Innovative methodology and technology
Adaskina, A.A., Sanina, S.P., Sokolov, V.L. (2021). Use of the video problem book in preparation of future teachers . Modern Education, 2, 1–15.
The subject of this research is the development of professional competencies of future elementary school teachers in the process of using video problem book (based on the material of math classes). The article discusses different methods of using video materials in preparation of students. An overview of foreign research on the topic is provided. It is noted that currently the methods of using video content are not sufficiently covered in the literature. The questions of which video fragments are better to use, how to include them into the educational process, what particular tasks they pursue, etc. remain unanswered. The article describes the experience of using video problem book as technique of teaching math to students, as well as future elementary school teachers. The author analyzes the work with the video problem book, an essential element of which is the use of “stop motion” technique in a problematic spots of the lesson. The article also presents the results of comparative research of academic performance of the groups of students: an experimental group that used video problem book, and a control group that that did not use video problem book in the educational process. The author picked the following competencies: diagnostic competence of the teacher, ability to make pedagogical decisions, and reflexivity. The implementation of video problem book in the educational process develops in students and future elementary school teacher the skills to make deliberate decisions in different learning situations.
learning of mathematics, professional skills, diagnostic competence, junior student, bachelor student, video problem book, primary school teachers, teacher training, reflexivity, decision-making
Modern strategies and forms of education
Barkovskiy, A.M. (2021). Prospects for the development of distance learning within the system of professional education . Modern Education, 2, 16–24.
The object of this research is distance learning, while the subject is the organization of distance learning in professional educational institutions with a long-term view. The author emphasizes the relevance of this research in the real and hypothetical epidemic conditions. The current stage is viewed as a period of contemplation or reconsideration of distance learning. The article employs the methods of theoretical and empirical analysis. The results of sociological surveys conducted among the students, pedagogues, rectors and vice-rectors of the Russian universities are analyzed. The author indicates the conservatism of the modern system of education, and the importance of interaction between the main actors of the educational process. The fundamental difficulties in organization of distance learning are outlined. The scientific novelty of consists in creation of the model of educational process based on the empirical data underlying the development of distance learning. It is demonstrated that the conduct scientific research, development of information technologies, and improvement of the normative framework open new opportunities for creating a more effective learning environment. The key moment in increasing the effectiveness of the new form of learning consists in reaching the full presence effect, which allows implementing the traditional pedagogical technologies. Description is given to the possibilities of telepresence technology. The conclusion is formulated that distance learning can be transformed into a new form in accordance with the status of technological and technical development.
learning efficiency, form of learning, distance learning technologies, e-learning, distance learning, educating agents, learning process, workplace, educational and methodological support, telepresence technologies
Innovative methodology and technology
Vasil'ev, M.A. (2021). Stress management methods in firearms training . Modern Education, 2, 25–35.
The subject of this research is the development of stress management methods for students in preparatory stage of firearms training. The object of this research is the formation of psychological resilience and improvement of firearms handling skills among the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to individual and group approaches towards working with students of training groups at the preparatory stage as the basis for successful completion of the course of firearms training. Emphasis is placed on implementation of stress management techniques in to the practice of firearms training classes throughout the entire training course. The author develops the most effective methods of psychological and pedagogical correction of learning activity of the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the stage of formation of firearms handling skills. Particular attention is turned to approbation of such anti-stress techniques for psychological stimulation of students during firearms training classes. The use of these techniques allowed prompted the development of solid skills of firearms hanging and successful stress management in a short period of time. Special focus is made within the framework of teaching stress management techniques is made self-analysis. Research methodology leans on the comprehensive approach towards examining the methods of preparing internal affairs officers. Practical importance of this research lies in development of the most effective methods for acquisition of firearms handling skills.
Professional skill, Psychological readiness, Use of weapons, Professional training, Stressful state, Methodology, Fire training, Introspection, Self-control, Official activities
Developing pedagogical technologies
Krylova, M.N. (2021). Various types of tasks as the condition for successful performance in studying the discipline “Speech Culture and Business Communication” in the technical university . Modern Education, 2, 36–44.
The object of this research is the organization of educational process in the discipline “Speech Culture and Business Communication” in the technical university, while the subject is the choice of tasks and exercises that make the course more successful. It is noted that in accordance with the latest federal state educational standards of higher education of, all graduates must possess universal linguistic and communicative competencies; this academic discipline is aimed at the formation of such competencies. The article employs the method of analysis of scientific and methodological literature, summary of other researchers, systematization of didactic material, and modeling. The scientific novelty consists in emphasizing the fact that the learning success depends on the choice of tasks and exercises for practical classes by the pedagogue. It established that most effective tasks are of creative and research nature. At the same time, the exercises of a reproductive and partially exploratory nature are also important. The acquired results can be used in organizing educational process in the discipline “Speech Culture and Business Communication” in the technical university, as well as other disciplines. The conclusion is made about the crucial role of the pedagogue and their creative approach towards organization of educational process.
exercise, task, technical university, business communication, culture of speech, Russian language, creative task, research, partially search task, teacher
Innovative methodology and technology
Ostapenko, I.A. (2021). Interactive methods in teaching psychology of professional education . Modern Education, 2, 45–52.
This article explores the implementation of interactive methods in teaching psychology of professional education. The object of this research is the process of teaching the discipline “Psychology of Professional Education”, while the subject is the interactive methods of teaching this discipline. The article employs the method of theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, methods of generalization, synthesis, comparison, and classification. The author discusses the essence of interactive teaching methods and their role within system of modern teaching techniques. Special attention It is emphasized that each class can be conducted using interactive teaching methods, selected by the pedagogue based on the desire to improve the effectiveness of educational process and develop professional competencies of students. The scientific novelty consists in determination of specificity of using interactive teaching methods within the framework of the discipline under review. It is established that heuristic conversation, psychological diagnostics, method of projects, role games, and problem-based learning are considered as most effective interactive teaching techniques. The acquired results can be applied in organizing educational process with regards to psychology of professional education and other disciplines of psychological and pedagogical orientation. The conclusion is made that in teaching psychological-pedagogical disciplines and future pedagogues, the students learn how to implement these methods in their future pedagogical activity.
project method, psychological diagnostics method, heuristic conversation, interactive teaching methods, teaching methods, bachelor of vocational education, psychology of vocational education, vocational training, role-playing method, problem learning method