Gorlitsyna, O.A. (2012). Teaching the students of pedagogical institutes to visualize knowledge. Modern Education, 2, 1–9.
The article analyzes a topical issue of knowledge visualization in education. The author brings up the need for teaching students on presenting verbal information in graphical form, which increases the rate of thinking, forms the ability to deal with big amounts of educational information, conceptually structure and organize received knowledge. The author summarizes practical experience on this topic, describes psycho-educational learning conditions, briefly introduces the elective course “Visualization of knowledge”, designed for future teachers of this methodology.
visualization of knowledge, compression, methods of visualization, didactic materials, didactic process, didactic process
Educational interaction
Kananykina, E.S. (2012). Political and ideological tendencies in the development of education system. Modern Education, 2, 10–71.
All pedagogical paradigms conceptually comprehend certain basic models of education, they describe and interpret such models from an educational point of view in terms of pedagogy being a special branch of science. Such conceptual characteristics allow one to present different variations of basic educational models combinations in different relations, to specify the extreme poles of negative and positive aspects of the educational process, to outline the prospects of its optimization in the modern conditions. The article gives the idea of paradigms of the education systems of Europe, Easter and African countries. The great pedagogical eposes of the great thinkers and philosophers of the Ancient East, North Africa, the Near East and Central Asia formed the basis of the education traditions of the our generation of people living in these continents, their principles are the essence of the historical and legal documents on the idea of education and upbringing.
doctrine, pedagogy, paradigms, ideology
Bless your name teacher
Levin, V.I. (2012). Sofya Aleksandrovna Yanovskaya. Life and Fate. Modern Education, 2, 72–125.
The article brings up the personal and scientific biography of a wonderful person, teacher and scientist Sofya Alexandrovna Yanovskaya. The article gives a fairly detailed analysis of her researches and teachings, particular attention is paid to her important role in the creation of the Soviet scientific school in the fields of mathematical logic and history of mathematics. With special attention the author describes Yanovskaya S.A. as an amazing person, gives numerous memories of her colleagues, friends and students, vividly recreating the various aspects of her life and work. The author analyzes the main features of her teaching manners and research activities in the field of mathematical logic, history and philosophy of mathematics, addresses the subject of her social and political activities. In this regard, the author brings up the detailed information on accusations of Yanovskaya S.A. in the participation in the 1930’s “massacres” of the old school of scientists who did not share the Marxist-Leninist ideology. These accusations are analyzed in detail and refuted. In conclusion, the article provides a general assessment of the scientific level of work SA Yanovskaya and a list of her major publications.
Yanovskaya S.A., mathematics, logic, philosophy of science, methodology of science, education
Mapelman, V. (2012). “Humane Pedagogy” and Humanism. Modern Education, 2, 126–154.
The article analyzes the philosophical, theoretical and historical basis of the concept of personal humane pedagogy in the national philosophy of education. The author considers the basic parameters and characteristics of “humane studies” tendency and proposes a theoretical evaluation of its main principles and methods of reasoning. The article presents a critical look at the nature, character, and interaction between the various components of the spiritual life of society. The author determines the morality and ethics, outlines the conditions of their irreducibility to religiosity. On the example of the monograph “In Search of a New Methodology of Education: Past, Present, Forecasts” by Birich I.A. and Panchenko O.G. the author gives variations of incorrect generalizations and conclusions on the spiritual (especially moral) education in the principles of humane pedagogy. The article highlights the terms whose meanings were arbitrary interpreted, allowing to use them as a basis for subjective conclusion. The author shows the circumstances relating to the possible humanitarian catastrophe with progressive.
pedagogy, humanism, morality, moral, philosophy, spirituality, teaching, upbringing, education
Types of education
Savvina, O.V. (2012). The mission of University. Modern Education, 2, 155–179.
The main purpose of the article is to determine the way out of the long escalated University crisis by specifying University’s goals, roles, basic values and mission. The article analyzes the history of the university from the founding of the first universities in Western Europe in the XIth century to the beginning of the XXI century. The author also applies historical and philosophical analysis to articles and works of famous philosophers, historians, educators, and modern researches of Russian and foreign authors. Special attention is given to the common problems of universities: the problem of effectiveness of education, the problem of independence from church, government and other public institutions. The results of this research have theoretical and practical meaning, the article can be used for further theoretical researches in the field of scientific ethics and the ethics of education. The results of this research will be useful for teachers and university administration while choosing the strategy of university development, in the history and philosophy courses. The author concludes that it is impossible to ignore the tendencies of commercialization of the higher education and orientation of the educational process to the needs of the labour market, but still it is vital not to forget about the basic values of the University stated by Humboldt V. in the XIXth century.
university, ethics, higher education, ethics of science