Kananykina, E.S. (2013). Legislative History about Formation of the French School. Modern Education, 3, 1–17.
Until recently, education legislation of France included over 100 laws. Many of them were adopted back in XIX century. Just like in some other Western European countries, France had a long process of formation of education legislation. Till the end of the 1960's the process was mostly fragmentary. One of the typical features was the absence of stable generalizing legal acts applicable to the system of education in general and the main stages of education in particular.
law studies, France, education, politics, system, legislation, law, analysis, decrees, teaching
Educational psychology
Lazareva, O.A. (2013). Happiness of Young People Living in Saratov: Main Aspects. Modern Education, 3, 18–24.
The present article contains the results of the author's research devoted to the main elements of young people's happiness in Saratov. These elements include understanding and good relations with others, moments when a young person feel happy, length and date since the last time when he felt happy, reasons to feel happy last time, reasons to stop feeling happy last time and peculiarities of the feeling of happiness. The data was obtained through questionnaire surveys and analyzed based on the correlation analysis using the SPSS program. The purpose of the present research was to study the perception of happiness by a Saratov resident. One of the goals was to define peculiarities of the feeling of happiness experienced by the young generation in Saratov. 200 people participated in the research in total. 65 of them (32.5 % of all respondents) were aged from 16 to 35. The results of this research can be used in Russian statistical compilations and journals.
reasons to stop feeling happy, reasons to feel happy, duration of feeling happy, feeling happy, interpretation of happiness, happiness, signs of feeling happy, test question, research, outcome analysis
Innovative methodology and technology
Deulin, D.V. (2013). Particular Nature of Psychological Security of Educational Environment at a Higher Education Establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Modern Education, 3, 25–37.
The article is devoted to particular nature of educational environment at a university where people who will provide for the general safety and security of Russian citizens are trained. The author of the article touches upon the problems of guarantees of psychological security of educational environment at such universities. The author shows how diverse the approaches to the problem of psychological security of educational environment are and views different classifications of psychological threats and risks for psychological security. The author especially focuses on psychological threats and risks at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs which include, first of all, acts of violence and 'army hazing'. These are methods of suppressing positive activity and forcing certain 'standards' of behavior that are absolutely unacceptable from the psychological point of view. It is a very important goal to create a satisfactory emotional environment at a university which would help to overcome the aforesaid risks and have a positive influence on both lifestyle of students and their future professional activity.The author of the article proves the importance of formation of safe educational environment at a university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in order to protect students both from risks typical for all higher education establishments as well as from risks that are specific only for education establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
higher school, educatee, educator, psychological violence, psychological threats, psychological risks, emotional well-being, psychological security, education establishment, educational environment
Effectiveness of training
Koren', R.V. (2013). System Cultural Studies as Metascience: Philosophical and Cultural Researches. Modern Education, 3, 38–69.
The author of the article underlines the importance of the transfer of cultural studies to the sphere of metascience. The author describes general approaches to the definition of metascience, pre-history of that term, its duality and the system stage in the development of metascience. The author analyzes the beginning of formation of cultural studies as a branch of science as well as views of liberal arts and natural science on the matter. It is shown that the system cultural studies can actually perform the role of Metascience which scope includes all sciences, religion and teachings about consciousness and information. Elements of the System cultural studies as a triune system ( theoretical, fundamental and applied cultural studies) can be viewed as particular branches of metascience. The purpose of theoretical cultural studies is to study and develop well-established cultural theories (paradigms) and to expand their variety. In addition, the theory of cultural studies is necessary for systematizing cultural paradigms and functions, cultural categories, terms, patterns and dynamics. The purpose of fundamental cultural studies is to guarantee survival (redemption) of the mankind. The purpose of applied cultural studies is to make the internal structure more complex through reflection (broadly defined as 'upbuilding of management systems) and culturization of particular branches of science (activities). Applied cultural studies are aso analyzed as the synthesis of cultural studies and directions (activities) of cultural research.
systematology, triune system, definition of metascience, duality, applied cultural studies, fundamental cultural studies, theoretical cultural studies, system cultural studies, branch of activity, synthesis
Ways of upbringing
Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2013). Patriotic Education Under New Historical Conditions. Modern Education, 3, 70–112.
The article is devoted to the problem of patriotic education in terms of Russian culture and history. The phenomenon of patriotism is shown as one of the most significant timeless values of the society. The phenomenon is based on the highest level of the development of all personality qualities. It is underlined that patriotism is the most important psychological quality of a motherland's defender and it is usually expressed in love for our homeland and feeling close to native history, culture, achievements, problems as well as constant and successive starvation for higher development and realisation of personal potential. Patriotism defines one's civic position, system of morals and a desire to protect our Motherland even when it requires self-sacrifice. If we manage to form a civic identity in Russian polyethic, polyconfessional and polycultural environment as well as to provide for social and spiritual consolidation of the Russian society and ensure social mobility of a person, quality and availability of education as the factor decreasing risks of social stratification, we will be able to build an effective model of patriotic education in modern Russia.
system, identity, Motherland, patriotism, homeland, youth