Glebova L.N..
Vectors of Development of Educational Activities in General Education Institutions on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
// Modern Education.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71088 EDN: IJDVIJ URL:
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This article considers a modern approach to the organization of educational activities in educational institutions, using the example of the organization of such activities in the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Volga region. A feature of the modern education system is a high level of sensitivity to changes in the educational process: the content, forms, and methods, assessing the relevance of events, responding to what is happening in the experience of actions, the evolution of teaching teams, those communities that deal with children outside school, are engaged in achieving practical educational activities. The urgency of the problem is associated with significant changes in the activities of all specialists and employees of educational institutions in Russia who participate in the educational process in one way or another. There is an urgent demand in Russian educational institutions for competent personnel in the field of education of the younger generation, which, due to the state's request, has become a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational organization. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia) confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum platforms for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education issues in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas, where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum sites for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and management specialists educational institutions responsible for issues of education in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region.
children, employees of educational institutions, children's public organizations, teaching staff, the educational process, education, educational institutions, educational activities, human resources potential, education program
Dianov S.A., Dianova Y.V..
Improving the System of Legal and Civic Education of Students in Higher Education Institutions
// Modern Education.
2023. № 4.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39912 EDN: QPUSRT URL:
The subject of the authors' research is the problem of improving the mechanisms of legal education and civic education of students in educational institutions of higher education. Attention is drawn to the presence of legal education (personal adaptation programs) scenarios for students in advanced Russian universities. At the same time, the formal nature of such programs is recognized as their abstraction from the existing realities in the university's educational environment. It is emphasized that in the professional-pedagogical community back in the early 2000s, by no means were difficult questions postulated about what performance indicators of legal and civic education in higher education should consist of. An equally important topic for discussion is the complexity of organizational and regulatory nature in determining the criteria for the effectiveness of legal education methods which are proposed for training sessions. The authors of the article formulated project proposals intended for practical application in implementing legal education and civic education strategies of students at universities, taking into account the profile of the leading professional educational programs being implemented. The author's programs on regulatory and legal support of education (professional, profile) for students of pedagogical, law enforcement, and technical (engineering) universities are described.
legal regulation, student communities, socialization, preventive measures, vocational education, university, legal education, civic education, educational environment, higher education
Chik S..
Pedagogical Conditions to Correct the Consequences of Child Abuse
// Modern Education.
2023. № 3.
P. 8-15.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.37651 EDN: RGMEVK URL:
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the correction of communication disorders in children who have been subjected to abuse in the family. The study was based on the assumption that anxiety and hostility are psychologically dominant in such children. Timely work with the child emotionally and correction of the sphere of communication can correct negative influences. The author examines in detail the implementation of pedagogical conditions: conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process, involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults, and having children participate in field events to develop positive emotions. The study's novelty is that the pedagogical conditions for correcting communication disorders have been experimentally tested. The author comes to the following conclusions: 1. Conducting special classes with children to overcome anxiety in the communication process helps them express their feelings, activate communication between a child and an adult, form various means of communication, and develop dialogic speech. 2. Involving children in leisure activities to reduce hostility toward adults allows an adult to manifest themself as an assistant and defender with whom a child can communicate without fear, jointly achieving their goals. 3. The participation of children in field events aimed at the development of positive emotions increases the social context of communication of the child and expands the circle of adults with whom the pupil would interact.
child abuse, pedagogical correction, pedagogical conditions, communication disorders, anxiety, hostility, social institution, special classes, recreational activities, field trips.
Kipreev S.N..
Problems and features of the formation of a family and household sense of patriotism in the conditions of modern society
// Modern Education.
2023. № 1.
P. 17-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2023.1.40542 EDN: WKHYKZ URL:
In this article, we have made an attempt to consider the causes of family problems in modern society that affect the process of forming a sense of patriotism. Today, attacks in the media continue on traditional family values that play an important role in the life of Russian society, the ideologists of multiculturalism seek to exclude from the value field of our citizens the desire to fulfill moral duty to the Motherland and family, transform fundamental concepts such as personal dignity, justice, etc. Russian Orthodoxy is the spiritual foundation of Russian culture, the guarantor of ensuring the national and cultural identity of our civilization, determining the behavior and thinking of the Russian people. The subject of the study is the process of forming a sense of patriotism in the family. The object of the study is the peculiarities of the family and household sense of patriotism. Special attention is paid by the author to the attitude of young people to the birth of children and the subject of spiritual and moral values. The author describes the features of the formation of the family-household type of patriotism: the concept, types, research, specifics of education. To determine the factors that interfere with the formation of a family-household type of patriotism, a sociological survey of 120 police cadets was conducted, which allowed identifying the main groups of adherents of certain views on the problem of spiritual and moral values. The main conclusion is the proof of the thesis about the need to form large families as one of the foundations of the well-being of our state. The researcher's special contribution consists in highlighting the reasons why mothers and fathers do not want to have children, deaxologizing the goals of marriage among modern youth. The novelty of the study is the actualization of the question of the need to form a sense of patriotism in the family. The description of promising areas of further research on the subject of fostering a sense of patriotism is given.
fundamentals of patriotism, Ministry of Internal Affairs, value component, scientific research, family and household type of patriotism, upbringing, a sense of patriotism, cadets, types of a sense of patriotism, patriotism
Krokhina Y.V..
Pedagogical conditions for the training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the use of physical force and firearms
// Modern Education.
2023. № 1.
P. 29-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2023.1.43612 EDN: UYIYCT URL:
In his work, the author examines in detail topical issues related to the professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the use of physical force and firearms during the performance of official duties. The analysis of research in this area has been carried out, the opinions of specialists, scientists and practitioners have been studied, who have largely come to the conclusion that, as a rule, the use of weapons and physical force to neutralize offenders and detain criminals occurs mainly in extreme situations. The solution of operational official tasks should be handled by professionally trained competent specialists who clearly and competently understand the nuances of their official activities, are able to comprehensively analyze their personal and business qualities and make effective decisions related to the performance of functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the author has studied the pedagogical aspects of the topic. The main conclusions of the research conducted by the author are the circumstances that in the system of additional professional education, in particular in the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a huge practical and theoretical experience has been accumulated, starting from which we can say with confidence that we, the police, the teaching staff and individuals those who have been trained have something to respond to new challenges and threats to society. The chosen topic allowed the author to analyze the problems, identify the most acute pain points, as a result of which, relying on empirical, theoretical, qualitative, as well as pedagogical research methods, to consider key issues related to the peculiarities of education and professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
pedagogy, professionalism, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training, lessons, education, police, preparation, training, special conditions
Kotenko V.V..
The use of VR tools in the context of gamification and the introduction of game mechanics in the educational field
// Modern Education.
2022. № 3.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.3.35587 EDN: LTRJQM URL:
AR and VR tools have become firmly established in the practice of teaching in foreign educational organizations. As one of the trends of the educational environment, gamification and the use of game mechanics are highlighted, which contribute to more effective involvement of students in the learning process. The form of the game retains its appeal, the ability to satisfy the needs for self-realization, competition and success. The purpose of the study is to determine the subject areas of application of AR and VR tools in modern Russian higher education based on world experience and practice. The analysis of international experience in the use of gamification and virtual and augmented reality programs, as well as an assessment of the problems of implementing these tools in Russian education is carried out. Conclusions. World experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques. The main conclusion: Modern technologies in education are currently not limited only to the availability of equipment (computers, projectors, etc.) and the Internet. Today's world experience shows that virtual and augmented reality technologies show significant effectiveness in the gamification of education. The introduction of technologies contributes to more effective student-teacher and student-student interaction, increasing students' motivation and mastering additional material. However, the main obstacles to adapting this experience are the low level of innovation activity and the willingness of teachers to use innovative approaches and techniques.
virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification, game mechanics, higher education, foreign language, language learning, modern technology, introduction of gamification, introduction of modern technologies
Özerbaş M., Almazbekova A..
Determining teachers' perception of organizational silence
// Modern Education.
2022. № 1.
P. 22-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2022.1.37858 URL:
The overall goal of this study is to examine organizational silence in terms of various variables according to the opinion of teachers. 111 teachers working in the 2020-2021 academic year participated in this study. Clustering and simple random sampling methods were used in sampling. To collect data, the study used the "Scale of Organizational Silence for Teachers" developed by Kahvechi and Demirtas (2013). The validity analysis was used to verify the validity of the scale. The age, gender, marital status of teachers, work experience at the school where they work, and their overall work experience were assessed using descriptive statistics. The collected data were processed, analyzed and interpreted in the SPSS program in such a way as to offer theoretical or practical solutions to the research problem and suggestions were made. The average value and standard deviation of the responses to the statements were determined by compiling descriptive statistics. Teachers' perception of the "Scale of Organizational Silence" as a whole turned out to be moderate. This indicates that teachers are reluctant to express their opinions on organizational issues, and their participation in decision-making is not provided by officials, and therefore they sometimes prefer to remain silent. When the statements for which teachers gave the highest score are considered, it is clear that teachers and administrators working at the school contribute, teachers easily adapt to changes, and the values of society and the values of the school are similar. When considering the average with the lowest scores of teachers, it is clear that mistakes are not perceived with understanding, control at school is strict, teachers' successes are not encouraged, and the school administration is not interested in the public life of teachers.
communication, educational organizations, school management, expression of opinion, pedagogy, organization of work, headmaster of the school, organizational silence, school, teacher
Vasil'ev M.A..
Educational activity of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: historical-pedagogical aspect
// Modern Education.
2021. № 4.
P. 22-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2021.4.36137 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of establishment and development of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR from 1989 to 1991 and its subsequent professional pedagogical transformation. Detailed analysis is conducted on the historical-pedagogical peculiarities of the recruitment of academic staff of the branch at the initial stage. The author examines the question of professional characteristics in implementation of educational, line training, service and combat activity of nonpermanent and permanent staff of the school. Research methodology leans on the specific historical approach (M. V. Astakhov, I. D. Kovalchenko, V. F. Kolomiytsev, A. P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; and method of historical analogies. In the course of research, the author determines and analyzes the factors that affected the establishment and development of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR during the transformation of the political system in Russia. The peculiarities of implementation of pedagogical activity at the initial stage of educational institution are analyzed. The article provides the examples of interaction between the cadets and staff members of the branch with practical divisions. This topic draws the attention of wide audience due to the fact that in the XX century, the establishment and development of departmental education of system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of Baikal region has become a seminal event for the educational system of the entire Siberian region.
training of personnel, study group, educational work, skill formation, training of specialists, educational process, Ministry OF Internal Affairs OF THE USSR, educational institution, fighting crime, special education
Vasil'ev M.A..
The peculiarities of cadets training in Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: historical-pedagogical aspect
// Modern Education.
2021. № 1.
P. 27-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2021.1.34849 URL:
The subject of this article is the peculiarities of process of cadets training in the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR during the period of 1973–1976. The research covers the instructional-pedagogical transformation of cadets since their enrollment until graduation. The author indicates the organizational-methodological characteristics of the stage of enrollment into Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. The article reviews the subjects taught in each course of study, as well as determines the best training groups in the school. Analysis is conducted on quantitative changes in the composition of cadets by training courses. The article examines the question of professional peculiarities of training, line, service and fighting activities of alternating staff of the school. The scientific novelty consists in analysis of the factors that impacted the transformation of quantitative and qualitative composition of training course under review (1973–197). The article is first to examine archival data of the activity the specific historical-pedagogical object of research, such as the cadets training course of 1973–1976. The specificities of carrying out pedagogical activity as a crucial factor in training of firefighters are analyzed. The research is interesting to a broad audience due to the fact that examination of instructional and training activity of Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is an important element in studying the establishment and development of departmental system of education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of Baikal Region in the XX century.
technician qualification, scientific potential, level of training, graduation of specialists, the educational process, professional activity, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE USSR, fire school, professional education, training of personnel
Savchenko E.V..
The elements of information competence of a future engineer formed in the process of studying fundamental disciplines
// Modern Education.
2020. № 4.
P. 37-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.4.31606 URL:
Within the framework of studying fundamental disciplines, an educator, from the perspective of competence approach, provides not only theoretical training, but also cultivates the corresponding personality traits. Professional competences can be reasonably divided into the basic – common to all engineering specialties, acquired at the initial stages of educational process; and specific – formed in the course of special disciplines. The goal of this research is to determine, on the basis of analysis of the concept of information competence, its elements developed in the process of studying natural scientific disciplines. The task is set to outline the criteria and indicators of the level of formedness of information competence of future engineers in the process of studying fundamental disciplines. The scientific novelty of this work consists in determination of the elements of information competence of a future engineer developed in the process of studying fundamental disciplines, as well as description of the criteria and indicators of the level of formedness of information competence, characteristics of the low, average, sufficient, and fairly high levels of formedness of such competence in the process of studying natural scientific disciplines.
fundamental disciplines, core competencies, information competence, competence, professional competence, professional education, engineering education, professional abilities, competency criteria, competency levels
Savchenko E.V..
Usage of basic problem-solving techniques in the discipline of general physics in higher school
// Modern Education.
2020. № 3.
P. 34-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.3.31599 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of teaching students to solve problems in the discipline of general physics on their own, as well as develop skills of future engineers to break up the solution of the problem into stages. The article is aimed ad generalization, elaboration and implementation of the basic problem-solving techniques higher school based on the preliminary compiled classification of problems in accordance with certain characteristics. The author develops educational and methodological support for the discipline of general physics as the means of training students to solve problems on their own. The following methods were applied in the course of this work: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature; analysis of curricula, textbooks, problem books, guidebooks on natural science disciplines, modeling of class activity of the students; empirical methods of observation, conversation, survey. As a result, the author incorporates the existing problem-solving techniques into the system, based on which students are capable to go through all stages of solving the problem on their own, better understand the study material, and acquire essential skills for articulation of the problem. The examples are provided on step-by-step solution of different types of problems on the topic “Calculation of an electrical network”.
common methods, problem solving methods, task classification, problem solving steps, physical task analysis, physical task, general physics course, higher school, electricity, electrical circuit
Danilova O.A., Antonov E.A., Tereshkin I.L..
Modern Russian practice of teaching calligraphy to elementary school students: approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support
// Modern Education.
2020. № 3.
P. 49-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.3.32655 URL:
The subject of this research is the existing practice of teaching calligraphic writing to elementary school students, as well as approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support used in this process. Special attention is given to the compliance of the applied methods to the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standards of primary education, problem areas in the process of teaching calligraphic writing to children, development and implementation of the advanced teaching techniques, as well as training of teachers on the matter. The object of this research the opinions and data received from the teachers, representatives of science and system of vocational training for teachers. Methodology includes sociological survey and methods of mathematical and statistical processing of sociological data. The respondents became 26,312 teachers of public elementary schools, as well as 88 representatives of scientific organizations and educational organizations of vocational training for teachers, The novelty lies in the formation of substantiated objective data on the existing practice and methodological support of the process of teaching calligraphy to children, as well as in determination of problem areas in this sphere. The obtained results underline the importance of development of modern methods and teaching techniques, including multimedia and interactive technologies, as well as advanced training programs for elementary school teachers, and education of parents and children on the value of calligraphic writing for increasing motivation and interest to successful mastering of this skill.
educational and methodological support, teaching, calligraphy, Federal Educational Standard, respondents, analysis, sociological survey, methods, approaches, younger school children
Vasil'ev M.A..
The establishment of Irkutsk Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of USSR: historical-pedagogical retrospective
// Modern Education.
2020. № 1.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.1.32115 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of establishment of Irkutsk Fire-Technical School during the 1960’s – 1970’s and its professional-pedagogical transformation in the later period of 1990’s. The article covers in the details the question of historical-pedagogical peculiarities in recruitment of the faculty staff of the school with academic personnel at the initial stage. The author explores the question of professional skills of the temporary and permanent academic staff in realization of training, marching drill and combat activities. In the course of this research the author determines and analyzes the factors that influenced the establishment and development Irkutsk Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of USSR during the 1960’s – 1970’; as well as peculiarities of pedagogical activity in the formative stage of the educational institution. The article examines the relationship of the cadets and staff members of the school with the service branches. The presented research is relevant for broad audience, since the establishment and development of departmental institution of system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of USSR in the territory of Baikalia during the 1960’s became a milestone event for education system of the entire Siberian Region.
scientific potential, level of training, continuity of traditions, educational process, professional activity, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF THE USSR, fire school, educational activity, professional education, personnel training
Yakovleva A.N..
Socialization of students in the conditions of academic mobility
// Modern Education.
2019. № 2.
P. 8-16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.2.27800 URL:
The subject of this research is examination of the process of socialization of students pursuing education in foreign universities under the program of student academic mobility. The goal of this work lies determination of the important factors of students’ socialization in foreign country. Preparation of university students in the modern conditions must ensure the intensive mastering of competencies, which would contribute to achieving success by the graduates, promotion of professional integration of the specialists from various countries. A university student must possess a high level of mobility, which allows participating in the academic exchange programs. Leaning on the methodological foundation of the systemic pedagogical studies, the author selected the questionnaire-based survey and interview as the main research methods. Student’s personality is viewed through the prism of its relations manifesting in various types of activities: studying in a foreign university, communication with the educators and students, in the dormitory. The article presents the survey results among the students who studied for one semester in a foreign university, which helped to identify the difficulties faced by some students. The author suggest teaching foreign languages in the context of socialization and develop personal agency of the students.
method, academic mobility, professional integration, competence, foreign university, student, foreign language education, socialization, linguopedagogical system, socio-cultural competence
Faritov A.T..
Certain aspects of classification and implementation of quest games in school
// Modern Education.
2019. № 1.
P. 25-32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.1.24477 URL:
The subject of this research is the theoretical-methodological specificity and peculiarities of practical implementation of quest games technology in the school educational process. The author discusses separate aspects of classification and implementation of quest games in school; determines significant differences of educational quest from other game technologies; as well as gives definition to the concept of “educational quest game”. The article also considers various approaches and bases of the classification of quests, and demonstrates a number of original versions of classification. The proposed milestone plan of the development of educational quest is illustrated by a specific example of designing a quest game “Interstellar Journey” (educational fields of “mathematics and informatics”, “physics”, and “economics”). The tasks faced by a modern comprehensive school stirred interest of pedagogical community towards interactive and active teaching methods. Game educational technologies, developed on the basis of activity, competence, and contextual approaches allow to not only increase students’ motivation and cognitive interest to a specific discipline, but also ensure the achievement of interdisciplinary results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Educational Standard. Quest games may be efficiently applied in educational process of a comprehensive school; however, it demands significant efforts of a pedagogue on their development and delivery.
Quest, Educational quest, Quest game, Active teaching methods, Game technologies, Classification of quest games, Development stages of quest game, Teaching method, Research activity, Games in class
Getman N.A., Kotenko E.N., Lalov Y.V..
Organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents within the electronic information educational environment of a university
// Modern Education.
2018. № 4.
P. 45-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27714 URL:
The subject of this research is the customized system of organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of neurology medical residents via electronic information educational learning. The goal of this work is to determine the problems and search for the methods of their solution in terms of organization of educational process of neurology medical residents within the electronic information educational environment of a university (through education portal). Practical importance of this study lies in substantiation of the elements of systematized organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents, their description and implementation in educational practice of training highly qualified specialists. The scientific novelty consists in development and description of the support system of neurology medical residents in mastering the program of training highly qualified specialist in terms of the information educational environment of a medical university on the “Pedagogy” discipline, as well as identification of problems and finding methods for their solution. The system of organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents within the information educational environment of a university contains the following elements: stages of support, system structuring principles, methods and ways of organization of educational process in medical residency. The authors prove that the organization of support of medical residence with the involvement of tutors and implementation of electronic information educational environment of a university allows intensifying the efforts of medical residents and motivating them towards studying the basic discipline of “Pedagogy”.
informational and educational environment, tutor, system, psychological and pedagogical support, organizational and methodological support, educational portal, motivation to learn, educational process, ordinator, medical education
Chepurin A.V..
Educational quest – one of the modern forms of professional orientation work
// Modern Education.
2018. № 3.
P. 28-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.3.26672 URL:
This article considers the problem of disagreement in public interests, government order and personal orientations of students in choosing future profession, as well as demonstrates the need for conducting professional orientation work in schools in the new format with participation of employers and organizations of professional education. The subject of this research is the educational quest as a modern form of professional orientation work, which allows uniting efforts of the actors of professional orientation activities and achieve the set of expected results (personal, metadisciplinary, disciplinary) in professional self-determination over a fairly short period of time. The article analyzes the requirements of the relevant normative legal acts, scientific publication on the topic at hand, substantiated the technology of carrying out the educational quest “I’m going to be a laborer…” allows achieving the expected results in professional self-determination of the students in a short period of time: familiarize with the specialties in demand in their place of residence and enrollment requirements; formulate a personal evaluative judgment; continue to getting familiar with the studied profession or change your professional preference; using the suggested algorithm, explore the selected training program or degree. Besides the main disciplinary results, which are effectively achieved in the course of performing the tasks, the participants acknowledge the achievement of metadisciplinary results as well, such as the skill of teamwork, accumulation and processing of information, which are also important, or even instrumental, in further professional and personal self-determination.
quest, education, educational technologies, collaboration, web-quest, educational quest, professional orientation, educational standard, self-determination, general education
Sazyka G.S..
Practice and questions of conceptualization of the sociocultural activity
// Modern Education.
2018. № 2.
P. 19-32.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.2.26592 URL:
The object of this research is a current discourse between the theory of sociocultural activity and pedagogical practice. The subject of this research is the sociocultural activity as a field of pedagogical practice of the separate educational facilities in Russia. The goal is to determine the substantial aspects of the content of sociocultural activity as the fields of modern national pedagogy with emphasis on the currently developing practice of nurturing the sociocultural traits of students’ personality through organization and execution of cultural events, as well as the theory of sociocultural activity. The key method of research is the logical-semantic explication of the categories of pedagogical practice into the sphere of theoretical discourse. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the concept of sociocultural activity is broader than the used up to now terms within the practice of nurturing the sociocultural traits of personality (cultural education of the masses, cultural-educational work, and others). It includes the description not only of pedagogical practice based on the theoretical-methodological grounds, but also the phenomenon of social life capable of developing outside the explicated pedagogical concept within the framework of the common factors of sociocultural dynamics and self-organization of the society. The concept of sociocultural activity underlines the yet untapped potential of pedagogical science in the aspect of forming the trends of sociocultural development.
personality, University, practice education, socio-cultural activities, pedagogy, culture, society, education, cultural work, inculturation
Islomova K.E..
Software for information resource center under the academic lyceums and professional colleges
// Modern Education.
2018. № 1.
P. 35-40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.1.21022 URL:
This article examines the issues of creation and application of electronic resources of the open academic libraries. Special attention is given to the questions of advanced training of the employees of the information library facilities. The author observes the problems of creation of central electronic catalogue of the information library facilities and ways of their solution. The article underlines certain mistakes made in formation of the database of electronic catalogue. At the present stage of social development is noticed the tendency of establishment of the information library corporations and consortiums, reflected in formation of a unified library information structure, in terms of which at the modern organizational, technical and technological levels cooperate the libraries of facilities of the diverse departmental affiliation. Active work aimed at automation of the library-bibliographic processes in the regional academic libraries alongside the expansion of the content of the library funds actualizes the formation of the unified corporate catalogue. The goal of this work lies in the methodological, organizational and educational substantiation of the problems of establishment of the model of systemic corporate catalogization of the libraries under academic lyceums and colleges. The implementation of the proposed conceptual model of the corporate electronic catalogue will result in decrease the labor coefficient of the informative and technical processing of documentation in the libraries, as well as increase in the quality of electronic catalogue and bibliographic service.
Bibliographic description, Electronic resource, KARMAT-U system, Corporate network, MARC-formats, Database, bibliographic records, Central electronic catalogue, Information Resource Center, Electronic library
Dolgopolova A.F., Shmal'ko S.P..
Peculiarities of teaching of the professionally oriented mathematical course for the students of economic disciplines
// Modern Education.
2017. № 4.
P. 39-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.4.24487 URL:
The authors substantiate the impact of mathematical thinking upon the formation and development of modern economic thinking. Successful solution of this task requires the introduction of new approaches towards presentation of mathematical knowledge to the university students. Therefore, it must begin from the development of learning programs and methodological guidance to them, structuring of didactic support of mathematical course for teaching the students of economic directions. At the same time, an important direction in realization of quality training of a modern economist, are the criteria of the applied focus in selecting the learning didactical material for the professionally oriented mathematical tasks. Methodology of this work contains the psychological-pedagogical and theoretical analysis of the scientific and methodical literature, as well as periodical associated with the questions of structuring the professionally oriented course of the discipline. Special place hold the methods of modelling and forming experiment in creation of methodical concepts of formulating the mathematical tasks, applicable to the implied economic activity. The authors provide an example of the developed test exercise “Function and its economic applications” based on the tasks from economic theory. The tactics of describing the actual economic situation, its modeling using the mathematical methods, graphic presentation and formulation of conclusions conduce the establishment and development of the key professional competencies of a future economist.
professional competence, block diagram, economic function, professionally oriented information, didactic materials, teaching mathematics, applied orientation, economic thinking, mathematical thinking, professional activity
Dmitrieva S.V..
Competence approach to preparation of the bachelor students on discipline 20.03.01 “Technosphere Safety” for expert, supervisory, and inspection/audit activities
// Modern Education.
2017. № 2.
P. 29-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23126 URL:
Competence approach, which manifests as the foundation of academic standard of higher education, is acknowledged as the efficient means for education reforms in Russia. The combination of university requirements to the level of formation of competencies after mastering the bachelor’s program, must reflect in the passport and program of competence formation. The development of competence passport allows realizing the valid selection of necessary educational content, as well as prepare the new programs, disciplines, practices, and scientific research works. As an example, the authors development the professional competence passport for academic discipline “Technosphere Safety”, forecasting of the evolution of danger. Description of the competence structure allows the following: concretizing the goals of educational process, revealing the efficient ways and methods for achieving such goals, identifying the objective criteria of assessment of the quality of bachelors’ professional training, ensuring transparency of the education system for the consumers of education and potential employers. Summarizing the results of this research, the author notes that competence approach aligns the professional education towards preparation of a competitive specialist ready for professional career, acknowledging its importance and personal responsibility for the result of their activity, as well as having skills in related areas.
professional activities, expert oversight, technosphere safety, standard, competence passport, professional competence, higher education, competence approach, competence, bachelor
Chentsova O..
The influence of cultural and educational space of the museum on the development of professional skills of students (on the example of students of the faculty "Entrepreneurship in culture")
// Modern Education.
2017. № 2.
P. 9-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23173 URL:
This article presents the results of a pedagogical study of the influence of teaching on the basis of the cultural and educational space of the museum on the formation of cultural and professional qualities of university students. The theoretical basis is the study of S.L. Troyanskaya. The study was conducted on the basis of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The Goldenweiser Memorial Apartment for bachelors of Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture of the International University in Moscow. The main findings of the study are: the inclusion of the cultural and educational space of the museum in the educational process of the university is an effective solution for the development of the cultural and professional qualities of students, necessary for readiness for further professional activities and cultural life in society, and for intensifying the learning process.
museum pedagogy, integration processes of education, high school pedagogy, education in the museum, cultural and educational space of the museum, educational process of the university, active forms of education, educational opportunities of the museum, museum, development of professional skills
Grishina Y.V..
The quality of pre-university education: conceptual characteristic of the notion
// Modern Education.
2017. № 1.
P. 47-57.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2017.1.19049 URL:
The goal-formation element of the education system is its quality. Russia’s transition to the multi-level education system alongside the continuity principle as the leading idea of organization of the educational process requires the structural and functional reforms on all levels of education. Changes in the requirements towards the results of the secondary and high education are justified by the competence approach and implementation of the state federal standards of education, which makes relevant the task of consideration of the sphere of pre-university education as the component of continuous education that most comprehensively and adequately ensures their systemic interconnection and succession. At the same time, the overview of pedagogical sources demonstrates the fragmentary nature of reference to the problem of ensuring the quality of pre-university education as the subject of this research. The article based on the analysis of diversified texts and determination of the substantial and distinct signs, suggest the results of definition of the notion of the “quality of pre-university education”, as well as identifies its place within the existing system of pedagogical notions. The quality of pre-university education is viewed as the correspondence of the reflected in its process and result essential properties of pre-university educational space to the multifaceted goals and requirements of the parties of relationship in the sphere of pre-university education. The provided definition will allow efficiently planning the processes of evaluation and management of the quality of pre-university education as the system, process, and result, contributing to increase of the level of quality as the institutional pre-university alongside the personal-oriented education of the students.
Circumstance, Result, Process, Quality, Pre-university education, Educational space, Notion, Category, Continuous education, Pedagogy
Levin V.I..
Bibliometric indexes and expert evaluations: how to assess the results of scientific activity
// Modern Education.
2016. № 4.
P. 11-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.4.20046 URL:
This article examines the currently relevant question: what is the appropriate way for objective assessment of the work of the scholars and academic institutions in the modern conditions, using the information technologies. The traditional assessment of the quality of results of the scientific research is based on the expert evaluations of the members of academic community. The new methods of assessment are based on calculation of the quantitative indexes, as well as associated with the quantitative system of financing of the scholars and academic facilities. Currently, many countries have disputes between the officials, who are the supporters of bibilometrics, and the scholars – its opponents. The work analyzes and compares the quantitative (Bibliometric) and qualitative (expert) methods of assessment of the quality of a scientific work. The article is first to attempt finding the foundations of the possible position of academic community regarding the questions of evaluation of the results of a scientific work, affordable for the state and other sponsoring organizations. The conclusion is made that quantitative indexes must be applied only as the intermediate, which complement the main expert evaluations of the quality of results of the scientific research.
quantitative indexes, financing, organization of science, impact factor, Hirsch index, index of citation, publication, bibliometrics, database, expert evaluations
Altunin K.V..
Development and testing of the ways of learning new English words
// Modern Education.
2016. № 3.
P. 22-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.19218 URL:
Currently we can notice the growing interest towards the study of foreign languages, and particularly English, which became the recognized means of international communication. The number of people studying English comprises 500 million people all over the world. And this number is constantly increasing. Thus, the demand for English language, including Russia, is expanding. Moreover, each individual learning foreign language must continuously enrich his vocabulary. Therefore the ways of learning new English words arouse intense interest. The object of this research is the English language training of the college students, while the subject is the ways of learning of the English words. The goal of the work is to develop and empirically test the new ways of learning English words. The author carefully examines the developed ways of learning English words, as well as gives special attention to the writing aspect. The method of this research represents a pedagogical experiment. All of the developed ways of learning English words comprise a part of the subjective-cognitive methodic of English language teaching technique. The news methods are also being developed. The approbation of the ways of learning words was conducted in different periods, including the years 2009, 2015, and 2016. The experiments included writing dictations for testing the unfamiliar words for the students. The new coefficients which show the efficiency of one or another ways of learning, as well as memory capabilities of students, were being developed. The results of the research demonstrate that the traditional way of learning directly from the dictionary yields to the developed methods associated with the writing sector.
students, learning, approbation, unfamiliar words, elaboration, experiment, English, way, university, dictation
Gatiatullina E.R..
Is the Root of Learning Always Bitter? On the Question of Teacher’s Personality in Pedagogical Process
// Modern Education.
2015. № 2.
P. 20-44.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.2.14384 URL:
Is a pedagogue always a pedagogue? This question is not so easy as it may look at first sight. What personal and professional qualities allow us to call a person a pedagogue? Why is the aphorism that “root of learning is bitter” usually treated as truthful. Can it be questioned or the opposite proved? How to make the learning process is not difficult and tiring, but easy and joyful? The article is dedicated to pedagogue’s role in educational process. One of the reasons for students’ low motivation, their disinterestedness, unruliness, bad record and infirm knowledge and skills etc is rather low level of teacher’s pedagogical culture. It keeps him from structuring and giving the material in the right way, from making it clear and explicit, vivid and interesting, important and useful for the pupils. The article deals with the principal components of pedagogical culture, ways and means of increasing efficiency of pedagogical process on the basis of pedagogue’s personal self-perfection. As the questions raised in it are topical, it may be interesting and useful for university and college teachers both in theoretical and practical aspects.
popularization of learning material, pedagogical process, pedagogical culture, pedagogue’s personality, learning material, students’ motivation, teaching aids, learning interest, knowledge assimilation, advanced trust principle
Flerov O.V..
Peculiarities of Teaching the Second Language at a Non-Linguistic University
// Modern Education.
2015. № 1.
P. 1-25.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2015.1.14101 URL:
This article is dedicated to teaching the second foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The object of the study is the educational process at a non-linguistic university. The subject under study is teaching the second foreign language as a part of linguistic training of non-linguist students. The author considers in much detail the role of teaching the second foreign language to students nowadays and the most topical methodological and organizational aspects of this process. Particular attention is paid to choosing the second foreign language for studies and to the teacher's professional activity. The main research methods used by the researcher is the analysis of existing teaching practice based on the researcher's observations and his personal experience in teaching the second foreign language at a university. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views teaching the second foreign language as an independent discipline but not a form of teaching foreign languages in general. The main contribution made by the researcher is the defintion of methodological and organizational peculiarities of the given process as well as particular features of teacher's activity at a non-linguistic university. The main conclusions made by the researcher are the following: 1. Teaching the second foreign language should be an independent issue and be particularly studied by university didactics. 2. Teaching the second foreign language at a university has particular methodological and organizational peculiarities that may considerably differ from the process of teaching the first foreign language.
labor market, motivation, implicit approach, status, teaching, the second foreign language, language education, university, choice, students of a non-linguistic institute
Gulyaikhina E.S..
Modernization of School Education as an Essential Condition for Social Progress: Teaching Innovations Offered by Johann Pestalozzi and Joseph Neef
// Modern Education.
2014. № 2.
P. 1-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2014.2.11399 URL:
The article is devoted to special features of the American national education at the beginning of the XIXth century that created the unique socio-cultural environment for further development of education as one of the triggers of successful social development and led to the modification of Johann Pestalozzi's system of education by his student Joseph Neef. The most important part of Joseph Neef's teaching heritage is his methodological development of training and education issues. Republicanism principles were one of the most important dominants in his theory and practice of teaching as well. In her research the author of the article has used the systems approach and the method of scientific analysis which allowed to describe Joseph Neef's theory of teaching as the realization of Johann Pestalozzi's ideas as well as the republicanism and democracy principles. The author of the article concludes that conceptual provisions of the theory of nature-aligned education allowed Joseph Neef to adapt the theory to the Amerian socio-cultural environment. As a result, Johann Pestalozzi's heritage was enriched with the innovative version of Pestalozzianism which, in its turn, created favorable conditions for the development of American economy.
Neef, Pestalozzi, education reform, modernization, school, socialization, 'school republic' , USA, nature-aligned education, pestalozzianism
Shchuplenkov O.V., Shchuplenkov N.O..
The Problem of Changing Value of Education in Young Generation
// Modern Education.
2013. № 1.
P. 44-105.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4188.2013.1.656 URL:
The present article describes peculiarities of educational identity of youth in terms of socio-culturla transformation of the modern Russian society. Younger generation of Russians is now living under the conditions of formation of information society where education, knowledge and information are becoming the main resources and keys to life success. The majority of young people intend to receive good education. At the same time, they vary in their actual involvement in educational processes. Today many young people view education as an instrument but not all of them realize it is the resource that can raise their wealth and level and quality of life. Under such conditions it is becoming very important to provide new approaches to studying problems of education, in particular, to focus on formation of educational and professional identities and directions in different social groups. It would be also necessary to takeinto account existing models of increasing the levels of education and youth employment and to define their life strategies from the point of view of accumulation of human knowledge and assets.
youth, choice of education, professional identity, professional choice, socio-cultural transformation, legal culture