Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). The Meaning of Human Existence and Values of Education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 4–9. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65195
The meaning of human existence is a regulatory concept typical for all systems of the world view. This concept
proves and interprets morals and values typical for a particular world view and shows for which sake associated activity
is performed. The author of the present article talks about education as a general form of the development of personality
and society and the unity of education, up-bringing and development. The idea of education itself was created as a result
of the duality of human nature. On the one hand, human is a natural creature and therefore he behaves like an animal.
But on the other hand, human is an intelligent and spiritual human. Hegel notes that human isn’t what he should be
naturally. An animal does not need education and therefore an animal is what it should be naturally. The author bases
his research on the principle of historicism which allows to view each phenomenon in the historical perspective, i.e. in
the process of its creation and further development. The author also defends the methodological principle of combining
education and up-bringing. In this case the author uses the methods from philosophical anthropology. The novelty of the
research is in the attempt to take another look at the relation between education and development. The nature of the
relation between education and up-bringing is obviously deined by particular needs of teaching and school. Still existing
difference between these categories are caused by the imperfect and limited concept of school education in general.
The integration of education and up-bringing is relected in the Ancient Greek idea of paideia.
education, up-bringing, teaching, development, human, animal, human existence, history, culture, image of the world.
Educational interaction
Zvonova, E. E. (2014). Metaphysics of Human in Alexander Chizhevsky’s Scientific Works. Pedagogy and education, 1, 10–21. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65196
The subject under review of the present research article is Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological
views that are both presented in his researches and resulting from the latter. Much attention is paid not only to the
general description of Alexander Chizhevsky’s work and reconstruction of Alexander Chizhevsky’s philosophical concept
of human but also to touching upon questions that may arise in understanding these theories. Philosophical and
anthropological views of Alexander Chizhevsky are studied taking into account the fact that his scientiic research was
conducted according to the tradition of the Russian cosmism. This allows to demonstrate how the ideas of ‘Leonardo
da Vinci of the 20th century’ contribute to the particular philosophical tradition as well as to describe their singularity.
The following methods were used in the research: analysis of text- based sources (including materials from the funds of
the 1703 Archive of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation), comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction and
deduction, classiication, generalization and historical method. The scientiic novelty of the research is in reconstruction
of Chizhevsky’s philosophical and anthropological views presented in his works as well as pointing out the problems and
contradictions of these views. Based on the statement that Alexander Chizhevsky’s metaphysical concept of human is
the part of his world view, the latter influencing Chizhevksy’s creative work in general, the author emphasizes the need
for studying Chizhevsky’s metaphysical views in order to adequately evaluate and describe the heuristic potential of the
cultural heritage of Leonardo da Vinci of the 20th century’.
Chizhevsky, science, philosophy, cosmism, philosophical anthropology, determinism, holism, heliocentricism, telepathy, evolution.
Values and goals of education
Golikova, G. A., Vafina, A. Kh. (2014). Value-Conscious Approach to Education (Human-Culture-Literature). Pedagogy and education, 1, 22–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65197
Today the questions about formation of new strategies in education requires special attention and research
including that from the point of view of preserving moral and spiritual values and his interaction with Culture as the
main factor in the development of his spiritual and moral sphere. Crises in the modern society and especially the cultural crisis create the need for inding solutions of this problem including maintenance of the value-conscious approach to
education and productive formation of values in the structure of one’ personality starting from the early childhood.
Axiological (value-conscious) approach is well studied in different spheres of science such as philosophy, esthetics, cultural
research, psychology and teaching yet very little studied from the practical point of view. Classroom educational
environment is the ‘platform’ where values can be created and developed to the full extent. The conceptual basis for the
process of formation of personal values can be the Russia prose of the 20th century relecting a special system of values
(ideals and opinions) which can actually trigger an eficient formation of a school student’s system of values in the classroom
and teach him the basic human values such as home, family, labor, love, friendship, motherland and nature. In the
Russian prose these categories are associated with the value-based idea and the Beauty category as the key factor in the
formation of a soul of a growing person and identification of him as a man of Culture. ‘Adoption’ of value-based ideals
(as S. Rubinshtein called it) in the process of the esthetic interaction between ‘a reader and an artwork’ (M. Bakhtin’s
expression) is carried out through actualization of the subjective experience of a school student’s life activity by using
the method of interpretation. The scientific novelty of the present article is in the description of the process of teaching
literature at school taking into account possibilities of the value-conscious axiological approach to education. This approach
involves at least the two stages: first of all, choosing the iction that can teach a child human values and secondly,
establishing a special methodological ‘route’ of teaching values which, in the author’s opinion, should be based on the
idea of creating and developing the subjective (personal) experience of a child (I. Yakimanskaya’s expression) through
his interaction with the value-conscious teaching element of a lesson.
culture, values, interiorization, esthetic dialogue, personal experience, dialogism, value-conscious polylogue, Russian prose, values of the Russian literature, the Beauty category.
Modern strategies and forms of education
Yurchenko, A. V. (2014). Educational Startup: From an Additional University Course to the Basic Concept. Pedagogy and education, 1, 30–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65198
The author views the issues related to the creation of a new research and teaching department of the National
Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’, i.e. Institute of Security Studies, and its step-by-step development in
the sphere of education. Based on the analysis of a standard educational startup and monitoring of the target audience,
the author shows the paths of the development of the institute and improvement of the concept of its development taking
into account conducted researches of the real sector of economy. The author explains the reasons for choosing the
main target audience by the institute, ways of creating the basic educational concept and step-by-step development of
the institute from an additional university course to the department of the additional professional education of experts
working in the sphere of non-state security. The author of the article clearly shows that the educational activity of the
aforesaid institute is being performed in the competitive environment. Therefore, for studying competitive educational
strategies, the author uses the methodology of the modern market management, in particular, methodology of the
startup of an educational institute on an established market of educational services. Data that has been obtained by
the author since 2012 till 2014 prove that in terms of the educational startup, both products and markets are equally
important. Moreover, these two categories complement and mutually determine each other. Taking into account the
inconsistency of the market, it is necessary to adjust educational products to the ‘caprice’ of the market on the other
hand and carry out the ‘reverse’ inluence of innovative educational programs on assigning demands of the target audience
on the other hand.
startup, education, target audience, general additional course at a university, additional professional education, standards of higher education, security of entrepreneurial activity, basic concept, real sector of economy, search for an educational niche.
Types of education
Baksansky, O. E. (2014). Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Strategic Targets of the NBICS-Convergence. Pedagogy and education, 1, 46–62. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65199
The author of the present research article develops cognitive researches and makes an attempt apply a completely
new approach thereto. On the one hand, this approach is used to study mental processes by applying neuroscience,
physiology and molecular biology, and on the other hand, attract experts from different social and humanitarian branches of science. The NBIC abbreviation refers to bringing together nanotechnology, biotechnology, information
technology and cognitive science. The first analytical research devoted to the NBIC2-convergence (i.e. the convergence
beyond the scope of the NBIC-convergence) was published in 2013. Since the research was focused on discussions and
recommendations regarding how social prospects can be taken into account in this intersection, the abbreviation
CKTS is now used along with the NBIC2 abbreviation (Convergence of knowledge and technology for the benefit of
society). The author of the article also analyzes possibilities and social and economic risks of convergent technologies.
Nanotechnology, biotechnology, information, cognitive and social technologies (NBICS) play the main role in the development
of convergent tools that mutually form the general CKTS platform. In the 21st century a new scientific picture
of the world is being formed: • Analytical approach to understanding the structure of the material is replaced with the
synthetic approach. Interdisciplinary researches are dominating and variety of such researches is increasing; • these
researches start to perform integrative functions towards other sciences; sciences about organic and non-organic nature
grow closer and integration of sciences acquire the trans-disciplinary nature; • differentiation of a particular branch
of science happens at the moment when the integration process becomes dominating; • differentiation and integration
processes are weaved into one integration and differentiation synthesis; and the interaction between internal unity and
external unity of science is reinforced and therefore the line between them becomes indistinguishable. This paradigm of
scientific knowledge can be called ‘convergent’.
convergent technologies, complexity, non-sectoral technologies, sectoral technologies, convergent paradigm, CKTS-convergence, NBICS-convergence, NBIC-convergence, NBIC2-technologies, dangers and risks.
Educational psychology
Rodin, K. S. (2014). The Father Figure in a Son’s Life. Pedagogy and education, 1, 63–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65200
The institution of the fatherhood has been constantly transforming along with the socio-cultural changes.
Today we are witnessing traditional patriarchal principles being transformed under the influence of matriarchy. This
has been reflected not only in social transformations but also in reviewing gender roles. A modern man is influenced by
internal conflicts that make his position quite insecure. Analyzing the relations between a father and a son, the author
of the present research article does not only prove the failure of the traditional model of up-bringing but also reveals the
most profound significance of the father figure. Choosing myth as the starting point and comparing obtained data with
the historical and cultural changes, the author traces back the regular patterns in the formation of the father image
which allows to define the regular aspects of the fatherhood influencing a child’s mind. Obtained data are corroborated
by clinical material. Difficulties of father-and-son relations illustrate the dramatic nature of the traditional model of
up-bringing rooted in the depths of our unconsciousness. The complex research also allows to show the significance of
not only a biological father in a son’s life but also a symbolic father disregarding their gender. Viewing personality in
particular and the institution of the family and society in general, the author demonstrates the constant struggle of
archetypes underlying that their productive activity is possible only when they are in balance.
father, mother, son, myth, archetype, family, society, psychoanalysis, teaching, culture.
Levin, V. I. (2014). On the 90th Anniversary of Birth. Eduard Alexandrovich Yakubaytis. Life and Fate. Pedagogy and education, 1, 76–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65201
The article is devoted to the life and work of a leading Soviet and Latvian scientist and organizer of science
Eduard Yakubaytis. The author of the article provides a rather detailed description of Yakubaytis’ scientific biography
and describes each stage of his scientific work and achieved results. The author also describes his activity as a science
administrator and a director of scientific research. Much attention is paid to the memories about personal qualities
of Yakubaytis. The author analyzes his personal fate and meteoric career in the Soviet Union and the tragic ending of
his career in a new independent Latvia. The author gives a full list of all published works by Eduard Yakubaytis and
a brief list of literary sources about him and his sphere of activity. The article is based on the analysis of all published
scientiic works by Eduard Yakubaytis including his articles, speeches and books. The author also uses unpublished
memories about Yakubaytis shared by his coworkers as well as the author himself and the bibliographic register of
Yakubaytis’ works published by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in 1984 on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. It is the first time in scientific literature that a researcher fully describes the scientific activity of the member of the Academy
Eduard Yakubaytis (1924-2006) and his scientific and administrative activity, irst of all, establishing the Institution of
Electronics and Computer Engineering of the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga and managing it for 30 years. The
main conclusions are the following: 1. Eduard Yakubaytis was a leading scientist and one of the founders of the Soviet
school of the automata theory; 2. He was also a leading science administrator and a director of many applied research
projects carried out for the benefit of the country’s national economy.
Eduard Alexandrovich Yakubaytis, cybernetics, automata theory, data-processing networks, inite-state machine, automatic control, Institution of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Latvian Academy of Sciences, organization of science, scientist’s personality.
Spiritual and moral search
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). Anthropological Configurations of French Philosophers (French ‘New Philosophers’ Against ‘New Right’). Pedagogy and education, 1, 88–97. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65202
Quite a number of works by Russian authors is devoted to the ideological gap between French ‘New Philosophers’
and ‘New Right’. Significant attention is paid to the description of the established polar positions in the spheres of the
philosophy of history, culture, science and technology. The author of the article analyzes sharp political discrepancies
typical for French philosophers who have chosen to follow different ideologies. The author underlines the orientation
of historical and philosophical excursuses undertaken by the researchers to describe the problem of human in terms of
the aforesaid topic and in the aforesaid spheres. Meanwhile the author of the present article suggests that the anthropological
theme gives a better idea of the philosophical confrontation between these two directions of the social thought
of the modern West. To a certain extent it is the fundamental idea for evaluation of ideological discussions, spiritual
innovations and overall evolution of today’s French philosophy. The author of the article uses the historical method that
allows to cover the topic in terms of the development of modern French philosophy. The author also bases his research
on the methods of philosophical anthropology for analyzing the theories of human. The novelty of the research is in
the analysis of disagreements that are typical for the two different approaches to the anthropological theme in French
philosophy. The author’s general purpose is to outline nettlesome problems of modern philosophy and topical issues of
the philosophical theory of human behind the polemics between the New Philosophers and New Right.
philosophy, psychology, human, philosophical anthropology, personalism, humanity, personality, world view, position, ‘man without personality’.
Adult games
Rymzhanov, D. N. (2014). Sound Design as an Independent Science and a Medium Widely Used in Modern Design. Pedagogy and education, 1, 98–103. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=65203
The article is devoted to the definition of sound design in terms of other trends in design. Based on psychophysiological
principles of perception, the author offers a classification of design trends into visual-tactile and visual-audio
directions. The author focuses on a little-known branch of design – sound design. Taking into account the global integration
of all design trends, the author raises a question about a better focus on the term ‘sound design’. The author gives
his own deinition of the term ‘design’ and within the framework of the present article studies the significance of sound
design in our everyday life. The research is based on the principles of deviation of the sound design compared to other
forms of design both in everyday life and educational process. The author of the present article touches upon a very
important section of the creative and technological direction in design and shows how important it is as an independent
science and an important discipline for performers of other forms of design. Development of the sound design is directly
relevant to the comfort of our everyday life. Any leading designer should understand what the sound design is and have
a clear idea of the role of sound in his work and be able to set a task for a sound designer.
sound design, sound of everyday life, audio-visual image, audio-visual, multimedia, design of sound, visualtactile, visual-audio, audio, sound engineer.