Khamidullin R.S..
Forensic support for the use of artificial intelligence technology in the detection and investigation of crimes
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2024. № 1.
P. 55-74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.1.68894 EDN: CBMNNY URL:
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The subject of the study is the possibility of using artificial intelligence systems in order to solve and investigate crimes. The author, using the example of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) neural network architecture, invented by Google researchers, shows the capabilities of artificial intelligence to analyze situations arising during the disclosure and investigation of crimes and to put forward reasonable versions based on them on the circumstances of the commission of an illegal act. The study demonstrates the possibility of drawing up programs (plans) for criminal investigations based on such versions. The object of the study is social relations arising during the use of artificial intelligence systems in law enforcement. Special attention is paid to the process of training the neural network to use modern forensic tools and methods in detection, disclosure and investigation. The main conclusions of the study are the need for training and the use of neural networks in law enforcement not only for the purpose of identifying, disclosing and investigating crimes and administrative offenses, but also their prevention and suppression. A special contribution of the author to the research of the topic is the identification of patterns that arise in the process of learning and using the capabilities of the neural network in providing assistance to law enforcement entities in applied research. The novelty of the work lies in the experiment conducted for the first time on training and using a separate GTP neural network in forensic analytical work on putting forward versions and planning an investigation. The paper provides recommendations for the training of law enforcement officers on the effective use of neural networks in law enforcement.
administrative offenses, investigator, crimes, investigation, disclosure, detection, artificial intelligence, neural network, Forensic support, operative
Rednikova T.V., Averina K.N..
Topical problems of legal protection of natural reserves in the Russian Federation
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2019. № 2.
P. 40-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2019.2.29872 URL:
The research subject is the problem aspects of legal protection of natural reserves in the Russian Federation. The authors consider the evolution of the legislation in this area and the current legal norms of the Russian Federation in the area of environmental protection regulating the creation of natural reserves, the formation of their legal regimes, which are the object of criminal infringement formalized in the article 262 of the Criminal Code of Russia. The authors search for the problem aspects of law-enforcement of this regulation and also for the ways to improve it. The conclusions of the research are based on the results of the analysis of international, Russian and foreign legislation in the area of protection of the environment and biological diversity and its components, regulating the usage of natural reserves and the peculiarities of imposing criminal responsibility for the violation of the natural resources regime. Legal responsibility is a traditional instrument with a preventional impact, on the one hand, which prevents people from illegal actions, and, on the other hand, it guarantees a punishment proportional to the severity of the crime committed. The absence of clear criteria of the severity of the damage to natural reserves in the current legislation hampers the enforcement of the article 262. The authors suppose it would be reasonable to specify the criteria of the severity of the damage in the comments to the article. It is considered necessary to organize the approaches to the classification of crimes committed on the territory of natural resources, including those based on uniform application of regulations.
natural areas, legislation, protection, Criminal Code of RF, environmental crime, biodiversity, environment, protection regime, forests, hunting
Kurakin A.V., Karpukhin D.V., Ostroushko A.V., Vorob'eva Y.Y., Ponomoreva M.A..
Legal Aspects of Opposition to the Harmful Influence of the Internet on Child Psyche
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2018. № 2.
P. 35-55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2018.2.26818 URL:
The article is devoted to the current attitude of the Russian Federation law and system of education to protection of children from suicide propaganda via the Internet. The object of the reseaerch is the protection of children from information that may be harmful for their life and health. This is an important task of the state and essential part of the country's information security measures. The authors of the article carry out analysis of algorithms used by Internet users for the purpose of creating efficient legal and social measures of prevention of harmful influence on the children. The research is based on the analysis of relevant acts and regulations as well as researches in the sphere of law, social studies and education. The authors obtained quite an amount of data that describe the influence of harmful suicidal information on children via the Internet and performed a statistical processing of that data. In particular, there was a special survey carried out that involved 179 respondents (19.7 % of the respondents aged from 18 to 20, 35.5 % aged from 21 to 30, 28.9 % aged from 31 to 40 and 15.9 % were older than 40 years old). In terms of profession, 56.6 % of respondents were laywers and 9.2 % were teachers. The results of the research give an in-depth insight into the role of the law and social control instutitions in prevention of suicidal threats among the underaged. In conclusion, the authors make recommendations regarding how to improve legal and social measures aimed at prevention of suicidal threats on the Internet.
children, pedagogical, parental, school, malicious, suicidal, delikt, suicide, security, information