Stukalova, I.B. (2018). The evolution of Master’s Degree Program in Russia: prerequisites, problems and prospects. Modern Education, 3, 1–8.
The goal of this article lies the examination of evolution of Master’s Degree Program in Russia, as well as determination of the promising trends of its development. The object of this research is the Master’s curricula implemented in higher education facilities of the Russian Federation. The subject is the status of Master’s Degree Program within the hierarchy of national education system that defines its effectiveness functions and types of curricula. The author assesses the quantitative characteristics of the Master’s Programs in Russian universities, and concludes that it becomes the key program for preparing the highly qualified specialists. The article also reveals the problems and typical “deceptions” in the area of implementation of the Master’s Programs regarding their succession, objective functions and academic component. The research provides the results of survey performed among the Master’s Program applicants of the leading Russian socioeconomic universities, which allow forecasting their individual educational trajectories. The author formulates the suggestions on the need for parallel development and implementation of academic and practice-oriented (applied) Master’s Programs as a promising direction of the development of Master’s Degree Program in the system of continuing education of the Russian Federation.
the system of continuous education, government education policy, prospects, problems, prerequisites, masters’ degree programs, tertiary model of education, high education, academic master’s degree program, practical-oriented master’s degree program
Modern strategies and forms of education
Nevolina, V.V. (2018). Scientific methodological laboratory for personal growth: pedagogical assistance and support. Modern Education, 3, 9–15.
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of mystical viewed in context of the history of religion and culture of mankind. Reference to the mystical experience attains special meaning at the current stage of civilizational development – the search for exiting the spiritual crisis. The “mystical” is typified as the “internal religion” opposite to the “external religion” – the religious cult and religious organization. Mysticism, being the inner part of religion, is identified with the most sacred knowledge and human feelings aimed at cognizing the Absolute. Mysticism is a conceptual core of the religious experience and the overall goal of any religious practice. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes that the evolution of religions took a path from magical to mystical. The magical (primal) religions are deprived of mystical beginning. The phenomenon of mystical occurs only within the national and world religions that recognize a human as a carrier of the absolute beginning. The peculiarity of current situation consists in the return to pre-mystical religious representations. The author determines the two types of mystical teachings – the immanent and the transcendent immanent. The importance of mystical religious first and foremost lies in development of the gnoseological abilities of a human, and then in the revolutionary psychological transformations of mind and personality.
medical school, pedagogical technologies, motivation, questioning, factor analysis, foresight area, pedagogical support, student, professional self-development, self-development
Historicism as a principle
Kirzhaeva, V.P., Osovskii, O.E. (2018). Nicholas A. Hans and Russian storylines on the pages of English periodicals of the 1920’s – 1930’s. Modern Education, 3, 16–27.
The object of this research is the process of reception of the Soviet school of 1920’s – early 1930’s in the English periodicals and the role of a prominent English pedagogue-comparativist, the former Russian emigrant Nicholas Hans (N. A. Gantz). Leaning on the traditions of pre-revolutionary Russian pedagogy, practice of the Russian pedagogical emigration and accomplishment of the English pedagogical thought, using the comparative-historical approach, N. Hans depicts the established in USSR system of education in the context of confrontation between the two educational traditions: democratic and autocratic. Despite the fact that the name of N. A. Gantz has been returned to the Russian pedagogy back in 1990’s, the English period of his scientific and teaching activity yet remains insufficiently studied. The authors introduce into the academic discourse a number of his unknown articles dedicated to the history of Russian school and the state Soviet education of the 1920’s – early 1930’s, which were previously published in English periodicals. The article traces N. Hans’ participation in “Pedagogical Annual” and presentation of the Russian theme on its pages.
Nicholas Hans, Nikolai Gantz, English pedagogics, comparative education, Russian pedagogic emigration, Soviet education, Soviet school reception, "Yearbook of Education", democratic educational tradition, authocratic educational tradition
Chepurin, A.V. (2018). Educational quest – one of the modern forms of professional orientation work. Modern Education, 3, 28–33.
This article considers the problem of disagreement in public interests, government order and personal orientations of students in choosing future profession, as well as demonstrates the need for conducting professional orientation work in schools in the new format with participation of employers and organizations of professional education. The subject of this research is the educational quest as a modern form of professional orientation work, which allows uniting efforts of the actors of professional orientation activities and achieve the set of expected results (personal, metadisciplinary, disciplinary) in professional self-determination over a fairly short period of time. The article analyzes the requirements of the relevant normative legal acts, scientific publication on the topic at hand, substantiated the technology of carrying out the educational quest “I’m going to be a laborer…” allows achieving the expected results in professional self-determination of the students in a short period of time: familiarize with the specialties in demand in their place of residence and enrollment requirements; formulate a personal evaluative judgment; continue to getting familiar with the studied profession or change your professional preference; using the suggested algorithm, explore the selected training program or degree. Besides the main disciplinary results, which are effectively achieved in the course of performing the tasks, the participants acknowledge the achievement of metadisciplinary results as well, such as the skill of teamwork, accumulation and processing of information, which are also important, or even instrumental, in further professional and personal self-determination.
quest, education, educational technologies, collaboration, web-quest, educational quest, professional orientation, educational standard, self-determination, general education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Vitvar, O.I. (2018). Socio-pedagogical model of achieving new educational results in the system of secondary professional education. Modern Education, 3, 34–40.
The author considers the organizational and substantive bases of achieving new educational results in professional education from the standpoint of social-pedagogical approach, justifies its importance in the improvement of quality of Secondary Professional Education (SPE). The article examines the traditional and innovative (pilot) integration models of the professional training of specialists for the current job market in the system of secondary professional education, determines the key subjects of professional education, their powers and responsibility, as well as marks the pat for achieving compatibility of educational results and the requirements of modern industrial enterprises. Methodological foundation for this research is the philosophical principles of cognition – integrity, consistency, general communication, causality. Solution of the problems at hand is carried out on the basis of scientific methods of idealization, synthesis, comparative and qualitative content analysis, expert assessment. The scientific novelty lies in a consideration of possible position of assessing the new educational results in the SPE system, acceptable for educational institutions and industrial enterprises. A conclusion is made on the need for reconciliation of requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of new generation with requirements of the professional standards to solve the problem of youth employment.
secondary professional education, power, industrial enterprise, socio-pedagogical approach, new educational results, professional education, youth employment, organization of cooperation, models of professional training, expert assessment
Modern strategies and forms of education
Gelman, V., Lan'ko, S.V., Serdyukov, Y.P. (2018). Organization of the IT postgraduate education in continuous medical education. Modern Education, 3, 41–50.
The subject of this research is the organization of educational process in IT postgraduate training in terms of continuous medical education. Therewith, the cycles of improvements in the context of the system of continuous medical education become separate modules of the modular approach. This requires the organization of educational process in the indicated circumstances. Therefore, the goal of this research is the identification of problems and tasks occurring in organization of IT training for medical workers, their analysis and possible ways of solution. Expert assessment and generalized practical experience are used in determination of the key trends and issues emerging in organization of educational process. Moreover, the questionnaire survey of the trainees is conducted in the course of the specifically organized examinations. As a result, the author determines the requirements imposed upon the organization of educational process, as well as demonstrates the possible ways of solution of the arising questions. Suggesting the ways for their solution, the authors assume that it will allow increasing the efficiency of organization of educational process in postgraduate continuous training. Part of the recommendations can also be valuable for other academic departments.
document flow, medical staff, adult education, Information Technology, postgraduate training, medical education, continuous education, organization, educational process, distance learning
Developing pedagogical technologies
Stepanov, S.Y., Sobolevskaya, T.A., Ryabova, I.V., Nezhkina, N.N., Nekhorosheva, E.V., Chistyakova, Y.V. (2018). To the development of the system of psychological-pedagogical technologies of increasing performance of students with health issues. Modern Education, 3, 51–60.
This article provides the analysis of the questionnaire result among Moscow pedagogues for determining the existing level and content of work with underachieving students with health issues, as well as pedagogues’ requests in formation of such competence. The subject of this research is the content and conditions of using by pedagogical staff of the technologies of accompanying underachieving schoolers with health issues. The goal of this work is the development and substantiation of the effectiveness of new psychological-pedagogical technologies for increasing performance of the students with health issues. The authors surveyed the pedagogical staff in Moscow schools for analyzing their skills and knowledge in the area of technologies of the work with underachieving students with health issues, as well as detection of the organizational-pedagogical conditions that contribute or impede the effective solution of the problem. Relevance of this scientific work is substantiated primarily by the fact that currently the institution of education represented by a particular pedagogue or the system overall do not possess a sufficient arsenal of means, methods and technologies for timely identification of the difficulties that emerge in educational process due to the health issues of the students and affect their school performance, as well as their timely prevention. The priority in this regards must become the formation and improvement of pedagogical work with the underachieving students with health issues.
traditional technology, health problem, support of pupils, educational organization, psychological technologies, school-related disorders, underachieving children, teachers, questioning, new technology
Innovative methodology and technology
Romanova, O.V. (2018). Chemistry Olympiads in the system of modern school education. Modern Education, 3, 61–70.
The subject of this research is the questions of students’ preparation for Chemistry Olympiads. The author analyzes the content of the school chemistry course, hosting of school Chemistry Olympiads and the issues of preparation, as well as formulates methodology of teaching the secondary school student how to solve the Olympiad tasks. The author also composes a number of standards for chemistry teacher aimed at the development of students’ creative abilities through solving the Olympiad tasks and selects the tasks for studying certain topics in the school chemistry course. The program of elective course that contributes to preparation of students for participation in Olympiads is being developed and tested. Having analyzed the research results, it is safe to say that the solution of Olympiad tasks is advantageous for the students, as they help to digest the new material. The majority of students believe that the Olympiad tasks should be used in educational process, because they develop thought process and creativity. A conclusion is made that introduction of the recommended elective course increases students’ interests in the subject, as well as the level of grasping the material and the quality of students’ knowledge.
custom tasks, Chemistry Olympiads, gifted children, cognitive interest, creativity, creative experience, creative abilities, educational process, elective course, Olympiad task
Innovative methodology and technology
Urazaeva, N., Morozov, E. (2018). Corpus-based linguistics in teaching German language: practical basis and instruments . Modern Education, 3, 71–79.
Information era of the development of computer technologies and wide availability of Internet opens new opportunities for increasing the efficiency of educational process of foreign languages. The subject of this research is one of the modern and relevant directions in methodology of teaching German language – the corpus-based teaching. Corpus-based technologies are used in teaching vocabulary, grammar, translation, in cross-cultural research, realization of project activities, as well as allow significantly increasing the quality of education, accelerate the process of acquisition and digestion of knowledge, increase motivation and interest in learning German language. Research methodology is based on the analysis of theoretical insights on the indicated problematic, normative documents, description and assessment of possible application of linguistic corpuses in learning and teaching German language. The achievements in the area of corpus-based linguistics can become widely used in the process of teaching German language. Corpus-based approach is the most advanced innovation addition to the traditional teaching; it is optimal for understanding of such aspects of language as polysemy, historical, geographical and social variation, changes in language system. The key aspects of corpus-based teaching are the authenticity of material, Interdisiplinarity, empirical adequacy, adjustment to particular tasks and target groups, possibility of self-tuition.
the German language, information technology, universal learning activities, educational standard, corpus linguistics, linguistic corps, online resource, teaching method, corpus-based, corpus-driven
Individual approach in education
Martynets, M. (2018). Results of the research of the dynamics of individual progress of the students of advanced training while studying the topic of “Expertise of operational planning programs”. Modern Education, 3, 80–93.
The article is devoted to some aspects of pedagogical activity. Firstly, the structure and content of this article allow a teacher to identify a recommended algorithm for developing an operational planning program and the criteria for its assessment. This research provides the material for classification of the requirements of educational standard, as well as regional recommendations for developing an operational planning program by the audience. Secondly, the reader of the article reveals the methodology of organizing pedagogical activity aimed at understanding, analysis and assessment of their personal operational planning programs. Contrariwise, the motivated teacher will elucidate the method of organization of students’ actions pertinent to evaluation of their progress in the course of studying one or another topic of school subject in student-centered approach. In the last turn, with respect to their importance, the article contains the results of the research, held within the framework of advanced training of the pedagogues. Some of the conclusions might be valuable for deputy directors for organization of teachers’ work at schools. The practical novelty lies in the author’s attempt to reveal and substantiate the method of qualitative determination of the adequacy of self-esteem of the students based on the reverse dependency between the actual test results and expected appropriateness of performing the tasks by the students of advanced training in terms of continuing professional education.
process of advanced training, individual progress, program compliance assessment, criteria for program expertise, expertise, program creation algorithm, operational planning program, expectations and reality, applied research, deputy directors' activities
Adult games
Senashenko, V.S., Marushina, M.K. (2018). Business game in corporate training as an effective method of competences development . Modern Education, 3, 94–108.
The object of this research is the business games as an effective method of corporate training for the acting executives and candidate pool. The subject of this research is the impact of business gamed upon the development of specific competences of the executives. The authors compare the Russian and foreign experience of conducting business games in corporate training, highlighting such aspects that the corporate training specialists are guided by in elaboration and selection of business games for the high-profile and demanding audience. The study is based on the analysis of Russian and foreign publication dedicated to corporate training, business games and innovative teaching methods for adults, as well as empirical data acquired as a result of elaboration and performance of corporate training of the candidate pool of the aerospace industry by one of the co-authors in 2017-2018. It is concluded that the method of business games is effective if adheres to the androgogic training principles, including systematicity, learning though experience, reflexivity, etc. In such case, it leads to achievement of such pedagogical goals as involvement of the participants in educational process, formation of new practical skills, development of competences, and so forth. The scientific novelty lies in paying sufficient attention to analysis of the impact of business games upon the development of competences of the executives. The materials can be used in development of modular programs of candidate pool training in the corporations.
game-based learning approach, corporate competencies model, simulation, business game, executive education, competencies development, corporate learning, high potentials, motivation, principles of andragogy
In search of the meaning
Skobelina, N.A. (2018). Institutionalization of sociology of social movements: integration of scientific and educational aspects. Modern Education, 3, 109–117.
Modern scholars pay attention to the tendency towards consolidation and unification of the various elements of the system of science education, which is also relevant for sociology. The article lays emphasis on institutionalization of the sociology of social movements and application of integrated approach in studying the indicated sociological direction. The goal of this article is the determination of integration process of scientific and educational aspects in sociology of social movements through the strategy of integralism that is understood as a method of organization f integration process. The article suggests the model of institutionalization of sociology of social movements, which has the structure comprised of the consecutive levels of integration. The research is based on the integrated approach, uses general scientific methods, including the analysis of scientific literature. The dependence of integration process on the type of used strategy is demonstrated within the framework of integrated approach. The integration process that underlies the institutionalization of sociology of movements is characterized by the internal, external and complex strategies in accordance with the micro-, meso- and macro-levels, as well as defined by the three stages of institutionalization of the sociology of social movements. In conclusion, the author underlines that the integration approach contributes to the development of sociological knowledge in the area of studying the modern social movements. The article is recommended to the pedagogues of sociology of social movements of the higher education facilities and all interested in the indicated topic.
institutionalization, educational aspects, model of institutionalization, strategy, integration, sociology of social movements, social movements, sociology, scientific aspects, science education
Historicism as a principle
Osovskiy, O.E., Kirzhaeva, V.P. (2018). Nicholas Hans and the assessment of Soviet school policy of the Russian pedagogical émigré at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s. Modern Education, 3, 118–126.
This article reviews the problem of perception and assessment of the process of school building in USSR by the Russian pedagogical émigré at the turn of 1920’s – 1930’s. Having set the goal of creating the Russian foreign school, pedagogues and leaders of the social-pedagogical movement took a close eye on what was happening to the school homeward, assessed it with critical objectivity, highlighting the positive changes and pointing at dangerous tendencies. These issues are the focus of attention in the articles of Sergius Hessen, N. F. Novozhilov, A. L. Bem and N. A. Hans in the émigré pedagogical periodicals. Using the principles of the traditional historical-pedagogical research, approaches of content analysis and case study, the author determine the methodology applied by Nicholas Hans for analyzing the Soviet educational policy and school system. The authors reveal the scholar’s position, according to which the characteristic to the entire history of national school antagonism between radical and autocratic traditions finds its continuation in the Soviet school, that in turn, allows extrapolating the conclusions based on the development stages of prerevolutionary school towards new situation. N. A. Hans uses similar approach in preparation of works about the Soviet school policy, addressed to the English audience. For the first time the authors introduce into the scientific discourse a number of Russian and English language publications of N. A. Hans, a notable participant of the social-pedagogical process of Russian émigré community, but yet unfamiliar to Russian audience. Nicholas Hans was one of the few Russian émigré, who was able to integrate into the scientific educational space of the Great Britain and became a prominent pedagogue-comparativist.
comparative and historical pedagogical studies, school in the USSR, Soviet school policy, pedagogical traditions, emigre pedagogical periodics, pedagogics of Russia Abroad, Russian-European pedagogical contacts, comparative education, Nicholas Hans, Sergius Hessen