Osovskiy O.E., Kirzhaeva V.P..
Nicholas Hans and the assessment of Soviet school policy of the Russian pedagogical émigré at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s
// Modern Education. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 118-126.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27130.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27130
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Abstract: This article reviews the problem of perception and assessment of the process of school building in USSR by the Russian pedagogical émigré at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s. Having set the goal of creating the Russian foreign school, pedagogues and leaders of the social-pedagogical movement took a close eye on what was happening to the school homeward, assessed it with critical objectivity, highlighting the positive changes and pointing at dangerous tendencies. These issues are the focus of attention in the articles of Sergius Hessen, N. F. Novozhilov, A. L. Bem and N. A. Hans in the émigré pedagogical periodicals. Using the principles of the traditional historical-pedagogical research, approaches of content analysis and case study, the author determine the methodology applied by Nicholas Hans for analyzing the Soviet educational policy and school system. The authors reveal the scholar’s position, according to which the characteristic to the entire history of national school antagonism between radical and autocratic traditions finds its continuation in the Soviet school, that in turn, allows extrapolating the conclusions based on the development stages of prerevolutionary school towards new situation. N. A. Hans uses similar approach in preparation of works about the Soviet school policy, addressed to the English audience. For the first time the authors introduce into the scientific discourse a number of Russian and English language publications of N. A. Hans, a notable participant of the social-pedagogical process of Russian émigré community, but yet unfamiliar to Russian audience. Nicholas Hans was one of the few Russian émigré, who was able to integrate into the scientific educational space of the Great Britain and became a prominent pedagogue-comparativist.
Keywords: comparative and historical pedagogical studies, school in the USSR, Soviet school policy, pedagogical traditions, emigre pedagogical periodics, pedagogics of Russia Abroad, Russian-European pedagogical contacts, comparative education, Nicholas Hans, Sergius Hessen
Bem A. L. V tupike (Shkola povyshennogo tipa v Sov. Rossii) // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1927–1928. Kn. 25. S. 5–24.
Bem A. L. S'ezd deyateley sredney i nizshey russkoy shkoly za granitsey // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1923. Kn. 2/3. S. 12–13.
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Gants N. A. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po narodnomu obrazovaniyu v Edinburge v iyule 1925 goda // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1925. Kn. 15/16. S. 405–406.
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Gessen S. I., Novozhilov N. F. Desyat' let sovetskoy shkoly // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1927–1928. Kn. 28. S. 473–520.
Gessen S.I., Novozhilov N.F. Shkol'naya politika sovetskoy vlasti za 1927–1930 gg. // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom.1931. Kn. 34. S. 385–420.
Kirzhaeva V. P., Laptun V. I., Marinichenko A. I. S. I. Gessen i N. A. Gants: istoriya tvo
Kirzhaeva V.P., Osovskii O.E..
Nicholas A. Hans and Russian storylines on the pages of English periodicals of the 1920’s – 1930’s
// Modern Education. – 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 16-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27206.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.27206
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Abstract: The object of this research is the process of reception of the Soviet school of 1920’s – early 1930’s in the English periodicals and the role of a prominent English pedagogue-comparativist, the former Russian emigrant Nicholas Hans (N. A. Gantz). Leaning on the traditions of pre-revolutionary Russian pedagogy, practice of the Russian pedagogical emigration and accomplishment of the English pedagogical thought, using the comparative-historical approach, N. Hans depicts the established in USSR system of education in the context of confrontation between the two educational traditions: democratic and autocratic. Despite the fact that the name of N. A. Gantz has been returned to the Russian pedagogy back in 1990’s, the English period of his scientific and teaching activity yet remains insufficiently studied. The authors introduce into the academic discourse a number of his unknown articles dedicated to the history of Russian school and the state Soviet education of the 1920’s – early 1930’s, which were previously published in English periodicals. The article traces N. Hans’ participation in “Pedagogical Annual” and presentation of the Russian theme on its pages.
Keywords: Nicholas Hans, Nikolai Gantz, English pedagogics, comparative education, Russian pedagogic emigration, Soviet education, Soviet school reception, "Yearbook of Education", democratic educational tradition, authocratic educational tradition
Willing M. H. Reviewed Work: The Year Book of Education: 1933 by Lord Eustace Percy // The Journal of Educational Research. 1934. Vol. 27, No. 9. P. 700.
T. C. Reviewed Work: The Year Book of Education: 1933 by Lord Eustace Percy // Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review. 1933. Vol. 22, No. 85. P. 165–166.
Bem A. L. V tupike (Shkola povyshennogo tipa v Sov. Rossii) // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1927–1928. Kn. 25. S. 5–24.
Bocharova Z. S. Sotsial'naya pomoshch' rossiyskim bezhentsam v 1920–1930-e gody // Russkoe zarubezh'e: Istoriya i sovremennost'. Vyp. 5. M.: INION RAN, 2016. S. 59–119.
Vul'fson B. L. Pedagogicheskaya komparativistika rossiyskogo zarubezh'ya (1920–1930 gg.) // Pedagogika. 2001. ¹ 2. S. 88–95.
Gants N. [Rets.:] The Year Book of Education. 1935 // Russkaya shkola. 1935. ¹ 2–3. S. 90.
Gessen S. I., Novozhilov N. F. Desyat' let sovetskoy shkoly // Russkaya shkola za rubezhom. 1927–1928. Kn. 28. S. 473–520.
Gessen S.I., Novozhilov N.F. Shkol'naya politika sovetskoy vlasti za 1927–1930 gg. // Russkaya shkola za
Sosenkov F.S..
The Unity of Russia and the Conservative Approaches to Education: Political and Legal Views of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev
// Modern Education. – 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 126-136.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.3.14695.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.3.14695
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Abstract: The subject of research is the idea of the national unity and their relationship with the direction of development of national education, expressed in the works of the representatives of the conservative social and political thought of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev. For the purpose of work is to analyze the scientific and journalistic works Uvarov and Pobedonostsev to determine the positions of the scientists on the problems of state unity and counteract the centrifugal tendencies of the state-legal development of Russia. Special attention is paid to such sources as "Some General principles that can guide the management of the Ministry of national education", "Decade of the Ministry of national education. 1833 - 1843" (S. S. Uvarov), "The Great lie of our time" (K. P. Pobedonostsev).In the course of work used historical and comparative research methods, system analysis, and context-based analysis of the text. Scientific novelty of the conducted research is the problem of the relationship between welfare state unity, anti-separatism and development of the state system of education. Studied theoretical and practical experience of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev in education suggests that the development of the national spirit of the education system is a necessary ideological resource of state unity.
Keywords: the state border, The Russian Empire, separatism, territorial integrity, state unity, the education system, S. S. Uvarov, K. P. Pobedonostsev, conservative thought, enforcement course
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Moshchenkov E.N. Natsional'nyy vopros v revolyutsionnykh razlomakh XX
Gulyaikhina E.S..
Development of American School in Early XIX Century: Implementation of Joseph Neef Democratic Ideals in Educational Process
// Modern Education. – 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 121-146.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.70.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.70
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Abstract: The article is devoted to Joseph Neef’s educational activities who sequentially implemented J.G. Pestalozzi’s ideas in the socio-cultural reality of the New World in early XIX-th century, seeking to do them basic principles of forming system of USA public education. The author examines the contribution to natural education development by the American educator and makes a comparative analysis of pedagogical conceptions of Pestalozzi and J. Neef.
Keywords: history of education, public education, USA, Joseph Neef, Pestalozzi, democratic ideals, nature-aligned education, developmental education
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Bockstahler O.L. Contributions to American literature by Hoosiers of German Ancestry // Indiana magazine of history. 1942. V. 38. No 3. PP. 231–250.
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