Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Selfless Devotion as Part of Human Existence. Pedagogy and education, 4, 330–335. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67416
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of spirituality which is being analyzed based on the three books published by the Canon+ publishing: E. Mescherina's 'Spiritual Grounds of the Feat (Essays on Russian Culture)', M. Chertok's 'Musicians of the Victory Parade' and 'The Fate of a Scientist in Changing Times' edited by G. Bragin, A. Vaf, G. Sdasyuk and T. Shaumyan. Spirituality is a universal phenomenon. It is expressed through facts of sacral culture and historical events as well as fates of particular people who devoted their life to science. Recent researches emphasize the importance of 'sensual reasoning' and ability to adequately respond to surrounding people and get along with others in interpersonal relationships. The main provision of the eternal philosophy is that in the end the quality of life depends on so called 'spiritual reasoning'. Spiritual reality is a deep philosophical and metaphysical grasp of reality and ourselves. In his research Gurevich uses the methods of reconstructing the memorial practice of the country. This also refers to the history of Russian culture. The author has also applied the hermeneutical approach which allowed to provide an adequte evaluation of cultural monuments. The article will be of interest to educators who carry out patriotic upbrining. The article contains various examples of spiritual devotion. Analysis of the history of Russian culture is filled with the pride for unfading achievements of Russians who created great monuments of philosophy and art. Russia's space is a culture-historical community exceeding the limits of national states and, all the more so, political systems. Historical spiritual forces, Victory music and selfless devotion of science.
selfless devotion, history, spirituality, Victory, art, culture, heroism, patriotism, upbringing
Levin V.I. (2015). New Program of Graduate (PhD) Studies. Pedagogy and education, 4, 336–343. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67417
The article is devoted to the problem of educational training of graduate students and PhD students in Russia. The researcher describes the current systems of educational training in the world and focuses on their pluses and minuses. Special attention is paid to the systems of training in Germany, France, Great Britain and USA. The author also describes and analyzes the system of graduate training which was formed in the USSR and is still efficient in today's Russia. The author offers a new system of educational training of Russian graduates. This program is oriented at modern tasks and goals of Russian higher education. The curriculum includes: history of scientific discoveries, logic and critical thinking, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics and law basics. The research is based on the analysis of both Russian and foreign researches conducted by specialists in the sphere of personnel training as well as methodological works of graduates' research advisors. Levin has also used a lot of Russian and foreign researches on the history of science, methods of scientific research, logic, investigation culture, academic ethics, methods of writing thesis research and articles. The main conclusions are the following: 1) introduction of the three-stage educational system in Russia (bachelor's, master's programs and graduate (PhD) studies) offers a good opportunity to improve training of Russian graduates; 2) there is a great variety of educational schools for graduates all over the world, each school having its own curriculum and national traditions; 3) the current system of training Russian graduates provides neither a good education nor a decent overall cultural level of students; 4) in order to improve the system of graduate studies, it is necesary to review their programs and curricula.
history of science, three-stage educational system, new educational program, graduates in Russia, scientific-educational school, graduate student, educational training, research methods, investigation culture, academic ethics
Values and goals of education
Flerov O.V. (2015). Psychological and Pedagogical Peculiarities of Professional Orientation Activities at Universities in the Period of Commercialization of Education and Socio-Economic Uncertainty. Pedagogy and education, 4, 344–358. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67418
Trends in the development of higher school in contemporary Russia is one of the most discussed issues in our modern age. Apart from discussing traditional psychological and pedagogical issues, nowadays higher education is also discussed in terms of politics and whether the transfer to the European system of education is reasonable or not. In addition, education of economics is becoming quite popular as the branch of science where practical researches are aimed at increasing cost efficiency of education but not pedagogical or social efficiency. The object of the present research is the professional orientation activities conducted with university students. The subject of the research is peculiarities and challenges of such activities under the current socio-economic conditions. Today a student (graduate) is not only a subject of the educational process but even more often a subject and a consumer of educational services on the education market. In this article Flerov suggests that we should look at the professional orientation of graduates taking into account that with the economic recession in the background, we cannot guarantee that even a good student will be successful (meaning that he will find a good job with good prospects) after professional orientation and training. The research methods used by the author in his article include the analysis of scientific references on the matter as well as empirical data obtained by the author as part of his own experience with graduates. The main conclusion is that at this age of information availability, including information about the labor market, professional orientation should be based on age peculiarities of young people but cannot be limited to fact-finding. Today when we are witnessing the economic recession and dependence of the economic development of a university on the number of attracted graduates, universities should, on the one hand, provide the best choice of training courses and on the other hand, be rather reserved and decent in their promises. Professional development should be viewed not only as a contribution to his career and wealth success but also as an inherently valued milestone which influences the overall personal growth. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that taking into account current socio-economic conditions, it is necessary to base working with graduates on psychological peculiarities of the youth, which remain the same at all times.
profession counselling, unemloyment, commercialization, uncertainty, educational service, education market, labor market, demand for education, learning motivation, youth
Modern strategies and forms of education
Ignat'eva G.A., Tulupova O.V. (2015). Innovative Technology Format of Additional Professional Education of Teachers. Pedagogy and education, 4, 359–372. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67419
The article is devoted to innovative processes in additional professional education of teachers. There are considered the approaches of anthropological concept of additional professional education's innovative development to its institutional design as a strategic educational institution of innovative development of economy and society. Based on the national and foreign experience in additional professional education as a kind of adult education, the authors describe typical features of functioning and development of modern models of additional professional education in accordance with the principles of project-transformative paradigm. The research methodology is based on the understanding of additional professional education of teachers as an independent activity system having its own ideology, values, goals, qualified personnel, organization chart, mechanisms of functioning and development. The authors also proposed a conceptual scheme of the co-existence activity-related educational technologies modeling which is realized in the conditions of additional professional education of teachers and includes ontological context associated with the idea of educational co-existence as the source of subjectivity's development. The authors also give characteristics of the anthropological (co-existence) additional professional education's model, as the methodological context of the conceptual scheme, as well as the description of technological parameters of subjectivity's development and forms of educational process's co-existence organization in the conditions of additional professional education.
educational co-existence, activity-related educational technology, additional professional education, development of subjectivity, anthropological approach, professional pedagogical position, proficiency improvement, professional development, continuing education, adult education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Mal'tseva T.E. (2015). Inclusive Professionalization in Perspective of the Humanistic Paradigm of High School. Pedagogy and education, 4, 373–381. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67420
Considering the problems of inclusive education in perspective of the humanistic paradigm, the author analyzes whether representatives of faculty groups from various universities are ready for practical activities in this direction, underlines the urgent relevance in the preparation of the pedagogical staff of higher education institutions for organization of this work. Based on researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, the author stresses that humanization of the educational process is the transition to the person-oriented approach, which is based on the subject-subject interaction. The author uses the method of questionnaire, which allows to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the readiness of teachers for humanization of the educational process. The author also emphasizes the discrepancies arising in the mind and real activity of many teachers which is explained by their lack of pedagogical education. This reality causes contradictions between the need for developing inclusive education, on the one hand, and unwillingness of teachers to implement it, on the other, which, of course, requires to include personnel retraining courses for those who do not have pedagogical education. Without any doubts, this is the topic for further researches.
professionalism, inclusion, subject-subject interaction, person-oriented approach, self-activation, humanistic paradigm, self-actualization, humanization, empathy, motivation
Philosophy and pedagogy
Yashin B.L. (2015). Etnnomatematics and Etnnodidactics: Point of Contact. Pedagogy and education, 4, 382–393. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67421
The subject of the research is ethnomatematics as the field of knowledge that was created in the middle of the last century and is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge which includes both the actual math, as well as its history, and philosophy, ethnology, cultural studies, psychology, pedagogy and some other disciplines relating to mathematical knowledge in this way or another. One of the areas of ethnomathematics is pedagogy, within which researchers try to synthesize the achievements of philosophy, epistemology and history of natural science and mathematics focusing on educational activities, in particular, on teaching mathematics in schools and universities. The question whether it would be reasonable to appeal to personal experience of students and their ethnonational and socio-cultural background are actively discussed in Russia within the framework of such branches of knowledge as ethnodidactics and pedagogy. The author of the article shows common problems in ethnomathematics and ethnodidactics and views arguments of the followers and critics of the ethnonational approach to education. The main research methods used by the author include analysis of literature as well as comparative analysis and summarization. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes works of foreign authors in the field ethnomathematics, these works are not so well-known by Russian philosophers and scientists dealing with the same problems. The novelty is also caused by the author's focusing on the point of contact between ethnomathematics as a rather young branch of knowledge and ethnodidactics which is successfully used at national schools of the Russian Federation.
academic mathematics, culture, personal experience, education in mathematics, principle of conformity to natural laws, socio-cultural aspect, philosophy, ethnodidactics, ethnomathematics, ethno-national context
Ways of upbringing
Skorokhodova T.G. (2015). Children and Dialogue: Philosophy and Practice of School Education by Rabindranath Tagore. Pedagogy and education, 4, 394–404. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67422
In this article Skorokhodova describes pedagogical experiment of the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore as a successful attempt of practical implementation of the main principles of educational school philosophy founded by the poet. He based on his own critics of actual school in colonial India and the idea of understanding of children. The key principles of Tagore’s educational philosophy include respect for children’s freedom, training in the dialogue of equals – teacher and pupils – and focus of education on the development of creative personality as an active member of the society. Philosophy and practice of school education are reconstructed based on the phenomenological approach and hermeneutical analysis of Rabindranath Tagore's lectures. The main aspects of Tagore' pedagogical experience are philosophical, theoretical and practical. The philosophical aspect is represented in the humanist content of the ducational model. The theoretical aspect is the creation of the basis for the dialogical model of the subject–subject training. The practical aspect is the combination of national traditions and universal contents of education for the needs of development in the society.
individual freedom, understanding of children, understanding of the Other, educational philosophy, Rabindranath Tagore, dialogical training, pedagogical experiment, universality, creativity
Spiritual and moral search
Chernyaev A.V. (2015). Nikolay Berdyaev's Mystical Intuitions. Pedagogy and education, 4, 405–412. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67423
In his article Chernyaev attempts to analyze interpretation of mystical problematics in Nikolay Berdyaev's writings. He demonstrates the development of this topic in the course of ideological evolution of the philosopher and performs contextualization of Berdyaev's interpretation of mystics in the historical-philosophical, religious and overall cultural environment of the Silver Age. Even though he did not claim to be a mystic, in his religious and philosophical works Nikolay Berdyaev appealed to the mystical experience of others. Berdyaev's intuitive interpretation of the nature and meaning of such mystical experience is the subject of the present research. In the course of his research Chernyaev has used the methods of textual, conceptual and comparative analysis; the main methodological principles include multidisciplinary approach and hermeneutic interpretation. The results of the research allow to conclude that Berdyaev interprets mystics as revolutionary to Orthodox church mysticism, and his subjective theory contains a lot of new findings compared to the Christian tradition. Even though Berdyaev had his own opinion on the matter, his views on mysticism reflected opinions of the intelligentsia of the Silver age whose typical features included the pursuance of religious revival and intellectual overcoming of Orthodox dogmatism.
Nikolay Berdyaev, mysticism, rationalism, tradition, modernism, Christianity, freedom, religious creativity, religious consciousness, universal Church
Effectiveness of training
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. (2015). Paradigm of Improvement of Higher Education Quality. Pedagogy and education, 4, 413–425. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67424
The subject of the present research is the development of the paradigm of improving higher education quality including philosophy, ideology, policy, strategy and tactics for increasing the quality of higher vocational education. The object of the research is the educationology as the science about education and upbringing, building the system of education and managing the system of education. The authors of the article discuss the concepts and definitions of the quality of education from the point of view of various theories of education and formulate the scientific method, functions and role of educationology. They also discuss the definition, contents and structure of the paradigm of improving the quality of education, structural elements of this paradigm are also considered, the philosophy, ideology, policy, strategy and tactics of improvement of quality of education are developed, problems and technological aspects of improvement of quality of education are investigated, influence of civil society on the process of improvement of quality of education is discussed. The purpose of the present article is to develop the concept of educationology including the paradigm of improving the quality of higher education. The methods of research include analysis and synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction, comparative analysis, logical analysis and system approach. The scientific novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the authors establish the methodological basis of educationology including the research method, contents, functions and roles of educationology as the science about education and upbringing and the the system of education. The novelty of the article is also caused by the fact that the authors describe the paradigm of improving the quality of education as part of educationology and national innovation systems in economics as well as study the structural elements, educational technologies and the influence of the paradigm of improving the quality of education on the country's innovative development.
paradigm, philosophy, ideology, policy, education, quality, employer, employee, state, societies
Knowledge and understanding
Mel'nikova L.A. (2015). Moisey Pistrak's Pedagogical Heritage and Problems of Developing the System of Teacher Education in the South of Russia During the Soviet Period (the 30s - 40s of the XXth Century). Pedagogy and education, 4, 426–433. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67425
The subject of the research is the scientific and pegagogical heritage of Moisey Pistrak in the sphere of teacher education. For a long time the name of a repressed teacher and scientist Moisey Pistrak who had made a great contribution to the teacher education in Soviet Russia was very little known by the broad pedagogical community. The purpose of the present research is tho extend and clarify our concept of the processes happening in the sphere of teacher education of the 30s - 40s of the 20th century in Russia and near the Don River. In her research Melnikova describes the scientific biography of Moisey Pistrak and analyzes his scientific achievements from the point of view of contemporary issues of teacher education. The author's research based on the restrospective and biographical methods on made it all possible. In her research Melnikova has summarized and presented data obtained from state archives such as the Scientific Archive of the Russian Academy of Education, Archive of the Federal Security Service for the Rostov Region and Center for the Preservation and Study of Documents of Most Recent History. Most of these documents are studied and published for the first time in the academic literature. According to the author, the system of teacher education of the 1930s established the grounds for fundamental preparation of teachers based on the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience, provided the basis for experimental innovation activity aimed at creation of the labor school and developed programs for overall preparation of teachers, those programs forming the basis of the concept of pedagogical culture as well as the theory of personality-oriented education.
biographical method, scientific and pedagogical heritage, Moisey Pistrak, historical semantic content, Soviet labor school, teacher education, North Caucasus Research Pedagogical Institute, general cultural training, experimental work, fundamental training
Earnest discussion
Karpov A.O. (2015). Problem-Oriented Cognitive Program in Research Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 434–447. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67426
The basic concept of the research is the education theory – the problem-oriented program, which is a form of realization of cognitive interests of both an individual student-researcher and a team. This problem of cognitive interest is considered not through the prism of assimilated knowledge and activities but as the formation of a person in his/her spiritual and social prospects. This view results in expanding the scope of the concept of the problem-oriented program, which can be described as “teaching self-formation”. The purpose of the article is to reveal the existential and social status of the problem-cognitive program and the basics of its methodology with reference to the modern model of research education. In the development of the subject of the article, methods of socio-philosophical analysis have been used as well as methods of structure functional and cognitive analysis of pedagogical activity and academic and cognitive practices. The methodology of the study relies on 25 years of experience of the Russian scientific and social programme “The Step into the Future” educating young researchers – schoolchildren and students, this programme currently including more than 150 thousand participants. The connection between the problem of “teaching self-formation” and the essence of education is examined. The meaning of the concept of “a problem-cognitive program” asa special form of the socio-cognitive form of students’ development through research methods of cognitionis disclosed. Methodological principles of its development are formulated; the components of its cognitive potential are defined; examples from pedagogical practice are provided. It is shown that the research methods of cognition provide both the student and the teacher with an effective tool for practical application of the subject knowledge, for associating them with specific professional areas and professions, for receiving cognitive results possessing real life value.
socio-cognitive development, school, learning, formation, personality, cognition, research, problem-cognitive program, essence of education, university