Zaytseva, E.A. (2015). Swiss Education System: Structure, Advantages and Shortcomings. Modern Education, 3, 1–18.
The object of the research is the educational system of Switzerland, the research subject involves its structure, advantages and shortcomings. Within the conducted research the author in detail opens essence of each level of an education system, considers features of this system, the prerequisite of formation of characteristic features, the existing educational institutions, models of teaching and system of training, and also the taken positions in a world rating of quality of the higher education in 2010-2014. The special attention is paid to types of educational institutions, their characteristic. Results of the comparative analysis of systems of the higher education in Russia and Switzerland for the purpose of detection of distinctions and similarities are presented. Such general scientific methods as the description, comparison, the analysis and deduction were applied to carrying out research. As a methodological basis system approach to research acts. The main conclusion following the results of the conducted research is that the educational system of Switzerland has no uniform standards and curricula. In each canton exist not only various models of teaching, but also systems of training differing from each other, both a set of the studied disciplines, and way of carrying out examinations. All this predetermines possibility of full disclosure of potential at various groups of pupils, and also assumes various level of quality of education at the teenagers living in different cantons.The novelty of research is that some aspects of the education system of Switzerland have been considered in a new key, in particular comparison of systems of the higher education in Switzerland and the Russian Federation led to new understanding of its structure.
Models of teaching, The higher education, Complete secondary education, Compulsory secondary education, Primary education, Preschool education, Swiss education system, Education, Training systems, Quality of education
Bless your name teacher
Levin, V.I. (2015). Leonard Andreevich Rastrigin as the Scientist and Science Populizer. Modern Education, 3, 19–52.
The history of life and scientific and pedagogical activity of the world famous Soviet scientist Leonard Andreevich Rastrigin is recreated. Its scientific biography is very in detail stated.Its scientific activity and results received by it is in details considered. A lot of place is given to its work as the research supervisor of graduate students and doctoral candidates, and also his scientific and educational activity. Memories of it of his colleagues and pupils are given. Much attention is paid to L.A. Rastrigin's identity, his human destiny. The complete list of all of its numerous publications published by it books a general characteristic is provided: articles, reports, reviews, monographs, popular scientific books, etc. Scientific, pedagogical and scientific and promotional activity of the outstanding scientist and outstanding human person – professor L.A. Rastrigin (1929–1998), his life full of dramatic nature sated with the continuous conflicts to partsovbyurokrata of the Soviet state is for the first time in detail described.Work is based on the analysis of the scientific, methodical and popular scientific works published by L.A. Rastrigin. Unpublished memories of Rastrigin of his colleagues and pupils, including personal memoirs of the author are also widely used. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) L.A. Rastrigin was the outstanding scientist, the founder of the theory and practice of casual search – a new effective method of management of work of difficult systems; 2) He was also outstanding organizer of scientific researches though didn't hold any large administrative posts, and the excellent teacher, the research supervisor of graduate students and doctoral candidates who prepared a large number of candidates and doctors of science
Monte-Carlo method, random search, science organizer, cybernetics, enlightener, popularizer, scientist, Rastrigin, scientific biography, the identity of the scientist
Flerov, O.V. (2015). Influence of Peculiarities of English and Spanish on Learning These Languages. Modern Education, 3, 53–70.
The object of research in this article is the English and Spanish languages systems. The matter under study is influence of their peculiarities on learning them. Considerable author's attention is paid to the problem of teaching foreign languages different from English and to the demand on Spanish in education services market. Didactic peculiarities and difficulties of teaching pronunciation, lexis and grammar of the languages under study are deeply analyzed as well as principal factors of language structure influencing teacher's work.The method of research in this article is comparative analysis of English and Spanish phonetics, lexis and grammar applied to learning them as well as analysis of author's own experience in teaching these languages to students and difficulties that emerged in this process.The principal author's conclusions are the following statements. 1) Questions of teaching languages different from English are not enough viewed in Methodology as nowadays English is mainly taught as a foreign language. 2) As the number of English speakers is increasing there is growing demand on other international languages, particularly on Spanish. 3) English and Spanish have a lot in common but much more differences in phonetics, lexis and grammar. 4) These differences influence not only the run of a definite class, but also organizing a course on the whole. The novelty of the article consists in revealing the influence of linguistic foreign languages characteristics on learning and teaching them.
pronunciation, grammar, lexis, phonetics, Methodology, Spanish, English, course, teacher, learning
Innovative methodology and technology
Dobrotina, I. (2015). Improvement of Reading Skills at Russian Lessons. Modern Education, 3, 71–108.
The object of the present research is the solution of the problem of improving ability of school students to apply different strategies of reading at Russian lessons described in Rybchenkova's guidelines. The relevance of the problem is caused by the need to teach school students not only to read in general but also to different types of reading: scanning, skimming, reading in-depth. Possibility of improvement of communicative and cognitive abilities of pupils is analyzed: abilities to express the thoughts according to communication conditions, to build a logical chain of reasonings, proofs, to make hypotheses and them to prove, to attract the having knowledge from other subject domains. The analysis methodical and the didactic making UMK on Russian is carried out (material of "popup windows", tasks of exercises, systems of work on development of the speech, etc.) The offered system of work allows to solve some key problems, among which 1) improvement of abilities of pupils to use different strategy of reading – the abilities defined as important subject and metasubject results on Russian; 2) realization of the differentiated approach, possibility of the accounting of specific features; development of educational independence of pupils; ability to integrate educational and extracurricular activities; development of abilities to use information of the text in the educational activity.
reading strategies, the Russian language, skimming, scanning, reading in-depth, critical reasoning, manual device, training manual, communication task, case study, information processing
Effectiveness of training
Gatiatullina, E.R. (2015). Teacher's Sceptical Orientation as a Neutral World View in Teaching Social Studies and Humanities. Modern Education, 3, 109–125.
The object of research is the expressed world outlook and orientation of the person who is the teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines in a higher educational institution. Personal outlook of the teacher, leaving an invariable mark on its professional activity, plays a considerable role and is of great importance in formation of world outlook reference points at pupils. Especially noticeable this influence becomes in teaching disciplines of the social and humanitarian block owing to what on the teacher of these disciplines much bigger world outlook responsibility lies, than on the teacher of natural and mathematical or technical cycles and how it is possible to avoid direct influence of subjective ideological installations and the teacher's values on the studying audience. Methods of research is the reflection of the rich empirical material which is saved up in the course of long-term teaching activity of the author; the analysis of skeptically focused outlook; justification of interpretation of the last – not as nigilistic, and as critical; scepticism comparison as philosophical direction with the main concepts of truth. The main conclusion characterizing the theoretical and practical importance of the conducted research is situation according to which minimization of possible world outlook distortions in teaching a social and humanitarian cycle is achievable under a condition, strangely enough it will sound at first sight that the teacher adheres to skeptical philosophical orientation. Novelty of author's approach is in the statement that scepticism as the philosophical position represents not so much a kind of agnosticism or a relativism, or, especially, nihilism, the skeptical philosophy, and some kind of world outlook neutrality which allows the teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines to fulfill the professional duty most adequately is as usual treated.
Humanities, morality, philosophy, truth, neutrality, orientation, worldview, knowledge, teacher, society
Historicism as a principle
Sosenkov, F.S. (2015). The Unity of Russia and the Conservative Approaches to Education: Political and Legal Views of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev. Modern Education, 3, 126–136.
The subject of research is the idea of the national unity and their relationship with the direction of development of national education, expressed in the works of the representatives of the conservative social and political thought of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev. For the purpose of work is to analyze the scientific and journalistic works Uvarov and Pobedonostsev to determine the positions of the scientists on the problems of state unity and counteract the centrifugal tendencies of the state-legal development of Russia. Special attention is paid to such sources as "Some General principles that can guide the management of the Ministry of national education", "Decade of the Ministry of national education. 1833 - 1843" (S. S. Uvarov), "The Great lie of our time" (K. P. Pobedonostsev).In the course of work used historical and comparative research methods, system analysis, and context-based analysis of the text. Scientific novelty of the conducted research is the problem of the relationship between welfare state unity, anti-separatism and development of the state system of education. Studied theoretical and practical experience of S. S. Uvarov and K. P. Pobedonostsev in education suggests that the development of the national spirit of the education system is a necessary ideological resource of state unity.
the state border, The Russian Empire, separatism, territorial integrity, state unity, the education system, S. S. Uvarov, K. P. Pobedonostsev, conservative thought, enforcement course