Developing pedagogical technologies
Mikhailova, T.A. (2020). Social and pedagogical support as a way to improve the quality of education of students with special adaptive capabilities in a professional institution . Modern Education, 3, 1–10.
The article deals with the issues of the organization of socio-pedagogical support of students with various disabilities in the process of professional development. Thus, the object of the study is the professional education of students with limited opportunities, the subject of the study is the process of organizing socio-pedagogical support for students with special learning needs. The article reveals the concept of "a student with special adaptive capabilities", describes the most relevant areas and levels of adaptability that directly affect the quality of training of a student with disabilities. The author pays special attention to the theoretical aspects of the organization of support for young people with disabilities in education, separately showing the importance of socio-pedagogical support in the professional development of students of this category. The author notes that the use of socio-pedagogical support in organizing the learning process of young people with special adaptive needs contributes to a qualitative change in the level of adaptive capabilities. В В The novelty of this study consists in identifying the characteristics of adaptive capabilities of students with adaptive learning capabilities, describing the essence, content of socio-pedagogical support of students, this category at different stages of mastering the profession, its principles of organization and technology of implementation. In the course of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to implement the technology of socio-pedagogical support in the conditions of a professional educational institution. The author shows the influence of socio-pedagogical support on the quality of training of a competitive specialist, from among students with special adaptive capabilities, which is confirmed in the course of experimental work. The article is of interest to specialists, teachers, heads of educational institutions implementing inclusive vocational education.
tutor, inclusive education, professional development, professional education, special adaptive capabilities, adaptation, disabled students, socio-cultural environment, social and pedagogical support, escort
Educational psychology
Berezina, T.N., Temirkanova, A.Y., Bortuleva, N.L., Svilo, Y.V. (2020). Restoration of working capacity through VR technologies for people who combine work with study. . Modern Education, 3, 11–20.
The subject of the study is the dynamics of functional states in people who combine work with study in a master's degree. The author describes in detail the possibilities of using modern virtual reality technologies to restore the efficiency of undergraduates. The article presents data from an empirical study of men and women aged 22 to 53 years studying for a master's degree. The restoration of working capacity was carried out by viewing virtual scenes in a special helmet for 10-15 minutes before the start of training sessions. As a result of data analysis, it was found that after exposure to virtual reality methods, there is a decrease in situational fatigue, a decrease in mental fatigue and a decrease in indicators of reduced performance. A tendency to the influence of chronic fatigue syndrome on many negative indicators of the mental state of the subjects was also found. At the same time, after the training with the use of VR technologies, the effect of chronic fatigue syndrome on mental states decreases, while for undergraduates who have not been exposed to VR technologies, it increases. At the same time, after the training with the use of VR technologies, the effect of chronic fatigue syndrome on mental states decreases, while for undergraduates who have not been exposed to VR technologies, it increases.
fatigue, efficiency, study, Magistracy, additional education, VR technologies, virtual reality, positive psychology of virtuality, increased loads, chronic fatigue syndrome
Bulaeva, N.A., Moskalev, A.V. (2020). Best school innovations within the system of public education in 2019, implemented with state grant support . Modern Education, 3, 21–33.
This article is dedicated to the results of implementation of educational innovations within the framework of state grant support of 2019. The subject of this research is the best school innovations of 2019 within the system of public education aimed at formation of technological, digital, and preprofessional competences of students based in creation of modern teaching models, environment in, development of functional thinking, and socialization of school students by means of engaging into personal and socially beneficial activity. The results of innovation activity of the grantees are presented by the latest educational and methodological, practice-oriented inventions, creation of the modern models of training, upbringing and development of the students, as well as interest in innovation activity among the pedagogues. As a result of the conducted research, the author highlighted the best and most socially beneficial projects with regards to the regions on implementation of digital technologies in the educational process; integration of public education and extended activities; development of the effective mechanisms for formation of functional literacy among students; elaboration of the models for preventing delinquent behavior among students; as well as model solutions on realization of most recent practice-oriented inventions aimed at improvement of the quality of education. The conclusion is made on the social significance of state support with regards to implementation of innovative projects of educational organizations, which would create prerequisites for the development of educational system of the country.
practice-oriented development, functional literacy, digital technologies, state support, design methods, general education, innovation, grant, methodological network, delinquent behavior
Savchenko, E.V. (2020). Usage of basic problem-solving techniques in the discipline of general physics in higher school. Modern Education, 3, 34–48.
The subject of this research is the process of teaching students to solve problems in the discipline of general physics on their own, as well as develop skills of future engineers to break up the solution of the problem into stages. The article is aimed ad generalization, elaboration and implementation of the basic problem-solving techniques higher school based on the preliminary compiled classification of problems in accordance with certain characteristics. The author develops educational and methodological support for the discipline of general physics as the means of training students to solve problems on their own. The following methods were applied in the course of this work: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature; analysis of curricula, textbooks, problem books, guidebooks on natural science disciplines, modeling of class activity of the students; empirical methods of observation, conversation, survey. As a result, the author incorporates the existing problem-solving techniques into the system, based on which students are capable to go through all stages of solving the problem on their own, better understand the study material, and acquire essential skills for articulation of the problem. The examples are provided on step-by-step solution of different types of problems on the topic “Calculation of an electrical network”.
common methods, problem solving methods, task classification, problem solving steps, physical task analysis, physical task, general physics course, higher school, electricity, electrical circuit
Danilova, O.A., Antonov, E.A., Tereshkin, I.L. (2020). Modern Russian practice of teaching calligraphy to elementary school students: approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support . Modern Education, 3, 49–58.
The subject of this research is the existing practice of teaching calligraphic writing to elementary school students, as well as approaches, techniques, educational and methodological support used in this process. Special attention is given to the compliance of the applied methods to the requirement of the Federal State Educational Standards of primary education, problem areas in the process of teaching calligraphic writing to children, development and implementation of the advanced teaching techniques, as well as training of teachers on the matter. The object of this research the opinions and data received from the teachers, representatives of science and system of vocational training for teachers. Methodology includes sociological survey and methods of mathematical and statistical processing of sociological data. The respondents became 26,312 teachers of public elementary schools, as well as 88 representatives of scientific organizations and educational organizations of vocational training for teachers, The novelty lies in the formation of substantiated objective data on the existing practice and methodological support of the process of teaching calligraphy to children, as well as in determination of problem areas in this sphere. The obtained results underline the importance of development of modern methods and teaching techniques, including multimedia and interactive technologies, as well as advanced training programs for elementary school teachers, and education of parents and children on the value of calligraphic writing for increasing motivation and interest to successful mastering of this skill.
educational and methodological support, teaching, calligraphy, Federal Educational Standard, respondents, analysis, sociological survey, methods, approaches, younger school children