Voronicheva O.V..
University as a carrier of historical-cultural values of the local text (on the example of Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy and Bryansk text)
// Modern Education. – 2019. – ¹ 3.
– P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.3.28342.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2019.3.28342
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Abstract: This article examines the cultural space of a particular university as a semiotic system characterizes by the thematic diversity, uniqueness and simultaneously typological similarity with cultural space of the city. The author analyzes the role of a university in conceptual saturation of the local text and formation of the urban environment, which under the influence of scientific and educational activity of the teachers and students undergoes improvements and enrichment with new content, becoming suitable for a worthy life. The article determines the conceptual dominants of university environment, which are viewed as the elements of local text; characterizes the means of influence of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy upon the thematic diversity of urban environment. The key research method is the semiotic interpretation of cultural landscape of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy in the context of landscape of the city of Bryansk. The author comes to the following conclusions: cultural space of the Bryansk State Engineering and Technology Academy reflects typological features of the Bryansk text; university is a major source thanks to which the mythologem of the forest materializes in the Bryansk cultural landscape; both, Bryansk text and university space gradually depict the topic of the Great Patriotic War, which is viewed in the broad context of military glory of the locals. The effective means for creating the educating environment become the elements with a symbolic nature of cultural landscape of the university: historical building of the second campus, forestry, pocket park in front of the main campus with the monument and commemorative plaque dedicated to defenders of the Motherland – university graduates. From the perspective of semantic diversity, the most interesting site is the Botanical Garden.
Keywords: history, war, science, forest, cultural landscape, Bryansk text, University, genius of the place, Botanical garden, city
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Ilakavichus M.R..
Harmonization of intercultural relations of the CIS through enlightenment dialogue
// Modern Education. – 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 18-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23247.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23247
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Abstract: The subject of the study is enlightenment as a factor in the formation of innovative strategies and mechanisms for the development of interstate educational space (by the example of the CIS). The object of research was the methodological foundations of innovative strategies and mechanisms for the development of the Commonwealth educational space. The problem of the development of the general educational space is considered in the perspective of the development of its subjects (single and group) through enlightenment. Enlightenment activities in the face of increasing risks of destroying the scientific picture of the world, extremism practices at the level of the individual and social ties, the use of acute ethnic problems by destructive forces are perceived today as an innovation resource of the socio-cultural sphere. The return to enlightenment activities must be based on an understanding of the specifics of the modern diversity that is being implemented in the CIS countries. It must be adequate to the practice of sociality that takes place in different states. The analysis of special literature, modern social and political discourse, effective enlightenment practices, as well as questionnaires and interviewing of members of the enlightenment communities has revealed the conditions for organizing an enlightenment dialogue among the cultures of the Commonwealth. Such are the obligatory event inclusion in the semantic field of a different culture prior to the beginning of interaction, the use of the model of non-formal education, taking into account the specifics of the regional socio-cultural situation. This allows to increase the effectiveness of international projects by eliminating risks in the field of intercultural communication.
Keywords: Subjects of adult education, Community of enlightenment, Enlightenment, intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, adult education, enlightenment activities, Educational space of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Event approach, mixed age community
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The modernization of educational standards in the sphere of culture and art: current dynamics, problems and prospects
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– P. 11-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.19407.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8736.2016.3.19407
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Abstract: The subject this work is the educational standards in the sphere of culture and art. The object is the stages of modernization of educational standards, which were implemented over the last 15 years, the problems and prospects of development. The author carefully examines the structure of the three educational standards, as well as performs a comparative analysis of the content and competencies. The article studies the state educational standard of higher professional education in specialty "Folk Arts" (2003) and federal state educational standards of higher professional education with regards to training of bachelors in discipline “Folk Artistic Culture”, which became active in 2009 and 2015. The main method of this research consists in analysis of the existing over the recent years state educational standards based on theoretical understanding of their content and implementation in pedagogical practice of Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the insightful comparative analysis of the content and competencies of the different generation standards in the area of culture and art has never been accomplished. The relevance of understanding of the current dynamics is justified by the established situation in the system of higher education due to the preparation towards approval of the new generation standards.
Keywords: competencies, educational program, media education, folk art culture, credit units, educational standards, education, didactic units, screen art, content
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Abstract: All pedagogical paradigms conceptually comprehend certain basic models of education, they describe and interpret such models from an educational point of view in terms of pedagogy being a special branch of science.
Such conceptual characteristics allow one to present different variations of basic educational models combinations in different relations, to specify the extreme poles of negative and positive aspects of the educational process, to outline the prospects of its optimization in the modern conditions.
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