Degtyareva, I.V., Shalina, O.I., Tokareva, G.F. (2016). Transformation of college education in the context of sustainable development. Modern Education, 2, 1–11.
Under the influence of geopolitical, economic, and technological changes, the world faces the reorientation of goals and functions of education – changes in types and length of education, requirement for graduates and colleges; appearance of the new educational structures and corresponding social institutions. The subject of this research is the modern trends in the area of global higher education. Thus, education represents not only the goal, but also means of achieving sustainable development by the virtue of: training the highly intellectual and goal-oriented personnel for the sustainable development of the society; promotion of the principles of sustainable development; formation of the socially responsible attitude among population and businesses; conducting scientific research in the field of sustainable development; and creation of constantly acting information platforms which accumulate the statistical data and the analytical information within the area of sustainable development. Based on the authors’ scientific internship in Slovakia and the acquired material, the main trends of development of higher education across the globe are being determined: orientation of education towards achieving sustainable development and social responsibility, practical orientation of education, interdisciplinarity of education, formation of the system of continuous education, shifting towards online education, and political orientation of education. The universities have to provide their graduates with the level of training that meets the demands of the job market. Therefore, the core of education should include the scientific, humanitarian, and technical base, in other words, a wide spectrum of humanitarian, mathematical, technical, and other disciplines. The universities should also be responsible for formation of the political views of their students, which increases the level resilience of the society towards the information warfare.
efficiency, continuous education, interdisciplinary education, online education, curriculum, sustainable development, trends, universities, higher education, information warfare
Values and goals of education
Potaturov, V.A. (2016). The problems of Russian humanitarian education in the conditions of globalization. Modern Education, 2, 12–24.
The object of this research is the humanitarian education in Russia on the example of the higher school. The subject is the trends in development of education as a social institute in the context of information era and epoch of globalization. The author analyzes the role, place, meaning, and major issues of development of the Russian humanitarian education as a major rebroadcaster of culture. Special attention is given to the problem of humanitarian education within the framework of market relations and informatization of society as a whole, and the educational process in the higher school in particular. The author comes to the conclusion that the integral humanitarian knowledge suggests presence of an extensive scientific scope and a worldview component, without which a person cannot develop such principal humanitarian quality as confidence, necessary to establish a civil position. Humanitarian education in this regard has to become an instrument of self-cognition, self-upbringing, and self-actualization in the process of formation of identity. Scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive approach towards the role of humanitarian education and humanitarian knowledge within the life of human and society.
New generation, Computerization, Technological progress, Ethics, Spirituality, Higher school, Globalization, Information society, Humanitarian knowledge, Humanitarian education
Modern strategies and forms of education
Yanik, A.A., Popova, S.M. (2016). Main peculiarities of the modern scientific policy in Germany. Modern Education, 2, 25–51.
This article introduces the results of the analysis of peculiarities of state control over the scientific development in the Federative Republic of Germany. The contemporary German experience represents interest for Russia due to the fact that both countries are federations, which leads to the emergence of more complex mechanisms of development and realization of the scientific policy, rather than in the countries with Unitarian form of government structure. The work carefully examines the fundamental elements of the system of strategic planning in the area of scientific development and innovations, including the key legal acts. The conclusion is made that the main specificities of the German management model for scientific development (absence of strict hierarchy; use of communicational mechanisms for the formation of “agreement platform” between all the political actors and groups of interest; delimitation of responsibilities, authority, and finances between the level of federation, level of lands, and others) are the result of implementation of the principles of cooperative federalism (“maximum agreement, minimum force”) into all the spheres of social life. The effectively operating on all levels mechanisms of achieving political consensus, as well as extensive use of high-tech support of decision-making, help the government to provide the successiveness of the general strategic line in combination with the adaptiveness of the current scientific policy.
Innovations, Strategy of development, Federalism, Science policy, Science, European Union, Germany, Innovative economy, Research and development, Research Infrastructure
Educational psychology
Prudnikov, L.A., Klimov, R.S. (2016). Potential ability to manage professional operator training based on the assessment of their psychophysiological state. Modern Education, 2, 52–64.
The subject of this study is the improvement the management of professional training of operators through the use of information on the psychophysiological state of the learner. The hypothesis of the study: as a successful career depends on the condition of the person in the course of its implementation, taking into account assessment of the psychophysiological state during training (learning) allows for management training operators aimed at the formation (development, consolidation) have stable professional skills. The relevance of the study is also due to insufficient use in teaching practice potential accounting psychophysiological state of the learner, provided the level of development of information and telecommunication technologies. The study is based on the articles of materials devoted to the psychological aspects of occupational safety, as well as on its own empirical data. The study applied the methods of work psychophysiology, educational psychology, educational cybernetics, engineering psychology and ergonomics. The novelty of the research is theoretical and experimental study of the need to incorporate evaluation of psychophysiological state for management training of trainees. Due to the fact that the condition of completion of the training is "quality execution of control exercises (tests) with low psychophysiological stress" the student is provided to improve the quality of vocational training - achieved increased resistance skills, formed as a result of training. Accounting psychophysiological state of the learner, provided interference-free performance of his professional activity, should be an integral component of management training operators in order to improve the effectiveness of individually-tailored training and the stability of the formed and develop skills.
Simulator-based training, Educational strategy, Diagnostics of psychophysiological state, Functional state of a trainee, Sustainability of formation of skills, Personalized training, Adaptive training, Psychophysiological state of a trainee, Control over education, Professional training
Person and personal development
Erzin, A.I., Epanchintseva, G.A. (2016). Self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience in educational process (influence upon the academic interests and students’ achievements). Modern Education, 2, 65–83.
The subject of this research is the self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience as personality resources, and their role in the educational activity of students. The article presents a brief review of the modern researches of each of the stated psychological constructs within the psychology of education. It is underlined that as a whole, proactiveness, resilience, and self-efficacy, form a psychological basis of self-determination. Their development gains an extensive practical importance for the psychological support of the subjects of educational process, while neglecting this aspect can create a potential threat to the psychological safety of students. In all, 67 students in the age group of 19-20 have been examined. The type of research is cross-sectional. The results of the research demonstrated that students have a moderate level of development of self-efficacy, proactiveness, and resilience. The general self-efficacy produces a positive effect upon the involvement of the students into the educational process and their disposition towards the scientific research activity. The indexes of academic performance also depend on the academic control and academic self-efficacy. It is determined that separate components of proactiveness (self-reflection, metamotivation) and of resilience (involvement, control) positively affect the academic achievements and interests of the students. The authors developed the empirical models of influence of the aforementioned personality resources upon the academic performance and interests, which can be used for testing the program of psychological-pedagogical intervention based on the examined psychological constructs.
educational psychology, positive psychology, self-determination, resilience, proactivity, self-efficacy, personality resources, learning, academic achievement, structural equation modeling
Ways of upbringing
Grishina, E.A. (2016). Peculiarities of adjustment of aggressiveness among teenagers within the educational environment based on their gender. Modern Education, 2, 84–94.
This article examines the problems of adjustment of the teenage aggressiveness within the educational environment. The gender aspect of the juvenile aggressiveness consists in the fact that depending on age group and gender factor, there are different manifestations of aggression, as well as different causes that can provoke aggressive behavior. If in childhood, there are practically no differences in aggression of boys and girls, then in teenage years we can observe significant changes. In addition to that, the level of aggressiveness notably increases among teenagers under the various factors and circumstances examined in the article. This leads to the different established forms of aggressive behavior characteristic to young men and young ladies, which is necessary to consider for the timely adjustment of aggressive behavior in educational environment. The main idea of this work is to provide an effective and timely diagnostics, as well as conduct psycho-correctional work in form of individual or group classes. Special attention is given to the cooperation with parents and pedagogues as representatives of education environment, who strongly affect the development of teenage aggressiveness. The work reviews the ways of reducing aggression, as well as recommendations for the representatives of educational facilities in interaction with the aggressive juveniles.
Psychological safety, Adjustment, Aggressive behavior, Educational environment, Juveniles, Verbal aggression, Indirect aggression, Direct aggression, Physical aggression, Gender factor
Innovative methodology and technology
Gryaznova, E.V., Nikulin, A.A. (2016). Project method in teaching the subject of “visual arts”: methodological recommendations for future pedagogues. Modern Education, 2, 95–102.
This article examines the question of implementation of a project method at the “visual arts” school lesson within the framework of the visual arts bachelor’s program. The relevance of this work consists in the fact that the project method which allows forming the foundations of scientific culture among the elementary school student, is included into the bachelor’s program methodology. This methodology is being tested over the period of two years within the main educational program of the municipal education facility of the city of Reutov “Gymnasium”, as well as meets the educational standards of the elementary education in the Russian Federation, the program of the initial stage of International Bachelor’s Program – PYP (Primary Years Program). The article presents the methodological recommendations and pedagogical experience on the example of the program “I am a researcher”, which is based on the project method as an element of bachelor’s program methodology of the future pedagogues of visual arts. The main conclusion consists in substantiation that the project method in its implementation into the “visual arts” educational program allows forming the elements of scientific culture among students, as well as can be included into the methodology of the teachers of art bachelor’s program.
Methodology, Educational standards, Project activity, Methodological recommendations, Teaching techniques, Visual arts, Elementary school, Scientific culture, Bachelor, Project method