Lelyuk, Y.V. (2015). State sponsorship of the system of personnel training in Ukraine . Modern Education, 4, 1–16.
This article is dedicated to the review of the problem of state sponsorship of the higher education in Ukraine. The author examines the factors affecting the instability and development of crisis phenomena during the course of personnel training. A special attention is given to the aspect of financing the higher education. The author analyzes the financial resources of the higher education facilities and formulates the conclusion that the government remains the main financier. The author also conducts the analysis of the dynamics and changes in spending of the Unified Budget of Ukraine on education in 2011-2014. It is noted that the absolute indexes (the GDP) is much lower than those in the developed countries. And therefore, there are a lot fewer funding allocated for education in Ukraine than in developed countries. The author suggests to make changes in the existing form of financing the education facilities and to create programs for attracting the funds from private sector.
laws, funding, education, educational sphere, higher education, personnel training, costs, consolidated budget, gross domestic product, investment activities
Modern strategies and forms of education
Litvinova, N.P., Samorukov, V.I. (2015). The experience of recognition of competencies acquired in non-formal and informal education in foreign countries. Modern Education, 4, 17–35.
The authors thoroughly examine the problems of recognition of professional competencies acquired outside the system of formal education such as improvement of legislation in the area of adult education; elimination of contradictions between social partners and the government; development and use of the effective instruments and systems of recognition, certification and accreditation of non-formal education, including the authorities and procedures of ensuring quality. The implementation of the system of recognition on non-formal and distance education contributes to the promotion of lifelong learning, creation education that is more effective and meets economic standards and the labor market, and also allows reducing the spending on education and advanced training. The authors present a review on the world practice of acknowledgement of professional competencies and conduct a comparative analysis of the systems and instruments of recognition of professional competencies in a number of European countries, Canada and South Korea. The main conclusion consists in the fact that majority of the countries reform their systems of acquiring education in which the systems of recognition of non-formal and distance education become a significant component.
professional competences, non-formal education, longlife learning, adult education, Folk High School, social function, recognition of competencies, reform of the education system, social partnership, system of certification
Educational psychology
Gorbenko, A.V. (2015). Emotional security of the education environment among students of humanitarian universities (bachelor’s and master’s programs) . Modern Education, 4, 36–91.
This article presents the research on emotional security in humanitarian universities among students at the various stages of education (bachelor’s and master’s programs). The author suggests a hypothesis that emotional security of the education environment depends on the level of education and the risk factors, therefore. Statistical processing of the acquired data confirms the differences in perception of emotional security among the students of different level of education. Therefore, the students of the bachelor’s program would have a lower level of emotional security if compared to the students of master’s program. Our research demonstrates that the master’s degree students have a high index of positive attitude towards the education environment, and the high indexes of its components show that these students also have a high level of satisfaction with the educational environment. The emotional climate also affects the risk of emergence of psychosomatic disorders. The author notes that there is a link between the emotions and the physical health, thus this connection is of both, psychological and physiological nature. The conclusion is made that the emotional wellbeing of the education environment affects psychological and physiological health of the students. In accordance with that, we can note that the low level of indexes of the emotional security poses a hazard of developing of psychosomatic illnesses among the students of bachelor’s program, due to experiencing more negative emotions.
psychological security, emotional security, educational environment, institution of higher education, students, Bachelor, Masters, emotion, emotional component, security
Person and personal development
Matiukhin, I.V. (2015). Examination of the types and causes of the reactions of people who perform publically . Modern Education, 4, 92–113.
It is a no secret that performing publically is tedious work, often putting people into awkward situations and forcing them to be persistent in self-improvement in order to not feel the intense pressure that is felt by those who perform publically. Each person experiences a different level of anxiety due to different internal apperceptive reasons. This research is conducted via targeted observation of various people who performs publically. The author presents the theoretical analysis of the reaction of anxiety as the modification of an alarming manifestation of personal or situational nature, and also analyzes the interconnection between nervousness and social factors, including ways of avoiding the feeling of anxiety. The main types of people’s reactions during performing publically are being detected by the significant and evident external and behavioral characteristics. The article also presents the points of view of successful pedagogues on the topic of the art of public performances.
public, performance, anxiety, social causes, social rejection, marks, observation, typology, worry, spleeny
Morality and ethics
Sheremeteva, N.N. (2015). Understanding of ethics as a main factor of educational process in academic environment. Modern Education, 4, 114–144.
This article is dedicated to the analysis and understanding of ethics using the “golden ratio” law to include the data into the educational process of academic environment. The subject of this research is the ethics, and the object if the “golden ratio” law of nature, the proportions of which point at the “bigger” or “smaller” part of the personal interests with regards to yourself; or public interests with regards to the surrounding world. Based on this law, the author demonstrates that ethics is a cognitive ability as a continuation of a more complicated part of reason, which is first and foremost aimed at meeting the “interests of the surrounding world” – its protection, development, and support; human is a social being, thus achieves the necessary development and establishment through society. The author suggests implementing the “golden ratio” law into the educational process, to reveal to the students the definition of true ethics. By cognizing the true ethics that would not violate the principles of the “golden ratio” law (because according to it, the “interests of the surrounding world” supersede the “personal interests”), the students will be able to properly understand the real beauty and the harmony of the world and nature.
educational environment, students, moral, mind, formula, " Golden Section ", evidence, understanding, harmony, worthy man
Mayer, R.V. (2015). Rotation of theoretical and practical activities as an effective method of education: Results of imitation modelling . Modern Education, 4, 145–155.
The subject of this research is a computer model of a student based on the following hypotheses: 1) in the course of studying the student acquires new knowledge, and the unsubstantiated knowledge transforms into substantiated; 2) the efforts applied by a student depend on the disparity between the requirement of the teacher and the knowledge of the student; 3) with increase in speed of presentation of new material, the coefficient of the transfer rate in the “teacher-student” communication channel decreases. The article examines the methodology that consists in splitting the theoretical and practical material into several parts and their alternation. The scientific novelty lies in the following: 1) the author suggests the new computer model of a student that takes into account the transformation of the surface knowledge into deep knowledge, and the nonlinear dependencies of a student from the teacher, and the coefficient of the transfer rate of communication channel from the speed of presentation of new material; 2) by the means of imitation modelling it is demonstrated that the alternate studying of theory and practice leads to a greater result.
didactics, training, modelling, simulation, pupil, teacher, technique, computer program, theory of training, assimilation of knowledge
Knowledge and understanding
ALEKSANDROVA, N., LAMANOVA, L. (2015). Professional activity of pedagogues: theoretical and practical aspects of research . Modern Education, 4, 156–173.
The subject of this research is the modern professional activity of pedagogues of the higher and vocational education facilities. The goal of this work is to determine the peculiarities and changes within the professional activity of pedagogues of higher education. The authors examine the activity of pedagogues from the perspective of integrational processes – a simultaneous insurance of executing major functions of pedagogical education (development of public and socio-professional relations within the education environment). The integrative methodology allows detecting general initial theoretical and practical requirements towards the research of types and conditions of the pedagogical activity, as well as their competencies. The authors determine the priority types of activity that should be established within the system of advanced training. The characteristics of the activity of pedagogues as a systematizing element of the process of forming a competitive professional, as well as the statistical data on the practical study of the pedagogical activity are being presented. The area of implementation of this research is the development of theoretical positions of professional pedagogics and the practice of professional education (creation of pedagogical instrumentarium for self-evaluation of professional activity, development of documents for certification, implementation of changes into the education and professional standards of pedagogues). The scientific novelty consist in the fact that in the course of studying the various aspects of activity of modern pedagogues, a special attention was given to the integration of types of activity, and the qualities of pedagogues and the surrounding environment.
professional education, teacher, activity, the subjects of education, professional activity, personal quality, types of activity, the activity changes, theoretical research's, practical research's