Modern strategies and forms of education
Novoselova A.N., Belousova R.Yu., Podoplelova N.M. (2016). The Model of Preschool Education Establishment as an Open Education System in Terms of Legislative Requirements. Pedagogy and education, 2, 138–147.
В качестве предмета исследования представлена модель дошкольной образовательной
организации как открытой образовательной системы в контексте Федерального государственного стандарта дошкольного образования как основного нормативного управленческого документа. Принятие ряда других важных актов: национальной образовательной инициативы «Наша новая школа», приоритетного национального проекта «Образование», государственной программы РФ «Развитие образования на 2013–2020», Федерального закона «Об образовании в РФ», новых нормативных документов для дошкольных образовательных организаций: Профессионального стандарта педагога, Порядка организации и осуществления образовательной деятельности по основным общеобразовательным программам - образовательным программам дошкольного образования - также указало на необходимость разработки
модели. В качестве основных подходов при разработке модели мы рассматриваем системный и синергетический подходы как наиболее актуальные для данного исследования. Новизна исследования заключается в создании и научном обосновании модели дошкольной образовательной организации как открытой образовательной системы, выстроенной в соответствии с требованиями нового законодательства.
Авторами статьи выделены системообразующие факторы ДОО как открытой бразовательной системы, раскрыто содержание структурных и функциональных компонентов модели, определены средства обеспечения открытости ДОО.
FSES of preschool education, model of the OED, strategic factors, structural, functional components, public education system, preschool educational institution, Russian education system, competitiveness of additional education, modernization education system, regulatory requirements OED
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2016). The Finitude of Human and Boundaries of the Mind. Pedagogy and education, 2, 148–151.
The present article provides a review of Karl Jaspers' book 'Kant: Life, Research and Influence' published by the Kanon+ Publishing in 2014. This book is twice as valuable. Firstly, it is beileved to be a great contribution to Kantian studies. Meanwhile, it can tell us about the philosophical heritage of Karl Jaspers himself. Kant was one of Karl Jaspers' favorite philosophers. Karl Jaspers believed him to be an original philosopher and therefore mentioned Kant's name in his doctor's thesis several times. Those references were priceless for Kantian studies. In his book Jaspers developed and systematized fragmentary remarks about Kant's achievements. In his research Gurevich has used the historicism principle which allowed him to demonstrate the role of Kant's ideas in the history of philosophy. The author of the present article has also conducted the comparative analysis of Jaspers' two researches written by him in different times, 'General Psychopathology' and 'Kant'. In his article Gurevich has also touched upon different aspects of Kantian studies. In the aforesaid book Karl Jaspers described details of Kant's life that allowed to provide a better insight into the development of Kant's views and his path towards critical philosophy. The structure of Kant's cognition is also described as well as the mind and all forms of mind. The 'Kantian' reason is also characterized. It is very important that Jaspers went beyond cognitive issues. He introduced Kant's understanding of politics and history to the readers. Finally, he also shared his critical views of Kant's philosophy and underlined the historical place of Kant and his influence on the following stages of philosophy.
cogitation, antinomy, scepticism, enlightenment, civil society, science, morals, sensuality, cognition, philosophy
Educational interaction
Bleykh N.O. (2016). Educational Concept of Georgy Baev (1860 – 1939), Prominent Ossetian Politician and the First Mayor of Vladikavkaz. Pedagogy and education, 2, 152–158.
The subject of the study is the educational activity of the head of the city administration Georgy Baev whose activities have been ambiguously taken by the academic community until recently, more with the negative label of "the enemy of the Soviet government". However, while his public and political activitywas exposed by Caucasian historiographers rather well, his educational activities has been given far less attention. In this article the author tries to get rid of stereotypes that have been prevailing in science for many decades. It is time to redeem the good name to the aforesaid Ossetian activist and with good reason call him a distinguished son of Ossetia of his era, the first Ossetian economist, politician, publisher, folklorist as well as a fervent guardian of public education. The researcher has used the method of study and theoretical analysis of archival materials, scientific and literary sources. Analysis of Baev's journalistic materials on the history and didactics of the Ossetian school has allowed the author to make a conclusion about the progressive value of the ideas they put forward (humanization and democratization of school education, support of school education at the state level, continuous learning, transforming of school into the center of studies and educational work, development of the network of primary, secondary and higher institutions, etc.), which are still topical and can be used in modern education. The example of Georgy Baev's activities can teach the youth to love and respect their homeland, the place where they were born and live.
critic, literary critic, the city of Vladikavkaz, the first mayor, Ossetian leader, educational concept, Georgy Baev, educator, folklorist, North Ossetia
Pedagogical ideal
Rozin V.M. (2016). What is Questioning: Essence or Types?. Pedagogy and education, 2, 159–165.
The present article presents an attempt to characterize the nature of questioning and highlight the main types of questioning. The author shows that questioning developed in the ancient culture along with the formation of identity as one of the ways to communicate with others. Another important aspect of questioning is that by the means of certain schemes questions emerge the questioner into reality where he or she receives the answer and can solve their problems. In his research Rozin covers the following types of questioning: prepersonal and impersonal, latent, original, physicalistic, traditional, and problematizing. The purpose of the latter type, standing alone, is to create a problem for the Other (responding to questioning) or to change his or her point of view. Problematizing questioning is used to initiate thought and thought management, especially within the framework of the methodology. The authors used such approaches and methods as development of typologies, situational analysis and problematization, cultural approach, hermeneutic approach, analysis of case studies, creation of definitions and concepts. As a result, the author managed to characterize the nature of questioning showing that this phenomenon is placed between two coordinates - the questioner's communication with others and creation of a certain reality with the help of special schemes which allows the questioner to understand, solve their problems, get help and feedback. The proposed typology of questioning types allows to continue the investigation and may be of practical value in the field of education and methodology.
children, identity, reconstruction, thinking, scheme, type, questioning, questions, culture, communication
Values and goals of education
Oleynikov Yu.V. (2016). Psychological Constitution of Scientific Activity. Pedagogy and education, 2, 166–175.
While scientists seem to have rather comfortable working conditions, mental anomalies have been observed in this social group. Creative activity is accompanied with solving complex psychological problems arising in the process of studying, scientific work, adoption of a certain worldview, scientific and ideological paradigms, perception of success, criticism and evalution of their scientific activity in general. According to the author of the article, determination and summarization of specific features of scientific activity and psychlogical problems faced by scientists at our age of fundamental transformation and dominating paradigm should encourage better understanding and solution of these problems. The methodological basis of the research is based on the analysis of transformations of Thomas Kuhn's scientific paradigms, direct observation of psychologicalfeatures of scientific activity demonstrated by creative teams as well as materials presented in other researches of psychologists, psychoanalysts, historians and observations made by researchers themselves. Heuristical feature of the research is defined by extreme importance and complexity of psychological problems arising in the process of scientific research considering drastic changes of the paradigm and reformation of science in Russia. Development of a new paradigm and reformation of scientific institutions are accompanied with complex psychological problems faced by all participants of the process. These problems include choosing and proving an alternative paradigm, adjusting to new authorities and administrative hierarchy in the academic community, denial and adoptin of the market model of science, compatibility of Soviet and post-Soviet generations of researchers who have different worldviews, ideological and moral attitudes. The author sees the way of oothing and overcoming the aforesaid psychological problems in recognition and being aware of obvious fundamental transformations in society, and development and adoption of a new paradigm that would adequately reflect the actual situation with the evolution of the socio-natural universum.
intellect, creativity, courage, will, activity, paradigm, neurosis, character, science, psychology
Developing pedagogical technologies
Artyukhina M.S. (2016). Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Mathematics Interactive Training in the University Education Information Environment. Pedagogy and education, 2, 176–185.
The object of the research is the process of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education environment aimed at personal self-actualization. The concept of interactive training in mathematics which uses a set of approaches as the teoretical and methodological base is submitted: these include systems-activity, competence-based, information approaches, concept of the personality-focused training, cocnept of the differentiated training in mathematics, professional orientation of training in mathematics, creative thinking development, basic researches in the field of the theory and technique of training in mathematics, and the concept of evident and model training. The conceptual core of interactive training in mathematics is the pedagogical interaction. Based on the analysis of laws and regular patterns of training, methodology and the theory of developing training in mathematics from positions and conclusions about reorientation of valuable and semantic aspects of interactive training, fundamental laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. The developed concept of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information enfironment has received confirmation during the theoretical and experimental work which has been carried out at Arzamas branch of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Laws of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. Groups of regular patterns of interactive training are described: general regular patterns of training, sociocultural and regular patterns of developing training. In order to appy laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics, the authors develop the principles of interactive training according to the purposes of education and pedagogical conditions promoting improvement of training quailty of bachelors for future professional activity and personal growth.
integration, pedagogical conditions, self-updating, principles of interactive training, regular patterns of interactive training, concept, laws of interactive training, pedagogical interaction, interactive training in mathematics, bachelor degree
Educational psychology
Rostovtseva M.V., Khokhrina Z.V., Goncharova T.M., Gudovskiy I.V. (2016). The Problems of Social Adaptation in the Education System. Pedagogy and education, 2, 186–191.
The authors of the present research suggest that we should view social adaptability as a specific relationship developed in the 'human-social environment' system but not as a feature of an object as it is traditionally defined. Based on the example of the education system, the authors analyze two conditions for developing adaptability: correspondence of goals, interests, traits of a student with targets of the education system; search for adequate methods of constructive information models for the purpose of building uncontroversial adaptive strategies that would be adequate to continuous changes in the social situation. This involves acquiring skills in processing information including contradictory information, and target-setting skills, determination and responsibiilty. The research article is based on the dialectical method and understanding human life-sustaining activity as a continuous chain of solutions of social and other contradictions. In addition, the authors have also used provisions of the systems and information approaches. They offer their definition of social adaptability as the relationship between personality and society aimed at solution of any contradictions that may appear between them. Social adaptability is viewed from the two points of view including the systems approach which allows to define criteria of social adaptability as correspondence of goals and targets of parties involved, and information approach connecting social adaptability with a student's intellectual ability to find fast solutions of difficult life situations.
education system, target setting, systems approach, information, adaptive value, information approach, contradiction, personality, social environment, adaptibility
Philosophy and pedagogy
Baksanskiy O.E., Emelin I.A. (2016). Evolutionary Theory of Knowledge Within the Interdisciplinary Framework. Pedagogy and education, 2, 192–201.
In this article the review of modern researches on the theory of knowledge is given, the new interdisciplinary endeavour which purpose is to research biological prerequisites of human knowledge and to explain features of knowledge on the basis of the modern evolutionary synthesis and Michael Polanyi's philosophy of science is considered. Application of the evolutionary approach allows to allocate a new foreshortening in the theory of knowledge. This approach is based on rationalistic attitudes and is focused on consideration of real cognitive processes, on research of real informative process by the means of modern science. Analysis of modern researches on the theory of knowledge allows to pay attention to the new methodology which can be described as the 'naturalistic' approach. This approach tries to analyze all kinds of philosophical problems from the scientific standpoint using specific scientific knowledge. For the purposes of the present research the authors believe it is necessary to analyze the new interdisciplinary endeavour aimed at studying biological prerequisites of human knowledge and to explain features of knowledge based on the modern evolutionary synthesis. As a conclusion, the authors state that the analysis of knowledge from the biological point of view shows that there is an opportunity to broaden our cognitive area. The consecutive understanding of biology as a science about interaction of living systems with environment and among themselves defines a methodological position of Lorentz which he called a hypothetical realism after Campbell.
evolutionary approach, cognitive map, tacit knowledge, world picture, interdisciplinary approach, methodology of science, theory of knowledge, autophoesis, philosophy of science, rationality
Ways of upbringing
Zabavnikova T.Yu., Maksimova O.V., Gubanova T.V. (2016). Education as an Integral Part of Work with Foreign Students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 202–209.
Currently upbringing, being the most important component of educational process, is becoming more urgent. Working with foreign citizens at the level of pre-university training, the authors try to explore the scientific basis of the educational process and to apply results of the research in practice. The problem of foreign students’ aesthetic education lies in the system of aesthetic views, attitudes and characteristics that is established by influence on students’ aesthetic characteristics and is necessary for acquisition of aesthetic values of the society. Existing researches on the aesthetic education of foreign students are not numerous andare rather fragmentary.The article is devoted to the experience of educational work with foreign students at the International Education Department of Tambov State Technical University; methods of aesthetic, spiritual and moral upbringing of foreign students during their studies (the Russian language as a foreign language, History, Social Studies) are described and characterized. In their study authors used various methods of foreign students’ upbringing which include methods of development of certain consciousness characteristics, methods of practical activity organization, accumulation of conduct experience, primarily in the form of various types of exercises, creating educative situations; stimulation methods, methods of intensification of consciousness patterns and forms of conduct. The practical implementation of some methods of educational work is connected with lexical work, work with text (prose and verse), acquaintance with music, painting and art pieces of different countries, film, video watching and analysis, and others.Thus, the practical significance of the research lies in the fact that a set of educational activities aimed at the establishment of aesthetic values of foreign students of the International Education Faculty of Tambov State Technical University was developed on its basis. It had undergone an experimental approbation and was implemented into the pedagogical subsystem of the additional pre-university training of foreign citizens. As a result, it had a significant impact on the establishment of aesthetic, spiritual and moral characteristics of foreign students, the aesthetic attitude to the reality, developing the aspiration to be perfect in everything: thoughts, deeds and actions.
organization of practical activities, cross-cultural space, impact, aesthetic quality, foreign students, stimulation methods, aesthetic education, education, background knowledge, lexical work
Innovative methodology and technology
Aldoshina M.I. (2016). Possibilities of Assessing the Ethno-Cultural Competence Level of University Students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 210–217.
The present research article is devoted to the pedagogical problem of assessing academic achievements and competences of University students as a result of adopting new higher education standards. The competency approach directs a teacher in his educational environment depending on disciplines and allows to predict students' academic activity results expressed in the form of general cultural and professional competences. Within new approaches to educational activity, it is growing especially improtant to select the best methods for assessing academic success of students and level of their ethno-cultural and professional competence. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the variety of assessment methods and to test one of them, portfolio method, in the University educational process based on the analysis of the discipline 'Multicultural education' in the major 'Psychological and pedagogical education'. The main conclusions and results made by the author in this research contribute to the solution of an important technological problem of University education - analysis of existing methods to assess the level of students' competences in a certain major and selection of the best methods for particular disciplines and programs, for example, the method of creating a final portfolio describing particular academic achievements.
competence, competency approach, portfolio types, portfolio, academic achievement, competence of students, means of assessment, ethno-cultural competence, University, University education
Effectiveness of training
Pazukhina S.V. (2016). The Model for Evaluating New Results of the Educational Process at the University. Pedagogy and education, 2, 218–229.
The object of the research is the system aimed at evaluating new results of the educational process at the university. The subject of the research is the theoretical basis of evaluation components of such model that can be used in the process of implementing of the Federal State Educational Standards. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the most significant trends related to changes of the object and subjects, functions, and evaluation means at the University. Particular attention is paid to the justification of new methods and forms of assessment in the course of the current, intermediate and final certification. The main theoretical method is the method of modeling and survey. The methodological base of the research is the competency approach. The result of the research is creating the model for evaluating new results of the educational process at the University in the process of FSES implementation. The authors's model highlights the most significant trends related to changes in the object and subjects, functions, and evaluation means. The scope of application is the educational process at the University. The conclusion is that such a theoretically grounded model can serve as the basis for the development of evaluation of funds, algorithms, various means of assessment and forms of their implementation in the educational process at the University.
reflection, subjects of evaluation activity, evaluation function, professional training, competency approach, new educational outcomes, model, evaluation, self-evaluation activities of students, competence