Butanaev, S.A. (2013). Peculiarities of a Safe Educational Environment at Secondary School from the Point of View of its Actors. Modern Education, 4, 1–13.
In the modern world humans often experience a strong need to feel safe and secure. A man needs to feel secure about his tomorrow as well as to be safe both physically and psychologically. This is what makes psychology so important today. Psychological health is an important component of economic and social resources of a nation. Noteworthy that psychological health is also one of the guarantees of public peace, social unity, high performance and productivity of labour, good living standards and stability of a man and society. The present article describes the results of the research that was carried out at a general education school. The purpose of the research was to evaluate the degree of psychological safety of the educational environment. The author of the article makes a hypothesis that the difference in perception of the level of the educational environment safety depends on the role of each actor of the educational environment. Moreover, the author of the article also makes an assumption that the more active actors (teachers) think of the safety at their school higher than parents while students think of it even higher due to their young age. Statistical analysis of results of the opinion survey has shown evident differences in perception of the educational environment from the point of view of different groups of respondents. Primary school students have demonstrated less satisfaction with the main characteristics of school compared to senior school students. The other peculiarity of the educational environment is that both teachers and students evaluate psychological safety of schools higher than the parents. Generally speaking, based on the results of the research the author of the article recommends to create the atmosphere of a better trust between school administration, teachers and parents as well as to pay more attention to stimulating interest towards teaching among primary school students.
psychological safety, safety precautions, educational environment, general education school, students, teachers, parents, cognitive component, behavioral component, emotional component
Bless your name teacher
Levin, V.I. (2013). Iosif Kassirsky as a Distinguished Soviet Scientist and Doctor. On the 115th Anniversary of Birth. Modern Education, 4, 14–41.
The article provides a review of the biography of a distinguished doctor and scientist, teacher and wonderful person Iosif Kassirsky. The author of the article gives a detailed analysis of Kassirsky's scientific, teaching, administrative and doctor's activities. The author underlines Kassirsky's great contribution to the creation of the Soviet scientific and medical school in the sphere of hematology and tropical diseases. Much attetion is being paid to the description of a brilliant and amazing personality of Iosif Kassirsky. The article contains memories of Kassirsky's colleagues, friends, students and relatives as well as analysis of the main peculiarities of Kassirsky's research and teaching activities in the sphere of medicine. The author also touches upon Kassirsky's administrative and social activities. Personal qualities of Kassirsky are emphasized. These are the very qualities that are so much remembered by his contemporaries. In conclusion the author gives a general evaluation of Kassirsky's researches in medicine and the school founded by him. The article also provides a full list of Kassirsky's basic publications.
scientific school, hematology, diagnostics, medicine, human, doctor, scientist, Iosef Kassirsky, style, scientist's personality
Effectiveness of training
Remneva, N.A. (2013). Training Games as the Main Method of Formation of Senior Preschoolers' Logical Reasoning. Modern Education, 4, 42–53.
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of the basis for developing senior preschoolers' logical reasoning. The significance of the research is the need of the government and society in skilled professionals. In this regard, there are serious requirements for developing cognitive abilities in general and during the period of preschool education in particular. The preschool age is a sensitive period for developing memory, attention and speech. This is also the age when one's personality starts to develop. The author of the article analyzes the experience in using training and teaching games in the course of preschool education and up-bringing and shows an important role of such games for the all-round and harmonious development of a child. The author also describes different kinds of logical and mathematical games and proves that training games can be very useful when working with preschoolers.
senior preschooler, training games, teaching games, reasoning, the sytem of training games, methods of developing logical and mathematical abi, development of logical and mathematical abilities, method of training problem solution abilities, basis of logical reasoning, logical reasoning
Ways of upbringing
Novikov, S.G. (2013). Up-Bringing of the Subject of Modernization in Russia: Review of the Modern Problem from the Point of View of Experience of the 1920s - 1930s. Modern Education, 4, 54–73.
The author of the article outlines important aspects of the Soviet experience in formation of a subject of forced modernization. The author pays attention to the following facts. Firstly, the Soviet educational megaproject was developed as a part of the global social project and therefore based on the researchers' clear vision of Russia's future. Secondly, up-bringing was not limited to only educational and cultural institutions but spread within the entire society and involved all spheres of social life. Thirdly, the authors of the project used the method of 'prognosis based on stadards', in other words, the method of planning up-bringing and educational activities from the future to the past , i.e. from the ideal target to the real measures to be undertaken. Fourthly, the younger generation of those times was offered the ideal of the young man fighting for the 'kingdom of Truth' but not the ideal of a young man as a consumer of goods. Fifthly, the researchers did not deny the traditional ideals of Russian culture but tried to adjust the Western values to the socio-cultural environment of Russia.
up-bringing, subject modernization, sociocentrism, anthropocentrism, utilitarianism, values, ideal of up-bringing, educational megaproject, forced modernization, mass pedagogical consciousness
Modern strategies and forms of education
Fidarova, S.I. (2013). Modern Educational Environment: the Problem of Teachers' Training. Modern Education, 4, 74–81.
The subject matter of the reserach is the problems of teachers' training at institutions of vocational secondary education and higher education under modern conditions. The scope of the research covers the integrated model of the system of education, the methods of teachers' training at North Ossetian State Teachers' Training Institute within the framework of the polylingual and polycultural education and development of personality as a subject of polycultural civil society. The main method of the research is the analysis of experience of innovative development at North Ossetian State Teachers' Training Institute, in particular, the polylingual model of polycultural education. The practical significance of the research is the possibility to use the aforesaid model of education at other teachers' training institutes and universities.
educational issues, educational process, Russian educational environment, common cultural competence, polylingual education, polycultural education, innovative experience, teaching activity, common professional competence, the role of education