Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2013). Do We Actually Need Pedagogical Anthropology?. Pedagogy and education, 4, 284–287. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64115
The author of the article relects upon the historical fate and prospects of pedagogical anthropology as a
new branch of humanities. Raising the question about whether it is efficient to break anthropology into pieces, the
author assumes that not only new approaches and branches of humanities are being formed today but also previous
branches of humanities are being integrated.
The author of the article extends the theoretical scope of pedagogical anthropology. According to the author, pedagogical
anthropology can also include reflections on human being as the result of integration of teaching and upbringing
theories and ideas. The guiding idea here can be researchers’ attempt to create the image of human as it is
presented in the theory of up-bringing.
The author also raises a question about the future of pedagogical anthropology.
The main methods of analysis used in the research article are the historical and phenomenological methods. These
methods allow to appeal to many works and publications that haven’t been viewed as the topic of pedagogical anthropology
until recently.
The fact that the author touches upon the basic problems of pedagogical anthropology defines the novelty and scientific
importance of the present research. The author of the research article conducts a critical analysis of the terms
that have been already introduced by the followers of pedagogical anthropology.
The author makes a distinction between pedagogical anthropology and philosophy of education. At the same time,
the author does not agree with the list of philosopher who are thought to make their contribution to pedagogical
anthropology. The author offers his own list of philosophers and educators who reflected on the process of education
and up-bringing and caused the breakthrough in the philosophical understanding of human. For example, the author
includes antique philosophers, well-known theologists and founders of the humanistic thought of Renaissance. The
author’s conclusion is the following: we need pedagogical anthropology as an independent branch of humanities but
the list of founders of pedagogical anthropology cannot be limited to the narrow circle of educational theorists.
philosophy, pedagogy, teaching, education, human, personality, anthropology, up-bringing, knowledge, spirituality.
Skorkin, O. A. (2013). Creating the Humanitarian Components in Technical Higher Education Facilities. Pedagogy and education, 4, 288–295. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64116
As the information streams radically increase, the processing and realizing mechanisms change as well,
as an important part of education that follows ever-changing social realities. The education ideology, subliminal
setting of goals towards unified common tasks, which is guided by governments as clients who order products with
middle and high-level education, reflect the importance of humanitarian parts of overall organized common learning.
Humanitarian sciences are not only a way to familiarize oneself with the achievements of human culture but also are
an educational core when it comes to common sense and cultural thought. The author brings up reflective arguments
the overall meaning of humanitarian and general world-view disciplines (like astronomy in school, philosophy and
social sciences in higher educational facilities with technical, mathematical or physics direction) and brings up a
spectre of meta-problems in relation to current changes in the modern educational system in this country. The lack
of political will to ensure that deprives metalevel significant advantages of the education – to become a person and
a good citizen of his country.
World view, humanitarian sciences, personality, mission, anthropology, cultural studies, society, information technology, contemporaneity.
Types of education
Schuplenkov, O. V. (2013). Adaptive Capabilities of the Russian National School in Emigration (the Case Study of the Shumen
Gymnasium in Bulgaria (1922 to 1934). Pedagogy and education, 4, 296–316. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64117
Shumen Gymnasium (1922–1934) that was relocated from Constantinople to Bulgaria and due to the teaching
talent and distinguished organizing skills of the first director A. Beyer (1922–1928) took the first place among
all secondary schools in Bulgaria not only in the number of students but also in the organization of education and
up-bringing. It was quite a challenge because it was the school for young men of different age who overcame the civil
war. Despite poverty, poor food, strict schedule and etc., graduates of the Gymnasium who had problems socializing
in a foreign environment recalled years spent there as the happiest years in their life. Good evidence to that is their
letters that were addressed to the Gymnasium teachers and mentors and are kept at State Archive of the Russian
Federation now. These letters provide an insight into how Russian emigrants lived in Bulgaria.
Throughout many centuries cultural and language contacts between Russians and Bulgarians have been a unique
example of cross pollination. Being one of the six Russian gymnasiums in Bulgaria, the gymnasium in Shumen in
the 20s -30s of the XXth century presented a great example of direct cultural and language interaction between
Bulgarians and Russians. In many respects Russians appeared to be the most privileged Diaspora in the country.
That policy of the Bulgarian government predetermined the uplift of Russian emigration culture. However, the global
economic depression at the end of the 20s – 30s of the XXth century that came to Bulgaria as well aggravated the
situation for Russian emigrants. The government kept to the strict policy of national priority on the labor market
and therefore made Russians equal to other foreigners. That lasted till September 1944 and brought many emigrants
to poverty. Even though the government continued to help them, it had to limit the financial support and liquidated
some emigrant organizations.
A new state policy towards Russian emigrants was started at the end of the 1930s. In 1938 the League of Nations
declared that the question about Russia emigration was ‘solved’. The Nunsen International Office for Refugees was
closed and the League of Nations recommended the governments that had accepted Russian emigrants to start the
policy aimed at nationalization of Russians. At that point the favorable attitude towards Russians was over and
Russians were treated just like other foreigners. Along with the repressions against Russian refugees during the
Second World War, the new policy marked the beginning of assimilation of Russians.
Beyer, Bulgaria, culture, cultural research, education, Russian emigration, socialization in exile, Shumen Gymnasium, language, language studies.
Developing pedagogical technologies
Khovov, O. B. (2013). Inclusion of Konstantin Ushinsky’s Scientific Activity into European Historical and Pedagogical
Process. Pedagogy and education, 4, 317–325. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64118
A new branch of fine art that had appeared in the 30s of the XXth century and had been called Post-Modernism
turned out to be an intuitive forecast of genius artists predicting the shift in cultural and historical epochs. Philosophers
who were no less genius that artists studied personal characters, defined the requirements of the forecasted future
towards a human being and offered new concepts and theories of education. Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky
was one of such founders of pedagogy in Russia.
The subject matter of the present research article is the model of the development of teaching and the theory of
up-bringing offered by Konstantin Ushinsky viewed from the point of view of the development of the historical pedagogical
process in Europe.
The researcher analyzes historical, philosophical, scientific, pedagogical and cultural literature on the matter and
uses the method of theoretical modeling along with the system analysis. Such approach allows to define cultural and
historical cycles of development of the European civilization.
The researcher also describes patterns of creation and development of new pedagogical ideas on raising ‘a new
human’ that appeared right before the shift in cultural and historical epochs of development of the European civilization.
The list of philosophers who offered new ideas regarding raising the human of the future culture included
Konstantin Ushinsky.
pedagogical anthropology, Ushisnky, developmental teaching, aim of up-bringing, modernism project, educational concepts, activity, moral development, cognition, creation.
Philosophy and pedagogy
Petrigina, V. A. (2013). John Dewey’s Pragmatic Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 4, 326–335. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64119
The article is devoted to the stages in development of pedagogical ideas of John Dewey in the educational
environment of Russia and foreign countries. The author of the article underlines the importance of John Dewey’s
ideas for modern education and describes modern methods that are based on John Dewey’s ideas – Dalton plan and
project method. In conclusion the author describes why John Dewey’s theories have declined and modern education
have come back to the class-and-lesson system.
Today John Dewey’s ideas are becoming very important for Russian pedagogy due to the reformation of education
in Russia and development of progressive education. Because of the development of the democratic society in our
country, personal competence is important again. Person-centered technologies of development have taken a special
place among all kinds of approaches and new pedagogical technologies. New values that have been formed under
the influence of the educational crisis formed the basis for interpretation of a new educational paradigm offered
by John Dewey. John Dewey’s methods were mostly aimed at formation of independent thinking and intellectual
development. All these conditions have made the system of education offered by John Dewey quite important for the
Russian educational environment.
Dalton plan, project method, pedagogical ideas, pragmatic pedagogy, pragmatic philosophy, progressive pedagogy, school of progressivism, free up-bringing, career education, values.
Morality and ethics
Klyagin, N. V. (2013). Richard Dawkins about Human Self. Pedagogy and education, 4, 336–348. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64120
A genotype is a life’s true agent. Its behavior patterns are a model for human behavior. Men don’t know
about that. But genotype’s behavior explains the most complex forms of human behavior. So genotype’s wide-spread
determines by ecological factors that the food pyramid and the population waves. Human knowledge of essences
determines by their pyramid hierarchy and quantity. This essence’s quality is gene’s behavior guise.
anthropology, essence, gene, group selection, individual selection, instinct, interspecies selection, personality, phenomenon, wide-spread.
Spiritual and moral search
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2013). Philosophy of Culture About Human and His Freedom (Ernst Cassirer). Pedagogy and education, 4, 349–360. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64121
The article is devoted to the concept of philosophy of culture introduced by Ernst Cassirer as well as his
ideas on philosophical anthropology and human freedom. At some point Cassirer agreed with the Kant’s and Hegel’s
concepts of culture as a progressive development of the idea of freedom. To him freedom of mind was essential and
shown in each movement of the thought, will or feeling bringing a man from a passive state to a particular activity.
This is why Cassirer started with the analytical description of different activities including language, art, religion
and science and viewed that description as a background for future synthesis of these activities, i.e. creation of the
cultural universum by the means of man’s creative abilities. The author of the present research article has been
studying Cassirer’s philosophy for many years.
The research presented in this article was started when Parkhomenko studied at a University under the guidance of
a famous Russian philosopher Pavel Gurevich. Pavel Gurevich was the first philosopher in Russia to publish translations
of Cassirer’s works in Russian. He also published a whole series of analytical articles discussing Cassirer’s
The author of the present research article shows how Cassirer’s philosophy gradually developed from philosophy of
culture to philosophical anthropology. While Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Form and the Logic of the Cultural
Sciences talked mostly the ‘products’ of culture, the author of the present research article analyzes the symbolic forms constituting the entire universum of human culture as well as general principles allowing these autonomous
forms to exist as a stable and integrated cultural environment. Later in his Essay on Man Cassirer focused on the
subject creating all these symbolic forms, i.e. human and his freedom as the main feature of human.
Cassirer, freedom, philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, human, symbolic form, myth, consciousness, rationalism, language.
Innovative methodology and technology
Savina, O. N., Pyanova, M. V. (2013). Forms and Methods of Involving Students into Scientific Research Under the Conditions of Implementation
of the Competency Building Approach to Education. Pedagogy and education, 4, 361–367. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64122
The need for new forms of work with students is dictated by the modern development trends in the general
educational process at a University caused by social and economic changes in Russia as well as the demand for
modernization of many social institutions including the system of education. Today it is very important to trace new
knowledge in order to catch up with the science-driven development and offer one’s own point of view if necessary.
The authors of the present research article share their experience in using new forms and methods of organizing
student’s research activity. The aforesaid goal requires a search for the best ways of adaptation of students to the
modern social environment. The Fair of Scientific ideas and Internet discussions are a great example. Using such forms
of organizing research activity of students, we can talk about a certain logic of implementation of the competency
building approach allowing to combine traditional forms of research with innovative methods more efficiently. The
authors have three years of experience in using the aforesaid methods with student and therefore an offer an approximate
order and schedule of such activities.
competence, educational process, innovative forms, modernization of education, Internet discussion, fair of scientific ideas, competency building approach, work with students, innovative methods, virtual discussion.
Controversy and debate
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2013). Ethnos and Ethnicity. Pedagogy and education, 4, 368–375. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64123
The problems of ethnopolitical relations that are usually called ‘the national issue’ are constantly discussed
in both philosophical and psychological literature. As a rule, the modern global political process mobilizes groups
based on ethnic grounds. The global community faces the fact that young countries with archaic or traditional
ethnic groups have been included in the active historical process. Moreover, globalization has evoked opposition
and separatist movements in a number of countries. There are many countries that want to become independent
and autonomous today. At the same time, there are still many ethnic issues that remain unsolved. Nations demonstrate
a growing interest towards their ethnic identity. The author of the present research article tries to make a
distinction in interpretations of the ethnonational issues from the point of view of mordialism, constructivism and
The researcher uses the method of historical analysis that allows to describe how views on ethnos and ethnicity have
been changing over the past decades and why the current definition of ethnicity has been created. The author also
carries out a scientific analysis of works on the phenomenology of ethnicity.
The scientific importance and novelty of the article is that the researcher compares modernistic and post-modernistic
views on ethnicity issues. The researcher stresses out that formation of a nation or ethnos is based on social
historical facts first of all. However, modern interpretation of ethnos also involves the analysis of imaginary works
used in social constructivism.
philosophy, pedagogy, ethnos, nation, separatism, mordialism, constructivism, nationalism, globalization, psychology.