Karpov, A.O. (2016). Socialization of the scientific-research type in the knowledge society. Modern Education, 1, 1–35.
The concept of knowledge society represents an influential paradigm of the modern social development. In the conditions, when the knowledge becomes the key socioeconomic asset of the society, a special significance gains a specific type of socialization that endows a growing individual with productive attitude towards knowledge and cognition. Socialization of the scientific-research type develops as a total public process, which transforms the behavior of people of all ages and professions. The role of cultural-executive foundation of knowledge society is played by education, which trains individuals capable of scientific search, i.e. research learning. The goal of the article is to present the peculiarities of the scientific-research type of socialization, as well as to examine its stages and analyze its initial forms within the research education. The introductory section of this work is dedicated to the review of the role of education within the concept of knowledge society, created during the 1940’s-1960’s, which comprises the cultural-historical context for further narration. Giving characteristic to the socialization of knowledge society, the author demonstrates its binary complexity, in which intertwine the instrumental and liberal traditions. As the fundamental factors of a new type of socialization, the author presents a cognitive-thematic structure of the knowledge society, as well as spiritual ability that determine the creativity. Epistemic imprinting and the base system of the initial cognitive practices are being reviewed as the primary forms of socialization.
socialization, knowledge society, education, the science, study, imprinting, value, behavior, culture, samostanovlenie
Modern strategies and forms of education
Gryaznova, E.V., Khlap, A.A. (2016). Scientific educational approaches towards distance pedagogy. Modern Education, 1, 36–44.
The subject of this study is the scientific approaches implemented in the conditions of distance pedagogy. The authors examine three main approaches within the traditional pedagogy: pragmatic, personal-oriented, and metathematic; later, they analyze the specificity of the adjustment of these scientific educational approaches in the conditions of distance pedagogy. A special attention is given to the comparison of positive and negative sides of application of these approaches within the traditional and distance pedagogy. During the course of this research, the authors refer to the publications of scholars, who study the issues of implementation of various scientific theories and approaches in both, the traditional, as well as in distance pedagogy. The authors come to a conclusion that the scientific methods applied within the traditional pedagogy fairly easily adjust to the terms of distance pedagogy. At the same time, distance pedagogy is able to balance some of the negative sides of the implementation of the scientific educational approaches, manifesting in the traditional pedagogy.
Remote pedagogy, activity approach, student-centered approach, metasubject approach, traditional pedagogy, complex approach, mixed forms of learning, mass education, differentiated instruction, individual learning
Developing pedagogical technologies
Sotnikova, O. (2016). Priority in the selection of pedagogical techniques of oil and gas education during the study of theoretical material. Modern Education, 1, 45–67.
The subject of this research is the activity of students of the oil and gas industry and preparation for studying the educational material. The article examines the issue of selection of pedagogical techniques in oil and gas education in study of professional disciplines. Based on the analysis of the special aspects of the oil and gas industry the author determines the composition of controversial components of professional competencies. Substantiation is made of the conclusion on the priority of organization of student activity on execution of logical-technological analysis of the educational material. The complex of the aforementioned actions is determined only in a general form and requires further concretization in organization of education of each separate discipline (module). The main conclusion of this research is the justification of the priority of education on logical-technological analysis of the educational material. Author’s contribution to the pedagogical science is the description of the composition of the logical-technological analysis of the educational material studied in the professional disciplines of oil and gas education.
oil and gas formation, training activities, logical-technological analysis, educational material, bearing components of competence, scientific and technological awareness, professional competence, regulatory logic and technological analysis, obosnovatelny logical-technological analysis, illustrative logical-technological analysis
Educational psychology
Matiukhin, I.V. (2016). Temperament reflection of a pedagogue upon their psychomotor system. Modern Education, 1, 68–91.
Possibilities of an individual conversation are certain across its entire history of development, from the consultative psychological-pedagogical aspects of the psychodynamic approach all the way until post-humanistic views. Lately, the persona of a pedagogue attracts high interest and research questions. Placing it into the paradigm “human-culture”, it is necessary to determine the private factors of the effective work. Such factors are based on the biopsychosocial nature of a human, and direct the researcher towards the focus of the inherent and acquired qualities of a human. This article presents the original research on observation by the profilers of the reflection of the temperamental peculiarities of pedagogues upon their psychomotor system during the private conversation. The author demonstrates the key quantitative dynamic indexes of the temperamental-motor manifestations in a form of expression, gestures, speech, mimics, as well as the resulting index of the integral dynamics. This research is conducted in the context of using psychomotor system as an instrument of interpersonal relations, which represents the mutual direction of dynamic, indicative-informative system on the objective effect upon each other. The author reveals an intersecting point within the objective reflection of the inherent and acquires factors that play a necessary and sufficient role in the phenomenon of interaction.
profiling, teacher, psychomotority, temperament, reflection, speech, gesture, mimic, sign, observation
Adult games
Pshenichnaya, V.V. (2016). Comparative-methodological aspects and peculiarities of teaching the program of “Psychology and Pedagogy of the Higher School” in the post-graduate school. Modern Education, 1, 92–111.
The object of this research is the content of education in the post-graduate school. The subject is the peculiarities of teaching the program of “Psychology and Pedagogy of the Higher School” within the system of training of the highly qualified personnel. The author substantiates the pedagogical importance of this program in the post-graduate school, which became the final level of the higher education, and focuses his attention on the main difficulties that faces an educator who lectures this class. A special attention is given to the questions of thematic content of the aforementioned discipline, as well as to the specifics of the work with post-graduate students. This research is based in the materials from the articles dedicated to the issues of development of the higher school, as well as on the empirical data acquired as a result of personal work with post-graduates. The author’s main conclusion consists in the fact that gaining the qualification of the “Educator-Researcher” by all alumni of the post-graduate school, which is confirmed by the corresponding state-recognized diploma, makes relevant the questions of psychological-pedagogical training of post-graduate students of various major, while the program “Psychology and Pedagogy of the Higher School” in essence represents the only discipline that allows to systematically expound the scientific basis of the educational process in the higher educational facility. Scientific novelty consists in the attention towards the third level of higher education and the issues of a specific program within it.
Graduate School, high school, psychology, pedagogy, economics of education, management in education, professor, interactive learning, researcher, PhD