Melnikov, Y.B., Privalov, S.M. (2019). Internal algebraic understanding of strategy as the means of organization of teaching mathematics. Modern Education, 4, 1–14.
The object of this research is the process of teaching mathematics. The subject of this research is the strategy of teaching. The author suggest and examines the internal algebraic perception of teaching strategy viewed as the mechanism for creating the teaching plan. Earlier on, Y. B. Meknikov has proposed the interpretation of algebraic approach towards modelling as the system consisting of three components: 1) system of basic models; 2) system of typical transformations and standard combinations of models; 3) approximation mechanism intended for a similar understanding of the model in form of a result of typical transformations and standard combinations of basic models. The internal algebraic understanding of the strategy is distinguished by the fact that basic elements represent the components of the strategy, rather than the external perception, where the basic elements are a part of other strategies. The research carries a theoretical character, though some of its results have already been implemented into educational practice in the Ural State University of Economics. The theoretical framework relies on the modelling theory of Y. B. Melnikov, which is based on the formal-constructive interpretation of the model. The scientific novelty primarily consists in structuring of model of the strategy as a mechanism for creating plan of action, as well as distinction of the postulates of strategy that help to define the typical transformations and standard combinations of the plans of action. The author proposes an internal algebraic approach towards the concept of strategy, where the algebraic concept means a system consisting of three components: a) system of basic elements; b) system pf typical transformations and standard combinations of the elements; c) approximation mechanism intended for understanding of strategy in form of a result of application of typical transformations and standard combinations of the basic elements.
teaching methods, learning theory, teaching mathematics, reference model, activity algorithm, algebraic approach, goal of activity, plan of activity, strategy of activity, activity management
Developing pedagogical technologies
Nadyrshin, T.M. (2019). The problems of anthropological research of religion and education. Modern Education, 4, 15–20.
This article describes the main problems emerging at the intersection of the two developing subdisciplines of anthropological science: anthropology of education and anthropology of religion. The author lists such problems as atheistic and religious socialization of school students, correlation of confessional self-identification with educational process, religious minorities at school, religious organizations at school, consumption and reproduction of religious media, language, role of class culture, religious literacy, and link between anthropology of education and religion. Each of the aforementioned problems requires particularization and explication; all of them are quite broad, and in sense, just the attempts of comprehending the extensive locus of the anthropology of education and the anthropology of religion. This study just outlines the framework of future vectors of development on the topic. The indicated directions may also be used in arrangement of curriculum for religious studies in the educational establishments.
cultural self-reflection, religious socialization, elements of anthropological analysis, cultural transmission, Anthropology of Religion, Anthropology of Education, confessional identity, religious minorities, religious organizations, religious media
Egorov, S. (2019). Approaches and models of managing the systems of evangelical theological education in modern Russia. Modern Education, 4, 21–31.
The subject of this research is the management activity in the modern Russian systems of evangelic theologian education. The existing in Russian legislation conflicts of law along with the set of historically formed confessional approaches to management, justify the gap between normative description of management practices and direct activity in this sphere. Therefore, examination of the implemented in practice approaches and methods of managing the systems of evangelical education in relation to their normative regulation seems relevant. The basic approach in this research became Peter Checkland’s soft systems methodology that allows reconstructing and comparing the normative expectations and actual practices. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of management practice of evangelical theological education as an intricate system, rather than fragmentary. Leaning on the extensive source base, the author gradually reviews various aspects of educational management, ranging from the Russian legislation and statutes of religious organizations to immediate problems faced by the heads and staff members of educational organizations. The acquired results are valuable for improving management practice in this sphere, as well as optimization and development of legislation of the Russian Federation with regards to state-confessional relations.
educational policy, education management, Russian legislation, freedom of conscience, religious education, theological education, sociology of religion, sociology of management, religious policy, evangelical churches
Faritov, A.T. (2019). Methodology of studying the process of formation of engineering competence among students of general educational institutions. Modern Education, 4, 32–43.
This article contains the results of the conducted research focused on studying approaches towards formation of engineering competence among students of general educational institutions. As a result, the author formulated an exhaustive definition of the term “engineering competence”, examined the peculiarities of approaches towards its formation, and determined the principles of each of the described approaches corresponding with the specificities of formation of engineering competence. The object of research is the engineering competence; the subject is the set of scientific approaches and related principles contributing to its formation among the students of 7 – 9 grades. The scientific novelty consists in systematization and framing of the concept of “engineering competence of the students”, disclosure of the most optimal teaching approaches from the perspective of formation of engineering competence, as well as identification of teaching principles contributing to the development of research and project activity. The author substantiates the reasonableness of integrated application of the approaches (personality oriented, competent, activity and systemic) towards formation of engineering competence among the middle school students.
competence-activity approach, personality-oriented approach, scientific approach, educational institution, design and research activities, engineering competence, competence, system approach, engineering activity, formation of engineering competence
Values and goals of education
Egorov, S. (2019). Development of management models and mechanisms in the modern systems of evangelical theological education. Modern Education, 4, 44–54.
The subject of this research is the management practice existing in the Russian systems of evangelical theological education. Management models and mechanisms in this sphere developed under the influence of global trends in management, Russian traditions in educational management, dogmas and traditions of evangelical churches. Depending on the external and internal factors of the development of religious educational organizations, their leaders implemented certain management mechanisms and models that allowed achieving organizational goals and maintaining educational process. The soft systems methodology developed by the experts from Lancaster University with active participation of Peter Checkland became the methodological frameworks for this research. This systemic approach determines the general consistencies despite the scatteredness of available data. The scientific novelty consists in examination management practice of the representatives of evangelical systems of education from the perspective of pragmatic principles and specific decisions in relation to the normative views upon the corresponding sphere. A significant array of relevant data analyzed by the author within the framework of the study demonstrates a direct analogy of the approaches and principles of decision-making in the area of theological education with the management practice in the leading world universities and other organizations.
complex adaptive system, educational policy, higher education, Russian legislation, control systems, religious education, theological education, education management, management models, evangelical churches
Developing pedagogical technologies
Faritov, A.T. (2019). To the question of implementation of 3D-prototyping in the students’ extracurricular activity . Modern Education, 4, 55–63.
The current global standards require the state educational system to grasp the basics of research and project activity, namely the skills of 3D-prototyping. The correlation is traced between realizing the importance of implementation of modern technologies into educational process and insufficiency of the conducted scientific research on the topic. Therefore, the subject of this article is the organizational factors assisting the efficient implementation of rapid prototyping technologies within the framework of extracurricular school activity. Based on the results of the conducted research, the author determines the content of pedagogical procurement of the process of implementation of 3D-prototyping technology into the educational process in terms of extracurricular activity. The external factors influencing the effectiveness of integration of 3D-technologies into the school educational environment are substantiated and experimentally verified. The author explores the peculiarities of rapid prototyping technology, as well as possibilities of their application in educational process.
extracurricular activity, engineering, modeling, innovative technology, education, teaching, prototyping, 3D printing, general education, GEF
Effectiveness of training
Faritov, A.T. (2019). Formation of engineering competence among the students of general educational institutions as a pedagogical problem. Modern Education, 4, 64–77.
The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that at the present time human civilization takes on a new stage of development. The impact of technologies increases steadily. Therefore, the goal for development of engineering way thinking as the fundamental characteristic of a modern human becomes mainstream. With regards to transformation of the surrounding world namely engineering way of thinking manifests as the leading and most significant type of cognitive activity of a human. Such variety of cognitive operations incorporates the innovative idea and latest technology. Specialists with the engineering way of thinking enjoy high demand in the modern society: design-engineering departments, most advanced industries, rapidly developing organizations, etc. The transition towards innovation economy foregrounds the objective of global development and support of the future engineers. The Strategy for innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 indicated the importance of “global incentivizing innovative behavior of the youth”. The development of the skills of design engineering, inventiveness, and other serves as one of the fundamental components of educational system in terms of transition of national economy towards innovative type.
informatics, progress, problem, education, robotics, school, formation, engineering, competences, competence approach