Innovative methodology and technology
Danilova, O.A., Tereshkin, I.L., Mishina, N.Y. (2021). Testing results of the digital app for teaching calligraphy to elementary school students. Modern Education, 4, 1–10.
The subject of this research, which is dedicated to testing the digital app “Calligraphy.rus – Learning to Write Letters” for teaching calligraphy to elementary school students, is the quality, effectiveness and convenience of using this educational app in working with elementary school students. The object of this research is the assessments and opinions of elementary school teachers acquired in the course of testing of this app. Testing involved over 400 pedagogues from more than 30 Russian regions; it was conducted based on the method of situation modeling of using digital app in practice, as well as the survey technique. The scientific novelty lies in obtaining objective assessments on the practical effectiveness of modern digital educational resource in the format of digital app for teaching skills of calligraphic writing to elementary school students. The conclusion is made on the high functional capacity of the indicated digital resource based on the assessment given by the pedagogues on such parameters as convenience, design and characters, ease of understanding, task description and feedback. The pedagogues consider this digital app as a promising instrument to be implemented in the educational process and extracurricular activities.
approbation, interactive games, autodidactics, methodology, standard, calligraphy, electronic application, training, junior school age, primary school teachers
Educational psychology
Soldatov, A.S., Koronkov, S.O. (2021). Technology for controlling attention reserves of the pilot in preparation for piloting a helicopter using night vision goggles. Modern Education, 4, 11–21.
The subject of this research is the automated control of the research of attention reserves of the pilot in preparation for piloting a helicopter using night vision goggles. Such control is implemented via special hardware and software package developed by the authors, the use of which allows tracing the attention reserves of the helicopter pilot during simulator training for a flight in the nighttime using the night vision goggles based on the semi-realistic modeling complexes. Performing a flight task on the simulator, the pilot solves an additional task without compromising the quality of the key task of piloting, which allows assessing the attention reserves. The conclusion is made that the use of the developed set of technical means is able to effectively assesses the quality and performance of the psychophysiological readiness of the pilot to operate a helicopter using night vision goggles, which meets the qualification requirements of the employers and the standards that define the quality of professional training. This provides the possibility of automated control of training for piloting a helicopter using night vision goggles, as well as possibility for improving such training in order to minimize piloting errors caused by human factor.
natural night illumination, night vision goggles, monitoring attention reserves, attention reserves, aviation ergonomics, learning management, helicopter pilot, human factor, psychophysiological training of the pilot, simulator training management
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2021). Educational activity of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: historical-pedagogical aspect . Modern Education, 4, 22–28.
The subject of this research is the process of establishment and development of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR from 1989 to 1991 and its subsequent professional pedagogical transformation. Detailed analysis is conducted on the historical-pedagogical peculiarities of the recruitment of academic staff of the branch at the initial stage. The author examines the question of professional characteristics in implementation of educational, line training, service and combat activity of nonpermanent and permanent staff of the school. Research methodology leans on the specific historical approach (M. V. Astakhov, I. D. Kovalchenko, V. F. Kolomiytsev, A. P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; and method of historical analogies. In the course of research, the author determines and analyzes the factors that affected the establishment and development of the Irkutsk branch of Krasnoyarsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR during the transformation of the political system in Russia. The peculiarities of implementation of pedagogical activity at the initial stage of educational institution are analyzed. The article provides the examples of interaction between the cadets and staff members of the branch with practical divisions. This topic draws the attention of wide audience due to the fact that in the XX century, the establishment and development of departmental education of system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of Baikal region has become a seminal event for the educational system of the entire Siberian region.
training of personnel, study group, educational work, skill formation, training of specialists, educational process, Ministry OF Internal Affairs OF THE USSR, educational institution, fighting crime, special education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Shirinkina, E.V. (2021). Development of the culture of continuing education . Modern Education, 4, 29–37.
The subject of this research is the basic models of continuing education used by the representatives of business, higher education and the government. The object of this research is the process of continuing education in Russia as the response to the challenges of the new job market. Analysis is conducted on the context of the emergence of the need for continuing education of the professionals alongside the currently implemented models of such education in Russia and worldwide. The data acquired in the authorial quantitative research conducted in September 2021 in the format of online questionnaire served as the empirical basis for this research. The survey involved 211 specialists from 26 different fields of activity responsible for staff training in Russian organizations. The analytical research is based on the data of the VI International Conference “Beyond Training: Continuing Education for the New Job Market” held jointly by SberUniversity and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) with the participation of the Sberbank Charitable Foundation “Contribution to the Future”. The author seeks to scientifically substantiate the question of why continuing education of the professional has become a topical issue for the organizations. A list of cyclical and sudden trends affecting the organizations, their strategies and business models is explored. The author traces the changes in professions and skills essential for the future specialists. The practical importance of this work lies in description of the new models of continuing education in the organization, which would allow the companies to set the new skill sets that can be acquired in the course of continuing education system the new paradigm in the conditions of new reality.
continuing education, training, economy, trends, retraining, digitalization, education, skills, technologies, digital literacy
Educational psychology
Gelman, V. (2021). Use of humor in the educational process. Modern Education, 4, 38–46.
This article examines the role of humor in educational process of the university. There is a generally accepted opinion that humor is a positive characteristic of teaching and learning. However, it is quite difficult to determine its positive value as far as helping students. Therefore, the subject of this research is the analysis of using humor in the educational process, psychological grounds of its impact, pros and cons of using humor, as well as peculiarities of students’ perception of humor and their response. The methodological framework is comprised of systematization and analysis of scientific publications; generalized practical experience in determination of the key trends and problems using humor in the educational process. The author examines the role of humor in different aspects of the educational process, the impact humor upon motivation and emotional state, use of humor in educational games and nonverbal communication, as well as peculiarities of students' perception of humor, miscomprehension of jokes, and negative humor. It is demonstrated that the proper use of humor in the educational process contributed to position emotional state of students, increases their motivation and interest in learning, reduces anxiety and stress, strengthens confidence, improves performance, and encourages divergent and logical thinking. However, the improper use of humor may entail negative results.
non-verbal communication, educational games, emotional condition, motivation, university, studying proccess, education, humor, difficulty understanding, unwanted humor