Novikov, D. S. (2013). Health Making Activity as a Teacher’s Mission in XXI Century. Pedagogy and education, 3, 191–201.
The author views health issues of the younger generation as a threat for national security of Russia. Based
on that, the author establishes that today’s society needs a social figure who would have enough competence in the
sphere of health making. In other words, as the author of the article assumes, the Russian society needs an educator
who has enough knowledge and skills in law making teaching activity. Summarizing the information contained in
the article, the author formulates the following three conclusions: 1) heath is not only the basic (biological) need
of an individual but also a very important resource for formation of a subject of modern modernization of the
Russian society — educated and competent individual who is able to interact with other individual like him. 2)
Teaching community can play a key role in formation of healthy generations. 3) The core of health making teaching
activity should acquiring the meaning of health making, in particular, creating conditions for free and harmonious
development of personality rather than learning health making practices.
health, activity, personal motivation, health making activity, health making teaching activity, health making culture, up-bringing, subject of the post-industrial modernization, kalokagathia, meaning.
Educational interaction
Chernov, S. V. (2013). Unique Companion of Enlightenment: Experience in Researching Creative Legacy of Mikhail Lomonosov. Pedagogy and education, 3, 202–224.
Studying the chronology of Lomonosov’s creative activity, we can see that he could easily go from chemistry
researches to studying ancient Russian history, from physical experiments to creating projects of scientific
expeditions, from the project of creating the first university in Russia or re-organization of St. Petersburg Academy
of Sciences to writing poems. At the same time when Lomonosov worked on mosaic art in his chemical laboratory,
he also wrote the Ancient Russian History and Russian Grammar, studied the problem of atmospheric electricity
together with the professor Richter, corresponded with a foreign scientist, wrote and defended his numerous theses.
The author bases his studies of Mikhail Lomonosov’s creative legacy on the idea of human genius. The latter was
developed by the author on the basis of issues studied in philosophical anthropology. The results of the research very
well show that all scientific, literary and social activities performed by Mikhail Lomonosov was aimed at building
the path the Russian science and Russian Enlightenment followed later. Due to Lomonosov the Russian language
gained not only national but also world significance and Lomonosov laid the foundation for the Russian language
taking the rightful place in the all human spiritual culture. Lomonosov’s pedagogical ideas are presented not only
in his works in the humanities, but also in science and even poetry. Lomonosov supported young talented Russian
scientists and teachers. These facts show that the problem of teaching and up-brining of youth and children were
one of the major matters in Lomonosov’s creative work.
mission of Lomonosov’s genius, Russian Enlightenment, the Russian language, Lomonosov’s scientific method, curious researcher, keen philosopher, Lomonosov’s teaching ideals, the problem of teaching excellence, up-bringing, labor.
Pozdnyakova, U. S. (2013). Principles of Organization and Functioning of Animated Activity in the System of Education, Up-Bringing
and Organization of Children’s Leisure Time. Pedagogy and education, 3, 225–233.
The present article is devoted to studying the principles of organization and functioning of animated activity
in the system of education, up-brining and organization of children’s leisure time as a form of psychological and
pedagogical human activity aimed at satisfaction of recreational, relaxation, cultural, educative, creative and leisure
needs and interests, stimulation of full life activities, provision of harmonious interactions between personality, on one side, and society on the other hand, through the process of mutual interaction between the subject and object of
animated activity. Animated activity is performed in active forms of spending leisure time by using means and methods
of cultural up-bringing and teaching influence. The purpose of such activities is to enable successful socialization,
reveal individual qualities, talents and abilities and develop these talents and abilities for the good of the society
and in close interaction with other individuals. The author of the article analyzes the principles of organization and
functioning of animation involving children based on historical, typological, functional, comparative and other methods
of research. The author offers her own definition of the principle of organization and functioning of animated activity
in the system of education, up-bringing and organization of children’s leisure activity and provides a classification of
these principles. In particular, the author underlines the following principles: 1) of humanization and democratism,
2) of cultural feasibility; 3) of interactivity and feedback; 4) of scientific verification; 5) of entirety, continuity and
consistency in performance; 6) of openness and variability; 7) of individuation, dependence on individuality and
developing potentials; 8) of reflexivity and existential analysis; 9) of combined entertainment and devotion (personal
activity); 10) of combined professional competence and efficiency (productivity) of animators’ activities and the level
of their ethics. The author analyzes each of the aforesaid principles and makes recommendations on how to improve
and develop the system of education, up-bringing and organization of leisure time for the younger generation.
principle, animated activity, individuation, cultural feasibility, reflexivity, system, existential analysis, professional competence, ethics, variability.
Pedagogical ideal
Novichkova, G. A. (2013). The Culture of Education and Socialization as the Two Components of Human Being. Pedagogy and education, 3, 234–246.
The article is based on Jerome Bruner’s idea about socialization of children through up-bringing and
education. As a social institution, school should simulate social and emotional development of children besides
performance of its main tasks, teaching and up-bringing. Only social and emotional development can allow school
to prepare children for life in a society. School education has other cultural functions, too. Education is becoming
the tool of cultural reproduction. The author of the article views education as a part of culture in general because
education is created by culture, on one side and helps to form culture, on the other side. The most ultimate goal
of school education is to help a student believe in his competence and intellectual abilities. This ultimate goal lies
at the root of all up-bringing processes and achievement of this goal should be the true trigger of all education.
pedagogical anthropology, human, society, teaching, up-bringing, socialization, culture of education, psychology, knowledge, narrative.
Ways of upbringing
Krasavin, V. A. (2013). Formation of Patriotic Consciousness at School Based on the Documents and Materials about the Great
Patriotic War. Pedagogy and education, 3, 247–252.
The article draws our attention to topical issues of patriotic up-bringing based on the documents and
materials about the Great Patriotic War. The author of the article underlines the national heroism at the front and
behind the front lines were the main reason of the Great Victory. Public disclosure of new documents and materials
about the Great Patriotic War would contribute to the development of patriotism among the younger generation. As
the results of conducted surveys show, the society’s interest towards war and related topics are growing. According
to the author, information about the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War in general should be presented
as a part of history classes. What should we do to bring up a patriot? What documents should a teacher select to
help school students feel proud of their country? The author uses the historical method in finding answers to these
questions. Singularity and novelty of this research is that it is related to studying the place and role of the history of
war in patriotic up-bringing of school students. It is well known that the issues of history of the Great Patriotic War
are the focus of discussions in mass media and academic and school institutions. In the course of these discussions
experts express diametrically opposite opinions on events and the role of government and military officials and
etc. Some experts even assume that socialistic and fascistic ideologies had an equal value and purpose. The author
of the article discusses the aforesaid issues in detail.
patriotism, up-bringing, education, victory, legacy, youth, winner, phenomenon of victory, Great Patriotic War, Second World War.
Spiritual and moral search
Detsuk, A. R. (2013). Transformation of the Image of Motherland as an Essential Element of the National Idea in Russia. Pedagogy and education, 3, 253–257.
Perception of the image of Russian Motherland has been changing throughout the history of Russia. However,
noteworthy that it is only the external side of understanding which has been changing and these changes have never
influenced the basic concept of Motherland. Each historical epoch had an impact on these perceptions. Foreign policy
played a very signification role, too. Since the very moment when the Russian government was formed, Russia has
been fighting wars with other countries. There had been times when the existence of the country and preservation
of the national culture were questioned. In other words, the image of Motherland has being formed since the moment
when Russia was established as a country. The author of the article uses the retrospective method which allows to
trace back the main milestones in transformation of the image of Russia throughout the history of our state. The
comparative method allows the author to prove that there are two levels of perceiving the image of our Motherland
that are related to defense of our homeland — military defense and cultural defense. Today we can’t or don’t want
to understand that our national idea should be the preservation of culture. Each national initially tries to preserve
its cultural identity. Therefore, the first level of perception of the image of Motherland (military defense) passes
into the background and it goes without saying that preservation of cultural identity and therefore preservation
of Russian state should be the priority.
transformation, Motherland, history, national idea, image, culture, defense, perception, level, spirituality.
Innovative methodology and technology
Alieva, A. A. (2013). Modern Innovative Technologies in Teaching Diplomatic Terms at the Russian Language Classes. Pedagogy and education, 3, 258–274.
The present article discusses the structure and the content of pedagogical technologies and analyzes different
points of view on the matter. In particular, the author of the article views modern innovative technologies and their
role in teaching diplomatic terms at school. Out of all the variety of methods of teaching foreign languages, the
author of the article focuses on the methods that enable successful learning of diplomatic terms and development of
professional skills in business communication. The interactive approach discussed by the author includes different
methods and technologies including collaborative learning, project-based learning, cluster and binary method. The
main goal of interactive methods is to develop critical reasoning as a constructive activity, conscious information
perception and further uptake of content.
The article will be interesting for all who would like to know more about methods of teaching the Russian language
as a foreign language.
educational technologies, teaching technologies, innovative technologies, interactionism, critical reasoning, collaborative learning, project-based learning, cluster, binary method, base group.