Ways of upbringing
Lobkovskaya, N.I., Zheleznyakova, A.V., Evdoshkina, Y.A. (2017). Peculiarities of establishing the educational process under the conditions of socio-educational space of a technical university. Modern Education, 2. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23278
The questions of socialization and upbringing of students in modern Russian society have a number of contradictions. This article examines the peculiarities of establishing the educational process under the conditions of socio-educational space of a technical university. Formation of the high level of moral and ethical competencies of the graduates is relevant not only as one of directions in the work of educational institutions, but also state policy in the area of education. The object of this research is the upbringing of modern students of a technical university, while the subject is the establishment of educational process under the conditions of socio-educational space of a technical university. Special attention is given to the process of formation of the structure of students’ demands in the context of adjustment to the specific atmosphere of a technical university. Based on the analysis of survey conducted among the students of Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute – branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), the authors determine the key problems and trends in the structure of students’ demands that affect the process of formation of ethical values alongside the professional self-identification, including the principles of comprehensive development of personality and its uniqueness. The authors’ main contribution consists in substantiation of the need for organization of the educational process, considering the specificities of individual space of the students, within which they claim and realize their social demands. The article highlights the priority of value components in implementation of the educational program and assistance to formation of the professional self-identification of the future specialists by means of development of the high-level cultural competencies in the course of studying in a technical university. The results of this research can be applied for the psychological and pedagogical preparation of the curators, mentors, and specialists of educational services
social needs, personal development, professional activity, motivation, professional self-identification, socialization, educational process, system of education, moral development, professional self-consciousness
Ways of upbringing
Shakhmarova, R.R. (2017). School self-government as means of establishment of social activeness of the students. Modern Education, 2, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.7256/2409-8736.2017.2.22936
This article substantiates the relevance of school self-government in the modern system of education. The subject of this research is the interconnection of the school self-government with the formation of social activeness of the students. It is noted that for establishment of the social activeness among teenagers, it is necessary to comply with the following conditions: realization of personally important goals of social activity; choice of acceptable forms of such activity and personal participation in it. The author conducts the analysis of separate models of school self-government: “School Council”, “Game State”, “Democratic Republic”, “Alternate Day”. The article demonstrates the adjusted model of school self-government – the “School Republic”, its structure, stages of development, and functionality, as well as analyzes social activeness of the students at each stage of the evolution of school self-government.
Social competence, Active civil position, Self-affirmation, Self-discipline, Self-esteem, Stages of school self-government, Social activeness, Socialization, Model of self-government, School self-government
Chentsova, O. (2017). The influence of cultural and educational space of the museum on the development of professional skills of students (on the example of students of the faculty "Entrepreneurship in culture"). Modern Education, 2, 9–17. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23173
This article presents the results of a pedagogical study of the influence of teaching on the basis of the cultural and educational space of the museum on the formation of cultural and professional qualities of university students. The theoretical basis is the study of S.L. Troyanskaya. The study was conducted on the basis of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The Goldenweiser Memorial Apartment for bachelors of Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture of the International University in Moscow. The main findings of the study are: the inclusion of the cultural and educational space of the museum in the educational process of the university is an effective solution for the development of the cultural and professional qualities of students, necessary for readiness for further professional activities and cultural life in society, and for intensifying the learning process.
museum pedagogy, integration processes of education, high school pedagogy, education in the museum, cultural and educational space of the museum, educational process of the university, active forms of education, educational opportunities of the museum, museum, development of professional skills
Educational interaction
Ilakavichus, M.R. (2017). Harmonization of intercultural relations of the CIS through enlightenment dialogue. Modern Education, 2, 18–28. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23247
The subject of the study is enlightenment as a factor in the formation of innovative strategies and mechanisms for the development of interstate educational space (by the example of the CIS). The object of research was the methodological foundations of innovative strategies and mechanisms for the development of the Commonwealth educational space. The problem of the development of the general educational space is considered in the perspective of the development of its subjects (single and group) through enlightenment. Enlightenment activities in the face of increasing risks of destroying the scientific picture of the world, extremism practices at the level of the individual and social ties, the use of acute ethnic problems by destructive forces are perceived today as an innovation resource of the socio-cultural sphere. The return to enlightenment activities must be based on an understanding of the specifics of the modern diversity that is being implemented in the CIS countries. It must be adequate to the practice of sociality that takes place in different states. The analysis of special literature, modern social and political discourse, effective enlightenment practices, as well as questionnaires and interviewing of members of the enlightenment communities has revealed the conditions for organizing an enlightenment dialogue among the cultures of the Commonwealth. Such are the obligatory event inclusion in the semantic field of a different culture prior to the beginning of interaction, the use of the model of non-formal education, taking into account the specifics of the regional socio-cultural situation. This allows to increase the effectiveness of international projects by eliminating risks in the field of intercultural communication.
Subjects of adult education, Community of enlightenment, Enlightenment, intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, adult education, enlightenment activities, Educational space of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Event approach, mixed age community
Dmitrieva, S.V. (2017). Competence approach to preparation of the bachelor students on discipline 20.03.01 “Technosphere Safety” for expert, supervisory, and inspection/audit activities. Modern Education, 2, 29–35. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23126
Competence approach, which manifests as the foundation of academic standard of higher education, is acknowledged as the efficient means for education reforms in Russia. The combination of university requirements to the level of formation of competencies after mastering the bachelor’s program, must reflect in the passport and program of competence formation. The development of competence passport allows realizing the valid selection of necessary educational content, as well as prepare the new programs, disciplines, practices, and scientific research works. As an example, the authors development the professional competence passport for academic discipline “Technosphere Safety”, forecasting of the evolution of danger. Description of the competence structure allows the following: concretizing the goals of educational process, revealing the efficient ways and methods for achieving such goals, identifying the objective criteria of assessment of the quality of bachelors’ professional training, ensuring transparency of the education system for the consumers of education and potential employers. Summarizing the results of this research, the author notes that competence approach aligns the professional education towards preparation of a competitive specialist ready for professional career, acknowledging its importance and personal responsibility for the result of their activity, as well as having skills in related areas.
professional activities, expert oversight, technosphere safety, standard, competence passport, professional competence, higher education, competence approach, competence, bachelor
Gelman, V. (2017). Optimization of learning rate in group education. Modern Education, 2, 36–43. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.22865
The subject of this research is the group education. Separation of students into groups based on the rare of learning challenges the educator with a choice of the tempo of teaching. Faster rate of resenting the curriculum than the individual’s ability to process it leads to some gaps in retention of information. The level of information loss depends on both, the speed at which the material is presented, as well as the type of the academic discipline. The article sets out to determine the optimal speed for teaching of group education. It is demonstrated that the optimal index of rate of presentation of information is not fixed; it depends on the type of allocation of ability to retain knowledge, the spread of students in the group based on the rate of learning, as well as the index of minimal rate of information retention. The greater the spread of rate of information retention in the group and the lower the index of learning of the weakest student, the closer to the median index of speed of information retention is the optimal rate of delivery of the learning material; while the lower the spread and higher the rate of information retention of the weakest student, the greater the rate of delivery of the material must cover the students, attempting to fully cover all students within group.
mathematical modeling, optimization, speed of teaching, spread within the group, group education, individual characteristics, learning rate, learning ability, normal distribution, equal distribution
Innovative methodology and technology
Selemeneva, O.A. (2017). Interactive forms and methods of learning in the course of syntax of the Russian language. Modern Education, 2, 44–56. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.22941
Changes in the concept of Russian education over the recent years alongside the introduction of new academic standards dictate the implementation of interactive form and methods into the learning process, which ensure the communication among students, as well as with an educator. Despite the existence of large amount of scientific works, the question regarding the application of various interactive forms and methods in teaching grammar of the native (Russian) language in a university remains open. Therefore, the object of this research becomes the process of interactive learning in the course of grammar in accordance with the university discipline “Modern Russian Language. The goal of this work consists in the describing the particular forms of interactive learning used in the classes of syntax of the Russian language for preparation of the bachelor’s degree students, as well as determining their efficiency for development of the cognitive interest among students and formation of the skills in scientific research. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) A number of questions within the Russian philology remains discussible, and thus, the content of the course of syntax allows using various interactive forms, methods, and approaches (binary lecture, conference lecture, work in dyads, etc), the most productive of which are the discussion lecture and the dialogue lecture; 2) Interactive learning, being an active form of communication, dictates the priority in using the exercises of analytical type that activate the thinking process of the students, aimed at searching of the new knowledge, as well as ways for resolving the set goals due to formation of the own conclusions and generalizations; 3) Forms of organization of the interactive learning can contain laboratory works that guide students towards the search of facts, formulation of regularities, proposing and proving hypothesis.
Scientific research activity, Laboratory works, Discussion, Analytical exercises, Binary model of interaction, Intellectual task, Syntax, Russian language, Interactive learning, Educational process
Effectiveness of training
Flerov, O.V. (2017). Genesis of the Russian supplementary professional education: from origins to current problems. Modern Education, 2, 57–82. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.19191
The object of this research is the supplementary professional education in pre-revolutionary Soviet and modern Russia. The subject of this research is the trends, peculiarities, and key staged of development of the supplementary professional education within the historical context. Special attention is given to the historical-pedagogical interpretation of the examined notion, which is constantly interconnected with such notions as “adult education”, “continuous education”, “alternative education”, etc. Thus, there is a large number of interpretations of the supplementary professional education, which particularly justifies the multiplicity of periodization of its evolution. The article also reflects correlation of the previous stages of development of supplementary professional education in Russia with its modern concepts and issues. Method applied in this research consists in the historical-pedagogical comparative analysis of the essence, structure, and content of the previous models of Russian supplementary professional education and its current forms. The main conclusion is reduced to the facts that many ideas of the organization, development, and functionality of the supplementary professional education as a social institution that are relevant at present stage, have already been traced in the Russian professional pedagogy for quite a while. The scientific novelty lies in providing of the historical overview of origination and evolution of educational system in not only pedagogical, but also social, socioeconomic, and political context.
adanced training, additional training, education law, continuous learning, supplementary education, professional education, adult education, educational reform, education system, social demand
Mass information processing in training
Miroshin, D.G., Michurova, N.N., Vokh, E.P., Mineev, G.V. (2017). The use of video technologies for distance graphic training of students of educational institutions under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Modern Education, 2, 83–94. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.22546
The subject of this research is process of organization and realization of the distance graphic training of students of the Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia during the course of studying the academic discipline “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering Graphics”, aimed at formation of the skills of spatial perception and imagination, as well as constructive geometrical thinking. The object of this research is the video technology of preparation of the students of this educational facility. The authors examine such aspects of the topic, as the variant of organization of the educational space within the framework of distance learning of students through the use of pedagogical technologies of imitational modelling of professional activity of a specialist, as well as multimedia means and didactic tools – video materials that re-create the virtual educational space. The article thoroughly examines the stage-by-stage methodology of organization and realization of training of the students of Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the course of the academic discipline “Descriptive Geometry. Engineering Graphics”. The results are provided of pedagogical experiment on establishment of spatial perception and imagination alongside construction geometrical thinking of the students in the context of the organized distance learning. Special contribution of the authors consists in development of the didactic tools and methodology of its implementation for distance formation of the spatial perception and imagination, as well as constructive geometrical perception of students of the Ural Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
virtual education environment, students, graphic training, forming pedagogical experiment, educational multimedia videos, constructive-geometric thinking, spatial representation, distance training, methods of training work, engineering graphics
Adult games
Klunnikova, M.M., Pushkareva, T.P. (2017). Methods and means of developing numerical cognition in teaching the discipline "Numerical methods". Modern Education, 2, 95–101. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23067
The subject of the research is to study the process of teaching the basic discipline “Numerical Methods” to the students of mathematics. The paper provides the main approaches to teaching of numerical methods. The hypothesis is made that motivation to learning the discipline, necessary time for examination and understanding of material of the course depends on the level of development of numerical cognition. The authors clarify the notion of "numerical cognition" as a cognitive process, determine the abilities needed to develop the numerical cognition of students, as well as propose tools for organizing the learning process. Methods of system dynamics and dynamic visualization are used for organizing the educational activity. As the key means, the authors also review the mental maps and animation, which from the perspective of information approach represent most efficient tool for visualization of information. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the fact that the suggested methods and means significantly affect the development of identified components of numerical cognition of students, and therefore, the successful studying of the course “Numerical Methods”. This has been confirmed by the pedagogical experiment carried out in the Siberian Federal University.
methods of system dynamics, dynamic visualization, teaching means, learning methods, numerical methods, numerical cognition , mental maps, algorithmic thinking, abstraction, e-course
Gorian, E. (2017). Socratic Method in the legal clinical education: problems and prospects of application. Modern Education, 2, 102–113. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-8736.2017.2.23142
The author examines the problems and prospects of application of the Socratic Method in legal clinical education. Legal clinical education plays an important role in professional training of lawyer, imparting practical skills to the use of theoretical knowledge in practical activity. Lack of continuity in methodological support of the educational activity in Russia results in the low practice-oriented outcome of legal training of the graduates. The implementation of Socratic Method allows formulating the required by the academic standard cultural and professional competencies. The author underlines the need for a qualitative methodological support of the legal clinical education. Socratic Method, used by the leading legal schools of the world, obtains a new meaning due to scientific technical progress and constant changes in the legal systems: the knowledge outdate within the year or several month; thus, legal education under the circumstances faces the task of not just “imparting” the knowledge onto minds of the students, but rather the skills for accumulating the new knowledge, as well critical thinking skills. The problems of implementation of the Socratic Method consist in difficulties of subjective and objective character. In first case, it implies the absence of the system of advanced methodological training of educators working in legal clinical education. In second case, it is the unpreparedness of students to independent thinking, orientation towards the opinion of educators, inability to defend their point of view, and lack of critical thinking skills. In the long term, there is a need to become familiar with the leading methodological practices of the foreign legal schools, as well as implement them into the system of Russian legal clinical education, taking into account its specificity.
argumentation, critical thinking, methodology, educational standard, legal clinical education, legal clinic, Socratic seminar, Socratic Method, public speaking, practical training