Vecherina O., Putalova I.B..
The problems of professional training of mediators in Russia
// Modern Education.
2021. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2021.1.34746 URL:
The object of this research is the professional training of Russian mediators within the framework of Master's Degree and vocational education. The subject of this research is the organizational and methodological problems of training and professional becoming of mediators, substantiated by the specificity of current legislation in this field, as well as the established practice of professional training. Application of general scientific methods allows examining the requirements of current Russian legislation in the sphere of professional training of mediators, comparing with the fundamental changes proposed in the draft law of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, and relevant practice. The author outlines the key vectors of professional training of future mediators offered by the Russian universities in the Master's Degree program. Based on the critical analysis of research and empirical methods (expert evaluation, survey), the authors determine the key personal and professional characteristics of the mediator, essential for successful their successful activity. The novelty of this work lies in drawing parallels between the requirements to professional training of mediators in the current legislation and according to the new draft law; as well as in the analysis of peculiarities and difficulties of professional training of mediators within the framework of the Master's Degree program “Mediation in Social Sphere” and competences that are considered of prime importance. The authors underline the need for raising requirements to the process of professional training of mediators, and their legislative consolidation. The top results can be achieved by acquiring basic legal or psychological education, as well as completion of the basic course of mediation prior to the advanced training.
professional training, Master Program, training of mediators, education, profession, professional standard, mediator, mediation, mediator qualifications, retraining
Tropina Z..
Specificity of functionality of student loan system in the United States
// Modern Education.
2020. № 4.
P. 20-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.4.32582 URL:
The subject of this research is the current system of student loans in the United States. The author analyzes major federal programs for students, types of loans, loan service plans, conditions for receiving scholarship for education. Special attention is given to the specificity of formation of student loan funds of higher educational institutions, and effective system of supervision and control over the parties to the program by the Department of Education that represents government interests. The research employs the dialectical method of cognition, as well as general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, etc. The following conclusions were made: the established in the United States system of student loans is sufficiently effective; despite ample opportunities for receiving quality higher education for those born into wealthy families, the United States student loan system affords an opportunity for receiving higher education to the representatives of all social groups.
security, solvency, unsubsidized credit, subsidized credit, federal educational credit, educational credit, credit, accessibility of higher education, state programs, credit fund
Gelman V., Yuldashev Z.M..
The peculiarities of remote defense of graduate thesis at the university
// Modern Education.
2020. № 4.
P. 28-36.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.4.33302 URL:
The subject of this research is the examination of peculiarities organization of the work of the state exam board with regards to remote defense of graduate thesis at the university, and possible ways to overcome the emerging difficulties. The article utilizes and analyzes the data of scientific publications and generalized practical experience of the authors participating in the state exam board and its organization. The analysis involved 48 Master’s Degree graduates and 61 Bachelor’s Degree graduates of the Department of Biotechnical Systems of Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University. The cloud-based platform was used for holding remote online video conferences and Zoom meetings in the extended version. The novelty of this study lies in comprehensive examination of such aspects as preparation of the state exam board, information materials, general procedure for remote thesis defense, peculiarities of issuing grades, need for demarcation of responsibilities between the members of boar, changes in in the work of the members of state exam board, its chairman and secretary. Special attention is given to the methods for preventing violations in technical support of remote thesis defense and measures for ensuring their security. The conclusion is made that the proper organization can help to successfully overcome the difficulties emerge thereof.
bachelor, qualification, university, state examination committee, defense, graduation work, distance learning, master, video conference, zoom
Bobrova G.V., Kuptsova V.G..
Analysis of the influence of competitive activity on the formation of motives for sports among cadet school students
// Modern Education.
2020. № 4.
P. 13-19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.4.34634 URL:
Since 2011, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been holding a Sports contest among the teams of Suvorov, presidential cadet, Nakhimov schools, cadet and Cossack corps. The purpose of these competitions is to introduce students of schools to regular sports, increase the level of physical fitness of students, the formation of military-applied skills. Accordingly, such events should be part of continuous military vocational education, performing tasks for the physical training of students in military schools of pre-university education. Empirical research methods allowed the authors to study the protocols of swimming competitions held within the framework of the Spartakiad of general educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to analyze the dynamics of attendance by pupils of the Orenburg Presidential Cadet School of the sports section "swimming", to identify the motives for visiting the section by cadets and the reasons for their termination of regular training. В The article reflects the motivational aspects of sports activities of pupils of different ages and the degree of influence of competitive activity on the attendance of sports sections. Based on the data obtained, it was revealed that the sports skills of the participants of the Spartakiad of pre-university educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation increased annually, at the same time, according to the study, the inclusion of competitions in the plan of physical culture and sports events of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their regular conduct did not affect the mass of sports among students. The issue of forming a stable motivation for in-depth sports training of students in military-specialized schools of general education as a stage of continuing education requires the search for further ways to improve the structure of physical training of military schools.
physical training, sports section, sportsmanship, attendance, motives, competitive activity, cadets, military schools, individual achievements, spartakiad
Pyatiletova L.V..
Implementation of competence approach in professional training of a specialist in the sphere of tourism: educational trajectory of teaching an academic discipline “Human Being and Their Needs”
// Modern Education.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2020.2.33211 URL:
This article is dedicated to the problems of implementation of competence approach in the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Tourism in the course of studying an academic discipline “Human Being and Their Needs”. The response of tourism industry to the challenges of modernity became the introduction of universal standards in the area of higher education aimed at formation of competences among the future specialist in tourism sphere that would allow tourism agencies to successfully compete on the market of travel services. The article illustrated the creation of academic content of the discipline that corresponds to the modern educational standards. The following conclusions were made: 1) educational strategy is defining for the formation of student’s competence within the framework of the course “Human Being and Their Needs”; 2) a student acquires a unique set of skills related to identification of the needs of “collective subject” as an agent of culture who consumes travel product; 3) globally, the sphere of tourism currently experiences shortage of human resources possessing the knowledge and competences in the area of anthropology of tourism that allows studying the dynamics and structure of modern tourism, which became one of the leading anthropological practices of a person of postindustrial society.
anthropology, professional, tourism, tourism anthropology, need, man, competency-based approach, competence, academic discipline, education
Arinushkina A.A., Bakhtin M.B., Dovbysh S.E..
Monitoring of public inquiry (educational aspects) as a mechanism of setting managerial tasks within the system public education
// Modern Education.
2018. № 4.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.27862 URL:
The subject of this research is the socio-pedagogical situation aimed at improving the system of public education in the Russian Federation at the federal and general levels. The authors examine such aspects as the “feedback” from the direct consumers of educational services, key stakeholders of the system of public education, which manifests as the most realistic view of the socio-educational situation. Special attention is given to assessment of the potential of diagnostic tools in the system of public education, classification and analysis of public inquiry through acknowledged through the citizen appeals. The authors identify the structure of citizen appeals on the questions of public education, speed of the response to such appeals; provide substantiation of managerial solutions with regards to improving the system of public education at all levels. The special contribution of the authors into this topic lies in structuring and posing the tasks pertinent to implementation and analysis of the results of citizen appeals and mechanisms of managerial models at all levels of the system of public education. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this article is first to consider modification of public inquiry as the instrument and foundation for managerial decision making applicable to changes in the system of public education (content, limits of cooperation between the subjects of educational processes and key stakeholders of public education). The main conclusion consists in substantiation of the need for development of the consulting support of education management at all levels of the system of public education.
quality education assessment, public examination, education system development, public administration of education, public partisipation, general education content, monitoring of citizens 'appeals, general education system, organizational and pedagogical interaction, Evaluation of Educational Quality
Dyakov I.I., Mukhina D.V., Ostrovskaya I.E., Kosienko R.S..
Socioeconomic importance of developing entrepreneurial competences of the students of agricultural universities
// Modern Education.
2018. № 4.
P. 19-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.4.28001 URL:
In the conditions of import substitution policy and ensuring food security of Russia, special importance gains the innovative development of agricultural industry and increase of socioeconomic living conditions in rural areas. Thus, sustainable development of the Russian regions is made dependent on the production and social growth indicators in agricultural sphere, including by means of capacity building of entrepreneurship. The problem of formation of the brand new innovation-oriented institution of agricultural entrepreneurs comes to the forefront. For its solution, a significant role is assigned to the system of agricultural education. The goal of this research lies in substantiating the socioeconomic importance of developing entrepreneurial competences of students with the system of agricultural education on the example of Primorsky Krai. The study applies the analysis and generalization of the results of scientific research, as well as the modern socio-pedagogical discourse with regards to teaching entrepreneurship. The analysis of empirical data presented by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, allowed acquiring the scientifically substantiated conclusions on the social and human resource issues in rural areas, employment rata among the graduates of agricultural universities, as well as the need for development of small entrepreneurship in agricultural sphere of the region. The authors underline the socioeconomic importance of entrepreneurial competences of graduates of the system of agrarian education in solution of the indicated problems; as well as suggest the mains objectives of the motivation and increasing entrepreneurial competences of the students.
agricultural education, social problems of villages, socio-economic significance, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurial competencies, development of entrepreneurship, agriculture in the region, professional training, agricultural educational organizations, youth entrepreneurship
Dyakov I.I., Tretyak N.A., Grishchenko K.S..
Assessment of innovation environment of the higher education facilities
// Modern Education.
2018. № 1.
P. 22-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8736.2018.1.25491 URL:
Under the conditions of establishment of the knowledge economy and high technologies, especially increases the role of universities as the drivers of innovation development of the Russian regions. The national higher education facilities experience the need for formation and development of the innovation environment. In such situation, the adoption of efficient scientifically substantiated decisions is impossible without the comprehensive objective assessment of the development level of innovation environment and the contributing factors. It gives special relevance to the problem of research. The goal of this work consists in formulation of methodology for assessing the innovation environment of universities and its testing. The authors applied the analysis and generalization of results of the scientific studies alongside the Russian and international experience in the area of assessment of innovation activity of the universities. The article suggests the criteria and methodology of assessing the innovation environment of the higher education facilities; provides the results of assessment of innovation environment of the Far Eastern Federal District; substantiates the recommendations on development of the innovation environment. In conclusion, the authors justify the need for further theoretical-methodological development of scientific approaches towards assessing the innovation environment of Russian universities.
evaluation, innovative environment of the university, innovation activity, innovative development of the region, national innovation system, criteria for evaluation, assessment methodology, university rankings, innovation, university