Shinicheva, I.Y., Pisarenko, I.A. (2022). The School Administration's View on the Organization of Project Activities: Difficulties and Prospects. Modern Education, 4, 1–9.
The article presents the study of the problems of organizing project activities of primary school students. In the spring of 2022, 62 deputy headmasters of St. Petersburg schools responsible for project activities at the school were interviewed. In the course of the study, problems were classified and the need to create a model for managing the subjects of the educational process when organizing project activities at school was identified. As the results showed, the deputy directors consider social networks and the participation of parents/social partners as experts in joint open events as the most popular forms of interaction within the framework of project activities. Printed and reference materials, according to the respondents, are not popular. Perhaps, when planning the organization of project activities at school, it is worth considering the desired forms of interaction between the subjects-participants in project activities. The methods of empirical research were used: design (questionnaire for deputy school principals responsible for project activities), questionnaire (Google-form), generalization and systematization of the data obtained, quantitative and qualitative analysis. Thus, in the course of the study, the practices of organizing project activities in the schools of St. Petersburg were studied, and the main difficulties in its implementation and possible prospects for improving the quality of education were identified. The analysis of the data obtained showed the need to create a model for managing the subjects of the educational process when organizing project activities at school.
management of the organization, administration, management, educational subjects, education quality, projects, basic education, interaction, educational requests, project activities
Kruglova, M.S., Shuvanov, I.B., Shuvanova, V.P., Kruglova, L.E. (2022). Features of Managing the Preparation of the Bachelor's Final Qualification Work in the Form of a Startup. Modern Education, 4, 10–17.
The subject of the study is a set of managerial relations that arise in the process of organizing student participation in the creation of a startup based on educational institutions of higher education as a final qualifying work. The object of the research is the educational activity of a higher educational institution. The authors consider in detail the life cycle of developing a bachelor's thesis in the form of a startup in the light of development trends in the design and innovation activities of university students. Particular attention is paid to the most correct sequence of stages when writing a WRC-Startup. The article analyzes and summarizes the experience of implementing and commercializing a start-up project based on Sochi State University. The main result of the study is the identification of algorithms and technologies for managing the preparation of the WRC in the form of a startup. A special contribution of the authors to the study of the topic is the formation of an information model for managing the participation of a bachelor student in the program "Startup as a Diploma". The novelty of the study lies in the systematization of the priority issues of developing a student startup project for defense as a bachelor's thesis. Based on the results of the study, it is proposed to conduct creative business games for undergraduate students in order to develop start-up thinking with the prospect of future participation in the design and innovation activities of a higher educational institution.
student, innovation activity, project activity, management, university, higher education, start-up, final qualifying work, life circle, information model
Gelman, V. (2022). Ways to Reduce the Duration of Study at the University. Modern Education, 4, 18–26.
At present, periods of technological change are becoming comparable to the duration of education in higher education. Therefore, along with the need to use the concept of lifelong education, there is a need to reduce the duration of obtaining basic higher education. Analysis and identification of possible ways to reduce the duration of study at a university while maintaining the required level of graduates' education is the subject of this article. The methodological basis of the work is the integration and generalization of previous studies to improve the effectiveness of training. The article discusses in detail the following complementary ways: changing the content of education and the use of new, more effective teaching methods. It is shown that the reduction of overall time of studying in university while maintaining the required level of education can only be achieved by the joint application of various approaches. The following complementary ways are proposed: changing (optimizing) the content of basic professional knowledge, using more effective teaching methods and individualized learning, reducing auxiliary (transactional) costs for students and increasing the level of motivation of students. More effective teaching methods, in particular, involve improving the lecture system, monitoring progress, and optimizing the speed of introducing new material in group classes. Taking into account the concept of continuous education, a certain fundamental educational background obtained at the university can subsequently be supplemented with short-term modules in the course of additional professional education.
individualization of learning, content correction, efficiency, teaching methods, technological progress, reduction of terms, university, term of study, increased motivation, lower ancillary costs
Modern strategies and forms of education
Rozin, V.M. (2022). Tutor Education: Meaning, Content and Place in the Transforming Modern Education. Modern Education, 4, 27–42.
In the article, the author proposes the concept of tutor education. The incentive for its construction is the ambiguity of the picture of modern education as a whole, although the author shares most of the principles of the tutor's approach. The idea of the picture of the whole and the principles of the tutor's approach in comparison with the principles of the traditional paradigm of education are briefly characterized. The position is formulated that education should become a common cause for the tutor. The tutor should accompany the young person, help him become educated, share his educational experience, support the tutor's independence and at the same time, noticing that the latter has stopped in his development, figuratively speaking, try to bring the tutor out of balance by initiating a discussion of the circumstances, plunging him into a situation that requires resolution and the next step of development. The tutor should try to become an adult, independent, competent, ready for political life and saving the planet, and simply disposed to live, enjoy it, as well as overcome difficulties, solve problems that arise in life. In addition to education, several more concepts are introduced and characterized: "cultural-semiotic environment", "cultures of life" (cultures of childhood and adulthood), "life world", "development" (the processes of "formation", proper development and "completion" differ in it), "personality evolution", and finally, the concept of "modernity and the near future". These concepts are illustrated by examples and analysis of two cases (the organization of education in the family (non-) school "Seekers" by Pavel Shivarev and the spiritual revolution that took place in the life of Pavel Florensky).
personality, future, modernity, evolution, cultural and semiotic environment, development, tutoran, tutor, education, individual
Effectiveness of training
Lialin, A.V. (2022). Tasks on the topic «Artificial Intelligence» in School Informatics. Modern Education, 4, 43–49.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science in which programs are written and devices are created that imitate the intellectual functions of a person. These programs and devices are used in a variety of areas, such as technology, science, art, games, medicine, commerce, finance, education. If the disciplines with the names «Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence», «Intelligent Information Systems», «Data Mining» and «Machine Learning» are already included in the standards of higher education, then artificial intelligence is not considered at school, neither at the theoretical level, nor at the practical level. Therefore, the subject of this research is the content of the topic «Artificial Intelligence» in the school course of computer science. As a result of a theoretical analysis of school and university educational standards and teaching aids, as well as observation of learning, a positive answer was received to the question of the possibility of studying the topic «Artificial Intelligence» in the school course of computer science. It turned out that from this complex topic, you can choose tasks that, after simplification and adaptation, will be interesting and accessible to schoolchildren. In the article, for example, four such tasks are given, namely, clustering, classification, recognition and control. Their solution allows not only to introduce students to a new and promising area of informatics, but also brings learning closer to the activities of a scientist, and therefore develops their intelligence.
training neural networks, recognition, classification, clustering, development of intelligence, scientific method, motivation, word tasks, school informatics, artificial intelligence