. According to the author, human aggressive behavior, even violence, demonstrates their need in love.
human nature, aggression, genetic predisposition, sociocultural factors, aggression types, up-bringing, cruelty, empathy, instinct, sociobiology
Karpov A.O. (2016). Development of the Theory of Education for the Knowledge-Based Society and its Reality. Pedagogy and education, 3, 260–273.
Knowledge-based society is one of the dominating paradigms of a modern socio-economic development which was formed at the second half of the XXth century. The process was reflected in culture, social structure, economic tools and education. The purpose of the present article is to define contents of the theoretical concept of education in a knowledge-based society in terms of origin of its social reality. The research methodology involves cultural-historical epistemology that is based on the analysis of socio-economic attitudes to knowledge and cognition including academic learning as well as comparative analysis of references and comparison of theoretical propositions to reality. It is well shown that development of the knowledge-based education concept started in the 1950s - 1960s and was conditioned by the appearance of new qualities of an industrial worker that are then inherited by an knowlege worker. It was the period when Peter Drucker proposed the idea of proactive trainign (1957) as well as the principle of continuous education of a knowledge worker (1968). The author of the present article describes how aforesaid ideas relate to the concept of distributed education offered by Drucker which was supposed to be implemented after continuous education becomes a norm. The author also states that the key institutions for the development of the knowledge-based society include universities and schools built on the principals of research education and academic continuity. The author gives a definition of dynamic competence and describes the relationship between the idea of creative education adn the theory of knowledge-based society. The author also provides an analysis of fundamental contradictions that accompany education development in a knowlege-based society.
university, knowledge worker, innovations, science, creativity, dynamic competence, continuous education, proactive education, knowledge-based society, education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Beregovaya O.A., Mikhalin A.V. (2016). Current Problems of Working with Gifted Children in South-East Asia (Example of South Korea). Pedagogy and education, 3, 274–280.
The research subject of the given article is the system of working with gifted children in one of the countries of South-East Asia, South Korea. The authors reveal the specifics of the region and socio-pedagogical experience of work with gifted children both for the region in general and each country in particular. The system of work with gifted children at state and private levels of education is specified. There are parallels in this area with the Russian experience work with gifted children. The article presents a comparative analysis of the work of specialized schools for gifted children in South Korea. The main results of the study are insights about the positive and negative sides of the system of work with gifted children in South Korea. Also, the authors come to the conclusion that despite the fact that schools for gifted children in Korea appeared relatively recently, great results in the education system have been achieved.
Singapore, China, educational policy, modernization, education, South Korea, gifted children, Thailand, carriculum, mathematics
Educational psychology
Khashchenko T.G. (2016). Developing the Entrepreneurial Orientation of Personality in the Process of Professional Development at a University: Features of Psychological Support. Pedagogy and education, 3, 281–295.
The subject of the research is features of psychological support of developing the entrepreneurial orientation in the process of professional development at a University. For this purpose, the author of the article analyzes structural components of the entrepreneurial orientation as a systemic personality construct which is the internal motivational basis of entrepreneurial activity manifested not only in choosing the business option of a professional career but also in consequences of this activity for the surrounding world (social, moral, legal, environmental, etc.). Special attention is paid to psychological mechanisms of developing the entrepreneurial orientation of personality in the process of professional development which should be considered in terms of psychological support. The methodological basis of research includes interdisciplinary approaches (L. Zhuravlev, T. D. Martsinkovskaya), systems approach (V. A. Barabanshchikov, B. F. Lomov, V. D. Shadrikov), psychosocial approach (K. A. Abulkhanova, M. I. Volovikova), ecopsychological approach (V. I. Panov), systems personality-developing approach (L. M. Mitina), and contextual approach (A. A. Verbitsky). In the course of this research the author has used both theoretical and empirical methods (including formative experiment), statistical treatment and analysis of the results (Mann-Whitney U-criterion, Sign test). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides a description of developed and empirically verified theoretical model of entrepreneurial orientation as a systemic personality construct, explains the connection of this concept with the concepts of "personality orientation" and "professional orientation" , approach to the entrepreneurial orientation of the personality as a result of a complex interaction of processes of economic and professional self-determination, each of which requires specific means of psychological support. A special contribution is the description of psychological mechanisms of developing entrepreneurial orientation of the personality that were implemented in the author's psychological technologies which proved to be efficient in the process of the formative experiment. The article presents the author's validated diagnostic tools and describes the results of experimental approbation of the author's psychological technologies of developing the entrepreneurial orientation of the individual within the framework of psychological support.
professional self-determination, entrepreneurial orientation of personality, economic subjectness, psychological diagnostics, psychological mechanisms, psychological technologies, professional education, professional development of an individual, economic self-determination, psychological support
Ways of upbringing
Korotkikh O.V. (2016). Historical and Socio-Cultural Factors of Developing Moral Values in Russian Folk Pedagogics . Pedagogy and education, 3, 296–306.
The article is devoted to the process of developing moral values in the history of Russian culture and the role of moral values in folk pedagogics. The author of the article analyzes the influence of historical peculiarities of Russia's nations, their experience in interaction and cooperation, traditions of social life as well as Christian propagation of mercy and serenity, oral folk creations and other elements of folklore on the process of developing folk pedagogics. The article proves the statement about the need to revive traditions of folk pedagogics in order to continue the existence of Russian culture. In this research the author uses the methods of historical and historical-cultural reconstruction, analysis and synthesis, structural and hermeneutical methods. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author uses historical and historical-cultural references that are usually left unnoticed by pedagogical researchers as well as reconstructs the relationship that has always been there between pedagogics and other spheres of humanities including folk culture.
moral values, Christianity, folklore, folk culture, Russian culture, peasant community, Russian history, folk pedagogy, charity, peaceableness
Morality and ethics
Rostovtseva M.V., Pomazan V.A., Mashanov A.A. (2016). Axiological Issues of Migrant's Sociocultural Adaptation. Pedagogy and education, 3, 307–312.
The subject of the research is the problem of sociocultural integration and adaptation of migrants. It is noted that there is a variety of factors hindering successful adaptation of migrants and their actualization in a new cultural environment, however, one of these factors is the difficulty with interiorization of new values, standards and requirements. Axiological problems of migrants' sociocultural adaptation come to prominence as the problem of developing core values that determine the vector of individual's social activity and relate to the concept of what 'must be right' in different spheres of social life. The research methodology includes analysis and summary of scientific sources on the research matter, statistical analysis of data, and comparison method. The authors offer their own definition of sociocultural adaptation as the relationship between human and social environment aimed at solving contradictions arising between them. The authors conducted an analysis of existing axiological concepts and analyzed the structure and stages of the development of migrant's core values. It is shown that sociocultural activity creates values and attitudes that are based on differences in distribution and availability of nonmaterial and value-based benefits, levels of their consumption, nature and contents of cultural activity, and extent of activity of a subject with reference to his or her sociocultural interaction. The authors also provide a definition of tolerance.
adaptation, sociocultural adaptation, values, interiorization, acculturation, tolerance, culture, standards, integration, migrants
Innovative methodology and technology
Titova A.Yu. (2016). Summer Dance Camp as a Prerequisite for the Development of Dance Abilities of Children and Adolescents. Pedagogy and education, 3, 313–316.
This article discusses the benefits of summer classes in professional camp for children and teenagers in order to increase the level of their dancing skills. Taking into account that summer dance camps are part of the social environment where children can exercise their capabilities and needs, it was important to trace the degree of development of creative abilities of children due to the possibility of carrying out daily activities and theme nights on the basis of the dance camp. The author carried out a consistent analysis of the positive impact of such summer dance camps in the harmonious development of children's dancing abilities. The author gives a brief description of preconditions for a decision on the importance of training in the summer. The author also considers the main options to achieve the best results, goals and objectives for a successful and harmonious development of child's personality. The author determines the growing importance of dance teams through involving children in dance camps. The author also highlighted the main areas of the organization of summer dance camps where dance has a multilateral development potential of individual abilities and interests of the child. The special contribution of the author is that the author draws attention of heads of children's dance groups to the problem of increasing the level of mastery of young dancers and views children's dance camps as one of massive leisure activities which leads to better dancing abilities of children and adolescents.
summer rest, dance technique, self-development, dance, choreography, leisure, creation, raising dance experience
Effectiveness of training
Ovcharova T.N. (2016). The Successful Education Triad: Solidity, Competence, and Personal Development . Pedagogy and education, 3, 317–326.
The subject of the research is the efficiency of education when the integrated approach to teaching involves examining different aspects of and factors contributing to this efficiency. Replacement of the knowledge-based paradigm of national education with the competency approach is accompanied by underestimation of fundamental education which requires a detailed justification of education efficiency. The competence component of the successful education model is considered in terms of the rational content of the Soviet system of polytechnic education including close relations with labour upbringing which becomes especially important under the conditions of falling labour values demonstrated by today's youth. The autor analyzes two interrelated approaches to the formation of professional competences, personality approach and behavioral approach. In the article, particular attention is paid to a child-centred development component in the successful education triad which does not allow to become just a "one-dimensional professional". The author bases this research on dialectical methodology and supplementary scientific methods of theoretical research: analysis, comparison, synthesis, historical, systems and comprehensive approaches, and critical analysis of literature. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides grounds for the system of successful components of the education which can be seen as a framework for evaluating the quality of education and achievements of students. The author concludes that characteristics of education, efficiency and quality are not fully disclosed by the market approach to education where there is a trend towards the "provision of services". Russians traditionally view education as a system which does not only educate but also teach morals which allows to speak about education as the process of enlightenment. Therefore, University performance indicators must be linked not only with the quality of knowledge but also with teaching good morals or so called character education.
parenting, education, morality, personal development, professional competence, occupational competence, solidity, competence, quality of education, education success, education efficiency
Individual approach in education
Magutina A.A. (2016). Applying Alternative Means of Communication When Teaching Communication to Children with Limited Health Abilities. Pedagogy and education, 3, 327–337.
The author of the present article views one of the most important issues of special pedagogics, i.e. teaching communication to children with limited health abilities. The rationale of the present article is caused by the fact that today there is a growing number of children with such development disorders when they either have no speech or have serious speech impediments. It is difficult to work with such children because both children and adults working with them cannot really understand each other. Therefore, the subject of the present research is the process of developing speech skills using alternative means of communication. In her research Magutina provides a brief review of alternative means of communication that are used in the course of correctional activities with children suffering from limited health abilities. Based on the analysis of a particular case, the author also reveals aspects of practical activity aimed at teaching speech skills to children with serious speech impediments. The author bases her research on the provisions and researches of such Russian scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, A. A. Leontiev, G. L. Zaytsev, L. B. Baryaeva, and such foreign authors as J. Van Dyke, Glenn Doman, Margaret Yalker, etc. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author attempts to combine various means of alternative communication in the process of practical work with children who suffer from serious speech impediments. The author's approach allows both to achieve positive results because it takes into account individual abilities of each child and to use this or that mean of alternative communication with others. The main conclusions of the present research are as follows: when teaching children with serious speech impediments whose communication is either difficult or impossible for certain reasons, it is necessary to use alternative means of commnication; alternative means of commnication allows such children to adjust to the time and changing activities and acts as an additional means of communication; it is necessary to allow a child to choose a certain alternative means of communication taking into account his developmental peculiarities; and combination of several means of alternative communication unables a child to develop his speech abilities at different levels of the language system.
special pedagogics, correctional work, developmental disorders, gestures, global reading, PECS, teaching, speech development, limited health abilities, alternative means of communication