Bleikh N.O..
Pedagogical resource of Islam of the North Caucasian peoples in the educational practice of modern school
// Modern Education. – 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 66-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.23305.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.3.23305
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Based on the newly introduced sources, the author examines the implementation of pedagogical ideas of Muslim peoples of North Caucasus in the practice of modern school. Relevance of the topic at hand is associated with the social request and substantiated by the following aspects: insufficient readiness; need for empirical comprehension of the examined question that consists in cognition of nature of the pedagogical principles of the North Caucasian Islamic education in the modern situation of secular society; relevance of application of the rich Muslim pedagogical experience of North Caucasian people focused on the success and specificity of the national school; methodological and scientific-practical importance of the formulated problem within the current social environment. In order to answer the set tasks, the article uses the corresponding research methods, represented by psychological-pedagogical and theoretical analysis of the academic and methodical literature on the topic, general scientific and dialectic method of enquiry of the social phenomena and processes. The author concludes that the modern educational process must be realized based on accomplishments of the North Caucasus Islamic culture, presented by the moral and spiritual component, as well as in correlation with the secular educational program and training; it is essential to consider the Muslim traditional values of Caucasian peoples in educating of the youth that are adequate to the modern moral social standards.
Keywords: values, Quran, family, modern school, education, Islamic religion, Islam, North Caucasus, moral imperatives, past experience
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Spiritual and Moral Paradigm of Family Under the Conditions of Modern Russia
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Abstract: In work cause and effect dependences of change of spiritual and moral values at family level in ontologic value of a family for the person and society are analyzed. The family is considered as the most important and irreplaceable part of social life, as cultural social education without which society functioning at civilized level is almost impossible. The family role in spiritual and moral value for the person and society is analyzed. The contents, conditions, ways of functioning of a family act as an object of research in respect of spiritual and moral realization of the family relations in the conditions of modern Russian reality. Relying on conceptual approaches of classics of philosophical thought, are compared interconditionality of welfare tendencies in system "the personality – a family – society" with values of the spiritual and moral contents modern the Russian society at role and value emphasis in it families as a necessary component of social life. The problem is considered through a prism of the spirituality which is carrying out a role of an initial basis in methodological functions of studying of the person and society. As fundamental methods act comparative, dialectic, a method of a philosophical hermeneutics. Sociocultural approach in combination with concepts of moral life of the identity of domestic scientists V. S. Solovyov and N. A. Berdyaev is used. In cardinally changed conditions of the Russian reality processes of adaptation of a family to new social and economic conditions of activity of the person and society are excessively complicated. It brings to need of consideration of a family for its ontologic value for the individual and society. There is a need of introduction in a scientific turn of social philosophy of the concepts "semyesposobnost" as spiritual and moral characteristic of the personality and "semyeustoychivost" as social orientation of family collective on positive functioning in system "the personality - a family - society". As a whole in the conditions of the present in Russia the social problems which decision is in many respects caused by policy change concerning a family and family values became aggravated.
Keywords: family, Russia, spirituality, moral up-bringing, family relations, values, modern society, society, ability to create a family, ability to create a stable family
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The national idea and the present time
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DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.135.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2012.1.135
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Abstract: The article discusses the role of the value of the national idea in Russia. The first part of the article shows the genesis of the concept of “Russian idea” in Russian philosophical tradition. The concept of the Russian idea was developed and put into circulation Solovyov Vl.S. in 1887-1888. His speech on “Russian idea” in 1888 in Paris defined the “meaning the existence of Russia in world history” as a mediator in the spiritual unity of East and West. The Eurasianism movement arose in 1921 further develops the concept of the Russian idea as an expression of identity of Russia in the world as a healthy spirit energy opposed to the traditions and foundations of Western Europe. Taking the traditional among the Russian intellectuals idea of the interrelation and confrontation of “Slavophiles” and “Westerners” in Russian history, the followers of the Eurasianism tried to give their philosophical concepts ideological form. The key moment of the study is in comparison of the role of the concept of national idea in Russia and Germany. The author also provides current opinions on the concept by both Russian and foreign intellectuals.
Keywords: Special way, Eurasianism, Westerners, Slavophiles, Germany, Russia, Russian idea, National Idea, West, national consciousness
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