Question at hand
Arinushkina, A.A., Bakhtin, M.B., Dovbysh, S.E. (2018). Monitoring of public inquiry (educational aspects) as a mechanism of setting managerial tasks within the system public education. Modern Education, 4, 1–7.
The subject of this research is the socio-pedagogical situation aimed at improving the system of public education in the Russian Federation at the federal and general levels. The authors examine such aspects as the “feedback” from the direct consumers of educational services, key stakeholders of the system of public education, which manifests as the most realistic view of the socio-educational situation. Special attention is given to assessment of the potential of diagnostic tools in the system of public education, classification and analysis of public inquiry through acknowledged through the citizen appeals. The authors identify the structure of citizen appeals on the questions of public education, speed of the response to such appeals; provide substantiation of managerial solutions with regards to improving the system of public education at all levels. The special contribution of the authors into this topic lies in structuring and posing the tasks pertinent to implementation and analysis of the results of citizen appeals and mechanisms of managerial models at all levels of the system of public education. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this article is first to consider modification of public inquiry as the instrument and foundation for managerial decision making applicable to changes in the system of public education (content, limits of cooperation between the subjects of educational processes and key stakeholders of public education). The main conclusion consists in substantiation of the need for development of the consulting support of education management at all levels of the system of public education.
quality education assessment, public examination, education system development, public administration of education, public partisipation, general education content, monitoring of citizens 'appeals, general education system, organizational and pedagogical interaction, Evaluation of Educational Quality
Educational psychology
Labunskaya, V.A., Bzezyan, A.A. (2018). Appearance in educational environment: evaluation, self-evaluation, functional importance. Modern Education, 4, 8–18.
This article provides a theoretical analysis of the studies on the impact of student’s appearance upon his academic performance, and the impact of educator’s appearance upon the students’ academic success. A theoretical conclusion is made on the appearance as a “social capital” of the students and educators. It is noted that the conclusions about the influence of appearance on educational environment were formulated by the western scholars. Therefore, the authors examins the indicated problem with regards to the Russian students, including evaluation of the educator’s appearance, role of the subjective assessment of students’ economic status in determining the functional importance of appearance in educational environment. The authors apply a number of the original questionnaires and surveys. The research involved 130 students; 62% identified themselves with the group “rather poor than wealthy” and 48% – “rather wealthy than poor”. It is concluded that the students agree with the statement that the more attractive appearance can contribute to confident interaction with the educators, their attention to the student, and higher academic grades; students’ subjective assessment of their economic status affects their self-evaluation and evaluation of the educators’ appearance, but does not significantly influences the choice of measure of the functional importance of appearance for educational environment. The authors underline that the student environment, regardless the economic status of the students, has formed a perspective of the “investment power” of appearance as a social capital.
attractive appearance, economic status, student, teacher, academic success, educational environment, the importance of appearance, assessment, self esteem, social capital
Question at hand
Dyakov, I.I., Mukhina, D.V., Ostrovskaya, I.E., Kosienko, R.S. (2018). Socioeconomic importance of developing entrepreneurial competences of the students of agricultural universities. Modern Education, 4, 19–31.
In the conditions of import substitution policy and ensuring food security of Russia, special importance gains the innovative development of agricultural industry and increase of socioeconomic living conditions in rural areas. Thus, sustainable development of the Russian regions is made dependent on the production and social growth indicators in agricultural sphere, including by means of capacity building of entrepreneurship. The problem of formation of the brand new innovation-oriented institution of agricultural entrepreneurs comes to the forefront. For its solution, a significant role is assigned to the system of agricultural education. The goal of this research lies in substantiating the socioeconomic importance of developing entrepreneurial competences of students with the system of agricultural education on the example of Primorsky Krai. The study applies the analysis and generalization of the results of scientific research, as well as the modern socio-pedagogical discourse with regards to teaching entrepreneurship. The analysis of empirical data presented by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service and Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, allowed acquiring the scientifically substantiated conclusions on the social and human resource issues in rural areas, employment rata among the graduates of agricultural universities, as well as the need for development of small entrepreneurship in agricultural sphere of the region. The authors underline the socioeconomic importance of entrepreneurial competences of graduates of the system of agrarian education in solution of the indicated problems; as well as suggest the mains objectives of the motivation and increasing entrepreneurial competences of the students.
agricultural education, social problems of villages, socio-economic significance, entrepreneurial competence, entrepreneurial competencies, development of entrepreneurship, agriculture in the region, professional training, agricultural educational organizations, youth entrepreneurship
Maltseva, A.A., Shvets, I.M., Veselova, T.A. (2018). Interdisciplinarity as a means for achieving results contributing to establishment of education for sustainable development. Modern Education, 4, 32–44.
This article examines the relevant problem of implementation of the ideas of Interdisciplinarity of knowledge into the educational process from the perspective of the concept of sustainable development. Attention is drawn to the questions of bioethics that define the moral compass in realization of the ideas of sustainable development. The author analyzes the changes with regards to the content and main educational results associated with implementation of the concept of sustainable development. It is demonstrated that the establishment of ethical relations on the basis of the principles of bioethics, which contribute to formation of research skills from the standpoint of the concept of sustainable development, can be impacted by the interdisciplinary courses that reveal bioethical positions in practical aspect of conducting biological and environmental studies, as well as in theoretical aspect – as a part of developing concepts that carry not only general scientific, but also general cultural meaning. Within the framework of testing of interdisciplinary courses “Bioethical Problems in Biological and Environmental Studies” and “Biology and Culture” on the “Biology” Master’s program, were used the diagnostic methods aimed at determining the level of the intensity of attitude to bioethical knowledge, life aspects of a biology scientist, and overall formation of bioethical competence. The author analyzes the survey results of the biology students of N. I. Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod State University over the period from 2014 to 2017. The acquired results allow determining the level of manifestation of the formation of bioethical competence among the student group under consideration. Prior to the experiment, the majority of students were at the low and medium level of bioethical competence, as well as showed the weak metaskills. Upon the completion of experiment, was observed the expansion in the number of students with medium and high level of bioethical competence, as well increase in the amount of digested fundamental metaconcepts and metaskills.
forecasting the consequences, attitude towards knowledge, bioethics competence, meta-subject educational results, interdisciplinary teaching course, education for sustainable development, interdisciplinarity, educational results, bioethics, introduction of scientific knowledge
Getman, N.A., Kotenko, E.N., Lalov, Y.V. (2018). Organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents within the electronic information educational environment of a university. Modern Education, 4, 45–52.
The subject of this research is the customized system of organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of neurology medical residents via electronic information educational learning. The goal of this work is to determine the problems and search for the methods of their solution in terms of organization of educational process of neurology medical residents within the electronic information educational environment of a university (through education portal). Practical importance of this study lies in substantiation of the elements of systematized organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents, their description and implementation in educational practice of training highly qualified specialists. The scientific novelty consists in development and description of the support system of neurology medical residents in mastering the program of training highly qualified specialist in terms of the information educational environment of a medical university on the “Pedagogy” discipline, as well as identification of problems and finding methods for their solution. The system of organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical support of medical residents within the information educational environment of a university contains the following elements: stages of support, system structuring principles, methods and ways of organization of educational process in medical residency. The authors prove that the organization of support of medical residence with the involvement of tutors and implementation of electronic information educational environment of a university allows intensifying the efforts of medical residents and motivating them towards studying the basic discipline of “Pedagogy”.
informational and educational environment, tutor, system, psychological and pedagogical support, organizational and methodological support, educational portal, motivation to learn, educational process, ordinator, medical education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Enzhevskaya, M.V. (2018). Reflection of professional formation of future elementary school teachers at the stage of entry into a profession. Modern Education, 4, 53–59.
This work examines the influence of the educational activities upon the development of professional reflection in freshmen students for Bachelor in psychology and pedagogical at the stage of entry into a profession. The need for developing reflection in students at the stage of entry into a profession is evident, which also relates to introduction of new educational standards that led to changes in the requirements to the teacher’s professional qualification currently regulated in occupational standard. At the same time, within the framework of classical university education, remains the deficit for educational activities aimed at development of the professional reflection in students. The relevant task is to determine the correlation between the implementation of educational activities and the formation of professional reflection. In the course of this research, the author carried out a forming experience that included educational activities of scenario planning of educational activities, as well as writing an essay. The diagnostics of level of reflexivity and influence of its development upon the professional formation of future teachers is conducted. The study proves the effectiveness of such activities with regards to development of reflection in students, as well as demonstrated the approach to teaching the Bachelors of psychological and pedagogical directions based on the scenario planning of the educational-developmental situations. The research expands the theoretical representations on the peculiarities of reflection of the professional formation of Bachelors of psychological-pedagogical direction at the stage of entry into a profession. The acquired results and conclusions can be valuable for university pedagogues for developing reflexive abilities in students.
educational-developmental situations, elementary school teacher, elementary school students, Professional standard, Federal state educational standard, scenario planning , reflection, educational activity, students, Bachelor
Modern strategies and forms of education
Timofeev, V.V. (2018). Automation of document preparation for student portfolio. Modern Education, 4, 60–65.
This article examines the problematic questions of creating and growing of portfolios of individuals studying in higher education facilities. The creation of portfolio is set by the federal education standards of third generation. The requirement to have a portfolio in the electronic information educational environment of an organization that conducts educational activities essential. However, there is no precise content defined by the education standard. Only separate components are specified: works of the students, peer reviews and evaluation made by any participants of educational process. The author applies the following methods: analysis of electronic information educational environment of an organization conducting educational activities; generalization of the known experience of its establishment; synthesis of web resource containing the portfolios of individuals studying in the educational organization and meeting the security policy requirements of the interaction of services posted on the Internet with the resources of local network. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of problematic of substantive content of the electronic information educational environment of an organization conducting educational activity, carried out by the author, and creation of automated means for formation of student portfolio.
employment, educational environment, education standards, intermediate certification, competences, digital signature, electronic environment, Portfolio, student image, competence approach
Modern strategies and forms of education
Dorofeev, A.V., Yastrebova, K.A. (2018). Development of teacher training for tutoring using e-learning courses in the system of distance education. Modern Education, 4, 66–73.
The object of this research is the process of advanced training of teachers; the subject is the system of distance education for teaching staff to acquire tutoring skills. Tutoring is analyzes as the teacher skills to plan the individual educational course for a particular student considering his intellectual and emotional inclinations, basic knowledge and optimal learning capabilities. The comparative analysis of functions and optimal character traits for the positions of a teacher, curator and tutor is provided. The author underlines that mastering tutoring techniques substantially complements the initial specialty of a teacher. The scientific novelty consists in implementation of distance education technologies for converting teacher’s position into tutoring on the basis of his pedagogical experience. It is concluded that distance education for training tutoring skills is based on the informational and communicative competence and caters to the distance consulting methods and system of complex educational-methodical tasks. It is noted that tutoring is a specific pedagogical position of a modern teacher that suggests the implementation of new pedagogical technologies, transformation in the structure of discipline and lesson, as well as organization of educational-upbringing process.
advanced training, tutor position, e-learning course, distance learning, professional readiness, tutor support, tutor, teacher, tutor preparation, readiness
Modern strategies and forms of education
Melnikov, Y.B., Boyarsky, M.D., Lokshin, M.D. (2018). How future economists and engineers acquire the skills for multilateral assessment adequacy in the process of teaching mathematics. Modern Education, 4, 74–90.
The object of this research is the process of teaching mathematics to the economists and engineers. The subject of this research is the formation of skills for comprehensive and multilateral assessment of adequacy of the phenomena under consideration in the process of teaching mathematics to the economists and engineers. The goal of this work lies in structuring the model of multilateral assessment of mathematical activity (its objectives, methods, and results) and the application of mathematics as the component of economic and engineering education. The authors suggest the multi-criteria approach towards assessing the indicated phenomena on the basis of the original theory of modelling and theory of adequacy. The estimation of quality of the model in the theory of adequacy is defined via comparing the assessable model with the stated reference model. Research methodology includes the theoretical analysis of the modern mathematical education, theory of modelling, competence and activity approaches. In Y. B. Melnikov’s theory of modelling, the estimation of adequacy of the model is viewed as a result of comparison of the assessable and reference models. Evaluation of adequacy is viewed as a function, which arguments are the assessable and reference models. This allowed acquiring new scientific results: formalization of a specific attribute of adequacy can begin either with the structuring of reference model (with further concretization of the corresponding functions), or with the formation of the comparison method (with further determination of referenced model and formalization of the corresponding function).
adequacy characteristics systems, formal and constructive interpretation of the model, reference models, theory of modeling, multilateral assessment of adequacy, adequacy of models, mathematical education, adequacy assessment, multilateral assessment of activity, activity approach
Modern strategies and forms of education
Tretyak, N.A. (2018). The creation of roadmap of network interaction between educational organizations as an instrument of innovative development. Modern Education, 4, 91–103.
Over the recent decade, network interaction became a relevant topic for multiple researchers. However, the problematic of innovative development of educational organizations on the basis of network interaction did not receive due coverage. The conducted study demonstrated the absence of universal approach towards the formation of network interaction and the need for its structuring. The goal lies in development of a roadmap that can improve efficiency of the process of organization of network interaction between educational establishments. The theoretical substantiation of using network interaction as an instrument of innovative development of educational organizations allowed describing the step-by-step scenario of the development of network interaction in form of a roadmap. The originality of the roadmap lies in the following: firstly, by visual presentation of guided scenario of organization and development of network interaction that connects vision of the future, strategy for its creation and outline sketch; secondly, the possibility of development of network interaction via a spiral method, in other words, recurrence of the cycle. The recommendations of structuring the organization process and implementation of network interactions are grouped precisely by stages and call for creation of information support for network interaction.
model of network interaction, cooperation, mutually beneficial relationship, stages of network interaction, structure of the process of interaction, process of network interaction, road map, innovative development of education, network interaction, educational organization
Developing pedagogical technologies
Karastelev, V.E. (2018). What does the modern culture of questioning consist of? How to teach asking original questions rather than borrow questions of others?. Modern Education, 4, 104–118.
The object of this research is the new field in the practice of using questions and questioning. The subject of this research is the practice of initiation of the original and responsible questions from the communication partners, students, etc. The article claims that the breakthrough era requires possessing a skill of placing a question, readiness to respectfully and responsibly share them with others, as well as the courage to keep the questions and transform it into the source of the pursuits and development. At the same time, the mankind inherited such culture, in which a question is inconvenient or inappropriate, and requires certain rights for its placement. The realization of this problem makes the art of questioning a special content of education. In the ideal scenario, it should be considered as one of the types of literacy essential for a person of the XXI century. Methodologically determinant became the research pf the Moscow Methodological Group with its leader G. P. Shedrovitsky, as well as the works of D. Rothstein, L. Santata, and D. Dillon. The scientific novelty consists in the presented practical experience of asking original question of the founders of the Right Question Institute – D. Rothstein and L. Santata, as well as the analysis of such experience that is used for over twenty years worldwide, but has not been previously covered in the Russian language-sources. Moreover, the author presents the original roadmap of directions and development in the field of questioning.
ability to pose questions, active questioning, questioning methodology, art of questioning, questioning, question, competencies, democratic culture, thinking, teaching methods
Person and personal development
Martyshenko, S.N. (2018). Research on the formation of the spiritual-moral values of university students. Modern Education, 4, 119–130.
The subject of this research is the conditions and factors of the formation of spiritual-moral values of university students. The spiritual-moral values of modern youth in many ways are defined by understanding and attitude to culture developed in public consciousness. As the formation of the spiritual-moral values of youth takes place not only in terms of educational program, but also during the study-free time, the question of personal growth and self-education has also been researched. The developing leisure activities play a paramount role in formation of spiritual-moral values among students. Understanding the meaning of meaning of self-development in study-free time, many students do not really pay due attention to this process. Therefore, the author gives particular attention to determination of obstacles on the path to cultural self-development. The research is based on the analysis of the data acquired from online surveys among the students of Far Eastern universities. The author developed several typologies of the respondents’ answers that determine students’ attitude towards understanding of such fundamental concepts as “a cultured person” and “cultural behavior”. As a result of data processing, the author identified the two groups of obstacles (external and internal) that, in students’ opinion, hinder their self-development. One of the manifestations of the spiritual-moral upbringing is the sense of patriotism, which is also characterized by the attitude to their native region. The conducted research demonstrated that the significant number of young people are not satisfied with the quality of life in Primorsky Krai.
leisure time for a student, patriotism, culture, qualitative data, questionnaire survey, spiritual and moral education of youth, higher education, developing leisure, self-development, self-education
Philosophy and pedagogy
Matveichev, O.A. (2018). Availability of education in Ancient Greece: from Archaic to High Classical period. Modern Education, 4, 131–139.
This article is dedicated to the history of education in Ancient Greece of the VII-IV BC; however, unlike the majority of researchers of this topic, the author focuses primarily on its “pragmatic” aspect – availability of education for various social classes and strata. Despite the “democratization” of education which coincided with the attainment of civil character, the full scope of the existed at the certain historical period knowledge was accessible only to a limited circle of educatees. If practically any citizen and even slaves could receive elementary education (in many poleis it was either cheap or free), the so-called “higher education” was reserved only for the propertied classes. The author analyzes the prices for education at the various stages of education and in various philosophical schools, as well as the level of popularization of book publishing, as well as emphasizes that the question of class affiliation and social background of certain ancient scholars is very important for reconstruction of their creative evolution, as it allows concluding on the “starting” scope their knowledge.
Education Act, ancient book, Protagoras, sophists, Athens, Ancient Greece, history of philosophy, history of education, public Schools, educational process
Philosophy and pedagogy
Gryaznova, E.V., Goncharuk, A. (2018). The formation of methodological culture of young scholars at university lectures and practice. Part 2. Modern Education, 4, 140–149.
This article is the sequence of publication dedicated to the problem of formation of methodological culture of young scholars. The previous parts of the article were published on the paged of NOTABENE scientific journal. The goal of this research is to demonstrate the applicability of pedagogical principles and approaches pertinent to formation of methodological culture of young scholars at lecture and practice sessions tested in the course of longstanding work with the particular batch of students. “Genesis of Science” was selected as the theme of lecture, as it encompasses multiple disciplines of Master’s and postgraduate curriculums in various aspects. Special attention is given to the questions of creating the comprehensive theoretical, methodological and practical bases of educational courses on the example of the disciplines “Philosophy of Science” and “Methodology of Scientific Work”. The presented pedagogical approaches can be implemented in practice, making the lecture material interesting, relevant, accessible, as well help the students to create holistic comprehension of the objectives and tasks of the discipline, and realize the practical importance of the acquired theoretical knowledge. The inclusion of the elements of methodology of scientific knowledge into the theoretical material contributes to mastering the methodological culture by young scholars, which is one of the key educational goals.
science, epistemology, genesis of science, philosophy of science, methodology of science, teacher's culture, methodological culture, scientific research, scientific article, scientific problem
Dolgopolova, A.F., Zhukova, V.A., Gavrilenko, E.N. (2018). The role of practice-oriented approach in modern university didactics. Modern Education, 4, 150–159.
The authors analyze the meaning of didactics as the paramount branch of the modern scientific-pedagogical knowledge, which is called to determine and solve the existing problems of modern education system. It is substantiated that in formation of the basic concept of the content of education it is necessary to rely upon the requirements of the corresponding branch, for which a specialist is being prepared for in the higher educational establishment. The article briefly reviews the modern approaches to the question of didactic content of general disciplines taught in the higher education establishment in the context of formation of competences aimed at development of the professional skills and knowledge. The author conducts a pedagogical experiment for validating the efficiency of the proposed methodology of developing the practice-oriented didactic supply of mathematical course for the future specialists of agricultural sector. The results demonstrated that the implementation of the professionally oriented didactic support of mathematical course can certainly have a positive effect on the improvement of education quality and more successful formation of the professional competencies of agronomic majors. The experiment revealed the promising methodical opportunities for further improvement of the quality of educational process aimed at preparing modern specialists, whose level of competencies fully meets the expectations of the potential employer and the demands of job market.
educational programs, professional activity, professional competencies, method of preparation, pedagogical experiment, practice-oriented approach, didactic content, education system, didactics, quality monitoring
Innovative methodology and technology
Selemeneva, O.A. (2018). About the experience of modeling of educational course on the grammar of Russian language in the context of distance learning (on the example of the course “Syntax of a phrase and simple sentence”. Modern Education, 4, 160–170.
Within the extensive scientific and educational-methodical literature dedicated to the problem of distance learning, the question on the potential implementation of distance technologies for teaching humanitarian disciplines becomes especially relevant. Thus, the object of this analysis of the process of distance learning of educational course on the grammar of Russian language. The goal of this article lies in description of the model of distance course “Syntax of a phrase and simple sentence”, created in the virtual open-source learning platform Moodle for the Bachelors in Philology (45.03.01) and Pedagogy (44.03.01). For achieving the set goal, the author applies the analytical-synthetic method, logical-theoretical analysis of pedagogical literature, and generalization of the distance learning experience. The following conclusions were made: 1) in structuring the distance course, the difficulty of content of the discipline “Modern Russian Language” did not allow to fully use the opportunities provided by software with open course code LMS Moodle; 2) due to the fact that the traditional methods and means of university education function productively within the innovative information-educational environment only in the modified form, in development of interactive lecture, the written and verbal texts undergone significant changes that turned into the complicated linguo-visual phenomena; 3) controlling block and practice exercise block, oriented towards the establishment of feedback and detecting the knowledge digestion capacity, gained special importance among the elements of the developed course; 4) for formation of a competitive and harmonious personality, distance learning should integrated with the already well tested form in didactics, rather than substitute them.
the content of the course, the syntax of the Russian language, software, innovative forms of education, traditional forms of education, distance learning, a creolized text, interactive lecture, training exercise, test
Innovative methodology and technology
Kodan, S.V. (2018). Educational course “Legal Source Studies” in realization of the state educational standards on preparation of post-graduate students in a law university (based on the practice of the Ural State Law University). Modern Education, 4, 171–181.
The subject field of this research is related to historiographical training of postgraduate law students within the framework of realization of the state educational standards during the period of postgraduate education. Leaning on examination of the traditions of source studies and historiographical training in the Russian higher school of the XIX-XX centuries, the author demonstrates the importance of historiographical training for young scholars, mastering of traditions and experience of scholar schools of the various humanitarian sciences in studying the carriers of state legal information as the basis of scientific research. Special attention is turned to inclusion into the educational process of the process of learning of methodological principles, approaches and methods as the basis for working with the sources for studying state-legal processes and institutions. Emphasis is made on the content of the authorial educational course “Legal Source Studies”, tested in realization of academic programs in the Ural State Law University over the period from 2015 to 2018”. The article demonstrates the arrangement and distribution of materials of the curriculum in accordance with the educational modules, describes the forms of classroom and research work, and defines the performance control mechanism of academic program.
legal information carriers, sources of knowledge of law, sources of knowledge of the state, the methodology of jurisprudence, branch legal Sciences, legal source studies, history of law, theory of law, legal science, legal education
Earnest discussion
Dyakov, I.I., Zhupley, I.V., Asatryan, G.R., Isakova, V.V. (2018). Assessment of the development level and effectiveness of marketing activity of higher education establishments: theoretical and practical aspects. Modern Education, 4, 182–198.
This article brings into the mainstream the need for development of marketing approach to managements within the system of higher education. The subject of this research is the assessment methodology of marketing of the higher education establishments. The authors carefully examines the process of formation of the all-round and objective system of assessing the effectiveness of marketing activity considering the individual peculiarities of modern universities. A description of the economic and social (consumer) vectors of assessment and the corresponding criteria is provided. Special attention is given to the practical aspects of assessment on the example of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University. The authors formulate and test the technique for assessing the development level and effectiveness of marketing activity of higher education establishments. The scientific novelty lies in identification of the three levels of marketing integration into the activity of education organization, substantiation of recommendation on the formation of assessment system of the effectiveness of marketing activity. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the proposed directions and criteria can be successfully used in assessment of marketing component in the work of modern university. This will allow developing necessary strategic and tactical solutions.
criteria for evaluation, methodology, level of integration, performance evaluation, marketing activities, higher education, educational organization, evaluation system, marketing, university