Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Eduard Spranger's Pedagogical Intuition. Pedagogy and education, 2, 104–107. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66939
German philosopher, psychological and cultural expert Eduard Spranger was a rather versatile person. He created a classification of characters that later had a considerable influence on the development of the philosophy of personality. Spranger proved the principle of the structural or so called understanding philosophy. He studied conceptual structures of the spiritual life of human as part of cultural environment. He also touched upon aesthetical issues. It is quite obvious that such an active scientist who followed the German scientific tradition just couldn't keep from discussing teaching and up-bringing issues. Spranger created a whole series of lectures on the philosophical grounds of pedagogy. He viewed the theory of educational ideals and psychology of an educator as a direct practical implementation of the results of his philosophical activity. However, Spranger stressed out that the problem needed to be researched further. In the present article Gurevich has used the methodological findings of 'understanding psychology' and methods of pedagogical research. He also relies on philosophy of education as a special branch of knowledge. For the first time in Russian academic literature analyzes pedagogical intuitions of Eduard Spranger. He also emphasizes the integral nature of Spranger's views on the up-brining of students. The German philosopher left very deep thoughts on personality and the difference between personality and individual or individuality. In accordance with his teaching, Spranger laid special emphasis on values as the spiritual basis of personality. Gurevich also analyzes Spranger's views on up-bringing and underlines that Spranger's ideas had a great influence on Theodor Litt, one of the founders of pedagogy of culture, modern interpretation of the concepts of civil up-bringing offered by G. Kerschensteiner, O. Bolnoy and pedagogical anthropology in general.
pedagogy, teaching, up-bringing, personality, spirit, education, values, morals, culture, love, right
Pedagogical ideal
Yanovskaya O.R., Rybina G.A. (2015). Russian Education in Terms of 'Knowledge Economy' . Pedagogy and education, 2, 108–119. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66940
The subject of the present article is the concepts of 'knowledge society' and 'knowledge economy' in reference to the contemporary situation in the Russian education and science. The primary objective of the research is to analyze the history and definitions of these terms in contemporary Russian education and science as well as to perform the critical analysis of contemporary approaches to the evaluation of the work made by a teacher or a scientist. The central issue of the research is the question whether it is reasonable to apply Western educational standards to the Russian education system. The main research methods include: examination and analysis of literature, historical approach, critical and comparative analysis and general scientific methods of theoretical research. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) Today's reforms that are being implemented in Russia according to Western standards appear to be a failure. This is due to the fact that little attention has been paid to the adaptation of new standards to the effective education system. Neither have been considered the history of the development of Russian education and science and mentality of the Russian society. 2) Education and science are the spheres of social life where the 'knowledge economy' methods, i.e. the attitude to knowledge as the goods, are not applicable. Thus, the methods that are offered by the contemporary scientific and education systems for evaluation the work of a scientist or a teacher using formal numerical values and the general attempt to narrow down such evaluation to the cost-effectiveness analysis may have a negative influence on the further development of culture in general, because education and science are not only the part of the economic system but also one of the most important elements of cultural life of the society and therefore can't be measured based on only pragmatic principles. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors of the article provide the analysis of the latest tendencies in Russian education and science compared to the global trends that haven't been intepreted by the Russian scientific literature yet.
modern education models, education reform, bibliometry, cognitive capitalism, information society, knowledge economy, knowledge society, education, modernization of education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Litvinova N.P., Pankova N.V. (2015). The Role of Public, Private and Community Sectors in the Recognition of Competences Obtained Outside the System of Formal Education. Pedagogy and education, 2, 120–128. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66941
The article deals with the problem of the revitalization of all sectors of economy by the means of implementation of the policy of lifelong education. Russia's WTO accession requires to analyze the risks of vocational education and associated problems of quality of personnel potential of the country, especially since conditions of WTO apply not only for goods but also for services. The article is devoted to the measures to counter the weakening of the competitiveness of the Russian education system. Under current conditions, the competitiveness of our personnel training system has a weak position in a number of fundamental parameters, and in most cases in the context that is different from other countries. The main guidelines for the development of education scheduled by the international community by 2030 are Russia's frontiers that had long been overcome by the end of the 80s, but then abruptly lost in the 90s. Therefore, Russia needs to restore financial and economic indicators of the education. The current stage of education in developed countries over the past 25 years has given a powerful impetus to new technologies due to the policy of lifelong education, increasing the numbers of not only and not so many new students as increasing the number of adults who continue their education as part of so called 'additional' education system, both formal and informal ones. This has created the problem of the recognition of actual competencies, development of methods of evaluation of competence that logically requirs the creation of a national framework of competencies and certain international identification. The authors of the present article analyze the socio-economic conditions and technologies offered by the world practice to develop ways to respond to the needs of the knowledge economy. The experience of the most advanced countries in dealing with these challenges is presented: the Republic of Korea, France, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, and other countries. The actions taken by the Russian Federation to create a national system for the recognition of competence are considered. The authors have shown the most effective way of solving these problems, taking into account international experience and Russian realities. The main key to the success of adaptation to the demands of the knowledge economy and the new learning culture is to harmonize the joint efforts of the three sectors of the economy. In their work the authors revealed the place and role of public, private and community sectors. The assessment of the prospects of their joint action in the field of education and human resources policies in our country has been given.
system for the recognition of competence, national framework of competencies, competitiveness, education system, adult education, longlife (continuous) education, private sector, public sector, community sector, informal education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I. (2015). Value-Based Approach to the Development and Implementation of the Distance Education Concept. Pedagogy and education, 2, 129–139. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66942
The subject of the research is the methods of the development and analysis of the concept of higher distance education according to the principles of the value-based approach. The object of the research is the concept of value-based higher distance education. In 2015 the importance of the research is defined by the fact that the discussion on the issues of distance learning in Russia is still going on. In addition, a number of internal and external factors create the need to reform the system of higher education in our country. At the present time one of the directions of such education reforms is the intensive development of the sector of distance education based on the use of IT, media and Internet technologies. The purpose of the present article is to create methodological approaches and to analyze the concepts of distance education taking into account values of modern education. The research methods include general and special research methods such as analysis and synthesis, structural and logical analysis, retrospective analysis and projected development. The main conclusions of the research have been made after achieving the following research objectives and goals:
to study the definition and special features of the concept of education considering its influence on the innovation sector of the government and society;
to study peculiarities of the value-based education;
to study factors and technologies for the implementation of the concept of value-based higher distance education as an innovation and direction for practical develoopment of education;
to analyze various concepts of value-based higher distance education.
interactive education, continuous education, remote or distance education, value-based approach, concept, Internet, mission, vision, society, development
Levin V.I. (2015). Michael Lvovich Tsetlin and Development of Cybernetics in the USSR. Pedagogy and education, 2, 140–149. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66943
In this article the scientific biography of the outstanding Soviet scientist, engineer and organizer of science, one of the founders of cybernetics Michael L. Tsetlin is considered. The stages of his biography and scientific creativity and the influence on him of the family, relatives, friends and colleagues are identified. The author of the article provides an overview of the main discoveries of Michael L. Tsetlin in science (mathematics, theoretical physics, the theory of control systems, electronic instrumentation, cybernetics, biology and medicine, prosthetics, automation modeling of social, economic and biological systems). The scientific-organizational and pedagogical activity and his influence on the development of Soviet and world science and technology are analyzed. The main qualities of Michael L. Tsetlin as a scientist, a man and a citizen and his great influence on young scientists are described in detail. The basis of this research consists of the published and unpublished memoirs of colleagues of Michael L. Tsetlin, members of his family and friends, as well as memories of the author himself. For the first time in the academic literature the author brings together evaluations of different sides of life and activity of Michael L. Tseltin such as scientific, engineering, organizational, teaching, social activities, etc. Personal expressions of Michael L. Tsetlin are also used. The author of the article shows that Michael L. Tsetlin was one of the founders of cybernetics in the USSR.
modelling, automation devices, medicine, biology, control systems, scientific biography, Michael Lvovich Tsetlin, science organization, cybernetics, personality of scientist
Dobrotina I.N. (2015). 'Portfolio of My Achievements: the Russian Language' as an Instrument for Evaluating Educational Success of Students. Pedagogy and education, 2, 150–158. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66944
The author of the article views such aspects of the topic as the development and implementation of such a promising technology of teaching Russian as the 'language portfolio'. The objectives of the research are based on the need 1) to find particular techniques and methods to improve students' competence and skills in their major as well as associated majors, for example, competence in writing projects and solution of academic tasks; 2) to create certain organizational and pedagogical conditions for developing a new evaluation system which would involve not only teacher's assessement but also student's self-evaluation and evaluation of his success by other students. The analysis of different types and models of portfolios described in the didactic and linguo-didactic literature and conduction of a pedagogical experiment were the basis for creating a major portfolio 'Portfolio of Student's Achivements'. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author offers and tries a major portfolio 'Portfolio of My Achievements: the Russian Language' as one of the methods to develop a model of evaluation and feedback between teachers and students as part of the creation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for developing self-evaluation and self-control skills.
diary of achievements, types of language portfolio, self-evaluation, self-reflection, project activities, solution of academic tasks, motivation, work with information, communication
Innovative methodology and technology
Press I.A., Dzhevaga N.V. (2015). Education Resources for Self-study and Training: Ñhemical Test-Simulators. Pedagogy and education, 2, 159–174. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66945
The authors of the article emphasize the need for creating teaching and learning aids of the new generation, the aids that would take into account the transfer of the system of education from the subject-knowledge model to the practice-oriented (competence) model of the educational process which involves more independent work or students, interactive educational proccess and individualization of learning. The subject of the research is the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the pedagogical design of educational resources for self-learning and training. The authors set a goal to design didactically based and technically verified test-simulators presented as DVD-Video that would satisfy the federal educational standards of the latest generation. Based on the system approach to designing educational resources for academic disciplines, the authors have proved the need to create test-stimulators for independent work of students. The authors describe particular didactic targets based on the analysis of the conceptual framework of Chemistry as an academic discipline. Didactic justification of the choice of technological solutions is the following: teaching function of testing technologies and pedagogical significance of educational videos providing high visual expression and emotional perception of the educational information. Audio comments from the teacher allow a student to analyze his mistakes and promptly monitor the success of his progress with each topic. The article presents the results of the development and creation of test-simulators on the topics of the discipline "Chemistry" for 1st year students of a Technical University. Test-simulators allow a stsudent to independently work on his curriculum topics, see the results of his work, adequately assess the succcess of his proceeding with the topic and receive teacher's audio guidelines. Using test-simulators, each student has a possibility to work whenever he can and choose the best level of intensity of work for himself. The advantages of this kind of teaching and learning aids include active work of a student during watching a video (in particular, independent planning of an experiment, measuring the length of chemical reaction, and further calculation of the time of chemical reaction, building a graph, etc.). Test-simulators are presented in DVD-Video and can be placed in the software environment MOODLE which allows them to organize a direct connection with the theoretical training material via hyperlinks. Test-simulators allow the teacher to really manage the independent work of students and allow students to quickly control their educational achievement through testing. The student is able to independently learn the discipline actually operating in a mode of training program. The conducted pedagogical experiments in groups of the 1st year students have shown high efficiency of test-simulators in the learning process. The presented test-simulators can be recommended for use in the educational process of technical universities.
higher school chemistry, test-simulators, testing technology, LMS MOODLE, self-learning, independent work of students, interactivity, competence approach, educational resources, educational videos
Effectiveness of training
Glazova Yu.V. (2015). Technology of Writing Projects and Pedagogical Conditions for Its Successful Implementation in the Process of Improving Student's Educational Independence. Pedagogy and education, 2, 175–186. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66946
The object of the research is the development of educational independence of college students. The subject of the research is the pedagogical conditions for implementatino of the technology of writing projects for the purpose of improving educational independence of students. The author of the article differentiates between learning (only academic) and educational (academic and up-bringing) components of student's independence. Based on such division, the author offers to add new methods and means to encourage student's self-improvement and self-education. The technology of writing projects and pedagogical conditions described by the author in this article allow to develop student's educational independence taking into account moral values of the society. Such 'project' technology of developing student's educational independence was created by the author based on the activity, personality-oriented and axiological approaches. These approaches allow to describe subject-subject relations in the process of creating projects, moreover, axiological approach orients students at general human, national and personal values. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that until now researchers have mostly viewed the academic aspect of student's independence. However, today the majority of students are capable of demonstrating a high level of educational activity and independence, for example, when working with information, and at the same time may be unable to differentiate between negative information and useful information. According to the author of the article, the aforesaid technology of writing projects considering the described pedagogical conditions allow to reduce the risks of negative consequences of student's independent activity when they focus only on academic achievements.
learning independence, educational independence, project technology, adequate self-esteem, vitagenic activity, motives of project activity, learning in cooperation, moral values, axiological approach, professional values
Knowledge and understanding
Popov E.A. (2015). Social Knowledge and Values of Scientific Work. Pedagogy and education, 2, 187–193. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66947
The subject of the research is the relationship between social knowledge and culture of scientific work. In terms of modern socio-humanitarian science, research traditions are a very topical issue reltaed to both intrascientific and would-be scientific tendencies. The former includes a quantitative growth of researches practically in all branches of knowledge which leads to the decrease in the quality and culture of scientific work. The would-be scientific tendencies include the fact that researches are often ordered by the government or other subjects. The main research method used by the author of the article is the problem analysis of the relationship between social knowledge and culture of scientific work, the author also uses the method of comparison. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) social knowledge obviously needs to improve the culture of research as a result of a growing number of researches in this sphere; 2) sociology is one of the spheres that 'present' research results based on applied methods, thus sociology should consider the need to follow the standards and norms of scientific work first and utmost.
social knowledge, cognition, norms, standards, values, sociology, society, culture, methodology, epistemology, problems of sociology
In search of the meaning
Mal'tseva T.E. (2015). Conceptual Approaches to the Definition of Socio-Professional Subjectivity of Future Social Workers with Socio-Functional Differences. Pedagogy and education, 2, 194–200. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66948
The object of the present research is the future social workers with socio-functioinal differences, the subject of the research is the definiton of the term 'socio-professional subjectivity'. For the first time in the academic literature the author introduces a scientific term 'socio-professional subjectivity' which has been predetermined by the need to provide for higher education of a special category of social customers, i.e. people with socio-functional differences. The latter is also a new term offered by the author of the article in order to describe a special group of social customers. According to the author, people with socio-functional differences present a high potential for social work with various groups of clients. The definition of 'socio-professional subjectivity' is introduced based on a suppletive method that reflects mutual convergence and confluence of a number of elements, i.e. subjectivity, social subjectivity and professional subjectivity. The main result of the present research is the generalization of conceptual approaches to the definition of socio-professional subjectivity of future social workers with socio-functional differences. The author underlines their binary nature and emphasize the fact that they can be viewed both as the process of professional socialization and important aspect of social work that reflects social policy of the government.
actor, identity crisis, socio-professional subjectivity, professional subjectivity, social subjectivity, subjectivity, socio-functional differences, personal growth, self-development, identity
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2015). There Will be a Storm, We Shall Bet... . Pedagogy and education, 2, 201–209. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66949
In his article Gurevich reviews the two recently published books, 'Reason in Revlot: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science' by Alan Woods and Ted Grant and 'Philosophy of Science: History and Methodology of Natural Sciences' by M. Rabadanova, O. Radjabova and M. Guseykhanova. In recent years the Canon+ Publishing has pubished a great number of works related to philosophical discoveries on the society. Their purpose is to cover the scope of contemporary social researches as fully as possible. Not always the truth is hidden in the most popular social brands. Therefore, Canon+ allows researchers from different countries, of different nationalities and scientific schools to express their views on social dynamics and patterns that define the development of not only exact but also humanitarian sciences. The present article describes the two books which authors follow the same conservative tradition. In one case, the purpose of the authors is to introduce the modern variant of Marxist philosophy to the readers. In the second case, Gurevich talks about the student's book which authors, as is right and proper for such works, try to avoid discussing controversial issues or unproved knowledge. In his article Gurevich offers a critical evaluation of the methodology of Marxist philosophy. In his critics the author tries to withdraw from the polemics with the modern science and philosophy and to apply the principles of Marxist philosophy. The author also bases his review on the approaches offered by modern philosophy that do not follow dogmatics or extremes of metaphysical reasoning. The novelty of the author's approach is caused by the fact that he enables a dialogue between different worldview traditions. In due time Marxist philosophy proved the efficiency and importance of its statements. However, many provisions of Marxist philosophy were later critisized and disapproved. General critisizing of Marxist philosophy had negative consequences as it was critisized almost by everyone in the 90s. Meanwhile, new challenges were outlined and many unexpected discovered were made. Those few scientists who still followed Marxist philosophy, both Russian and foreign ones, couldn't help but fence themselves off from new paradigms and continued to prove their point of view despite the fact that their statements failed to be efficient in the new age and time. According to the author, the second book on the philosophy of science also keeps to the 'noncontroversial' manner of research.
reason, dialectics, humanities, genome, natural science, Marxism, philosophy, science, idealism, materialism