Effectiveness of training
Sokolov, G.A. (2014). Peculiarities of the Psychoemotional State of Students During Distance Learning. Modern Education, 1, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10921
The author of the article describes peculiarities of psychoemotional state of students during distance learning. The author gives a general description of distance learning and explains what kind of impact it has on cognitive processes. The author in detail describes the psychoemotional state of students in the course of learning. He describes the sources of negative and positive emotions in the educational environment and shows that in case of distance learning, students do not experience so many negative emotions. In particular, they are less nervous before exams. The author also proves that distance learning manages to preserve almost all sources of positive emotions that a regular education has. At the present time learning is the main way to receiving education. Learning also means the process of acquiring knowledge and skills under the guidance of masters, teachers, mentors and etc. Learning an be traditional or distant. Noteworthy that distance learning has been growing quite popular lately. Distance learning means that the process of education is partly or fully performed by the means of computers and telecommunication technologies and means. The recipient of distance learning is far from a teacher as well as trainig and educational sources. This form of education is performed mostly through distant educational technologies, methods, forms and teaching resources as well as with the help of data obtained from the educational sources on the Internet.
emotions, psychoemotional state, negative emotions, positive emotions, learning, distance learning, traditional education, education, creativity, Internet
In search of the meaning
Golikova, G. (2014). Formation of the Axiological Approach to the Formal Literary Education: Problem Definition. Modern Education, 1, 14–24. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10853
The author of the article puts a question about the process of formation of the axiological approach to teaching literature at school. The matter is viewed in terms of scientific researches in the spheres of philosophy, esthetics, cultural studies, pedagogy and psychology. The author of the article also provides the results of the experimental research (by using the methods of observation and questionnaire of school students of the 8th and 9th grades in Kazan). The experimental research was conducted by the author in order to define values of school students and conflicts of values in the process of the 'reader - author' esthetic dialogue. The author brings forward the question about overcoming the axiological 'misinterpretation' of the author's text through formation of the value-based axiological interaction beween the reader and the author's creation (based on M. Bakhtin). Methodological grounds of the axiological approach include M. Bakhtin's ideas about the value-based interaction between Self and the Other in the process of the esthetic dialogue. The author of the article defines the path of efficient implementation of the process of adopting values (interiorization).
values, axiological approach, conflict of values, subjective experience, interiorization, dialogism, axiological polylogue, subject and activity, non-standard teaching practices, 'problematization method'
Values and goals of education
Shchuplenkov, O.V., Shchuplenkov, N.O. (2014). Factor Analysis of Development of the Russian System of Education. Modern Education, 1, 25–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10491
The article is devoted to the history of education and up-bringing in Russia and the ideological principle of reproduction of national cultural, historical and spiritual values. According to the author, the role of the institution of education in the reproduction of the national cultural identity will be soon diminished as a result of the inclusion of the Russian system of education into the global educational environment. The pedagogical theory needs the ideal of a well-educated man both for developing the theory and practice of up-bringing and assessing their efficiency. Education becomes meaningful and efficient only if it is aimed at achieving the idea. The ideal of a well-educated man is very important for the society even though it is almost impossible to be achieved in the reality. The main quality criteria of the educational process are the efficiency of the process of education and success of a young specialist on the labour market.
up-bringing, globalization, information space, history of education, modernization, national school, Russian culture, succession, system of education, values of national culture
Modern strategies and forms of education
Mansurov, E.I. (2014). Can the Idea of Cosmic Exploration Become the National idea? . Modern Education, 1, 53–72. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10632
The author of the article offers an original approach to studying attitudes to space exploration in large age groups (schoolers and students) as well as how attitudes to space exploration and development of cosmonautics have been changing in our country over the past decade. The author also offers to study social and psychological aspects of attitude of different social groups to space exploration during the last four decades. It is the author's opinion that space exploration can become the national idea of Russia in different social groups. The author shows that modern astronauts are most optimistic about it. The author uses a practical experiment to study the attitudes of the younger generation of Russian citizens towards cosmos and space exploration. By using an original questionnaire, the author has studied what ideas modern schoolers and students have about the timeline of space exploration, whether they would want to work on this problem, and so on. The author notes that there is a certain relation between the increase in interest towards space exploration in different social groups of our country and actual achievements in space exploration. Based on the results of research, the author concludes that at the present time the interest of the younger generation towards space exploration is growing. The author states that the idea of space exploration can become the national idea only if it is accepted by the younger generation. In order to make young people and teenagers interested in space exploration, it is necessary to develop a special pedagogical program for the younger generation.
psychology, pedagogy, schoolers, students, large groups, social images, cosmos, cosmonautics, social and psychological aspects, space exploration
The communication process
Ratiner, T.G. (2014). Information and Psychological Security of Schoolers On the Internet. Modern Education, 1, 73–96. https://doi.org/10.7256/2306-4188.2014.1.10923
The article is devoted to the problem of information and psychological security of schoolers on the Internet. The author of the article analyzes the general condition of information and psychological security in Russia and provides the facts arguing 'for' using the Internet in the educational enviromment of a modern school. The author underlines that the modern academic process often involves an active search for information by schoolers on the Internet. At the same time, the author describes psychological 'threats' which can arise if schoolers use the Internet without their parents' control. Methodological grounds of the present research include the theories of information and psychological security that were developed by Russian scientists in the XX century. Those theories were initially applied to the psychology of propaganda, advertising and political psychology. The author defines the cognitive, behavioral and emotional factors of personal psychological security. In this particular article, the author analyzes the cognitive factor. The author makes an assumption that schooler's cognitive abilities are closely connected with his information and psychological security on the Internet. The author also touches upon the role of the Internet in the educational process at school as well as possible threats of the World Wide Web and analyzes existing recommendations on safety on the Internet for parents and schoolers from the point of view of the cognitive factor.
pedagogy, educational environment, Internet, World Wide Web, information and psychological security, schoolers, parents, recommendations, threats, defence