Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2014). The Merits and Shortcomings of Creativity in Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 4–7. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66044
The article analyzes the liberal model of education, which now becomes a subject of acute criticism of
scholars, specialists and teachers. Having appeared in the period of early capitalism, that model enthusiastically
built the scheme of free and independent education. It proceeded from the idea that schools and higher
institutions should train their students to democracy and freedom of behaviour. Creativity became the emblem
of such education. As was believed, students did not need knowledge but the faculty of free, critical thinking. A
creative approach is certainly important in education. But irst of all it should give real knowledge. Nowadays
it has become clear that the copying of European educational reforms decreases the quality of education.
Methods of the problem analysis are built on historicism. As expertise shows, the liberal model of education
was imposed on western countries without serious scientiic or social research of its validity. The comparativist
method was used to compare two– liberal and conservative – models of education. The novelty of the article
is that a comparison of two educational models – liberal and conservative – is performed for the irst time in
Russian literature. A liberal education was beyond competition for a long time. Acute criticism of this model by
K. Mannheim did not change the educational practice. But nowadays it is evident that this model is outdated,
does not respond to current social reality and nevertheless it serves as the basis for reforming the system of
Russian education. The author comes to the conclusion that a decrease of the quality of education results from
thoughtless copying of a liberal education.
personal growth, socialization, creativity, critical thinking, freedom of behaviour, liberal model, education, quality of knowledge, creation, reform of education.
Khovov O.B. (2014). The Social Space and Social Reality of the System of Continuing Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 8–15. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66045
The initial phase of post-industrialism engendered the «spatial» perception of the problems of globalization
by the humanities, including the problem of socialization of an individual. Until recently, Russian
paedagogy and philosophy have regarded socialization as involvement of an individual into the system of social
relationships, as «mastering of the socio-cultural experience – work skills, etc.», whereas Western psychologists
and sociologists have historically studied socialization as relationships between individuals in various life situations.
This problem has determined the subject of study chosen by the author of this article: the social space of
the system of continuing education viewed within the framework of the changing paedagogical, philosophical
and sociological ideas.The author analyzes historical-philosophical, scientiic-paedagogical, sociological and
cultural-scientiic literature; and performs theoretical modelling with the use of the model of metaphysical
processes of activities.The development of a three-component model of the social space of the system of continuing
education is a new line of research work. The author offers a conceptual model of educational social
activities of students, which permits to pass from the subject-free teaching technique of rewards and punishment
to subject-oriented cognitive activities aimed at formation of real social relationships, social choice and
social behaviour in general, taking into account the powerful inluence of a social space.
educational social activities, systematization, structurization, establishment of relation, metaphysical processes of activities, educational space, social space, relationship, choice, responsibility.
Modern strategies and forms of education
Lakomova A.A. (2014). Peculiarities of Educational Migration in Russia: Theoretical Aspect. Pedagogy and education, 4, 16–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66046
The research subject of this article is the distinctive features of educational migration in Russia today.
The author of the article focuses on both negative and positive sides of educational migration. In addition, in
her article Lakomova outlines the problems faced by migrant school students and their parents, foreign students,
young scientists and specialists in the course of their studying or undergoing a traineeship in Russia.
The author also describes the factors that make young men and women to migrate to other countries in order
to study a foreign language, receive higher or additional education, participate in conferences, master classes
and etc. The research methods include the analysis of sociological, socio-economical and pedagogical literature.
Moreover, the author has also used oficial statistical data provided by the Federal Migration Service of Russia.
Educational migration has become quite a widespread phenomenon in many countries and Russia in particular.
Future students and young scientists are attracted by many factors. In this article educational migration is
viewed from the two points of view: as the educational migration of young researchers and students from Russia
to other countries (to study at more prestigous, as they think, universities) and as the educational migration of
young foreigners to Russia where they undertake a traineeship, university courses, language courses, study our
culture, etc. Lakomova also examines particular problems faced by migrant school students and their parents
as well as peculiarities of social work with them.
higher education, educational migration, traineeship, adaptation, integration, foreign students, university, prestige, young scientists, educational goal.
Developing pedagogical technologies
Khusyainov T.M. (2014). History of the Development and Expansion of Distance Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 30–41. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66047
This article discusses the major milestones in the development and establishment of a system of distance
education, from the irst mention of “correspondent training” at the beginning of the XVIII century to the
modern online education, implemented by means of the Internet. The subject of this research is the development
of distance education. The author of the work as regards the creation of individual courses and entire higher
education institutions that implement in their work the principle of distance learning for students. The paper
deals with foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of distance education. The methods of this
study were made by theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign scientiic literature, as well as a comparative
analysis of the basic aspects of the theory and methodology of distance education. This paper presents the main
stages of the development of distance education in Russia and abroad. It was found out that the development
of distance education in Russia, unlike other countries was based on a different principle and are less involved
hardware and focused on education on the job: a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
distance education, distance learning, extramural, history of education, open university, distance learning courses, online (distance) education, informatization, correspondent training, education terminology.
Educational psychology
Artyukhina M.S. (2014). Intellectual Upbringing of Students in Terms of Interactive Teaching Technologies. Pedagogy and education, 4, 42–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66048
The research subject is the intellectual upbringing of students. The general goal of the intellectual
upbringing is the enrichment of students’ mental experience. Intellectual upbringing is performed through
developing the basic intellectual qualities such as the competency in one’s major and professional competency
in general, independent activity and self-regulation, creative activity and intellectual initiative and unique attitude of mind. Mental or ‘intellectual’ experience of a student is the ground for intellectual upbringing. The
main goal of intellectual upbringing is to help a student to build his own mental world through enrichment of
his individual mental or intellectual experience. In this article Artyukhina provides a review of psychological
and pedagogical researches as well as shares her own view on intellectual upbringing of school and university
students. Artyukhina suggests that we should extend the list of the basic intellectual qualities and focus on high
school students. She also suggests to use interactive teaching technologies for intellectual upbringing of school
students because as the psychological ground of intellectual upbringing, mental or intellectual experience is
the key source of interactive teaching technologies.
intelligence, intellectual upbringing, intellectual qualities, experience, mental experience, interactive teaching, interaction, dialogue, competence, activity.
Philosophy and pedagogy
Korzhuev A.V., Baksanskii O.E. (2014). Pedagogical Research in Terms of the Modern Scientiic Discourse. Pedagogy and education, 4, 51–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66049
The present article is devoted to the processes of transformation of pedagogical knowledge at the
modern stage of its development and consequential peculiarities of modern pedagogical research. Special
attention is paid to pedagogical methodology.Pedagogy is a socio-humanitarian science and therefore the
following question is especially important: what have been the changes in social sciences caused by the new
postnonclassical paradigm of knowledge (the last third of the XX century) and what impact these changes have
had on pedagogy. Even though Russian and Western social transformations have happened in completely different
environments, there is one feature they have in common. Today both Western and Russian societies are
nonstable or transitional communities. In terms of self-organization theory this means that these societies are at
the bifurcation point where even a slightest or accidental inluence may lead to choosing the path of a sustainable
development. The research methods used in this article include retrospective analysis, analysis of issues
and contents of the academic ield, discovery of contradictions and ‘blindspots’, development of approaches to
solving practical research issues and developing theoretical concepts and heuristic synthesis. The main conclusions
of this research prove the thesis that being a true ‘representative’ of socio-humanitarian knowledge, today’s
pedagogy does not only encourage the search for historical roots and prerequisites of modern knowledge, it alo
makes researchers to study principles of knowledge creation, knowledge structure and the process of obtaining
knowledge. This demonstrates that pedagogy is moving from the empiric/descriptive stage of development to
the stage of serious theoretical grounds when pedagogy can even perform the predictive function.
socio-humanitarian knowledge, pedagogical methodology, pedagogy theory, gnoseology, logic, ethic-esthetic aspect, heuristic synthesis, synergetics, bifurcation, philosophy of education.
Flerov O.V. (2014). Blog as a Mean of Teaching English. Pedagogy and education, 4, 66–73. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66050
The object of research is the means of teaching English. The matter under study is using blogs in this
pedagogical process as a mean of teaching. The author deeply studies the problem of choosing means of teaching
English these days and inluence of modern technologies on it as well as characteristics of blog texts and
ways to work with them. Introduction of new means along with classic ones is motivated. Particular attention
is paid to importance of using authentic materials in teaching English nowadays. The method of research in
this article is author’s analysis of widespread teaching practice and his own experience of teaching English.
The novelty of the article consists in viewing a habitual virtual object as a mean of teaching English. In the
new role this object gets originality. The principal conclusions from the article are the following. 1) There is
the necessity to add new means of teaching English to traditional teaching methods. 2) Authentic materials are effective both from methodological and from psychological point of view. 3) Blog texts are linguistically
speciic and resemble discourse. 4) Originality of blogs as a mean of teaching gives new ways of working with
texts that contain considerable methodological potential.
English, theory of education, means, discourse, text, communication, Internet, blog, technologies, teacher.
Innovative methodology and technology
Artyukhin O.I. (2014). Interactive Teaching Methods When Preparing Students of Pedagogical Higher Education Institution
for Professional Development of Their Personality. Pedagogy and education, 4, 74–81. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66051
In this article features of carrying out interactive lectures as an innovative form of education are
explained. One of the principal shortcomings of a traditional lecture is a weak feedback, i.e. the absence of interactivity
as it is. It is necessary to apply new approaches to giving lectures based on interactive technologies
where training activity is carried out in the conditions of continuous, active interaction of all members of the
educational process. In the article methods of the organization of main types of interactive lectures are provided:
lectures with the analysis of speciic situations, vizualization lectures, lectures using the feedback technique.
The author examines examples of interactive lectures for bachelors majoring in the discipline ‘Pedagogical
Education’, Faculty of Physics. In his article Artyukhin provides theoretical grounds and describes practical
implementation of teaching methods that are based on the bilateral feedback and creative interaction of all
actors of the educational process. The author also gives examples of lectures and shows that the knowledge
and skills obtained during such lectures are more profound, better systematized, longer remembered and
easier implemented. As a result, this signiicantly increases students’ interest in the discipline and improves
their professional skills.
interactive lecture, dialogue, visualization, higher school, elective courses, physics, pedagogical education, interactivity, interactive technologies, rural school.
Effectiveness of training
Savina O.N. (2014). New Methodological Approaches to Arranging Project Activities As a Part of the Educational Process
in the Master’s Degree Program. Pedagogy and education, 4, 82–90. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66052
The article describes a new method of project activities applied during implementation of the educational
process in the Master’s degree program and contributing to the effective implementation of the competence-
based approach in the education process there. Within the given context, the crowdsourcing method
is veiwed as the ‘co-creation of beneits’. The purpose of the method is to develop innotative thinking skills of
students studying for a Master’s degree, the kind of skills that would allow them to design and build the social
environment for education, the ability to adapt to modern socio-economic conditions, to ind organizational
and managerial solutions and be responsible for them. The research is based on the materials tested and effectively
realized at the Faculty of Taxes and Taxation at Financial University under the Government of the Russian
Federation.The author emphasized the priority of implementation of project activities in the educational process
and improvement of adaptive abilities of students to the current economic situation of the country; teamwork
skills; readiness for cooperation with colleagues; the ability to take into account the interests of others, select
and use adequate solutions of communication tasks taking into account the age, psychological and physiological
characteristics of students; an effective independent work on the implementation of the individual educational
plans in cooperation with teachers and fellow students.
Master’s degree programs, crowdsourcing, collective intelligence, project activity, competence, innovative methods, modern approaches, research project, Ideas Fairy, collective cooperation.