Modern strategies and forms of education
Gelman, V., Lan'ko, S.V., Serdyukov, Y.P. (2021). E-learning in vocational medical education in the area of information technologies. Modern Education, 3, 1–8.
This article explores the problems of organizing distance teaching of information technologies to medical workers in the conditions of continuous postgraduate education. The research leans on the analysis of the existing collective experience in the sphere of teaching of information technologies to 277 medical workers in postgraduate education in the department of Medical Informatics and Physics of Mechnikov North-West State Medical University; assessment of learning efficiency based on the results of monitoring of academic performance (test assignments and benchmark tests); analysis of the anonymous survey results conducted among students, as well as online discussions. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the methodology and organization, peculiarities and challenges of e-learning, and the attitude of students towards it. The conclusions is made on the lack of communication between the pedagogue and the students; heightened motivation of students for achieving success in e-learning; technical support difficulties. As a result, the author notes the lower attainment level, namely as far as practical skills. It is established that approximately one third of the students is not ready for e-learning. At the same time, there article revels the advantages of e-learning, such as ability to combine study and work, taking online courses at any convenient time in a comfortable environment and without transport expanses.
technical support, motivation, feedback, organization of teaching, information technologies, additional professional education, medical workers, distance learning, practical skills, monitoring of progress
Shirinkina, E.V. (2021). Learning digital skills: analytics of leading practices . Modern Education, 3, 9–20.
The relevance of this research is substantiated by an interesting phenomenon that has occurred in the last decade: the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are based on digitalization of not only products and processes, but also people's behavior at work and outside it. The author reviews digital skills as the “third basket”, which is equally as significant as the “baskets” of professional and “soft” skills. Therefore, analysis is conducted on the experience of facts and cases presented by dozens of Russian and international educational institutions for determining the leading practices of digital education. The author describes the key determinants of digital literacy. The following conclusions were made : 1) digital education is based on the principles that differ drastically from other tools, sets new goals, focusing on the approaches that blow up the traditional university methods; 2) IBM “Facing The Storm” research indicates that massive shortage of digital skills among personnel is a storm that is brewing on the horizon; 3) research of the BFR (Big Fast Results) institute reflects the mechanism of implementing educational and managerial processes within the paradigm of digital literacy; 4) the presented research covers a wide range of empirical data, which allows all parties to the educational process to form digital learning environment strongly contributing to development of the currently relevant “soft” skills.
online education, training, digital economy, digital technology, best practic, digitalization, education, digital skills, cases, digital literacy
Bykova, N.I. (2021). On the indicators of competence achievement for the group of specialties 51.00.00 “Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Projects”. Modern Education, 3, 21–33.
The subject of this research is the competencies and indicators of competence achievement in the educational standards in the sphere of culture and art. The object of this research is the group of specialties 51.00.00 “Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Projects”, namely the federal state educational standard of higher education – Bachelor's Degree in the field 51.03.02 “Folk Art Culture”. The article reviews the competences and indicators of achieving competences in the specialty 51.03.02 “Folk Art culture”, the discipline “Management of Film, Photo, and Video Studio”. The main research method is the analysis of literature and normative legal documents, including state educational standards and basic educational curricula in the context of competency approach. The author applies the method of describing personal experience based on the practical work of the Faculty of Culture and Arts and the actual pedagogical practice of F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University. The scientific novelty consists in the development of indicators of general professional competencies for the indicated group of specialties. Currently, there is no uniform understanding of the indicators of competence achievement; it is on the stage of scientific discussion. The relevance for understanding competencies and their indicators is substantiated by the fact that the new federal state educational standards of higher education do not regulate this aspect, leaving the developers certain freedom on this matter. The competencies and indicators of competencies are considered on the example of the experience of the Faculty of Culture and Arts and actual pedagogical practice of F. M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University.
indicators, competence approach, general professional competencies, professional competencies, universal competencies, educational program, educational standard, education, work programs of disciplines, folk art culture
Values and goals of education
Karshakova, L.B., Bespyatova, N.K. (2021). Preprofessional orientation of teenagers by means of computer art . Modern Education, 3, 34–41.
This article examines the system of designing classes aimed at immersion of teenagers in modern professions related to computer art. The relevance of this topic is substantiated by modern trends in socioeconomic development of our country. The development of creative abilities is a good foundation for acquiring new scientific and technical information; it accelerates the processing and generation of novel and useful ideas. The object of this research is preprofessional orientation of teenagers. The subject is the methodology of teaching graphic editors based on the specificity of its use in modern professions. The article employs the modeling, analysis, and generalization. The project laboratory of computer graphics and design at the premises of Lyceum in the town of Balashikha under the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, became the framework for this research. The conclusion is made that project work helps teenagers to acquire strong knowledge in the area of application of modern graphic editors, valuable practical skills and abilities, such as hard work, discipline, work culture, teamwork. In the course of this research, the author examined the possibility of application of modern instrumental and software tools for creating animated videos using the stop-motion technique, as well as developed the instruction on using technical means to achieve the set goals.
graphic designer, stop-motion animation, design, creative work, project activity, teenager, computer graphics programs, industrial designer, interior designer, pre-service training
Modern strategies and forms of education
Barinova, E.B. (2021). Conceptual-methodological ground of inclusive education in the Russian Federation . Modern Education, 3, 42–52.
The goal of this article lies in the analysis of theoretical conceptual-methodological grounds of inclusive education in the Russian Federation for the effective management and coordination of the work of educational institutions. For achieving the set goal, the author examines the general theoretical conceptual-methodological grounds of inclusive education; competence approach towards inclusive education in Russia; theory of implementation the inclusive form of education; basic elements of the concept of inclusive education; as well as methodology of inclusive education in the Russian Federation. The concept of inclusive education implies the mechanism for exercising human rights for people with health impairments. This mechanism is based on the interdepartmental cross-disciplinary formation of the barrier-free environment for any person to exercise their rights. The concept of inclusive education formulates social approach towards disability. The medical problem of disability shifts into the social sphere – a person with health impairments should not only receive treatment, but also live a normal life. Therefore, disability is viewed as a set of social barriers that stand in the way of realization of the abilities and needs of a person with physical or mental impairments. The goal is to eliminate such social barriers. The modern strategy of the Russian Federation in the area of education and social policy is aimed at bringing into compliance the institutional systemic conditions in order to turn inclusive education into the priority area of education.
educational and methodological adaptation, disabled, disabilities, methodology of inclusive education, concepts of inclusive education, competence-based approach, inclusive education, psycho-emotional comfort, adaptation technologies, tutoring
Effectiveness of training
Enzhevskaya, M.V. (2021). Development of the fundamentals of educational activity among primary school students in the Russian language classes. Modern Education, 3, 53–71.
This article provides an example of arranging functional educational activity in the Russian language classes within the framework of general primary education; describes the stage-by-stage structure of one of the object topics in the Russian language course, considering all components of educational activity from outlining the academic pursuit to monitoring and assessing performance; lists the techniques and examples of the tasks used in the development of control materials based on the formation of metadisciplinary competencies among primary school students; gives partial description to the monitoring and assessment toolset based on inclusion into the educational process. The article characterizes assessment as a means of ensuring the quality of modern education, which implies engagement of both pedagogues and students into assessing the performance. The system of the criterion-based comprehensive assessment, formation of the skills of reflection, introspection, self-control, self-and mutual assessment help the students to develop the effective techniques of managing their educational activity, promote self-awareness, readiness to openly express and defend their position, independent actions, responsibility for their results. The systematic, targeted formation of assessment skills allow the primary school students are to detect the difficulties they face, analyze their causes, plan and implement corrective measures to overcome them.
monitoring and evaluation, elementary school students, theoretical thinking, educational task, educational activities, developing education, Russian lessons, meta-subject skills, ability to learn, training and development