Editor-in-Chief's column
P.S. Gurevich (2013). Comprehension of the human being. Pedagogy and education, 1, 4–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62551
We can form a coherent, complete picture of the world as we know it without the human being. The recent
scientific discoveries seem to push us towards this very conclusion. Particular paradigms with the “ocean of sentience”,
“the cognitive Cosmos”, etc. at their center become prominent. Research of this sort is directed against an anthropocentric
view of the universe. Devaluation of anthropocentrist philosophy manifests itself in ways other than assertion
of research objects that replace the individual. This article explores the logic of the so-called “new naturalism” from
a critical angle.
pedagogy, philosophy, individual, universum, psychocosm of the individual, spirit, intuition, science, religion, comprehension.
Philosophy and pedagogy
O.E. Baksanskiy (2013). Science and philosophy of education
in XXI-th century: the Narrative
and the Discourse. Pedagogy and education, 1, 7–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62552
The future of science in the mid-term largely depends on ways and pacing of the measures taken to improve
the function, administrative and financial structure of scientific research.
All efforts to reform science will inevitably be linked to the system of education, which uses the fruits of science as a
global phenomenon.
We possess the knowledge necessary to build a truly educated society, but the true scientific, educational and cultural
revolution will only take place when outdated views and concepts of education are challenged and uprooted.
pedagogics, philosophy of education, methodology of academic knowledge, narrative, discourse, educational paradigms, teaching and growth, informational environment, innovation, business culture.
O.V. Dolzhenko (2013). University and Education:
between the past and the present. Pedagogy and education, 1, 19–36. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62553
The article attempts to analyze the nature of the crisis in today’s system of education. The author offers several
arguments in favor of the thesis, according to which the cultural and civilizational crisis is the reason for the changes
in education, as well as a sign for the coming of a new geological era of Anthropocene in the planet’s history.
This very thesis means that what we experience is not a regular crisis, which would be followed by further advance ments in education which would elevate it to a new level (the emergence of universities in Middle Ages, Renaissance
and Reformation). It rather is a revolutionary process of fundamental reevaluation of education and its place within
modern society, which spans across several decades already.
In these conditions the numerous attempts to overcome the existing obstacles on the way to development are doomed
to failure because much rides on the layout and characteristics of each single society while maintaining significant
risk of an anthropological catastrophe.
Thus, in the contemporary period, it’s more pertinent to debate a transition to a new paradigm in the evolution of education,
the basis of which consists of social and cultural characteristics of individual societies. During the transformation,
education becomes less about inheritance and more about preemptive development of society.
Globalization and contemporary global challenges, rapid rates of technological and informational advancement, as
well as the increasing scale of information and communication technology use, demands not only conceptual, but
fundamental reformation of educational practice — new strategy and tactics, rethinking of the very mission of education,
which becomes not only a continuous process, but a complex phenomenon which exists in space, time, culture
and society, capable of dynamically adapting to changes of society and environment. The author speaks of a transition
to a learning, adaptive society and university, dynamic system of education which absorbs knowledge and changes
according to challenges of the era of global crisis and anthropocene.
The coming of the anthropocene age implies radical rethinking of the most basic notions about the system of education,
as well as reorienting it towards new forms of teaching and upbringing, development of new forms of “smart-education”,
as well as interaction between teacher and student.
Due to rapid development rates, the individual whose real life is measured against ages of the past, but whose lifestyle
drastically changes with age as well as environment’s transformations, became the main subject of education.
This is the exact reason that traditional notions of the nature and specifics of the teacher’s and the student’s work
require a revision. A transition towards a new theory and philosophy of education seems imminent.
pedagogics, education, erudition, philosophy of education, culture, civilization, crisis, revolution in education, education of the anthropocene era, smart-education.
P.S. Gurevich (2013). Philosophical precautions practice
(the 90-th anniversary of the Berdyaev’s
“Philosophy of Inequity” publication). Pedagogy and education, 1, 37–47. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62554
In N.A. Berdyaev’s rich legacy in philosophy, his “Philosophy of Inequity” work has special value. Like the philosopher’s
other works, it’s encyclopedic. It evaluates various social and political movements of the time and sheds light
on the most important issues of social philosophy — democracy, freedom, revolution, culture, nation. The theoretical
broadness of the work neighbors with polemical depth, linked by a pamphlet, homiletic tone. This book is enriched by
the hard-won idea of denouncing social revolution as means of solving social problems. It is, in its essence, a philosophical
precaution, the lessons of which are quite so evident in contemporary times.
pedagogics, philosophy, precaution, revolution, prophecy, equality, inequity, existence, social knowledge, conservatism.
Values and goals of education
R.N. Parhomenko (2013). B. Chicherin and J. Locke
on Right and Liberalism. Pedagogy and education, 1, 48–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62555
This article explores the liberal heritage of Boris Chicherin in relation to liberal ideas of John Locke. The author
contemplates on the extent to which Chicherin could be considered a liberal thinker, from the point of view of modern
historical perspective. As we know, Chicherin’s model state was constitutional monarchy, which he considered the
most suitable for Russia. This very idea contradicts with modern liberalism in both, Russia and the West. As it seems,
comparing the liberal ideas of Chicherin with the ideas of John Locke’s classic English liberal tradition helps accent the
strengths and flaws in Chicherin’s views.
pedagogy, Chicherin, Locke, liberalism, right, politics, Russia, authority, state, democracy.
Spiritual and moral search
E.M. Spirova (2013). How did the idea of upbringing emerge?. Pedagogy and education, 1, 53–59. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62556
Within the system of education, higher education occupies a special position due to the fact that it completes
the forming of a person. Unlike middle and high school, higher education does not only give knowledge of a higher
level, and builds bridges into the wide world of academic science, but it also provides the foundation for realization of
the person’s creativity.
pedagogy, upbringing, spirituality, education, world outlook, human subjectivity, tradition, humanization, humanitarization, spiritual poverty.
In search of the meaning
V.V. Kornilyev (2013). Who owns the meaning of life?. Pedagogy and education, 1, 60–71. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62557
The meaning of life question was addressed in both, philosophy and fiction a great number of times. Ivanov-
Razumnik’s “Meaning of work” which includes the analysis of L. Shestov’s, L. Andreev’s and F. Sologub’s works, provides
insight and analysis on the subject from modern natural history and entropy viewpoints. Irregularity of energy implies
a connection between the meaning of life, the process of growth and evolution and systemic organization, which is further
reinforced by the viewpoints of E. Fromm and F. Nietzsche on incompleteness of human nature. The phenomena of
love, friendship, fellowship and partnership define the process of comprehension of higher meaning. Ivanov-Razumnik‘s
intuitive and creative approach to explaining the subject is being disputed. The meaning of life does not lie in human
nature, or the substance of society, but rather in their interconnectedness, viewing violence and death as an integral
part of balancing and strengthening this connection.
pedagogy, life, meaning, entropy, violence, freedom, energy, system, element, death
Knowledge and understanding
I.V. Egorova (2013). The education quality problem. Pedagogy and education, 1, 72–78. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62558
The issue of quality of education was brought to attention during the Age of Enlightenment. The significance
of modern-era spread of information technologies can only be compared with the invention of the printing press in XVth
century, or even the emergence of the written word. Developing mental skills is an important goal of education, and
knowledge is not the only thing education has to offer. Learning to think, analyze and compile, based on the knowledge
received is also important. Knowledge and understanding are different things. One may know, but may not understand
an idea in all its depth, or recognize all of its shades. Practical skill is only born from understanding.
pedagogy, education, quality, Enlightenment, knowledge, understanding, intellect, creativity, personality, the mind.
Pedagogical ideal
L.A. Gritsai (2013). P.F. Kapterev on necessity
of moral conditioning
of children in family upbringing. Pedagogy and education, 1, 79–83. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62559
The article addresses the issues of ethics-oriented upbringing within family environment as defined by P.F.
Kapterev’s works in late XIX and early XX century. This work breaks down the periods of moral maturation of the
child and defines the parent’s role in the forming of moral values, as well as explores the chief factors of moral upbringing
in family environment. The author addresses the necessity of moral conditioning in family environment as
part of spiritual and moral upbringing and preparation of children for adult life that implies the absence of spoils,
pampering and parental protection. The article offers extensive analysis of Kapterev’s pedagogic views, drawing
conclusions on the topic of the matter and essence of moral upbringing and spiritual conditioning of children in
family environment.
pedagogy, ethics, family, parenthood, values of parenthood, moral upbringing, family upbringing, periods of moral upbringing, factors of moral upbringing, becoming of the individual.
Ways of upbringing
G.A. Novichkova (2013). Erich Fromm: upbringing as a necessity
of social existence. Pedagogy and education, 1, 84–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=62560
Fromm was the first to examine the human being from a psychosocial standpoint. This article analyzes
his concepts of healthy society and mentally healthy human being, and brings our attention to the psychosocial
approach to social characterization of the individual. According to Fromm, during the democratic transformation
of society, psychosocial changes that occur in the social profile of the individual should be considered along with
economic, political and social changes. Fromm offers a perspective that promotes the wholeness of existence of
an individual.
pedagogy, pedagogic anthropology, individual, social characteristics, healthy society, «communitarian socialism», humanism, healthy person, small groups, upbringing.