Modern strategies and forms of education
Brovkin, A.V. (2018). The problems of the modern Russian system of higher education and methods of their solution in accordance with the interest of all participants of the educational process: Part 2. Modern Education, 2, 1–8.
This article is a second part of explication of the research results on the problems of modern Russian higher education, and represents a direct continuation of the first part. The author analyze the goals, tasks and problems of such participants of the national educational process in higher school as the faculty members, students, parents of the students, and employers. Leaning on the conducted research, each of the indicated four groups of stakeholders of the educational process, the author formulates a number of key conclusion and provides specific practical recommendations. In the course of this work were applies the methods of analysis and synthesis of the information of open sources, including modern articles and monographs of the Russian and foreign experts in the area of higher education. The author’s personal pedagogical experience was considered. The key results of the second part of the case study include the profound analysis of the four groups of stakeholders of the educational process, with subsequent formulation of the corresponding conclusions and recommendations. The article provides the generalized conclusions on both parts of research, as well as conclusions and recommendations on the vectors of modernization of the modern Russian system of higher education.
parents of students, employers, faculty, skills, motivation, career, higher education, high school, stakeholders of the educational process, students
Philosophy and pedagogy
Gryaznova, E.V., Goncharuk, A. (2018). Formation of methodological culture of a young scholar at the lectures and practice in the university. Modern Education, 2, 9–18.
The goal of this work is demonstration of the possibilities of implementation of the pedagogical principles and methods in formation of methodological culture of a young scholar at the lectures and practice, tested in the course of multiyear work with the indicated set of students. As an example, the author selected the topic “Definition of the concept of science”, because it is included to multiple disciplines of masters and postgraduate programs in various aspects. Special attention is given to the problem of creation of the integral theoretical, methodological and practical foundations of educational courses based on the example of the disciplines “Philosophy of Science” and “Methodology of Scientific Activity”. The key methods of research contain the analytical overview of scientific culture, analysis, generalization, classification, principles of didactics, individual approach to a student in terms of the collective work, systematicity and sequence, stability in knowledge and skills, correlation of theory and practice. The listed pedagogical methods can be implemented in practice by the educators in creation of the learning courses for magistrates and postgraduates. In particular, they make the lecture material more interesting and relevant, help the students to create a holistic understanding of the goals and tasks of the studied subject, as well as the practical importance of the acquired theoretical knowledge. Inclusion of the elements of methodology of scientific knowledge into theoretical material conduces the more efficient achievement of one of the major goals of education – attainment of methodological culture by young scholars.
dialectics, higher educational institution, philosophy of science, science methodology, the culture of the teacher, methodological culture, science, scientific research, scientific article, scientific concept
Sazyka, G.S. (2018). Practice and questions of conceptualization of the sociocultural activity. Modern Education, 2, 19–32.
The object of this research is a current discourse between the theory of sociocultural activity and pedagogical practice. The subject of this research is the sociocultural activity as a field of pedagogical practice of the separate educational facilities in Russia. The goal is to determine the substantial aspects of the content of sociocultural activity as the fields of modern national pedagogy with emphasis on the currently developing practice of nurturing the sociocultural traits of students’ personality through organization and execution of cultural events, as well as the theory of sociocultural activity. The key method of research is the logical-semantic explication of the categories of pedagogical practice into the sphere of theoretical discourse. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the concept of sociocultural activity is broader than the used up to now terms within the practice of nurturing the sociocultural traits of personality (cultural education of the masses, cultural-educational work, and others). It includes the description not only of pedagogical practice based on the theoretical-methodological grounds, but also the phenomenon of social life capable of developing outside the explicated pedagogical concept within the framework of the common factors of sociocultural dynamics and self-organization of the society. The concept of sociocultural activity underlines the yet untapped potential of pedagogical science in the aspect of forming the trends of sociocultural development.
personality, University, practice education, socio-cultural activities, pedagogy, culture, society, education, cultural work, inculturation
Gemranova, A.D. (2018). National university education in the area of culture and art. Modern Education, 2, 33–39.
This article analyzes the history of establishment and development of the national higher education in the area of culture and art during the Soviet period and modern Russia. Relevance of the topic is defined by the fact that the national university education in the area of culture and art forms the artistic-creative potential of society, reproduces the subject of culture, targeting it directly on the cognition and practical manifestation of the ideals of freedoms, truth, good, beauty and love. The object of this research is the history of national university education in the area of culture and art. The subject is the peculiarities of establishment and development of the national higher education in the area of culture and art during the Soviet period and modern Russia. The present stage marks the emergence of the new paradigms of cultural development and the development of modern education, which undoubtedly requires the consideration of the experience of establishment and development of higher education in the area of culture and art during the Soviet period and modern Russia. The scientific novelty lies in a multifaceted analysis, as well as the study within the framework of a single article of the various aspects of establishment and development of higher education in the area of culture and art. Practical importance of this research consists in the potential implementation of its materials for the more extensive examination of this topic.
artistic and creative potential of the society, Soviet education, higher education, cultural potential, university education,, education, university, culture, art, paradigms of cultural development
Values and goals of education
Kuimova, N.N., Grigoshina, Y.A. (2018). Correlation between anxiety and behavioral style among the adolescents in a conflict situation . Modern Education, 2, 40–50.
The subject of this research is the effect of the level of anxiety upon the preferred behavioral style in a conflict situation. The author puts forward a hypothesis that the preferred behavioral strategies of adolescents in a conflict situation will differ depending on the individual level of anxiety. The goal of this work is to determine the correlation between the level of anxiety and the selection of behavioral strategy among adolescents in a conflict situation. The object is the behavioral style of adolescents in a conflict situation. The prevention of conflict situation is influences by the personal traits, based on which is selected the best course of action to resolve the conflict, in other words – the behavioral strategy. The research method include the following: the Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (adapted by T. A. Nemchinov); survey test “State-Trait Anxiety Inventory” (C. D. Spilberger, P. A. Khanin); “Interpersonal Conflict-Handling Behavior” of K. Thomas (adapted by N. V. Grishina). The conducted analysis demonstrated that among the anxious adolescents in a conflict situation dominate such traits as competitiveness, avoidance and adaptiveness alongside the refusal to compromise, irascibility. While among the non-anxious adolescents – prevail the strategy of competitiveness with manifestation of inflexibility, stubbornness and positive aggression.
disharmony, aggressiveness, conflict situations, age characteristics of adolescents, personal characteristics of adolescents, behavior strategies, anxiety, conflict, threshold sensitivity, stressful situations
Types of education
Pakhareva, I.V. (2018). Information-interactive complex as an instrument for establishment of graphic competence of the bachelors of technical specialties. Modern Education, 2, 51–61.
This article examine the bases of functionality of the information-interactive complex (IIC) as an instrument for establishment of graphic competence of the bachelors of technical specialties. The author underlines the necessity of implementation of the modern technologies and solutions in the area of education as the means of its development, particularly in the process of establishment of graphic competence. IIC is viewed as an instrument for solution of educational task aimed at preparation of the future qualified university graduate. The subject of this work is the information-interactive complex intended towards establishment of graphic competence of the bachelors of technical specialties. The research methods include the examination and analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodological literature dedicated to the questions of training, legal framework, normative-technical documentation concerning the requirements to the quality of information systems; terminological analysis of the concepts of interactivity, affordability, plausibility, timeliness and efficiency of information delivery, adequacy, representativeness, information security aimed at the disclosing of their meaning in the context of establishment of graphic competence. The article determines the components of information-interactive complex of establishment of graphic competence of the bachelors of technical specialties, specifies and substantiated the principles of its functionality, structures the tasks solved within the framework of IIC by its users.
graphic competence, information and interactive complex, electronic resource, educational resource, information systems, information and communication technologies, educational process, competence, information properties, engineering and graphic disciplines
Ways of upbringing
Gordashnikov, V.A., Sergievich, A.A., Khoroshikh, P.P. (2018). Psychoecological principles in the structure of educational process in terms of developing the professional competencies among medical students. Modern Education, 2, 62–67.
This article examines the main psychoecological principles that are basic in establishment of the professional competencies among medical students. The authors believe that the principle of health forms the foundation for development of a positive attitude towards the own body. The correspondence principle allows forming the proper understanding of the development and functionality of correspondences between the various body systems. The principle of protection is based on the general mechanism of external and internal protective responses of the body as vital system. An equally important principle is considered the principle of measure, which forms the foundation of precision and proper understanding of the quantitative relations in body processes. Consideration of all principles in the educational process allows forming the general professional competencies of a student of medical specialty that comprise the basis of clinical judgment of a health professional. In this case, clinical judgments will function in accordance with the same principles as the human body.
measure, protection, correspondence, health, teaching, education, psychoecology, principle, medicine, student
Ways of upbringing
Khoroshikh, P.P., Nosko, I.V. (2018). Psychological-pedagogical basis of patriotic upbringing of the senior preschoolers. Modern Education, 2, 68–72.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of the structure of patriotic upbringing within the system of preschool education. The authors note that the development of patriotic feelings in the context of modern educational process acquires an important meaning. For establishment of the process of patriotic upbringing, it is proposed to lean on the developed by the authors psychological-pedagogical model, which suggests the assessment of educational process from the perspective of axiological, phenomenological and methodological elements. Axiological element implies the consideration of such value structures imbued by a pedagogue in formation of positive feelings for the Motherland. Phenomenological aspect allows revealing the content of all concepts of the patriotic upbringing. Methodological element includes such methods and approaches that are applied by a pedagogue within the structure of patriotic upbringing. All three elements are basic, and the integrated assessment with consideration of each of them, helps establishing the more complete process of patriotic upbringing. The authors conclude that the implementation of psychological-pedagogical model will allow structuring the patriotic education in the preschool facility, as well as establish the systematic process that contains the work with a child and the assessment of the results of educational process.
phenomenology, axiology, Psychological-pedagogical model, children's psychology, children, patriotism, preschool education, methodology, pedagogy, preschool educational facility
Innovative methodology and technology
Weber, R., Griber, Y.A. (2018). Set of exercises for teaching semiotic translation of color realities to architects. Modern Education, 2, 73–85.
The object of this research is a special professional competence of the modern architects that ensures the necessary experience for constant translation of the color realities from one semiotic system into another. The subject of this research is the set of exercise for teaching the students of architectural faculty to switch from one language into another for recoding the color information. The task of the article lies in generalization of practical experience of teaching the semiotic translation, accumulated in the course of implementation of a unique authorial project of coloristic training of architects in the Technical University of Dresden (Germany). The authors apply the method of typologization aimed at structured description and explanation of the various types of development and tested assignments. Special contribution into the research of this topic consists in systematization of exercises focused on the development of translation competence of the architects. The scientific novelty resides in the determination and characteristic of the three key types of assignments: developing receptive skills; forming skills of “recoding” of the subjective and collective psychological responses; developing reproductive skills.
semiotic transfer, exercise program, education of architects, architecture, art teaching methods, colour didactics, teaching colour, colour, competence, colour design
Effectiveness of training
Elshin, L.A., Safiullin, M.R. (2018). The traditional field of functionality of the regional higher school and the formulation paradigm of its development (on the materials of the Republic of Tatarstan). Modern Education, 2, 86–94.
The subject of this research is the analysis of paradigm of the development of higher education in the Russian Federation within the system of regional field and its compliance with the current and long-range requirements of the forming innovation landscape. Attention is focused on comprehension of the educational potential of regional systems and determination of the path of financial and information flows in the area of science and higher education, considering the regional specificity of traditional field of functionality of the higher school and the peculiarities of organizational-economic development of the territorial systems. The authors use the personal experience in analyzing and assessing the instruments and mechanisms of development of the educational environment, as well as the methods of generalization, descriptive analysis and synthesis of the academic information resources, including the works of the foreign and national experts regarding the problems of development of the system of higher education. The main results lie in the scientifically substantiated conclusions that the process of reprogramming of educational environment in the Russian Federation must be based in the establishment of technology of the constant renewal of learning courses, which minimizes their lagging in response to the transformations of realities of the science itself and the innovation environment of the national and global levels. Leaning on the established system of evolutionary development of educational environment, the author develops a general picture of the regional innovation landscape that requires adjustment and contribute to the solution of relevant issues in the area of stimulating innovations in the regions.
reprogramming of educational space, consulting of fundamental disciplines, educational and methodical schemes, regional innovative landscape, reproduction of innovations, The higher school, schools of sciences, strategic development of the region, innovative activity, regional development
Knowledge and understanding
Nikulin, A.A. (2018). Relevant issues in realization of students’ independent work: theoretical-methodological bases . Modern Education, 2, 95–103.
This article examines the theoretical-methodological bases of the relevant issues in realization of students’ independent work in the context of modern society. Based on the analysis of scientific works dedicated to the problems of realization of students’ independent work, the author made an attempt of their classification according to the elements of the structure of independent activity. The goal of this research is to determine the principles that serve as a foundation for development of the model of students’ independent work, which would meet the requirements of the modern society and allow considering the problems emerging during its implementation. The scientific novelty lies in the author’s substantiation of the possibility of establishment of the model of students’ independent work, which dialectics of elements reveals the problems of realization of the students’ independent work and its causes. The main result consists in justification of need and possibility of establishment of such model of the students’ independent work that is capable of determining the strategy and direction of the pedagogical model of students’ independent work aimed at solution of the particular tasks at the subsequent stages of research. Such model can be titled as “problem model”, because it allows a researcher to comprehensively discern the problematic area of the object at hand.
methodological approaches, teaching methods, method, model, independent work of students, competence, competitive specialist, didactic teaching aids, elements of amateur structure, pedagogy
In search of the meaning
Mokshina, I. (2018). Introducing reading to modern schoolers in the conditions of the use of mobile technologies. Modern Education, 2, 104–117.
This article explores one of the basic tasks of modern education – introducing literature-based reading to modern schoolers. The perspective to the problem is presented with consideration of the development of information culture of modern society. The author describes the key peculiarities of the modern educational process: continuity of learning, change of students’ attitude towards the work with information, emergence of the new direction of the philosophy of education – connectivism, as well as a new type of student – the information literate user of educational services. Based on the described peculiarities of the modern educational process, the author determines the goal and subject of the research: the analysis of the terms of use of mobile technologies in education; characterization of pedagogical experiment, within the framework of which was tested the mobile application “CHITALKin’s Journal” as the means for introducing reading to modern schoolers. The scientific novelty lies in the authorial development of the aforementioned mobile application, which serves as an instrument for introducing reading to modern schoolers, and its implementation into the school curriculum, providing the criteria and indexes of the efficiency of its use. The main conclusion is defined by the substantiation of the efficiency of use of mobile technologies in promoting learning motivation and introducing reading to modern schoolers.
reading, today's students, information literacy, educational motivation, personalization of learning, lifelong learning, mobile technology, pedagogical technology, connectivity, modern educational process
Earnest discussion
Kuzina, N.V., Kuzina, L.B., Sulimov, K.T. (2018). Simulation learning in preparation of personnel of highest qualification and additional professional education: to the question of definitions and structure of the process. Modern Education, 2, 118–139.
According to the federal legislation in the areas of public health and education, individuals receiving medical education, who do not yet have accreditation (certificate) in this specialty, are not allowed to interact with patients. Therefore, over the period of 2013-2014 special relevance gained the problem of simulation learning. The article examines the concept and order of realization of simulation learning in a medical educational facility, provides the dictionary definitions and algorithm of structuring of the educational process, classification of the notions and equipment. The authors used the lexicographical approach – the creation of non-contradictory definitions for the concepts of didactics and educational process based on the authors’ experience in didactics of the higher school, as well as methodological and lexicographical dictionary work. The scientific novelty lies in the terminological determination and classification of conceptual apparatus of the sphere of simulation learning in the professional medical education, clarification of debatable aspects in didactics and interpretation of concepts in the area of formation of the skills and attainments, as well as with regards to the order in organization of educational events and classification of equipment, methods, technologies, approaches used in the educational process. The article also considers the role of pedagogical and assistant personnel in organization of the process, questions of control over the formation of attainments, and other aspects.
theory of skill formation, educational process, didactics, simulation training, advanced training, highly qualified personnel, simulators, attestation, practical training, training standard
Rostovtseva, M.V., Kovalevich, V.T., Kovalevich, I.A., Mitrokhin, R.V. (2018). The technology and methods of inclusive education. Modern Education, 2, 140–148.
This article is dedicated to the questions of inclusive education that are extremely topical at the current stage of social development. The authors examine the problems of inclusive education, which are classified into the general (communication, adaptation, professional training of pedagogues) and the specific characteristic for each particular pedagogical situation. Certain recommendations are given towards solution of the indicated issues: to establish an adaptive educational environment based on the multilevel model of all-round support of the students with health limitations in the process of university education that will include medical, pedagogical, psychological, social and other aspects; for solving certain private problems it is suggested to use the active role playing methods that are efficient communication tools and contribute to adaptation of the participants of educational process in the conditions of inclusive education. Methodological foundation incudes the tailored and activity approaches the allow viewing the inclusive environment as the system of relations of the participants of educational process. The authors determine the following problems of inclusive education: general, fundamental and private common to each particular situation in the educational process. Among the general problems are highlighted the problems of communication, adaptation and professional training of the pedagogues. The recommended multilevel model of all-round support of the students with health limitations must include medical, psychological-pedagogical, development, recreational and cultural aspects, as well as the feedback and monitoring of the students’ achievements. The authors substantiate the purposefulness of implementation of the role interactive methods that allows increasing the effectiveness of the processes of communication, cognition, and socialization of the students.
higher education, integration, active methods, method of play, technology, model, inclusive education, inclusion, socialization, communication
Lyubeznova, N.V., Vykhodtseva, I.S., Sadilov, I.V. (2018). The specificities of teaching the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university. Modern Education, 2, 149–154.
The subject of this research is the analysis of specificities of teaching the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university. The main task becomes the framing of this discipline for one or another university specialization, development of curriculum that considers the specificity of various directions of professional education. After completing the course “Russian language and culture of speech”, a student must obtain the basic knowledge on speech communication, methods of organization of the effective verbal communication in the modern language space. The article analyzes the traditional forms of teaching, as well as the interactive methods: role games, project activity, collaborative learning. The main conclusion consists in the fact that studying the discipline “Russian language and culture of speech” in the agrarian university is an essential stage for preparing a modern specialist. In order to make the educational process bright, entertaining and informal it is necessary to implement alongside the traditional activities the elements of game technologies.
project activity, role play, traditional forms of work, teaching methods, teaching of discipline, culture of speech, russian language, training in cooperation, discussion, lecture