Trofimova, G.A. (2014). Secondary School Education: Quality Defects and Ways of Eliminating Them. Modern Education, 4, 1–11.
Quality education of school children and teaching them good morals while they are at school are ones of the most nettlesome and constantly discussed issues in teaching literature and pedagogical researches. However, neither teachers nor researches have developed an efficient mechanism thereto although the current situation with education leaves much to be desired. In the author's opinion, the only right thing to do in this sphere would be to eliminate the gaps in legal and administrative regulation of the responsibility of education actors (school student, his parents and teachers) and to provide a reasonable and logical evaluation of the responsibility of each actor in particular. In order to define quality defects of school education, the author has used such methods as observation, survey and comparison as well as logical analysis. The present article may help to define the true causes of low quality education and not treating school children as free-willed, responsible and diligent personalities. The article may also help to define what improvements in legislation and teaching are needed to be made in order to increase the quality of secondary school education.
secondary school education, school, goals of education, quality of education, teaching methods, parents' responsibility, school students' safety, school students' discipline, school students' responsibilities, child's responsibilities
Values and goals of education
Khusyainov, T.M. (2014). Theoretical Analysis of the Legal Socialization of Modern Young People in Russia. Modern Education, 4, 12–22.
The present research has been funded by the Russian Humanities Fund within the framework of the Project No. 14-33-0100 'Faculty Habitus' and Socialization of Students at a Traditional University (Based on the Example of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod). In this article Khusyainov analyzes peculiarities of the legal socialization of young people at this day and age in Russia. The subject of the present research is the process of legal socialization of Russian young people as the process of their learning the standards and rules of the modern society. Despite the rapidly growing number of researches of young people in modern science, the theoretical grounds of the problem have not been developed yet. The author of the article discuss the reasons that determine the specific features of this type of socialization and legal socialization in Russia. The main research methods include theoretical analysis of Russian literature on social studies, teaching and psychology. The article presents theoretical grounds of socialization of young people in the sphere of legal relations. The author establishes that achievements in the sphere of legal socialization may be the indicator of the greater degree of socialization of a young person because it is where the legal awareness and morals have the most important interaction.
socialization of young people, legal socialization, modern young people, theoretical approaches, legal awareness, legal state ('Rechtsstaat'), civil society, legal culture, legal relations, socialization process
Modern strategies and forms of education
Nemtsev, I.A. (2014). Implementation of the Ideas and Principles of Sustainable Development in the Field of Education in Russia. Modern Education, 4, 23–50.
In his article Nemtsev tries to describe social, philosophical and organizational aspects of the model of education for sustainable development. The researcher gives a critical evaluation of the existing system of education and shows that modern education does not work for sustainable development. Netmsev suggests that we should view school education and up-bringing as the platform for developing a sustainable life style which would enable to implement the strategies of sustainable development. The researcher offers a new system of education, i.e. education for sustainable development. He analyzes the methods and concepts of environmental education that correspond to the paradigm of sustainable development. The methodological basis of the present research is the dialectical method as the opposition to the traditional system of education and the requirement to proceed to the model of education for sustainable development. The researcher has also used general scientific methods such as abstraction, idealisation, comparison, simulation, analysis, synthesis, etc. The objectives of the research are achieved based on provisions and conclusions on the matter found in works of contemporary Russian and foreign researches and philosophers. Nemtsev concludes that it is necessary and possible to create the system of education that would be oriented at sustainable innovation-based development of the society. The researcher also describes the concept of school (EcoSchool) and the system of education for sustainable development (the model of environmental education, implementation of a number of paticular disciplines, etc.) as well as the steps needed to be taken to adopt the system of education for sustainable development.
sustainable development, modernization of education, EcoSchool, paperless technology, education for sustainable development, ideology, information society, Eurasian Union, globalization, education in Russia
Mayer, R.V. (2014). Optimization of Time Required to Learn Elements of Educational Material of Different Importance: Computer Simulation. Modern Education, 4, 51–63.
Different elements of the educational material have different importance for learning the following topics and passing the final tests. By using the method of expert evaluation, it is possible to define how important this or that element is. The subject of the present research is the process of learning a sequence of topics of different importance. Some important topics require more time to be learnt while other topic that are not important should be even ignored. The present article is devoted to the problem of optimization of time required to learn particular elements of educational material of different importance in order to achieve the best learning efficiency. To achieve the aforesaid objectives, the author has used the methods of systems analysis, mathematical and computer simulation, algorithmization adn programming. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the following: 1) for the first time in the academic literature the author raises the problem of optimization of time required to learn educational material of different importance; 2) the author has carried out a number of simulation experiments to define the best time distribution in the process of learning topics of difference importance; 3) based on the results, the author describes the rules for the best time distribution and efficient learning of topics of different importance.
didactic method, learning theory, computer simulation, optimization, didactic system, educational material, time required to learn the material, cybernetics, learning efficiency, mathematical methods
Innovative methodology and technology
Kanishcheva, L.N. (2014). Evaluation of Social Conformity in the Polynational Education Environment of the University: Search for the Tools. Modern Education, 4, 64–71.
The article is devoted to the question about selecting methodological tools for evaluation the education environment at a university as the sphere that create conditions for students' self-socialization, involve the present and past personal experience and help to retain the continuity of generations and traditions. In her research Kanischeva focuses on polynationality of the education environment. The subject of the research is the method of evaluation of social conformity in the university education environment. The researcher explains her choice of topic by the fact that education environment is a very specific object for evaluation and there are no quantitative indicators, rules or standards to evaluate it. To define the level of social conformity of the polynational education environment the researcher offers to use the method of humanitarian expertise which determines the compliance of the studied object to social, moral, environmental, cultural (ethnocultural), aesthetic and other humanitarian standards. Kanischeva describes the procedure of humanitarian expertise: overall perception of the problem, analysis of the problem and previous solutions of such problems, analysis of the main consequences this situation may have for the society, social morals, public health and environment, evaluation of these consequences in accordance with the legal, ethic, environmental and medical norms, preparation of the expert judgement and recommendations on corrective measures, analysis of prospects for further development. In her article Kanischeva describes the main stages humanitarian expertise in detail. According to the researcher, the method of humanitarian expertise will help to obtain a qualitative description of the education environment at a university and raise the efficiency of quality management at a higher school.
highest vocational education, quality of education, quality evaluation tools, education environment, humanitarian environment of the university, polynational environment, humanitarian expertise, humanitarian expertise algorithm, social conformity, personal development
Mass information processing in training
Kovalevskii, V.A., Kirko, V.I., Malakhova, E.V., Vasil'ev, E.A. (2014). Implementation of the Process of Distance Education in a Remote Settlement with Limited Access to High Speed Internet. Modern Education, 4, 72–85.
The subject of the present research is the problems of education in remoted settlements located in hard-to-reach places such as northern and Arctic regions. In addition, the authors of the research article discuss the problems of educating nomadic groups that are involved in their traditional activity and therefore migrate from one place to another. Based on the practical experience of the researchers of the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. Astafiev, the authors offer particular ways to organize distance education for those who live in remote regions and have limited or no access to the Internet. The methodology of the research involves field researches that have been carried out in the areas of compact settlement of indigenous groups in the Krasnoyarsk Krai since 2010 up to 2014. The results of the field researches have been summarized and presented as the conclusions of the present research article. The authors have also applied the method of the critical analysis of expert and information messages and scientific review of topical sources on the matter. The authors offer the model of distance education in hard-to-reach northern settlements of the Krasnoyarsk Krai where eight ethnocultural groups considered to be indigenous peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Krai live. The authors offer the project and recommendations on how to improve the quality of education in northern and Arctic regions of the Russian Federation.
distance education, the Arctic, the North, educational technology, indigenous groups , northern regions of the RF, innovative teaching technologies, Krasnoyarsk Krai, field researches, e-learning