Modern strategies and forms of education
Pronchev, G.B., Goncharova, I.V. (2017). Mathematical training of sociology students in the conditions of globalization. Modern Education, 1, 1–9.
This article is dedicated to the discussion of problems of higher education that are associated with globalization. Russia's entrance to the Bologna process alongside the transition onto the three-level system of education "bachelor's degree - master's degree - post-graduate school" for increasing the rating of Russian education abroad, provide educational services to foreign citizens in Russian universities, expand and strengthen the country's positions in the world educational space, can be viewed as a process of globalization of education in Russia. Based on the example of mathematical training of sociology students, the work analyzes the occurring problems, as well as the possible ways for their resolution. The classical and modern theoretical positions of the social and humanitarian branches of scientific knowledge formed the methodological basis of the research, which allows analyzing the Federal Program for the Development of Education over the period of 2016-2020 and the content of the training program for bachelor's sociologists on the GEF standard. The authors come to the conclusion that the impact of globalization processes upon education has positive and negative sides. Negative sides, such as, for example, the shortage of hours for acquiring new knowledge beyond the scope of the standard, can be balanced by the development and implementation of the remote forms of education. The graded rating system of the assessment of knowledge as a concurrent factor to the globalization of education must be implemented with consideration of the national pedagogical achievements. Meeting this requirements will lead to the successful acquisition of standards, and eventually, to the competitiveness of future Russian sociologists.
information and communication technologies, remote forms of education, globalization of education, globalization, sociological education, mathematical education, Russian education, education, graded rating system, assessment of knowledge
Developing pedagogical technologies
Krishtofik, I.S. (2017). Organization of the process of mastering the basis of pedagogical communication by future educators. Modern Education, 1, 10–18.
The subject of this research is the approach towards development of a learning program aimed at formation of the communicative competence of the future pedagogues. The object of this research is the problem of establishment within the educational process of a complex of professional competencies of the future pedagogues, which ensure the efficient work targeted at students’ development. The author examines various aspects of the notion of “pedagogical communication”. Special attention is given to the question regarding the structuring of educational-pedagogical discourse based on the analysis of specifically selected texts that reflect the peculiarities of communicative situations in pedagogical activity, which require manifestation of the communicative competence. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies in the principles that define the specificities of pedagogical technique of formation of the communicative competence of a future educator. Author’s special contribution consists in formulation of content of the notion of “educational-pedagogical discourse”. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of pedagogical technique that ensure the “submersion” of students into the problem of communication in education that is presented from different perspectives, reflecting the conceptual and functional aspects of the very notion of “pedagogical communication”.
information and communication technologies, cognitive technologies, didactic unit, art of interaction, educational process, educational-pedagogical discourse, pedagogical communication, professional competence, pedagogical technique, analysis of text
Modern strategies and forms of education
Rudenko, V.A., Agapova, S.P., Tomilin, S.A., Ukhalina, I.A., Tsuverkalova, O.F., Golovko, M.V., Efimenko, N.A. (2017). Factors and vector of strategic development of a university in the context of realization of the region’s innovation potential. Modern Education, 1, 19–31.
The subject field of this research is the educational organization and its place within the regional space of innovations creation. Based on this, the article determines the key directions and barriers of innovation development of a state and its regions, as well as the role and importance of the professional potential for ensuring the necessary level of innovation activity of the enterprises. On the precise example the author examines the forms and results on interaction between the university, industrial enterprises, and region, as well as defines the vectors of increasing efficiency of collaboration of all parties interested in innovation development. The scientific novelty of this work consists in reviewing the region’s innovation potential and determination of the role of educational organizations in its application. Conclusions made during the course of this research identify the actual directions and efficient tools of managing interaction between the key actors of innovation space. The following can be considered as such: the need for renewing the scientific research and laboratorial base of a university in accordance with the requirements of the enterprises’ innovation developments; expansions of the scientific research topics for overcoming the limited segment specificity; as well as search for the ways to balance demand and candidate pool on the regional job market. s
educational organization, job market, region, professional potential, innovation activity, innovation, strategic development, research activity, enterprises and organizations, clusterization
Values and goals of education
Lobkovskaya, N.I., Evdoshkina, Y.A. (2017). Professional goal setting as a component of safety culture of a future nuclear scientist . Modern Education, 1, 32–38.
This article examines the professional goal setting of the students of technical higher education institutions, its concept, and problem of establishment. The object of this research is the professional goal setting, while the subject is the assessment of professional goal setting among students, as well as problem of its formation during in training of the nuclear scientists. Goal setting allows tracing the impact of conscious personal values upon the sustainable motivation of his activity, and manifests as a regulator of the professional self-consciousness that is expressed in readiness for the competent and responsible actions. The authors provide the research materials pertaining to assessment of the goal setting among the nuclear physics students. As one of the main conditions of formation of the professional goal setting, is suggests its organization based on realization of the process of personal and professional growth. The article underlines the need for encouraging the professional motivation and timely adjustment towards the changes in educational space of professors and educators composition, because it is namely them who form the understanding of importance of the safety culture among students, as well as ensure the processes of quality transformation of professional expectations and goal setting.
personal development, professional self-determination, professional self-awareness, study, professional goal setting, goal setting, target, professionalization, safety culture, professional development
Abramov, R.A., Derevyanko, S.V. (2017). Problems of harmonization (unification) of systems of the higher education of the Union State. Modern Education, 1, 39–46.
The object of this research is the system of higher education of the Union State. The subject of this research is the mechanisms of state regulation, as well as the socioeconomic relations that influence the harmonization of the education systems of two countries. Special attention is given to the ways of possible incorporation of the systems of higher education of Russia and Belarus within the framework of the Union State. As the relevance of the study, the author demonstrates that incorporation of the educational systems and technologies under the similar principles provides an additional incentive for the formation of a unified platform for further development of the integration structure. The work analyzes the key factors that complicate the integration between the states in the sphere of education – political, economic, informational, and traditionalistic, as well as reviews the ways creation the synergetic educational paradigm. The goal of the article consists in identification of the ways to overcome the structural and organizational problems in interaction between the education systems of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The result of the study reveals that the implementation of such integration will lead to the emergence of foundation for the upbringing of youth, as well as the synergetic effect within the economic environment due to cooperation of the intellectual and financial resources, which must influence the overall socioeconomic development of Russia and Belarus. The scientific novelty consists in the methodological approach towards assessment of the quality of educational services of all interested parties and at all stages of education, which will allow increasing the interconnection and mutual influence for improving the practice-oriented professional trainings of the highly qualified specialists. It will also allow capitalizing the brand of the education organizations as a factor of the successful positioning of the higher schools in the competitive global market. The authors conduct a sequential analysis of all levels of education.
project, structure, technology, cooperation of resources, development, Union State, integration, education, distribution, activity
Grishina, Y.V. (2017). The quality of pre-university education: conceptual characteristic of the notion. Modern Education, 1, 47–57.
The goal-formation element of the education system is its quality. Russia’s transition to the multi-level education system alongside the continuity principle as the leading idea of organization of the educational process requires the structural and functional reforms on all levels of education. Changes in the requirements towards the results of the secondary and high education are justified by the competence approach and implementation of the state federal standards of education, which makes relevant the task of consideration of the sphere of pre-university education as the component of continuous education that most comprehensively and adequately ensures their systemic interconnection and succession. At the same time, the overview of pedagogical sources demonstrates the fragmentary nature of reference to the problem of ensuring the quality of pre-university education as the subject of this research. The article based on the analysis of diversified texts and determination of the substantial and distinct signs, suggest the results of definition of the notion of the “quality of pre-university education”, as well as identifies its place within the existing system of pedagogical notions. The quality of pre-university education is viewed as the correspondence of the reflected in its process and result essential properties of pre-university educational space to the multifaceted goals and requirements of the parties of relationship in the sphere of pre-university education. The provided definition will allow efficiently planning the processes of evaluation and management of the quality of pre-university education as the system, process, and result, contributing to increase of the level of quality as the institutional pre-university alongside the personal-oriented education of the students.
Circumstance, Result, Process, Quality, Pre-university education, Educational space, Notion, Category, Continuous education, Pedagogy
Pedagogical ideal
Sokolov, M., Abramov, R. (2017). Increasing of the quality of educational activity based on the monitoring and grading of the higher educational establishments. Modern Education, 1, 58–64.
The subject of this research is the indexes of monitoring of the quality of educational activity in the Russian universities. The object is the sphere of education in Russia. The article reveals interconnection between the status of the system of monitoring in educational sphere and quality of university education. The authors define the forms and methods of contribution to the education process in light of establishment of pool of the education facilities that will represent Russia in international level. List of parameters that ensure increase in the quality of attestation of the universities alongside the monitoring of their efficiency is being determined. Methodological basis of the research consists in the analysis of indexes of educational activity efficiency, as well as results of monitoring of the Russian universities, which became the foundation for formulations of the author’s suggestions and recommendations. Special interest represents the authors’ recommendations on amending the Federal Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” of December 29, 2012 that could allow grading the educational facilities and expand the perception about the efficiency of their activity. The scientific novelty substantiates that the proposed methodological approach may gradually transform the system of monitoring and attestation procedures by significantly increasing their efficiency. Implementation of the proposed by the authors indexes and similarity of the selected methodological approach with the world standards must contribute into the quality integration of universities into the international educational space.
International rating, Corruption, Criterion, Grading, System, University, Quality, Monitoring, Education, Learning
Values and goals of education
Koshkin, A.P., Novikov, A.V. (2017). Social capital of the students and educators as a resource of increasing the quality of education. Modern Education, 1, 65–87.
This article reveals the character of establishment of the social capital of students and educators in the context of personal or academic communication as a resource of increasing the quality of education. The relevance of the concept of social capital is caused by the following circumstances: firstly, the professional success of students will depend mostly in the level of development of their communicational qualities and social capital; secondly, the support of civic and social activeness depends on the ability to establish the interpersonal and intergroup trustworthy relationships; and thirdly, mutual assistance within the educational environment does not always attract sufficient attention. For realization of the goals of the research, was created a survey consisting of 60 questions and involving 250 students and 86 educators. The authors determined the purposefulness of joint communication between the students and teachers, as well as characterized the level of trust alongside the level of readiness to provide mutual assistance within or outside the educational environment. The article reveals the key mechanisms of formation of the social capital: constant resolution of contradictions in the process of educational and extra-curricular communication within the existing level of trust between the students and educators, as well as readiness to provide help.
educational sphere, quality of education, teachers, students, communication, mutual help, trust, social capital, extra-curriculum sphere, University environment
Modern strategies and forms of education
Litvinov, V.A., Baumtrog, V.E. (2017). Assessment of the formation of competencies of a student based on his portfolio. Modern Education, 1, 88–98.
The subject of this research is the assessment of formation of competencies of a student as a component of the portfolio provided in digital information educational environment of the educational organization. The article discusses the methods of assessment of the level of formation of competencies of a student based on the results of interim attestation and creative output of a student throughout the entire period of education. The authors examine the use of the matrix of competencies of the main curriculum in evaluation of the level of formation of single competencies of a student. The application of information resources in organization of the educational for automation of building a portfolio is being discussed. The main conclusion of the conducted research lies on the thesis that for consideration of the results of interim attestation on the main curriculum disciplines in assessment of the level of formation of competencies, it is necessary to introduce the new weighted coefficients into the matrix of competencies. The three-level evaluation of competencies of a student suggests considering the results of creative works and participation in the competitive examination only for making changes between the second and third levels.
Curriculum, Educational standard, Online journal, Interim attestation, Levels of competencies, Matrix of competencies, Digital educational environment , Portfolio, Education, Competence
Types of education
Melnikov, Y.B., Boyarsky, M.D., Lokshin, M.D. (2017). The formation of economic university graduate’s mathematical culture as means of increasing his professional competence. Modern Education, 1, 99–111.
The subject of the study is a very important and urgent issue of modern education - the training of competent professionals who are able to make weighted management decisions in various fields of activity.The subject of the study is the role and significance of mathematical culture in enhancing the professional competence of students in economic and related areas of training.Particular attention is paid to the study of the connection between mathematical culture and professional competence. The modern state of mathematical education is described, the relation of mathematics and computer science is analyzed, the use of information and computer technologies in mathematical education is analyzed.The methodology of the study is based on the theory of modeling, based on the formal-constructive interpretation of the model. Methods of research: analysis of own pedagogical practice of mathematical education, analysis and synthesis of advanced Russian and foreign research, modeling.The main findings of the study are:1. The mathematical culture of the graduate and specialist remains one of the key components of the culture of modern society.2. The professional competence of the graduate and specialist includes a cultural component, of which the mathematical culture is an integral part.3. A specially organized mathematical education at the economic university allows successfully to solve the problem of increasing the professional competence of the graduate.The novelty of the research is that at the basis of this special organization is the model of mathematical culture as an infrastructure for the perception and processing of information and the exchange of information consisting of a system of phenomena, a system of relations, a system of interfaces and a management system.
information technologies in education, mathematical education, the mathematization of society, mathematical models, language of mathematics, mathematical culture, culture, professional competence, modeling theory, mathematical culture model
Developing pedagogical technologies
Gavrishina, O.N., Pevneva, I.V. (2017). Challenges and requirements to the efficient implementation of inclusive education in the higher school. Modern Education, 1, 112–117.
The subject of this research is the modern status of inclusive education for students with physical disabilities in the higher school. The authors examine the key problems associated with the integrative approach to education, among which are prejudices, physical limitations to access to the educational facility, structure of the curriculum, psychological unpreparedness of pedagogues, socioeconomic factors, and lack of sponsorship. The article reviews the currently existing opportunities of application of the techniques used in educational process for the special needs students, as well as recommendations for the efficient realization of the approach to students with physical disabilities. The conclusion is made based on the example of Kemerovo State University that the development of technological and multimedia means of education alongside the remote education contribute into the advancement of inclusive system. The major problems lies in the insufficient development of specialized literature, physical and psychological peculiarities of the students, lack of preparation of the pedagogues to work within the framework of inclusive education.
problems of inclusive education, challenges, higher education, disabled students, inclusive education, education, technology, distance education, programs, adaptation of disabled students
Philosophy and pedagogy
Krasikov, V.I. (2017). Intellectual provocation as a way of activating interest in teaching philosophy. Modern Education, 1, 118–126.
The object of this article is the teaching methods of the art of thinking, which have become famous and proved themselves in the history of philosophy. The subject of the study is the method of intellectual provocation, namely its essence, main stages of expansion, and the specific behavior of participants of such role-playing game. The author examines the historical-philosophical aspect of application of this technique, especially by Socrates in his famous Maieutics. The article provides a number of issues that have proven themselves as effective intellectual provocations in the teaching experience. As methodological tools, the author used typification, comparison, analysis and design, elements of philosophical reflection and social perception. The author suggests one of the possible options of implementation of the method of intellectual provocation in seminar classes. Author's special contribution consists in study the grading of such type of the role-playing game and providing the characteristics to each of the stages. The scientific novelty of the research lies in determination of the common logic and basic regularities of the method of intellectual provocation in the modern context.
simulation, discussion, heuristics, intellectual provocation, non-standard thinking, philosophy teaching, abstraction, reflection, mayevtic, Socratic irony
Pevneva, I.V., Ramazanova, S. (2017). Russian as foreign language: to the problem of formation of speech competencies. Modern Education, 1, 127–133.
This article is dedicated to the question of formation of the speech competencies of students who study Russian as foreign language in the foreign college. The author examines the key problems in formation of the language skills, as well as suggests the methodologies that encourage the development of foreign speech skills formulated in the department of Russian Language and Literature in the Turkish college. Attention is given to the specificity of presentation of material for the Turkish students substantiated by the peculiarities of mentality and culture. The article provides the methodologies that allow enhancing the mechanisms responsible for speech activity in the Russian language outside the language environment. With the help of survey among the students studying the Russian language as foreign outside the language environment, the authors determined the principal difficulties in formation of the speech skills. The conclusion is made that the methodology of teaching Russian language as foreign must carry an ethno-specific orientation. In such education process, the efficiency of pedagogical activity can depend on the specificity of establishment of motivation among the Turkish students, as well as peculiarities of interpersonal communication within the class, organization of self-control and independent work, as well as priority of verbal communication over the formation of writing skills.
Russian as foreign language, motivation, Turkey, teaching, competences, language skills, Russian language, mentality, communication, speaking skills
Innovative methodology and technology
Aldoshina, M.I. (2017). Interactive dialogue methods in formation of the ethnocultural competence of university students. Modern Education, 1, 134–143.
In modern sociocultural situation of multinational Russia, especially relevant is the problem of formation of ethnocultural competence of the students in educational process of the university. The subject of this article is the process of formation of ethnocultural competence of students in the educational process of the supporting university. The object is the cultural dialogue methodological approaches and interactive methods of college education. Special attention is given to the procedural characteristics, regional peculiarities, and possibilities of the gradual evaluation of formation of the ethnocultural competencies of students majoring in the discipline 44.03.02 the Psychological and Pedagogical Education in Modern University. Methodological foundations consists in culturological and competent approaches. Using the methods of structural analysis, comparison, and grouping of the series of surveys that involved 5 educators and 40 junior students of the aforementioned discipline, the author identifies the promising cultural-dialogue methodological approaches and interactive methods of university education that increase the students’ motivation and ensure the establishment of ethnocultural competence. The main conclusion lies in the proven possibilities of application of such approaches for formation of the ethnocultural competence of the students, which consist in the difference of positions of the actor of pedagogical interaction, ability to intone the material, understanding of the necessity and purposeful formation of the imagery and emotional support of submerging into the content of the material.
dialogue methods, Interactive methods, competence, ethnocultural competence, University education, University, ethnocultural, teaching methods, culture-dialogue methodological approaches, student
Innovative methodology and technology
Litvinov, V.A., Baumtrog, V.E. (2017). To the question of automation of knowledge testing on the practical disciplines. Modern Education, 1, 144–152.
The subject of this research is the process of assessment of the level of formedness of knowledge of the practical disciplines students with implementation of the active forms of education. The object of this research is the ways of automation of the knowledge testing process, as well as the pattern of test tasks, applied for the interval final academic assessment of the students. The authors examine the traditional methods of knowledge testing with grade system and using the computer testing. Special attention is given to application of the multimedia means as a tool of control over the students’ knowledge. In addition to the multimedia means, it is suggested to use computer simulators and training programs. The results of the work have been acquired based on the use of systemic analysis of the problems emerging in assessment of competencies of the educational organizations. The authors propose using the computer simulators for assessment of knowledge in work with the complex valuable equipment, as well as for composition of the test tasks, using the multimedia materials.
competency evaluation, checking skills, multimedia, education, ability, testing, competence, computer simulator, effectiveness of testing, skills
Effectiveness of training
Titova, A.Y. (2017). The peculiarity of structuring a choreography lesson for achieving the best result. Modern Education, 1, 153–160.
The article describes the specificity of choreographic training that occurs when visiting a dance studio in the leisure center of additional education. The author provides general characteristics to the training in the choreographic team, as well as defines the impact of choreography upon the child's personality. The article exemplifies the sources of positive and negative results within the educational process. It is shown that in arranging the lesson, a pedagogue must clearly understand his goal, for achieving of which he can apply various methodology. It also demonstrated that almost all sources of the positive emotions are being preserved even in training in the strict choreographic team, where the important criteria of education is the discipline and rigor in demand of the execution of movements. Through such analysis, it became possible to highlight multiple points upon which the choreographic pedagogue can rely on for the successful organization of educational process. The author notes that each teacher before starting working with the children must develop a program for formation of the certain skills. The novelty scientific consists in the author's proposition of the work principles with the children's dance team, which can be applied in any choreographic direction. It is also underlined that for any teacher, coach, or educator, the key to success lies in the creative flair and intuition, self-organization and the constant pursuit to self-development.
skills formation, organization of educational process, modern education, additional education, learning efficiency, psychology, pedagogy, choreography, dance, motivation
Knowledge and understanding
Rozin, V.M. (2017). One of the mechanisms of formation of creativity and vision of new reality. Modern Education, 1, 161–171.
The article examines one of the mechanisms of creativity. It puts forward the following hypothesis: the existential problems of personality find their resolution in the new vision, which is initially incomprehensible and unacceptable, but then, being understood, or in other words, interpreted and conceptualized, and thus becomes clear. For confirmation of this hypothesis, the article analyses the three cases, discusses the notions of vision, reality, and existence, as well as applies the author’s concept of dreams. Creativity begins with the intersubjective situations and subjective problems; in addition to the search and realization of certain methodology, it suggests the new vision, conceptualization, and a number of other procedures, and ends with the existence and detection of the new reality. At the same time, the following methodology was being applied: posing of the questions, case analysis, distinction of the examined phenomena, and construction of notions. As a result, the study was able to demonstrate that the important mechanism of creativity consists in the existential problems, which are solved by the person through inventing the schemes. Based on them, establishes the new vision of reality alongside understanding of what is happening, which initially seems paradoxical.
problems, case studies, scheme, development, creativity, situation, reality, vision, implementation, personality
Mass information processing in training
Romanov, E.V., Drozdova, T.V. (2017). Distance training: necessary and sufficient conditions of effective implementation. Modern Education, 1, 172–195.
Reasons for necessary and sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training are performed in the context of the strategic priorities of modernization of education connected with ensuring its availability and a continuity. Distance training is considered as purposeful process of the organization of activities of students for mastering the "pressed" human experience, to acquisition of experience of creative activities and development of capabilities for the purpose of application and acquisition of knowledge during all life on the basis of use of remote technologies of training.Information technologies and their use in the course of the mediated interaction of students and pedagogical workers only indirectly can promote forming of the corresponding values and accepted in the society of rules and standards of behavior that in the long term does demanded the researches devoted to "embedding" of distance training in educational process so that educational function of education was staticized. On the basis of the categorical and conceptual analysis the concept "distance training" is specified. On the basis of the analysis of the institutional bases of implementation of electronic training and remote educational technologies sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training are proved. Reasons for necessary conditions are performed on the basis of the analysis of the existing educational practice of the higher education.To the necessary conditions determining scientific novelty of a research, the need for a legislative regulation of limit of classroom load of the teacher and loading connected with accomplishment of research, educational and methodical, organizational and educational work belong (that assumes change of approach to financing); availability of the corresponding hardware and competences for development of remote technologies of training. The institutional bases of a regulation of educational activities (sufficient conditions of effective implementation of distance training) are the documents regulating activities of basic divisions of the educational organizations and options of network interaction (integration of educational programs or use of resources of other organizations).Conclusions: Use of remote technologies of training shall promote development of new approaches to assessment of productivity of work of the teacher of the higher school on the basis of creation of a single (All-Russian) method of calculation of rating of the teacher of higher education institution. The measure of efficiency of educational, research, educational and methodical, organizational and educational activities which is performed by the teacher shall find reflection in it. Reasonable need of a legislative regulation of load of the teacher of the higher school assumes change of approaches to financing of higher education institutions: it is necessary to include the works connected with development of remote technologies of training and creation of intellectual property items for use in educational process in the section of the state task. Indicators of monitoring of efficiency of activities of higher education institutions should be added with indicators on which it is possible to judge activities of higher education institution regarding increase in availability of the higher education and the created conditions for implementation of the concept of training at an extent of all life.Specific weight of the means received by the educational organization from use of results of intellectual activities, in total income of the educational organization" also "the amount of the created results of intellectual activities having legal protection in Russia and beyond its limits" shall become priority performance indicators of research activities ".
network interaction, basic departments, institutional bases, hardware and competences, foreign experience, loading regulation, conditions, distance learning, financial provision, monitoring indicators
In search of the meaning
Rodionova, D. (2017). Expansion of opportunities of practice-oriented education by means of implementation of the modern information and communication technologies (on the example of professional training of museologists). Modern Education, 1, 196–202.
The subject of this research is the integration of modern information and communication technologies and practice-oriented education during the process of professional training of the students-museologists. The object of this research is the professional preparation of the bachelors on the discipline “Museology and preservation of the objects of cultural and natural heritage”. Attention is focused on the fact that the model of practice-oriented efficient education is pragmatic in its nature and content, as well as corresponds with the didactical approaches applied in high education with consideration of implementation of the new educational and professional standards. The main conclusion of this work consists in substantiation of the advantages of mutually beneficial cooperation between the specialized graduate chair that realizes the practical preparation on the discipline “Museology and preservation of the objects of cultural and natural heritage” and a specific museum, in accordance with the principle of efficient education, taking into account the requirements of the job market, and development of the museum professions.
digital catalogue, information and communication technologies, professional education, competence approach, museology, practice-oriented training, museum, museum collection, application programs, museum site