Flerov, O.V. (2015). Peculiarities of Teaching the Second Language at a Non-Linguistic University. Modern Education, 1, 1–25.
This article is dedicated to teaching the second foreign language at a non-linguistic university. The object of the study is the educational process at a non-linguistic university. The subject under study is teaching the second foreign language as a part of linguistic training of non-linguist students. The author considers in much detail the role of teaching the second foreign language to students nowadays and the most topical methodological and organizational aspects of this process. Particular attention is paid to choosing the second foreign language for studies and to the teacher's professional activity. The main research methods used by the researcher is the analysis of existing teaching practice based on the researcher's observations and his personal experience in teaching the second foreign language at a university. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author views teaching the second foreign language as an independent discipline but not a form of teaching foreign languages in general. The main contribution made by the researcher is the defintion of methodological and organizational peculiarities of the given process as well as particular features of teacher's activity at a non-linguistic university. The main conclusions made by the researcher are the following: 1. Teaching the second foreign language should be an independent issue and be particularly studied by university didactics. 2. Teaching the second foreign language at a university has particular methodological and organizational peculiarities that may considerably differ from the process of teaching the first foreign language.
labor market, motivation, implicit approach, status, teaching, the second foreign language, language education, university, choice, students of a non-linguistic institute
Values and goals of education
Kostrigin, A.A. (2015). Description of the Management and Corporate Culture at a Pre-School Educational Establishments. Modern Education, 1, 26–41.
The present article is devoted to the organizational issues of the activity of pre-school educational establishments. The author of the article examines such organizational aspects as the management and corporate culture at pre-school establishments. It is submitted that today when school education is being transferred from the municipal to the market organization, it is becoming very important to use new organizational resources and opportunities that are created as a result of changes in the educational and economic orientations of pre-school establishments. Berezina also emphasizes the need to treat a pre-school establishment as an organization with a mission, values, management, corporate culture, human resources management and competitive ability. The research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature and theoretical modeling of the performance of a pre-school establishment as an organization. The research methodology involves the concept of the market structure of a pre-school establishment (according to G. Ksendzova). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves a pre-school establishment to be a modern organization. In her research Berezina also demonstrates that a pre-school establishment is a competitive entity. However, it is still a problem to understand and use opportunities of such phenomena as the corporate culture, values and management that are quite new in the sphere of pre-school education. According to the author, at the present time pre-school establishments are in a position to adopt new functioning strategies.
pre-school education, pre-school educational establishment, management, corporate culture, market-based economy, organizational processes, corporate mission, model of corporate activity, management technology, goals of school education
Types of education
Mayer, R.V. (2015). Computer Two-Component Probability Model for Studying Academic Disciplines. Modern Education, 1, 42–52.
The article is devoted to the solution of the main task of the mathematical learning theory which is to define the level of knowledge of a student studying a discipline. The researcher states that all the acquired academic knowledge can be conditionally divided into the two categories: 1) ephemeral knowledge that is easily forgotten, and 2) time-proof knowledge (skills) developed through multiple repetitions of the academic material that is slowly forgotten. The given simulation model also takes into account the dependence of the ratio of knowledge acquisition and time a student spends on studying the material on the overall level of student's actual knowledge. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher has used the methods of the analysis and synthesis of complex systems, mathematical and computer simulation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher proves that it is possible to create a two-component probability model for studying an academic discipline and this model may include: 1) probability of a student studying a new issue or repeating the material; 2) increasing share of time-proof knowledge as a result of a growing number of repetitions; 3) reduction of time spent on studying a particular material while repetitions of the material grow; 4) growing ratio of knowledge acquisition while the overall quantity of knowledge and/or knowledge of this particular material multiply. The given model allows to monitor the dynamics of student's growth of overall knowledge and his knowledge of a particular discipline.
didactics, learning theory, learning simulation, computer model, mathematical simulation, programming, didactic system, cquisition, forgetting, quantity of knowledge
Educational psychology
Berezina, T.N. (2015). Developing the Emotional Security of the Education Environment (Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects). Modern Education, 1, 53–68.
In her article Berezina describes psychological and pedagogical aspects of the development of emotionally secure education environment. Berezina offers the following criteria of the emotional security of the education environment: minimization of negative emotions and increase of positive emotions. In this regard, Berezina defines the two components of the emotional security: the level of negative emotions (indicators include fear and anxiety) and the level of positive emotions (joy is an indicator). True emotions are viewed as the emotions causing important physiological changes in a human organism unlike usual emotions that affect only the mind and cause emotional distress. The methodological basis of the research involves the concept of the emotional security of the education environment. The article presents a review of scientific literature on the matter. Based on the results of the research, the author of the article proves the role of true emotions for the physical and mental health of students. Berezina also studies the connection between true emotions and the feeling of being healthy or unhealthy experienced by students. She also shows the correlation between the frequency of negative emotions and the probability of psychosomatic diseases and the relation between positive emotions experienced in the education environment and the subjective feeling of being healthy in the future. The researcher otulines the directions for the development of the emotional security of the education environment. One of these directions is the reduction of true negative emotions (anxiety before exams, for instance) through training sessions and psychological correction, the other direction is the providing more activities for creative and intellectual self-realization of students in the education environment.
psychological security, education environment, emotions, emotional security, true emotions, psychosomatic diseases, health, educational environment, joy, fear
Person and personal development
Rybakova, N.A. (2015). Sources of Motivation for Self-Actualization in Teacher's Professional Activity. Modern Education, 1, 69–99.
The research subject is the internal drivers of self-actualization of a music teacher. The research object is the self-actualization process in music teacher's professional activity both as a mean of professional and personal growth and the leading factor of solving tasks of modern music education at schools. The main sources of motivation in music teacher's activity described by the author include the dominance need, inborn 'motive to self-improvement', personality orientation at profession, values and emotinal attitude to their profession, combination of important professional interests, deep awareness of the importance of self-actualization for a teacher, etc. The author of the article notes that teacher's self-actualization can be a ground for his professional growth and effective teaching acivity as long as it is viewed and performed as an intended activity on enriching, developing and fulfilment of profesionally important potentials. The research methodology involves the humanistic approach, structure-genetic approach to personality, activity approach, the theory of selective attitude to the conditions for professional activity, conceptual ideas of teaching art, studies of music teaching activity and personal qualities of a music teacher. The main conclusions of the study are the following: - It is fully justified to relate teacher's motivation to self-actualization and therefore personal growth involving inburn 'motive to self-improvement, prosocial orientation, dominance need and professional orientation, emotionally positive attitude to children and professional activity; - The need to express oneself creatively, love for music and self-acceptane also play an important role in the process of teacher's self-actualization; - Self-knowledge and understanding of his own motives are the starting point in the process of teacher's self-actualization. The author's special contribution to the topic is caused by the fact that in addition to defining the main sources of motivation for self-actualization, the author also makes an attempt to discover other sources of activity in music teaching and performance. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has summarized the scientific experience on the topic of personal motives in general and music teacher in particular and defined a set of internal drivers of self-actualization of a music teacher.
self-knowledge, music performance, need, motivation, professional activity, teacher, personal growth, self-actualization, self-acceptance, awareness, understanding
Flerov, O.V. (2015). Peculiarities of Teaching English to Students with a High Level of Competence in English. Modern Education, 1, 100–123.
Teaching methods that may be applied to students with a high level of competence in English are rather understudied in our language education theory and practice. The main cause of that is that people who speak good English prefer to increase their knowledge and skills through independent language training including trips abroad rather than to take lessons with a professional teacher. In the present article Flerov describes peculiarities of teaching English to advanced students. These peculiarities create both advantages and disadvantages for a teacher from the point of view of academic organization and management. Special attention is paid to the criteria of linguistic competence as well as student motivation as the main factor of success. The main research methods used by Flerov include description and analysis of particular aspects of the teaching process. It is a difficult pedagogical task to teach English to students who already know the language well. The main distinguished feature is that instead of forming linguistic skills and knowledge a teacher needs to develop those. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher studies the topic which lacks conceptual grounds in Russian linguodidactics and this is why a teacher usually has to rely on his own experience. The novelty of the research is also caused by the comprehensive approach to the topic which involves the main aspects of the teaching process described by the researcher, in particular, motivation, curriculum and teaching methods. Special focus is made on the importance of using authentic materials in class (today the main source of such authentic materials is the Internet) and interactive teaching activities using the communicative method of teaching a foreign language.
curriculum, student motivation, communicative competence, criteria, level, linguistic skills, competence in the language, linguodidactics (language education), Internet, interactive lessons, authentic materials
Innovative methodology and technology
Rybakova, N.A. (2015). Manipulative Stereotype in Teacher’s Professional Activity and Ways to Overcome it. Modern Education, 1, 124–142.
The research subject is overcoming forming or actual manipulative stereotype in music teacher’s professional activity based on a number of methods of developing the ability to self-actualize in musical activity. The research object is music teacher’s self-actualization as an objective and a mean to overcome manipulative behavior in the process of its realization.The article reveals the essence and negative influence of manipulative stereotype on teacher’s professional activity. The reasons for its forming in the period of preparation for the profession are also exposed. Particular attention is paid to proving and describing the author’s methods of overcoming the above-mentioned stereotype in professional teacher’s activity in general and in the musical aspect of Music teacher’s profession in particular, which is connected with perception and assessment of musical compositions.Methodological basis of the research consists of the works on self-actualization and manipulation (A. Maslow, F. Perls, E. Shostrom); scientists’ ideas about the essence and role of the ideal I-image in the forming of personality (B.G. Ananyev, L.I. Bozhovich, I.S. Kon, K. Levin, A.G. Skripkin, V.V. Stolin, I.I. Chesnokova, S.V. Shorokhova, E. Spranger, Y. Yadov); researches in teacher’s self-actualization and personal growth in professional activity ( E.V. Andrienko, S.L. Bratchenko, M.R. Miriniva, N.A. Rybakova etc. ). The main conclusions of the research carried out are the following postulates:- Overcoming music teacher’s manipulative stereotype and behavior is possible by means of a purposeful development of the ability to self-actualize in the musical aspect of teacher’s activity, mainly in perception and assessment of music;- The given methods are effective for future and practising music teachers to develop the ability to self-actualize in music and thus to overcome manipulative stereotype in activity. The novelty of the research consists in proving and developing effective ways for a future or already practising music teacher to overcome manipulative stereotype in his activity through forming the ability to self-actualize in perceiving and assessing music. The particular author’s contribution to studying the theme is working out definite methods to develop the ability to self-actualize in musical activity: meeting the ideal image “I am a self-actualizing personality”, performing two roles, taking the Other’s point and independent judging.
role, dialogue, music activity, music teacher, capacity for self-actualization, self-actualization, professional activity, manipulative stereotype, method, image
Effectiveness of training
Dudar, A., Khusyainov, T.M. (2015). The Place of Field Practice in the Process of Biology Students' Socialization: Theoretical Analysis. Modern Education, 1, 143–150.
The present research has been funded by the Russian Humanities Fund within the framework of the project No. 14-33-01001 ''Faculty Habitus' and Socialization of Students at a Classical University (Based on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod State University N. A. Lobachevsky)'. The research is devoted to the role of field trips of biology students in the process of their socialization and personality growth. Despite a growing number of researches of youth in general and students in particular, both the theory and practice of the topic are understudied. The authors of the present article discuss the grounds and factors that define peculiarities of the socialization process during field trips based on the example of biology students. The main research methods used by the authors include theoretical analysis of Russian academic literature on social studies, pedagogy and psychology. The authors provide the basic theoretical grounds of the socialization process of biology students during field trips. The results of the research demonstrate that field trips play an important role in socialization of biology students and have an important influence on development of their social skills, social adaptation, development of interpersonal communication and creation of the 'Faculty Habitus' in general.
socialization of youth, socialization of students, modern youth, theoretical approaches, biology student, field practice (field trips), Faculty Habitus, socialization, university environment, socialization process