Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Modern Age and its Relics (Continuation). Pedagogy and education, 3, 3–6. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56122
The column is devoted to a significant turn in axiology typical for our epoch. Special attention is paid at the
meaning of life as a regulatory conception. The author outlines different approaches to studying the meaning of life and
provides classification of different meaning life orientations. The author also analyzes values typical for our time.
pedagogy, psychology, history, values, axiology, culture, social studies, orientations, standards, meaning of life.
Sizemskaya, I. N. (2012). Education Issues as a Part of Russian Philosophical and Pedagogical Heritage. Pedagogy and education, 3, 7–15. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=56121
The article is devoted to the modern problems in education and interpretation of social and cultural meaning,
purposes and goals of the Russian philosophy and pedagogy at the end of XIX — beginning of XX centuries.
pedagogy, philosophy, education culture, national traditions, perception of the world, modernization, upbringing, personality, creative work.
Philosophy and pedagogy
Spiridonova, Zh. V. (2012). Genius as a Life Style. Pedagogy and education, 3, 16–21. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61425
Despite tons of scientific literature the question about origin of creativity still remains topical and so does the
question about the connection between creativity and deviation from the norm. Jean-Paul Sartre used to say that genius
is not a gift but a way out of desperate situations. This is where the tragedy of life and creative work by great people
arise from. It is also necessary to draw parallels between creativity and spiritual sufferings. So what is the connection
between life and creative work of a writer and a gifted person in general?
pedagogy, philosophy, genius, unconsciousness, talent, creativity, surrealism, spontaneity, norm, Dadaism.
Spiritual and moral search
Parkhomenko, R. N. (2012). political myths and the concept of freedom in E. Cassirer. Pedagogy and education, 3, 22–29. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61426
The author of the article studies the theory of political myths and the concept of freedom in Ernst Cassirer’s
(1874-1945) philosophy. Cassirer believed that only symbolic culture could help to reveal the true nature of human
and his ability not only to create the greatest cultural monuments but also to construct political myths. Ernst Cassirer’s
work‘The Myth of the State’ contains his thoughts on dangers awaiting human culture. Cassirer assumed that it was
not enough just to describe and analyze the ‘normal’ functioning, success and achievements of culture. To his opinion,
it is also very important to explain cultural ‘gaps’ and ‘failures’ as well as ‘dark periods’ in human history.
pedagogy, myth, symbol, freedom, politics, state institution, fascism, totalitarianism, culture, human.
Modern strategies and forms of education
Trufanova, E. O., Yanovskaya, O. R. (2012). Institute of Education in Knowledge Society. Pedagogy and education, 3, 30–43. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61427
The present article is devoted to the role of the institute of education in a modern society that can be described
as the ‘knowledge society’. The authors of the article study the history of development of the terms ‘information
society’ and ‘knowledge society, demonstrate the difference between the terms ‘information’ and ‘knowledge’
and show how the institute of education is transformed due to the formation of a new type of society. Based on the
analysis of the UNESCO documents related to the concept of knowledge society, the authors study the main innovative
elements of the institute of education such as ‘continuous education’, ‘e-learning’ and the concept of how to
‘learn to study’. The authors also suggest to view the role of philosophy for children as a method of development of
cognitive abilities, flexible thinking and an efficient dialogue when discussing other points of view. It is shown that
such classes for children can actually have a positive impact on one’s learning abilities and continuous education
throughout life while the modern system of education prepares narrowly focused specialists who are often unable
to learn something new during their carrier. At the end of the article the authors carry out a critical analysis of the
above mentioned problems in modern Russian education, most of all, in high schools, including those caused by the
formation of new type of educational institution — research university.
pedagogy, education, higher school, knowledge society, information society, intellectualization, informatization, philosophy for children, critical thinking, knowledge.
Innovative methodology and technology
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Forecasting and Methodological Interpretation of Russian Education and Sociality. Pedagogy and education, 3, 44–56. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61428
The article analyzes the expert’s analytical report ‘Future of High School in Russia: Experts’ Opinion’ prepared
by the Center of Strategic Researches of the Siberian Federal University. The report is devoted to the forecast of the
second wave of Enlightenment that would turn the ‘knowledge-based pedagogy’ into ‘research and project based pedagogy’
as well as activity pedagogy. The author of the article analyzes the arguments provided by the report writers and
shows that report conclusions seem quite dubious because even the nearest future is quite uncertain and sociality keeps changing all the time. Instead of forecasting, the author suggests to use methodological interpretation of the situation
in modern civilization in general and education in particular. As a part of such interpretation, the author analyzes
modern social megatendencies, leading type of sociality which is typical for modernity, Russia’s path and sociality and,
finally, demands for education and pedagogy caused by the above mentioned trends.
pedagogy, sociality, programs, ideals, content, crisis, prognosis, selfishness, identity, uncertainty.
Educational psychology
Novichkova, G. A. (2012). Erich Fromm’s Ideas on Educational Anthropology. Pedagogy and education, 3, 57–68. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61429
In his creative work Erich Fromm paid much attention at the problems of educational anthropology. In particular,
he set a goal for philosophers to create a new Human who builds the society based on principles of humanism
and freedom. To achieve the above mentioned goal, philosophers can use so called humanistic pedagogy which can
humanize the personal, inner world of a person, his concepts of the Good and Evil as well as expand his ideals and make
a person better and more self-sufficient which would certainly benefit both a person himself and other people as well.
pedagogy, educational anthropology, human, society, up-bringing, education, activity, to be, to have, interest, concentration.
Educational interaction
Picard, L. (2012). Victorian London. Education (translated by Kulagina-Yartseva, V. S.). Pedagogy and education, 3, 69–79. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61405
Ragged schools were one of the famous achievements during Victorian epoch. Quintin Hogg was one of the
school teachers. One of the goals at raged schools was to turn hopeless young savages into well-mannered young people
who had elementary social skills, respected themselves and could leave the only world they had known — the world of
crime and poverty. Working adults who for some reason had not realized their intellect potentials could attend evening
classes at such universities like London Institute of Mechanics founded in 1823. If someone simply had no money
to attend lectures, he could also use other ways to work on his self-education in London. In 1841 London Library was
opened in Pall Mall. Later it was moved to St. James area where it has been located ever since then. London Library
still remains a wonderful example of all the best during the Victorian age.
pedagogy, ragged school, Quintin Hogg, European free school, Anglican schools, public schools, evening classes, Institute of Technical Sciences, system of prefects, London Library.
The communication process
Medvedev, M. S. (2012). Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Cultures. Pedagogy and education, 3, 80–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61414
The article is devoted to the description of traditional and modern cultures. Using the comparative philosophical
and anthropological analysis, the author of the article defines axiological models, levels of consciousness, types of
cogitation and cognitive attitudes typical for the human of traditional and modern cultures. In particular, human of
the traditional culture has a hierarchical, standard, cyclic, conceptual and emotional cogitation, contemplative attitude
dominating over activity, esthetic attitude towards the world and religious attitude in all forms of world perception.
Human of the modern culture typically has an individual, flexible and mobile, linear cogitation and prevailing theoretical
and pragmatic attitudes to the world round. Preservation of traditional culture is performed through consolidation
around the meaning and innovation-based society is self-preserved through super-rationalization independent of all
spheres of life activity. In post-traditional culture mythological and scientific knowledge prevails and at the same time
different types of knowledge are quite independent from each other. Based on this analysis, the author describes the
main parameters of a stable society: axiological and conceptual dominant and esthetic grounds of existence.
pedagogy, philosophy, culture, dynamics, determinants, paradigm, tradition, post-modernism, analysis, progress, deconstruction.
The stream of books
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). Human and Eternity. Topical Review of Books Published by the Kanon+ Printing House. Pedagogy and education, 3, 88–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=61415
Topical review of the books published by the Kanon+ printing house includes the two books on historical
matters. One of the books id devoted to the contents and theological version of history. In his book german theologian
Rudolf Karl Bultmann describes theological interpretation of Christian eschatology. Works by famous researchers
Iggers and Young studied modern historiography which exists under the conditions of globalization. Problems of
historical thinking, life description and methodology are interpreted within the framework of globalization and
modernization processes.
pedagogy, history, globalization, modernization, eschatology, eternity, theology, tradition, westernization, historiography, knowledge, democracy.