Modern strategies and forms of education
Stukalova, I.B. (2019). The competitive capacity of Russian universities and academic rankings. Modern Education, 2, 1–7.
The goal of this article lies in proving a hypothesis that the methodology of QS World University Rankings and monitoring of the efficiency of Russian universities are based on the uniform principles and indicators that define the single vector of development. The object of this research is the Russian universities participating in the QS World University Rankings. The subject is the comparison of ranking positions of the Russian universities built on the methodology of the QS World University Rankings and monitoring of the efficiency of Russian universities. The author suggests the ranking method of the universities using sum of the rankings method, as well as conducts correlational analysis of rank positions of the universities. The following conclusions were made: 1) global academic rankings of world universities is the tool for estimating their competitive capacity; 2) university ranking in accordance with the QS methods and monitoring of the efficiency of Russian universities are based on the uniform principles and single-vector indicators; 3) Russia is the leader among EAEU member-states in the QS World University Rankings.
academic ratings, competitiveness of universities, global educational space, globalization, QS rating, internationalization, university, hight education, universities ranking methodology, ranging
Yakovleva, A.N. (2019). Socialization of students in the conditions of academic mobility. Modern Education, 2, 8–16.
The subject of this research is examination of the process of socialization of students pursuing education in foreign universities under the program of student academic mobility. The goal of this work lies determination of the important factors of students’ socialization in foreign country. Preparation of university students in the modern conditions must ensure the intensive mastering of competencies, which would contribute to achieving success by the graduates, promotion of professional integration of the specialists from various countries. A university student must possess a high level of mobility, which allows participating in the academic exchange programs. Leaning on the methodological foundation of the systemic pedagogical studies, the author selected the questionnaire-based survey and interview as the main research methods. Student’s personality is viewed through the prism of its relations manifesting in various types of activities: studying in a foreign university, communication with the educators and students, in the dormitory. The article presents the survey results among the students who studied for one semester in a foreign university, which helped to identify the difficulties faced by some students. The author suggest teaching foreign languages in the context of socialization and develop personal agency of the students.
method, academic mobility, professional integration, competence, foreign university, student, foreign language education, socialization, linguopedagogical system, socio-cultural competence
Modern strategies and forms of education
Blinofatova, E.V. (2019). Pedagogical conditions of formation of the action of planning among elementary schoolers based on the thematic language material. Modern Education, 2, 17–22.
This article examines the question of formation of the regulative universal learning activities as teaching learning techniques among the elementary school students. Attention is focused on the action of planning as a skill to detect an academic problem, provide its classification, and structure work over this problem. The author describes the pedagogical conditions for implementing into the educational process of the developed strategy on formation of the action of planning among the 1st and 2nd grade students, considering their inner resources based on the individual plan as a factor of increasing their proficiency level. The article demonstrates the approbation experience of the pedagogical program on formation of the act of planning, which consists in detecting, classification, and creation of plan for correction by the students of the problems they face in the educational process; as well as describes the goals, tasks and stages of such program. The author specifies the characteristic features and substantiates the need for formation of the action of planning within the elementary school educational process. The following peculiarities in formation of the action of planning among elementary schoolers are determined: ability to detect a problem and understand the causes of its occurrence; exercising mostly individual work that creates conditions for planning the correction work over the problem detected in the learning process, including the choice of methods and tools for its elimination by the students themselves; organization of individual mental and practical activity of the students, activation of cognitive processes. The author develops the strategy of formation of the action of planning among elementary schoolers and formulated recommendations for the teachers.
a correction of educational problems, shaping the planning action, an internal plan of action, an action planning, regulatory learning activities, universal learning activities, , electronic educational platforms, primary school students, recommendations, program
Modern strategies and forms of education
Karpov, A.O. (2019). The creation of cognitive-active environments in a modern university . Modern Education, 2, 23–39.
This article develops a theoretical approach towards formation of cognitive-active learning environments, which possess an effective creative function along with the technologically complex content. The subject of this research is the models of creative environments that comprise the university’s epistemic-didactic basis in the conditions of advancement of knowledge society. The main theoretical questions of the study include: 1) differentiation of the terms “knowledge” and “information”; 2) combination of cognitive processes and environment within the concept of “creative space”; 3) design of structural-functional model of creative environment considering the first two dispositions. The interdisciplinary solution contains the methods of philosophical epistemology, theory of the inquiry-based learning, cognitive linguistics, social ontology, and theory of systems. The author suggests the differentiating criteria for the terms “knowledge” and “information”, which manifests as the basic principle of functioning of the creative environment. The article examines the theoretical content of the notion “generativity” applicable to the cognitive-active environments and learning process, which allows defining the creative space as the cognitive-generative system. The analysis is conducted on the perception of creative space within the scientific sources and information resource of a university. Based on the acquired results, the author highlights the three types of conceptualization of the creative space in the forms of environment, cognitive process, and process-environmental system; as well as demonstrates the advantages of the latter. Leaning on the original concept of generativity, the author develops the model of creative environment of a university, and the methodological approach towards its structural-functional analysis. The conclusion is made on the key role of creative system of a university in realization of its mission aimed at the advancement of the knowledge society.
knowledge society, university, education, generativity, creative space, teaching, cognitive-active environment, knowledge and information, creative system, scientific and cognitive activity
Modern strategies and forms of education
Kuznietsova, T. (2019). Correlation between motivation and preferred team roles. Modern Education, 2, 40–51.
There has been no detailed research on the instruments of impact of the teacher as a leader upon the formation of competent teamwork with the students, using the interplay of motivation and preferred leadership role. The subject of this article is the correlation between motivation and preferred team roles among university students. The formation of teams during the education process, selection of the preferred roles by the participants for the joint achievement and effective realization of goals, expert survey, questionnaire and self-esteem, generalization of psychological experiences; R. M. Belbin’s test “Team Roles”, V. E. Milman’s diagnostics “Personality Motivation Structure”, and A. Mehrabian’s “Achievement Motivation”. For accomplishing the set task in the context of the Federal Targeted Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020, the university professors of various disciplines require extensive knowledge in the area of establishment of effective teamwork within the groups of students. Lately, a substantial range of studies with regards to formation of teamwork has been conducted. Such studies examine diverse approaches towards structuring of education system aimed at the formation of competent teamwork of the students. The author is first to empirically examine and describe the character of correlation between motivation and preferred team roles among students.
teambuilding, effective activity, students, failure avoidance, educational process, goal achivement, team role, team, motivation, achievement motivation
Types of education
Gelman, V. (2019). Improvement of the forms of performance monitoring in a university. Modern Education, 2, 52–57.
The subject of this research is the transformation of the performance monitoring system of university students due to implementation of the teaching concept “self-study – solution – verification – correction”. The article analyzes the forms of control of knowledge, competences and skills of the students in the aforementioned conditions, and marks the possible ways for improving such forms of control. Special attention is turned to the increase of educational function of control along with the role of current practical monitoring, including individual ongoing monitoring. Methodological foundation contains the analysis of scientific publications, expert evaluation, and generalized practical experience in determining the key trends and issues, emerging in realization of performance monitoring. The article defines the peculiarities of individual interview in the course of practical training. Effectiveness of the method of successive approximations in educational function of the ongoing monitoring is revealed. The corresponding changes of final control are demonstrated. It is concluded that transformation of the learning concept leads to the need for adjusting the approaches towards performance monitoring of the students, and primarily, the ongoing monitoring.
teacher, university, students, individual survey, forms of control, final control, current control, performance monitoring, learning concepts, practical skills control
Innovative methodology and technology
Bobrova, G.V., Ivanov, A.V. (2019). Military-applied training as a structural component of continuing specialized military education of the cadets. Modern Education, 2, 58–64.
The object of this research is the educational activity of the cadet schools. The objectives pursued in educational process of the cadets, as well as the fundamental purpose of the formation of military colleges of pre-university tutorial of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation have a number of discrepancies. Educational activity of the cadet schools is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Education Standard and does not suggest the specialized military component; while the goal of the similar educational facilities lies in pre-entry training of the young men for military institutions of higher education of the country, which implies possession of the basic skills of military profession. The article examines the peculiarities of implementation of the specialized military disciplines into the curriculum of academic subject “physical education”. The empirical research (questionnaire, interview) are aimed at studying the cadets’ attitude towards the tasks of military-applied character, as well as the need for their implementation into the training process. The goal of the article consists in determining which disciplines are in most demand among the cadets of different age groups. The research results allow structuring the system of physical education in the cadet school, considering the specialized military program in accordance with age interests of the students, which would increase their preparedness level for entering the military institutions of higher education.
physical culture, questioning, education, military specialty, military-applied training, age interests, a complex of measures, profile-oriented training, cadets, play
Innovative methodology and technology
Semenov, D., Sergunova, K.A., Vetsheva, N.N., Morozov, S.P. (2019). Online testing as a teaching method, form of questionnaire and knowledge control of the medical personnel. Modern Education, 2, 65–74.
This article explores the online testing system with the elements of adaptive learning, developed for assessing the level of knowledge of medical specialists in the key areas of diagnostic radiology. The implementation of this program considers the modern trends of the usage of distance teaching techniques. The main advantages of the online testing system is the possibility of assessing the level of knowledge among the specialists at various stages of education, as well as reduction in time required for self-study, analysis of the acquired results, and ensuring availability for expanding and correction of the database of test assignments. The system is introduces in PHP programming language and interacts with MySQL database, which stores the test assignments and statistical data. The list of questions automatically forms out of the selected sub-specialty based on the compliance matrix that limits the scope of topics and the amount of questions. A set of tags was attached to each of the test assignment, so each user receives a unique set of tasks on the selected subject. The article examines on of the advanced trends of further development of the system – implementation of the methods of adaptive learning, which unlike the traditional methods, is aimed at the improvements of the quality of education by creating an individual education plan. Application of the suggested algorithm allows each user to conduct a detailed assessment of the level of their knowledge, set right priorities, and achieve the desired result, while minimizing their time. Creation of such system will also contribute to the reduction of costs for tuition within the framework of continuing medical education, as well as improvement in the quality of professional training.
individual training, self control, education efficiency, questions database, medical education, knowledge control, online testing, adaptive training, education quality, education program
Knowledge and understanding
Mayer, R.V. (2019). The “Physical Field” concept and peculiarities of its application in formation of the scientific worldview in student’s mindset. Modern Education, 2, 75–81.
The object of this research is the process of studying the gravitational, electromagnetic and other physical fields. The goal is to analyze the formation of the “physical field” concept, which is the core of conceptual field incorporating the “gravitational”, “electric”, “magnetic”, “electromagnetic”, “nuclear forces” and others, from the perspective of didactics and cognitive linguistics; determine the imagery-perceptual component of the concept, its structure and key cognitive qualities; examine the specificities of their representation of the courses of “Physics”, “Concepts of Modern Natural History”, and “Natural Science Worldview”. The following methods were used in the course of this research: 1) analysis of the definitions of concept, determination of the key cognitive qualities; 2) studying the sensual and visual image formed in a student’s mindset; 3) semantic and cognitive analysis of academic texts; 4) building of the semantic model. The result of quantitative analysis of the various textbooks established that the conceptualization of “physical field” first and foremost suggests the examination of the following cognitive qualities: “physical field – form of matter”, “gravitational field”, “field of gravity”, “electric and electrostatic filed”, “magnetic field”, “electromagnetic field, and “field worldview (concept, theory)”.
linguistics, scientific picture of the world, physics, textbook, concept, physical field, education, didactics, cognitive features, sensual image