Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2013). Education as Information Process and Prospects of its Futurization. Modern Education, 2, 1–57.
The authors view education as an information process and therefore uses information criteria to evaluate future development of education. Education can be studied by using information approaches and methods because it is the process of accumulation, transfer, processing and other forms of movement of educational information. The authors of the article analyze semiotic features of educational information circulating in processes and systems of education, development and up-bringing. Special attention is paid to the need in futurization of education and formation of advanced education in addition to modernization of education. Today's survival of the mankind in many ways depend on education and transformation of modern but at the same time unprogressive education into education of sustainable development and other forms of evolutionary education capable of bringing the mankind out of the global anthropogenic crisis. The authors of the article also focus on the ontological approach that views education not only as a part of the human-and-society system but also as a general form of development when human gets involved not only in the global-natural but also universal-cosmic evolution.
advanced education, education, noospheric education, information processes, information, informatization, inovation process, sustainable education, sustainable development, futurization
Person and personal development
Shchuplenkov, O.V. (2013). The Younger Generation: Social and Philosophical Aspects of Research. Modern Education, 2, 58–114.
The author of the article uses the social and philosophical approach to studying the younger generation. This approach allows to define and fully describe the relation between social transformations and changes of personality, values and motivations. This is necessary for solution of important issues of a society. The younger generation creates the future and acts as a very important element of today's society. We should keep in mind that development of the younger generation and formation of young people's identities reflect the development of the society in general. This is just another proof of how important the topic of research is. The results of research can be used in pedagogy. It would allow to solve problems of young people more efficiently. The fact that we need to ensure full physiological and intellectual development of a young personality and prepare the younger generation for an independent and labour life creates a need in establishing a whole system of social services including psychological services.
hierarchy of values, youth, the younger generation, alternation of generations, generation approach, society
Innovative methodology and technology
Bogatyrev, S. (2013). Criteria for Evaluating Thesis Supervisors' Performance. Modern Education, 2, 115–133.
The author of the article analyzes particular examples of preparing graduation theses at Financial University and offers a method of evaluation of a thesis supervisor's efficiency. The author develops key criteria, assigns a certain value to each criterion, ranks thesis supervisor's performance and analyzes factors of a student's success when he writes and presents his graduation thesis. The author also offers an original method of evaluation a graduation thesis supervisor's overall contribution to success of thesis. The author uses a system of criteria for analyzing success at different stages of writing a graduation thesis and compares success of each stage with the final grade. The method has been applied to graduation thesis written by students with different levels of competence at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation over the two past years. The author defines the most significant facors of student's success. First of all, his success depends on his presentation of a thesis to a teaching board and only then it depends on his discipline in the course of writing his thesis, i.e. timely preparation and submission of particular sections of the thesis to a thesis supervisor. Importance of the topic and interest of the teaching board towards the topic as well as a student's devotion are the third factor in order.
efficiency criteria , graduation thesis, thesis supervisor, success factors, thesis supervisor's performance evaluation, quality of teaching , teaching staff rating, teaching staff, student, graduation thesis
Ways of upbringing
Baranova, E.M. (2013). Psychological Aspects of Preschooler's Development in Montessori Education. Modern Education, 2, 134–149.
The author of the article offers a psychological analysis of Maria Montessori method of preschool education. The author analyzes principles of development of child's abilities in free education and compares them to Lev Vygotsky's theory of the development of higher cognitive functions as well as Vladimir Druzhinin's theory of creative abilities. The author also provides the results of T. N. Berezina's experimental research of development of abilities. The author underlines that the most important goal of the preshool age and primary school age is to develop voluntary activity. Voluntary activity lies in the basis of development of higher cognitive functions (voluntary attention and memory). Without voluntary activity it would be impossible to develop child's self-control both over behavior and physiological processes. Child's voluntary activity is first formed by an adult who teaches a child to control his behavior. The author of the article makes a conclusion that free up-bringing is good for developing some abilities and talents while focused education is good for developing other abilities. Therefore, free education is good only for preschoolers because it allows to develop their creative abilities.
development of abilities, voluntary activity, abilities, preshool age, Montessori education, up-bringing, classical didactics, pedagogy, mental (cognitive) functions, creativity