Modern strategies and forms of education
Shirinkina, E.V. (2023). The role of corporate universities in the modern world. Modern Education, 1, 1–10.
The relevance of the research is due to the fact that corporate universities are experiencing an era of transformation today. Despite the rapid growth in the last 20 years of the population of corporate universities around the world, including in Russia, their global and regional associations are young and logically focus on the development of formats for the exchange of experience of their participants and, to a lesser extent, other tools for the institutionalization of the professional community. The subject of this research is to identify and review the main factors influencing the transformation of the role of corporate universities in the modern world, and the key global trends in corporate education to date. In the course of the work, the best practices and cases of the largest companies were analyzed. The empirical basis of the study was the cases of Sberbank Corporate University, Engie, Lufthansa, Unilever, GlobalCCU, etc. Each analyzed source was evaluated for the content of information about factors that affect and may affect corporate training, and global trends in the field of corporate training. The scientific novelty of the research consists in determining the factors influencing the trends of corporate training, their prioritization and a structured description of the identified factors and trends. The practical significance of this research lies in determining the role of a corporate university in the modern world, which will allow companies to form drivers of all transformations: business, operations, technologies and people.
education, digitalization, corporate training, training costs, trends, business processes, corporate universities, technology, factors, role
Zolotova, I.V. (2023). Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the problem of supervisory practice in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Modern Education, 1, 11–16.
The author in his work examines the issues of the organization of supervision from the point of view of its theoretical and practical significance for various industries and professional communities. In the course of studying this topic, an analysis of available research, conclusions of specialists based on experience and scientific achievements is carried out. The key aspects of the effectiveness of interaction between the supervisor and the supervisor during the implementation of functions, forms, approaches and methods, the purpose of which is to obtain professional skills, knowledge and skills that, after being transferred from the supervisor, will be able to be effectively applied in everyday work by specialists working in the field of assistance and support to citizens and other categories. The main conclusions of the study are the author's proposals for improving and introducing the experience of supervisors into the practice of law enforcement agencies, from the point of view of improving the quality of education, acquiring significant professional competencies through supervisory practice, which in turn allow solving complex complex tasks in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The formats of improving the effectiveness of supervisory work in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are proposed, based on the analysis, practical pedagogical experience accumulated by the author over many years of work. The author highlights the key factors of the supervision process, which from a pedagogical point of view are priority and deserve the attention of specialists in this field.
professionalism, pedagogy, training, quality, system, education, specialist, psychologist, supervisor, organization of preparation
Kipreev, S.N. (2023). Problems and features of the formation of a family and household sense of patriotism in the conditions of modern society. Modern Education, 1, 17–28.
In this article, we have made an attempt to consider the causes of family problems in modern society that affect the process of forming a sense of patriotism. Today, attacks in the media continue on traditional family values that play an important role in the life of Russian society, the ideologists of multiculturalism seek to exclude from the value field of our citizens the desire to fulfill moral duty to the Motherland and family, transform fundamental concepts such as personal dignity, justice, etc. Russian Orthodoxy is the spiritual foundation of Russian culture, the guarantor of ensuring the national and cultural identity of our civilization, determining the behavior and thinking of the Russian people. The subject of the study is the process of forming a sense of patriotism in the family. The object of the study is the peculiarities of the family and household sense of patriotism. Special attention is paid by the author to the attitude of young people to the birth of children and the subject of spiritual and moral values. The author describes the features of the formation of the family-household type of patriotism: the concept, types, research, specifics of education. To determine the factors that interfere with the formation of a family-household type of patriotism, a sociological survey of 120 police cadets was conducted, which allowed identifying the main groups of adherents of certain views on the problem of spiritual and moral values. The main conclusion is the proof of the thesis about the need to form large families as one of the foundations of the well-being of our state. The researcher's special contribution consists in highlighting the reasons why mothers and fathers do not want to have children, deaxologizing the goals of marriage among modern youth. The novelty of the study is the actualization of the question of the need to form a sense of patriotism in the family. The description of promising areas of further research on the subject of fostering a sense of patriotism is given.
fundamentals of patriotism, Ministry of Internal Affairs, value component, scientific research, family and household type of patriotism, upbringing, a sense of patriotism, cadets, types of a sense of patriotism, patriotism
Krokhina, Y.V. (2023). Pedagogical conditions for the training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the use of physical force and firearms. Modern Education, 1, 29–38.
In his work, the author examines in detail topical issues related to the professional training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the use of physical force and firearms during the performance of official duties. The analysis of research in this area has been carried out, the opinions of specialists, scientists and practitioners have been studied, who have largely come to the conclusion that, as a rule, the use of weapons and physical force to neutralize offenders and detain criminals occurs mainly in extreme situations. The solution of operational official tasks should be handled by professionally trained competent specialists who clearly and competently understand the nuances of their official activities, are able to comprehensively analyze their personal and business qualities and make effective decisions related to the performance of functions assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the author has studied the pedagogical aspects of the topic. The main conclusions of the research conducted by the author are the circumstances that in the system of additional professional education, in particular in the All-Russian Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a huge practical and theoretical experience has been accumulated, starting from which we can say with confidence that we, the police, the teaching staff and individuals those who have been trained have something to respond to new challenges and threats to society. The chosen topic allowed the author to analyze the problems, identify the most acute pain points, as a result of which, relying on empirical, theoretical, qualitative, as well as pedagogical research methods, to consider key issues related to the peculiarities of education and professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
pedagogy, professionalism, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, physical training, lessons, education, police, preparation, training, special conditions
Knowledge and understanding
Sadekov, R.R., Boiko, N.V. (2023). Some Features of Conducting a Screening Examination Using a Polygraph. Modern Education, 1, 39–45.
In their work, the authors consider issues related to the peculiarities of conducting special psychophysiological studies using polygraph devices during the personnel selection for work and service of persons in respect of whom polygraph specialists use complex technologies of screening checks, allowing, based on its results, to obtain an objective picture of the presence or absence of circumstances preventing entry into service and employment in law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. The current approaches of specialists to conducting polygraph testing according to the tasks of the initiators are studied, the most important practical developments in this area are considered, allowing to effectively organize the work of personnel departments when hiring candidates for service. In the study conducted, the authors consider important components of complex procedures for professional personnel selection of candidates for work. The methods of screening have been studied, the requirements imposed by employers to specialists of personnel apparatuses and services aimed at preventing the employment of persons with restrictions or actual circumstances have been analyzed, which prevent entry into the service, including the law enforcement agencies of the state. Attention is paid to the methodological and tactical and technical requirements of the organization and conduct of the polygraph examination procedure, taking into account the competent and professional compilation of thematic questionnaires, tests, which in turn allow to identify fraud attempts with maximum accuracy during the procedure of passing special polygraph examinations.
right, employer, training, specialist, personnel, activity, research, screening, polygraph, conclusion