Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Education and Human Future. Pedagogy and education, 2, 104–113. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63178
Prospects of human existence remains one of the eternal topics to be discussed by the world philosophy.
Basically, this topic has been related to the three factors: stupendous achievements of human intelligence, transformation
of human nature and realization of human cosmic destination. It is needless to say about the advance of
science and associated hopes and expectances. It is the science which helped to create the modern civilization with
its high level of welfare, startling resources and grandiose communications. The picture of the world has been completely
changed. Scientists have recoded the human genome. They are trying to learn the basic secrets of nature by
the means of hadron collider. People have learnt to cure cancer of almost all organs, transplant the heart, sew legs
and hands and even make clones of themselves. Quite naturally, the advance of science has made many people used
to the thought that there are no problems the science couldn’t solve. Future human existence is associated with the
advance of science and culture, too.
pedagogy, philosophy, education, culture, noosphere, science, enlightenment, human nature, transcendence, philosophical anthropology.
Philosophy and pedagogy
Omelchuk, R. K. (2013). Ideology in Pedagogy: Ideals of Philosophy or Idols of Culture?. Pedagogy and education, 2, 114–124. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63179
The author of the article carries out a philosophical analysis of the terms ‘ideology’ and ‘culture’ as a part
of research in ontology of faith. With reference to spiritual values of Russian nations and humankind in general, the
author seeks for motivation which is more suitable for efficient formation of personality and sustainable support of
socio-cultural mechanisms of succession. The author analyzes the influence of symbol on our consciousness from the
point of view of succession of values and draws our attention to axiological element of diverse ideas followed by human,
and importance of scientific structure and grounds for actual hierarchy of these ideas. It is proved that ideology is not
always aimed at high personal values and this is why should not be used in education. While culture naturally teaches
human to understand the truth represented by religion and philosophy as symbolic, complex and logical, ideology
artificially forms rational formulas and stereotypes oriented solely at economic progress.
philosophy, pedagogy, culture, ideology, up-bringing, faith, succession, values, symbol, fanaticism.
Spiritual and moral search
Egorova, I. V. (2013). Hannah Arendt about Mass Culture. Pedagogy and education, 2, 125–134. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63180
Hannah Arendt (1906–1975) is a German-American philosopher and political theorist. She seriously thought to
develop systematic phenomenology and analytics of politics. At the same time, Arendt based herself on such basic concepts
of political philosophy as power, freedom, violence, revolution and social issue. She tried to build a non-metaphysical
ontology which would contribute to human freedom instead of making human a hostage of cause-and-effect relations.
The keynotes of her philosophy are freedom and humanism. To her freedom is not only a fundamental characteristic
of human existence but also the main criteria for assessing social and spiritual progress. Hannah Arendt showed contradictions
of social development and her ideas about social activity and totalitarianism played an important role in
formation of modern political studies. Her publishing and cultural-political activity was highly appraised by the society.
The present article is devoted to Hannah Arendt’s interpretation of the phenomenon of mass society. Her cultural and
philosophical views haven’t been fully discussed in Russian philosophical literature yet.
philosophy, education, culture, mass society, individual, mob psychology, burgess, art, value, self-alienation.
Person and personal development
Tolsteneva, U. L. (2013). Subjective Meaning of Personal Existential. Pedagogy and education, 2, 135–141. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63181
As a philosophical movement, existentialism has been today replaced by new tendencies. However, human
existence is still associated with many threats and contradictions. Human life is often exposed to danger not only
due to global catastrophes and risks. There is a new anthropological image which is going to be created based on
high-tech resources. Even though human life seems to enjoy his well-being, he is entering the world of paradoxical values. Gay people can get married and raise children. Political reality is viewed as a part of psychopathology.
Absurdity, as Albert Camus once said, is met on every street corner. Traditional values are not just fading away.
They demonstrate their other side like werewolves. Strong family union is viewed as an anachronism and sacrifice
is viewed as a romantic folly. Honesty is the relic of the past and modesty is the manifestation of being unsuccessful.
In such a situation we all need life-purpose orientations. Fear and quiver, the feeling of hopelessness and fits of
insanity follow a man and make him make his own decisions and show his own ‘human’ response. Such a response
is individual and can’t be collective.
psychology, philosophy, philosophical anthropology, existential, human, personality, activity, meaning, subjectivity, life-purpose orientations.
Ways of upbringing
Gritsay, L. A. (2013). Ideal Representations and Everyday Reality of Parenting Relationships in the Culture of Old
Russia. Pedagogy and education, 2, 142–150. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63182
The article is devoted to the main values of family relations in Russian philosophical and pedagogical
thought of the XII-XVI centuries. Based on the analysis of Old Russian writing, the author of the article describes
ideal representations and everyday reality of mother’s and father’s up-brining and children’s behavior in their
families. Special attention is paid at the following Old Russian words about teaching and up-bringing: Instruction
of Vladimir Monomakh, Sermon on Law and Grace, Parables of Cyril of Turaw, the Bishop, Reading about Boris and
Gleb, Life of Sergius of Radonezh, life of Antony of Kiev, Life of the Saint of Murom Yulia of Lazarev, Selected Works
of 1076 and Domostroy. Based on the analysis of these works, the author defines the main provisions of the theory
of parenting up-bringing typical for that period in history. The author analyzes al theories and provisions and based
on the analysis, makes a conclusion that in Old Russia a family followed philosophical and pedagogical ideals in their
understanding of the essence of up-bringing.
pedagogy, up-bringing, up-bringing in Russia, parenting style, motherhood and fatherhood, up-bringing values, up-bringing ideals, up-bringing traditions, up-bringing experience, respect for parents.
Barbashin, M. Yu. (2013). Institutes of Higher Education and Social Dilemmas (Comparative Analysis of the Russian
and American Systems of Education). Pedagogy and education, 2, 151–158. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63183
The article analyzes institutional processes in the system of higher education in Russia and United States. It
is underlined that higher education is required for civil development because a democratic society needs educated
citizens who would participate in the decision-making process. Since one of the declared targets of institutional
reforms at universities is the transition to innovation-driven education which would guarantee a proper level of
proficiency of graduates in comparison with the leading universities (mostly American ones), it is necessary to carry
out a comparative analysis of institutional processes which would lead to positive changes. By using the provisions
of comparative analysis and neoinstitutionalism, the author of the article views the leading institutions which
implementation in the Russian education environment (taking into account the national specifics) would make the
transition to innovation-driven education easier, raise proficiency level of graduates and help Russian universities
to achieve the international standards.
education, neoinstitutionalism, institutes, university transformations, comparative analysis, social dilemmas, Russian society, education reform, academic community.
Levin, V. I. (2013). I.A. Kassirsky as a Famous Soviet Scientist and Doctor. Pedagogy and education, 2, 159–167. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63184
The article provides a biography of a famous scientist and a doctor, teacher and a great person Iosif
Abramovich Kassirsky. The author of the article offers a detailed analysis of Kassirsky’s scientific, teaching and
medical activities. Special attention is paid at his decisive role in creation of a Soviet medical school in hematology
and tropical diseases. Much attention is also paid at a wonderful and bright personality of I. A. Kassirsky. The
article represents many memories about Kassirsky shared by his colleagues, friends, students and family members.
The author of the article also analyzes the main peculiarities of his scientific and teaching activities in the
sphere of medicine. Special emphasis is made on Kassirsky’s personal qualities and high values. These were the
qualities remembered by his contemporaries most of all. In conclusion, the author provides a general assessment of Kassirsky’s works in medicine and the scientific school founded by him. The article also contains a detailed list
of Kassirsky’s works and publications.
I. A. Kassirsky, scientist, doctor, human, medicine, diagnostics, scientific school, hematology, tropic diseases, scientist’s personality.
(2013). CONGRATULATIONS OF THE PROFESSOR O.K. FILATOV. Pedagogy and education, 2, 168–168. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63185
Editors of the Pedagogy and Education Journal congratulates a famous Russian teacher and a member of the
editorial board, professor, Oleg Konstantinovich Filatov on his birthday and wishes him a long life, good health and
success in all his doings!
pedagogy, professor, editorial board, Oleg Konstantinovich Filatov.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P.S. (2013). Memorial Social Practice. Pedagogy and education, 2, 169–176. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=63186
People of previous epochs are still alive in our memory due to a special form of social practice –memorials.
When an ant hill is burnt down, nobody will ever remember it. However, in a human society we keep the memory
about former generations. The past is still there in our minds. Humanitarian sciences have a principle of historicism
allowing to understand the past as a part of historical process. The article states that as a methodological
principle historicism was not created at once. A German historian and history philosopher Friedrich Meineke in his
book ‘Formation of Historicism’ described a full and faithful process of how the phenomenon was formed. Historicism
is viewed as a natural result of the entire ideological development of the West since Antique times. Meineke
thoroughly traced back the sources of historicism in works of famous English, French and German educators. The
book shows how the historical thought was developing in the Western Europe and opposes to the negative attitude
to historicism as a thinking paradigm.
education, historicism, philosophy, human nature, spirit, human soul, laws, society, state.