Skorobogatov, Y.O. (2017). About the peculiarities of implementation of programming training course for the students of 7-11 grades in form of blended learning . Modern Education, 3, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the implementation of such form of organizing the educational process as blended learning. The author examines the peculiarities and analyzes the structure of educational course of programming training in form of blended learning, as well as turns attention to the self-directed learning. The article provides the curriculum of educational course “Python Programming Language”, implemented in form of blended learning and oriented towards the students of 7-11 grades. The author shares personal experience of teaching programming to the schoolers in the three most popular forms of organization of the educational process: classroom training, distance learning, and blended learning, as well as pursues correlation between them. The main conclusion of the conducted scientific research lies in the statement that the blended learning is the most efficient form of education for achieving the set educational goals. It is confirmed by the comparative results in carrying out the experiment in the three aforementioned forms of organization of the educational process. In the author’s opinion, the implementation of blended learning encourages the better digestion of studied material, as well as develops such meta-subject competences, as communication skills, self-tuition, self-organization, and information competency.
Active learning methods, Pedagogical experiment, Individual trajectory of education, Automatic verification system, Blended learning, Classroom training, Distance learning, Programming training for students, Meta-subject competences, Competency of self-tuition
Values and goals of education
Zebzeeva, V.A. (2017). Pedagogical support of methodological training for educators. Modern Education, 3, 10–17.
The subject of research is the methodical readiness of future teachers to work with children of preschool age in the conditions of humanization of pedagogical process, appeals to the child's personality. Relevance of research is related to the activation of innovation processes in education, including in the field of early childhood education that requires learning new approaches to methodological training of future teachers of preschool children. The competitiveness of a teacher, at the present time, is defined by the modernity of his views on the children’s development and learning processes. Pedagogical support of the future educators faces the new directions that must be considered in the pedagogical process. Research methodology of the study is based on the knowledge of future educators in the field of environmental and humanistic education, general professional skills, and abilities to create ecological and humanistic environment in a preschool institution. Results of the research demonstrate that positive dynamics in the methodical preparation of future educators is achieved by developing a new style of interaction with children, new personal positions, new methods of organization of the educational process in preschool, use of broad opportunities of child’s cultural practice, mastering of new technologies based on the creative self-determination and self-development, saturation of child’s socialization with cultural sense.
methodical, preschoolers, practice, subculture, education, humanism, skills, professional, preparation, support
Modern strategies and forms of education
Nevolina, V.V., Belonovskaya, I.D. (2017). Classification of strategies of professional self-realization of a student of medical discipline. Modern Education, 3, 18–27.
The strategies of professional self-realization of the future medical worker are defined by the challenges of modern society. Formulation of such strategies that meet the priorities of the development of society, is ensured by the modern medical education oriented towards the requirements of healthcare and training of a physician who is responsible before the society, masters the scientific research, and has an active public position. Practice of the continuous medical education throughout the entire socially active life, suggest the development and implementation of strategies of the professional self-realization, choice of the promising directions of career growth, as well as directions and levels of training. Methodology of this work contains the theoretical historical-pedagogical analysis, experimental research, including the factor analysis and foresight technologies. The work experience in the context of network experimental foresights platform allowed the authors to formulate the new pedagogical classifications of the strategies of professional self-realization of a student of medical discipline. The authors determine the three types of strategies: traditional (classical), innovation, and foresight.
Factor analysis, Foresight strategies, Foresight platform, Foresight technologies, Innovation strategies , Classification of strategies , Strategies of professional self-realization, Professional self-realization of a student, Career growth, Medical education
Developing pedagogical technologies
Sanina, S.P. (2017). The role of problem-solving technology in the development of students’ competences (on the example of geography course). Modern Education, 3, 28–35.
The subject of this study is the development of competencies of students in the primary school in the context of a problem-solving organization of educational activities in geography classes. The author carefully considers the problem-solving technology as a form for comprehension of the curriculum by students. The article presents a model of the problem-solving organization of education in a schematic-graphic form. The author demonstrates the differences between a problem, task and methods. On the example of a single educational topic (geography), the work presents implementation of problem-solving technology. Examples of three tasks on geography topic "Scale" of the 6th grade are given. The author used various research methods, including content analysis, a method of modeling and forming experiment. To determine the level of development of students' competencies, the author used the methodology by E. V. Chudinova "Express diagnostics of the main educational results in primary and secondary schools". The main conclusions of the study are the use of problem-solving technology in teaching contributes to changing the content of education; it becomes active. In conditions of the problem-solving organization of educational activity, students to better understand the basic concepts of the course, and competences are developed. The described model of training can find application in the activity of teachers on the implementation of the activity approach in the educational process.
means, competence, task, problems, studying geography, curriculum, teaching technique, problem-solving techniques, learning activities, primary school
Man and mankind
Kiselev, I.V. (2017). About the network and traditional forms of education. Modern Education, 3, 36–53.
This article gives special attention to the phenomenon of network education. The author sets a task to offer to the expert community specialized on the research of problematic field of the genesis of the phenomenon of networks, an original critical understanding of the new type of educational system, which ontological basis forms affected by the distribution of information and communication technologies that are structure in accordance with the network principle, the so-called network education. Being one of the efficient and promising alterative to the traditional (systemic) forms of pedagogical practice, the network education deserves particular consideration. For the fullest definition of the concept at hand alongside all of its peculiarities, the author conducted an attempt of applying the hybrid methodology, a systemic-network approach. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that namely the network education becomes the central concept of this article, rather that the network structures or technologies which it is built upon; although over the recent decades, there have been written hundreds of scientific articles and monographs dedicated to the multifacetedness of the nature of network structures, as well as the ways for their rational implementation. Such works raised various questions of application of the network technologies, beginning with the sphere of general leisure activities, smoothly shifting towards the area of marketing research and economic theory, and ending with the area of political cooperation of various parties and entire nations, but the educational sphere examined as a problematic field by other scholars, has been insufficiently studied, which needs to be corrected.
rhizomatic model of education, paragogika, androgogics, connectionism, theory of open education, network structures, Network education, rhizome, Educational web, traditional education
Ways of upbringing
Korotkikh, O. (2017). Verbal folklore as the means of ethical education in the Russian folk pedagogy. Modern Education, 3, 54–65.
This article examines the experience of existence of the verbal folklore in the tradition of Russian folk pedagogy, as well as possibility of its implementation in practice of the modern pedagogy. The author analyzes the educational potential of slumber and lyrical songs, proverbs, sayings, and fairytales. Special attention is given to the ethical content of folklore compositions, its artistic-aesthetic peculiarities, historical and sociocultural circumstances of appearance and application within the folk pedagogy, specificity of perception of the songs, proverbs, sayings, and fairytales by a child. The need for actualization of the experience of ethical upbringing, acquired in folk pedagogy, is substantiate by a crisis situation of the emotional-value sphere of the modern society. Methodology of the research leans on the historical-cultural reconstruction of the arsenal of methods of the folk pedagogy, analysis of its moral content and educational abilities, as well as modelling og the circumstances for its implementation in modern pedagogy. The scientific novelty consists in determination of relation of the ethical education of the Russian folk pedagogy with the history and culture of the nation alongside the comprehensive analysis of the content and artistic-aesthetic specificities of the key elements of folk pedagogy. A conclusion is made about the need for revival of the traditions of folk pedagogy in the moral upbringing of children under the current circumstances.
slumber song, folk song, crisis of modern society, moral education, folklore, folk pedagogy, proverbs and sayings, folktale, moral values of folklore, aesthetic features of folklore
Spiritual and moral search
Bleikh, N.O. (2017). Pedagogical resource of Islam of the North Caucasian peoples in the educational practice of modern school. Modern Education, 3, 66–72.
Based on the newly introduced sources, the author examines the implementation of pedagogical ideas of Muslim peoples of North Caucasus in the practice of modern school. Relevance of the topic at hand is associated with the social request and substantiated by the following aspects: insufficient readiness; need for empirical comprehension of the examined question that consists in cognition of nature of the pedagogical principles of the North Caucasian Islamic education in the modern situation of secular society; relevance of application of the rich Muslim pedagogical experience of North Caucasian people focused on the success and specificity of the national school; methodological and scientific-practical importance of the formulated problem within the current social environment. In order to answer the set tasks, the article uses the corresponding research methods, represented by psychological-pedagogical and theoretical analysis of the academic and methodical literature on the topic, general scientific and dialectic method of enquiry of the social phenomena and processes. The author concludes that the modern educational process must be realized based on accomplishments of the North Caucasus Islamic culture, presented by the moral and spiritual component, as well as in correlation with the secular educational program and training; it is essential to consider the Muslim traditional values of Caucasian peoples in educating of the youth that are adequate to the modern moral social standards.
values, Quran, family, modern school, education, Islamic religion, Islam, North Caucasus, moral imperatives, past experience
Innovative methodology and technology
Nikolaeva, N.A., Zonova, M.V., Sosnina, N.G. (2017). Project work in English language as a method for developing the managerial skills of the future managers of service industry. Modern Education, 3, 73–82.
The object of this research is the formation of managerial skills using the method of project. The subject of this research is the formation of managerial skills of the future managers in the area of service industry with the help of project work in the English language classes. Involvement in projecting of the object of service suggests the students the opportunity for self-realization and professional self-identification, ensures the deeper understanding of the problems in professional sphere, better understanding the existing tools and techniques, and advanced skills in planning and organization of the activity. In the course of this work, the author examines the normative legal documents for the “Service” training program, analyzes the psychological and pedagogical literature regarding the questions of development of the managerial skills alongside the organization of project activity at the foreign language classes. The article describes certain substantially important skills of managerial activity for the future specialists in the area of service industry. Special attention is given to the stages of work aimed at development of such skills and corresponding stages of the project work. The author also demonstrates the practical experience of realization of the project with the students of “Service” specialty at the English language lessons for the purpose of development of the managerial skills, which implies listing of the approaches and methods suitable for the use at various stages of the project and forming of skills.
stages of formation of skills, oversight, organization of activity, planning, groups of managerial skills, managerial skills, development of skills, project in English language, stages of project work , criteria for assesing work
Effectiveness of training
Pesha, A.V., Koropets, O.A. (2017). Analysis of the relevancy of existing models of assessing the effectiveness of corporate learning and development of personnel. Modern Education, 3, 83–95.
The subject of this article is the analysis of models of assessing the effectiveness of corporate training and staff development, the importance of which increases in correlation with the key global trends in this area. Having carried out a detailed analysis, the authors highlighted the key global trends in the area of corporate training and personnel development, which, in their opinion, have theoretical and practical meaning for the human resource management of an organization. The authors reveal the essence, advantages, and flaws in the models of Donald Kirkpatrick, Benjamin bloom, Ralph Tyler, Daniel L. Stufflebeam. The work emphasizes the essentiality in comprehensive analysis of the needs of stakeholders in selecting the forms, methods, and types of education and development of the staff members. Conclusion is made that the existing models of assessing the effectiveness of training and development of personnel are overall relevant to the current requests of the corporations, but demand greater time and financial investments due to the trends of personalization and distribution of digital learning, as well as implementation of the new educational technologies. At the same time, the most objective indicator of the effectiveness of learning lies in the evaluation of productivity and quality of work of the specialists, and as a result – their competitiveness in the job market.
digital learning, model of assessing effectiveness, trends in corporate learning, performance evaluation, performance, development, learning, knowledge management, stakeholder, design thinking
Earnest discussion
Romanov, E.V., Drozdova, T.V. (2017). Formation of the system of sustainable reproduction of human resources for the scientific-technological development of Russia: forecasts and risks. Part I. Modern Education, 3, 96–108.
The Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation sets a goal for establishing the national innovation system. The first stage of realization of this goal (2017-2020) stipulates the formation of integral system of reproduction and engagement of human resources for the scientific-technological development of the country. Higher education is viewed as the mainstream social institution capable of ensuring the solution of this task. The goal of this work consists in determination of the potential threats to reproduction of the human resources in the higher school, as well as identification of the prospects aimed at preservation and augmentation of the human capital. The authors provide a long-term forecast for the development of higher education until 2026. Based on the expected change in the population size of the age groups between 17 and 30 years old in one-year intervals and the development trends of higher education, the article determines the contradictions of financial support of higher education and prospects for preservation of human resources of the higher school. It is established that in the current situation, the actual funding of the higher education does not correspond with the standards required by law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Thus, population size in the age from 17 to 30 years old in 2014 (29,321 people) and in 2015 (28,579.9 people) suggests that on the account of the federal budgetary appropriation, must receive education 2,345.7 and 2,286.4 people correspondingly. On actual basis, in 2014 and 2015 at the expense of federal budged, were educated 1,990.5 and 1,859.9 people correspondingly. In strategic prospect, the size of population in the age of 17-30 years old will continue decreasing, while after 2018, the number of students will start to increase. Such contradiction must be resolved through introducing the appropriate corrections. The amount of students of state universities, having achieved a minimal number in 2018/19 academic year (3,682.0 people), by 2025 will exceed the number of students in 2015/16 academic year, counting 4,132.0 people. The authors present the negative and moderate scenarios of changes in the composition of teaching staff of the state higher educational facilities. It is proven that considering the dynamics of the development of higher education, the number of teaching staff of the state universities in the mid-term perspective must be not lower than 240,000 people.
structure of teaching staff, decrease in number of teachning staff, moderate scenario, negative scenario, steady reproduction of shots, long-term forecast, standard of financing, higher education, strategy of scientific and technological development, maintenance of personnel excessiveness