Nadyrshin, T.M. (2022). Trajectories of public education in Muslim families of the Republic of Bashkortostan . Modern Education, 1, 1–8.
The problem of conservation and transmission of their culture is important for the religious communities, namely for Muslims. The educational path of children born to Muslim families in the multicultural society may either coincide or differ from the path of their peers. This article examines the existing trajectories of public education in the Muslim community of Ufa. Analysis is conducted on such forms of education as: public schools for religious children; stay-at-home family education; and private schools. In the first instance, the restraining factors for believers are the absence of halal food and the difficulty of manifestation of identity through clothing. In the second instance, believers there are no two aforementioned problem, but lack of socialization. In the third instance, the financial situation of the religious families matters. Meanwhile, the Ufa Muslim community is discussing the creation of educational projects that would meet the needs of religious parents, produce and reproduce the Muslim elite, since the state education system is not yet capable of solving these issues.
muslim family, inculturation, private schools, culture transmission, Muslim community, religious education, family education, education in Islam, Islam, educational trajectory
Egorov, S. (2022). The problem of the integrity of the new Russian system of scientific attestation (by the example of the requirements for a dissertation). Modern Education, 1, 9–21.
The article is devoted to the issue of the integrity of the scientific certification system in modern Russia. After the elimination of the monopoly of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC), the procedures for awarding academic degrees began to be regulated by a variety of different regulatory and legal acts. The growing variety of rules and regulations raises doubts about whether the system is still capable of ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all applicants for academic degrees. Using the example of the requirements for a dissertation for a degree, the article shows the similarities and differences that exist in different parts of this system. In the course of the study, three subsystems were identified within the system that have relatively similar requirements. The first subsystem is classical and special dissertation councils, directly controlled by the Higher Attestation Commission. The second system is formed by leading scientific and educational organizations that independently award academic degrees. The third subsystem includes spiritual educational organizations that are granted the right to award theological degrees recognized as equivalent to other academic degrees at the level of federal state educational standards. В В В В To consider each of these systems, the relevant requirements of federal legislation, local regulations of educational and scientific organizations that independently award academic degrees, as well as internal regulations of spiritual educational organizations were studied. A comparative analysis of normative and legal acts made it possible to trace how the integrity of the entire system of Russian scientific certification is ensured in the context of the diversity of its forms. In general, this system still remains comparable in terms of requirements for dissertations, but the rights and opportunities of applicants arising after their defense differ markedly depending on the place of defense.
PhD, Doctor of Philosophy, theological degrees, scientific report, dissertation, higher education, dissertation council, state policy, scientific certification, academic degrees
Özerbaş, M., Almazbekova, A. (2022). Determining teachers' perception of organizational silence. Modern Education, 1, 22–38.
The overall goal of this study is to examine organizational silence in terms of various variables according to the opinion of teachers. 111 teachers working in the 2020-2021 academic year participated in this study. Clustering and simple random sampling methods were used in sampling. To collect data, the study used the "Scale of Organizational Silence for Teachers" developed by Kahvechi and Demirtas (2013). The validity analysis was used to verify the validity of the scale. The age, gender, marital status of teachers, work experience at the school where they work, and their overall work experience were assessed using descriptive statistics. The collected data were processed, analyzed and interpreted in the SPSS program in such a way as to offer theoretical or practical solutions to the research problem and suggestions were made. The average value and standard deviation of the responses to the statements were determined by compiling descriptive statistics. Teachers' perception of the "Scale of Organizational Silence" as a whole turned out to be moderate. This indicates that teachers are reluctant to express their opinions on organizational issues, and their participation in decision-making is not provided by officials, and therefore they sometimes prefer to remain silent. When the statements for which teachers gave the highest score are considered, it is clear that teachers and administrators working at the school contribute, teachers easily adapt to changes, and the values of society and the values of the school are similar. When considering the average with the lowest scores of teachers, it is clear that mistakes are not perceived with understanding, control at school is strict, teachers' successes are not encouraged, and the school administration is not interested in the public life of teachers.
communication, educational organizations, school management, expression of opinion, pedagogy, organization of work, headmaster of the school, organizational silence, school, teacher
Zhukovskaya, N., Tonkikh, A.G. (2022). The Zemsky Uchitel program and regional features of its implementation. Modern Education, 1, 39–50.
The article discusses the features of the implementation of the state program "Zemsky Uchitel" in certain subjects of the Russian Federation – in Kursk, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Saratov, Kaliningrad regions, in Primorsky Krai. The subject of the study included: the procedure and conditions for the implementation of the Program provided for by the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; data on the quotas of vacancies provided for by the Program and their financing; regulatory legal acts ensuring the implementation of the Program in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The prerequisites and historical aspects of the appearance of the program "Zemsky teacher", the etymology of the terms "Zemsky teacher" and "Zemsky school" are also considered. The main research methods are comparative, formal-legal, design and theoretical construction. The novelty of the research consists: firstly, in a comparative analysis of data on the completion of the first year of the Program; secondly, in identifying the weaknesses and strengths of the Program and the level of its demand in various regions of Russia; thirdly, in developing a set of measures aimed at eliminating the "weaknesses" of the Zemsky Uchitel program". Main conclusions: 1) the regulatory framework of the Program requires further improvement, including at the level of regional legislation within the framework of the opportunities provided to the subjects of the Russian Federation to expand the list of benefits for the winners of the competitive selection; 2) it is shown that the suspension of the project in the future will mean the return of the problem of understaffing rural schools with teaching staff to their original positions.
program risks, privileges, benefits, vacancies for teachers, competitive selection, teaching staff, zemsky teacher, federal program, rural schools, federal quotas
Effectiveness of training
Shirinkina, E.V. (2022). Methods of data mining and educational analytics . Modern Education, 1, 51–67.
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that there are currently more questions than specific answers on the topic in the context of intellectual analysis of educational data: how it is done, for what and how we can use it, what metrics to include in the sample and how to make forecasts. Undoubtedly, in the coming years there will be a transition from discussions to the practical implementation of educational analytics in educational processes. The purpose of the study is to systematize the methods of intellectual analysis of educational data in the context of the difference between educational analytics and pedagogical diagnostics and other methods of data collection. The results of the study will help to build a learning strategy and combine the objectives of the training program with the effectiveness of the educational process and the expected results from the students. In this regard, the author considers the types of educational analytics. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the systematization of the areas of research interests related to data mining in education and educational analytics. It is proved that educational analytics in combination with intellectual analysis of educational data makes it possible to develop accurate models that characterize the behavior of students, their properties, weaknesses and strengths of content and interaction with it, team and group dynamics. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the methods considered will allow to assess the current state of the training system or program, predict the desired results and draw up a roadmap of planned changes. For pedagogical designers and methodologists, the presented methods will become the foundation for optimizing the program. Thanks to the presented methods, students receive the most relevant, engaging and meaningful educational experience.
continuing education, training, intellectual analysis, educational trends, educational analytics, digitalization, education, skills, educational data, effectiveness