Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Social Thinker. Pedagogy and education, 3, 218–222. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67116
The present article is the author's response to Illaria Bachilo's book about a great Russian reformer Mikhail Speransky 'Mikhail Speransky as the Patriarch of Russian Administrative Science' published in Moscow in 2015. In his book Illaria Bachilo describes numerous projects and creative insights of the great reformer and political activist of the first half of the XIXth century. It may seem paradoxical, but his contemporaries knew very little about his life and fate. His mission of a theorist and practical lawyer was not so easy. He lived through ups and downs and dismissal from office. However, he never left the reformation path. The history of his success and failures reflects the difficult path of Russia towards being a powerful and unique country. In the course of his research the author has referred to numerous historical documents and archives. The author also bases his research on classical writings on legal studies and historical researches of reformation in Russia. Mikhail Speransky and his activity have interested researchers for quite a long time. There is quite a number of researches about him which tell us about the history of Russia of the first half of the XIXth century, Speransky's biography and activity as the State Secretary during the reign of Alexander the First as well as his work on codification of laws. Researches of Mikhail Speransky's scientific legacy in the sphere of state structure throughout the reigns of Russian emperors and observation of Russian experience in state management were reflected in the academic literature. However, there are no grounds to believe that all aspects of Mikhail Speransky's life and work have been already studied. In this regard, Illaria Bachilo's research is of great value and importance.
legal studies, history, up-bringing, education, politics, culture, rule, reform, law, bureaucracy
Karpov A.O. (2015). Cognitive Generative Principles of Research Education in Terms of the Formation of the Knowledge-Based Society. Pedagogy and education, 3, 223–237. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67117
In his research article Karpov provides the results of studying the new model of science education that ensures the formation of the knowledge-based society. The main cognitive tool of this education model is the scientific research and the main pedagogical objective is raising young people capable of creating new knowledge. The research education becomes the mission of not only a special research university but also a special 'scientific school'. The need for the continuous cognitive development of a researcher as a person requires development of general epistemological and didactical positions at universities and schools. The purpose of the present article is to analyze the concept of the transformative education programme, based on the results of such analysis formulate and prove cognitive generative principles of the research education, define types of transformative frameworks of education and determine the relation between education and truth. Researcher's attitude to truth is not only ethical but also professional basis for research knowledge. The methodological basis of the research involves interdisciplinary synthesis of contextual activity pedagogy, cognitive psychology, epistemology and education ontology. Karpov shows the role of the research education in the socio-cultural and economic development of the knowledge-based society as well as the importance of research competencies on the modern labour market. The author also offers a definition of generative didactics as the theory of research education. In addition, Karpov views the idea of knowledge transformation in terms of research education epistemology. He also describes the concept of the transformative academic programme that is capable of rebuilding its own structure and the schemes of cognitive activity taking into account generative assessment of a student. According to the researcher, the basic cognitive generative principles include cognitive flexibility, cognitive generativity and socio-cultural interactions. Karpov also analyzes transformative education frameworks associated with these principles including didactical, epistemological and ontological (environmental) concepts. The author underlines that in order to arrange for the research education it is very important to look at research as the way to find the truth.
education, didactics, research, cognition, society, knowledge, transformation, generativity, teaching, context
Mal'tseva T.E. (2015). The Essence of the Concept of Socio-Professional Development of Future Social Workers. Pedagogy and education, 3, 238–244. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67118
The object of this research article is the concept of "socio-professional maturity of future specialists", the subject of the research is the definition of the essence of this concept. The author notes that the concept of social and professional maturity consists of particular elements that have been well studied in the academic literature before, these are the maturity and professional competence. In her research Maltseva describes the approaches to the analysis of these categories, their nature and gives the definition of "socio-professional maturity" of future specialists. The theoretical-analytical approach has allowed to determine the place of these concepts in the process of training of future specialists, to consider its supporting components such as personal maturity, professional maturity and professional competence. Development of social and professional maturity is a multi-stage process that corresponds to the level of a specialist's training at each stage of professional development throughout their career. The result of the research was the scientific definition of the investigated concepts and methodological analysis of the research. The author emphasizes that in the process of professional development there is a need to consider peculiarities of formation of social and professional maturity in accordance with the intellectual and age development of future specialist. Maltseva also views socio-professional maturity as the criterion and indicator of professional competence.
identity crisis, maturity, professional competence, personal maturity, professional maturity, personal formations, integral criterion, life strategy, social competence, social and professional maturity
Modern strategies and forms of education
Senchugova V.Yu., Evdokimov K.V., Pankova L.V. (2015). The Model of the Strategic Management of Additional Vocational Training Institutions in Terms of Integration of Russia into the World Educational Space. Pedagogy and education, 3, 245–253. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67119
The subject of the article is the organizational and economic mechanisms of development of educational institutions, methods and tools for organizational management of additional professional education (APE) services. The aim of this article is to improve the management of APE organizations and development of practical recommendations for the integration of the model of strategic management of the APE organizations in additional vocational training. This model presumes the units providing the attraction of potential consumers of educational services and feedback from graduates, improving the quality of services provided. The task is achieved by the methods of statistical research, expert assessments, systematic approach, generalization and systematization. The current problems in the APE in Russia were disclosed by analyzing legal, informational and instructional materials and synthesis processes typical for the Russian market of educational services of APE purposely the modernization of the existing administrative tools of organizations for use in APE organizations based on theories of strategic and cost management was carried out. As a result, features of functioning and management of the APE organizations in modern conditions were identified. By analyzing modern scientific researches in the field of strategic and cost management, the authors offer their own conceptual model for strategic development of the organization to increase the investment attractiveness and competitiveness of APE organizations in terms of integration of Russia into the world educational space.
business school, educational organizations, cost management, model of strategic management, strategic management, educational services market, additional vocational education, centre of competences, public-private partnerships, alumni association
Structure of pedagogical science
Levin V.I. (2015). About One Important Book On the History of Logic and Philosophy In Central and Eastern Europe. Pedagogy and education, 3, 254–263. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67120
The book under review describes the history of the development of logic and analytical philosophy in Central and Eastern European countries. The topic is being fully and thoroughly covered. In his research Levin demonstrates that the contribution of the scientists of Central and Eastern Europe to the development of logic and analytical philosophy cannot be reduced to famous researches of the Vienna Circle and Lwów–Warsaw school. The author proves that many famous scientists who are thought to come from the West in fact either originated from Central or Eastern Eruope or were under the great influence of the local scientific schools. They emigrated to the West searching for the best working conditions or escaping from the Nazi. The research is based on the analysis of all 38 articles comprising the book and making 7 chapters as well as the introduction written by the editor Andrew Schumann. The book contains very insightful articlse written by 53 researchers from 21 countries of Eastern and Central Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Czech Republic, Croatia, German Democratic Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine). The main conclusions are the following: 1) the book 'Logic in Central and Eastern Europe' is one of the most important books on the history of logic and philosophy of science in the world; 2) this book is some kind of encyclopaedia which has all the information a humanitarian should know about the history of logic and philosophy in Central and Eastern Europe; 3) the book defines why Soviet logical and philosophical schools have never got to play the leading role in the world.
ideologization of science, scientific school, post-empire period, empire period, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, history of science, analytical philosophy, logic, emigration
Educational psychology
Khashchenko T.G. (2015). Economic Subjectness as the Personality Predictor of Entrepreneurial Career Activity of Agricultural University Graduates. Pedagogy and education, 3, 264–276. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67121
The object of the given research is the economic subjectness as a partial manifestation of the subjectness phenomenon within economic space of human life activity. The subject of the research is the connection between the level of college graduates' economic subjectness and their economic activity in the matter of vocational choice including their preferences for the entrepreneurial type of their professional career. The relevance of the given research is, on the one hand, determined by the fact that the economic space of human life activity (including the sphere of professional occupation) is unstable and more complicated nowadays, and, on the other hand, by the fact that the phenomenon of economic subjectness of the individual as a determinant of their vocational and economic self-determination hasn't yet been studied sufficiently. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is represented by the fundamental works on the problem of subjectness performed by Russian and foreign scientists, theoretical and empirical reseraches of the economic consciousness, phenomena of economic self-determination of an individual, their economic socialization, economic identity and subjective economic well-being, and theoretical and empirical data regarding the relation between economical self-determination and vocational (professional) self-determination of the individual. The research involved 402 agrarian college graduates (graduate students and graduates working in the agrarian sphere) who demonstrated a certain level of economic activity (entrepreneurs, hired workers of organizations and non-workers living in the country-side). For the analysis of the received results the nonparametric statistical techniques were used. The principal result of the reesarch lies within the theoretical and empirical justification of the connection between the level of economic subjectness of agrarian college graduates and their economic activity in the sphere of vocational choice including their preferences for the entrepreneurial career type in the agrarian sphere. The research is based on the author's interpretation of economic subjectness of an individual as a way of their performance in the economic space of human life activity and on the diagnostic tools validated by the author. The investigation is performed on the matter having a significant specificity but poorly represented in psychological research (agrarian sphere and agrarian education). Besides, theoretical conclusions and empirical data can be used in the educational practice of other branch-wise colleges and within the elaboration of psychotechnologies for supporting the formation of economical subjectness of the individual within the process of their professionalization, and also in scientific research devoted to economic behaviour of an individual and a group.
economic space of life, economic subjectness of personality, economic self-determination, professional self-determination, personal professional development, agricultural education, subjectness, psychological and pedagogical conditions, economic activity, entrepreneurship
Person and personal development
Shcherbakova A.I. (2015). Art Pedagogy in Terms of Formation of an Art Action Subject - Culture Conductor of the XXIth Century. Pedagogy and education, 3, 277–287. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67122
Education of the younger generation who will have to act at both social and personal levels is the main issue of the modern education system. Important contribution to the solution of this problem is made by art pedagogy aimed at educating an art action subject. Art action subject is not only a professional artist but every person who deals with literature, poetry, art, music or theatre to one extent or another. For him the art sphere is the spiritual food that makes his soul 'work' and not to get dissolved in solving entirely pragmatic tasks. In this research Scherbakova outlines the scope of the problem and describes the main methodological approaches to the problem as well as the methods of axiological analysis (axiologically analytical, evolutionally synergetic and prognostically simulative methods) that have proved to be efficient methods in modern art pedagogy. The main conclusion is that art and aesthetic education and up-bringing are a complex many-stage systemic and integrated process of formation of an art action subject contributing to the creation of culture conductors of the XXIth century, their self-identity and willingness to live, create and be active participants in the cross-cultural environment of our time.
education models, cross-cultural dialogue, creativity, society, pedagogy, personality, art, music education, teaching music, art action subject
Philosophy and pedagogy
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. (2015). Philosophy of Improvement of Higher Education Quality. Pedagogy and education, 3, 288–299. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67123
The subject of the research is the philosophical aspects and structure of philosophy of improvement of higher education quality. The object of the article is the philosophy of improvement of higher professional education quality. The relevance of the article is defined by the fact that in 2015 state bodies of Russia have set the task to improve the quality of education and to develop new forms of education including distance higher and additional education. The purpose of the present article is to develop philosophy of improvement of higher education quailty. Philosophy of improvement of higher education quality is defined as the general view of the problem of education quality improvement. The research methods include logical analysis, structure analysis and comparative analysis, synthesis, forecast, quality and quantity analysis and retrospective analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author provides the definition and examines the content and specific features of philosophy of improvement of higher education quality as part of philosophy of the national innovation system, researches structure elements and influence of philosophy of improvement of higher education quality on the innovative development of a state and studies potential approaches to improving education quality and extension of the participation of civil society in the process.
philosophy, education, quality, employer, worker, state, society, structure, professor, student
Innovative methodology and technology
Sitnikova A.A. (2015). Indigenous Education: Current Status and Problems. Pedagogy and education, 3, 300–311. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67124
The subject ofthe research is the indigenous education in various countries including Australia, Canada, Norway and the United States. The author of the article considers the foreign and Russian practices of indigenous education. The focus is made on the global experience of providing higher education to indigenous peoples of the North. The possibilities of modern Russian universities for the development of an internationally significant master's programs on indigenous education are examined. By analyzing the experience of the universities of Norway, USA, Australia, Canada and Russia, Sitnikova offers the challenge to develop relevant and dynamic master's programs in the field of education for the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East. The main research method used by the author of the article is the critical analysis of university programs and curriculum in the sphere of indigenous education. Theoretical review is completed with additional knowledge obtained by the author in the course of her field trips to the places of indigenous small ethnic communities in the Krasnoyarsk Region during the period of 2010 - 2015. As the main conclusion of the research, the author emphazies the need for particular recommendations to be made for federal and regional executive and legislative authorities, local government bodies, social organizations for indigenous peoples of the North and chiefs of university educational programs. The researcher suggests to develop and implement a new educational program that would be based on international standards of indigenous education at Siberian Federal University.
Russian Higher Education, USA, education, universities, indigenous peoples, indigenous education, Australia, Norway, educational program
Adult games
Baksanskiy O.E., Golubchikova M.G., Filippova E.V. (2015). Features of the Functional Role of a Head of a Vocational Educational Organization Under the Conditions of Introduction of the Curriculum of New Generation. Pedagogy and education, 3, 312–321. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=67125
The condition of education in the modern world is rather contradictory. On the one hand, education in the XXI century became one of key spheres of human activity; achievements in this sphere formed the basis for social and scientific and technological transformations attributable for the present times. On the other hand, expansion of the scope of education and changes in its status are followed by the aggravation of problems in this sphere which testifies to the education crisis. Finally, during the last decades searches for ways of overcoming the education crisis have led to formations of the considerably new educational system. In this regard, it is important to provide scientific substantiation of social and economic mechanisms of managing modern education using the system approach and structural analysis. It is also important to carry out the methodological analysis of different concepts of management. The authors of the article describe the two main vocational functions of a head of a vocational educational organization that are actualized under the conditions of introduction of new programs. These are motivational and goal setting function and organizational and methodological function. An important condition of successful implementation of modernization changes in the system of vocational education is the balanced implementation of the aforesaid functions. This, in turn, requires goal-oriented activity from regional institutions of additional vocational training on preparing heads to perform motivational/goal setting and organizational/methodological functions as part of the vocational education improvement.
additional vocational education, education management, curriculum, educational organization, functions of the head, technologies of education, information technology, secondary vocational education, higher education, consumer of educational services