Barsegyan S.V..
Prevention of repeated crimes committed by foreign migrants after serving a non-custodial sentence
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2025. № 1.
P. 50-70.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2025.1.73308 EDN: KEMANE URL:
The subject of this study is the peculiarities of preventing repeated crimes of foreign migrants after serving a non-custodial sentence. The article analyzes the features of modern criminal policy in terms of the impact on the prevention of repeated crimes of foreign migrants. The purpose of the study is to identify specific factors that contribute to repeat crimes by foreign migrants after they have served a non-custodial sentence, as well as to develop proposals to address the identified problems. The relevance of the study is due to the need to increase the effectiveness of preventing repeated crimes of foreign migrants after they have served a non-custodial sentence. The relevance is confirmed by statistical data on an increase in the number of non-custodial sentences imposed on foreign migrants, as well as an increase in serious and especially serious repeat crimes committed by foreign migrants. The methodological basis of the research is formed by dialectical, formal-logical, system-structural, statistical methods, as well as the method of comparative legal analysis and other methods of scientific research. The scientific novelty lies in the identification of four groups of specific factors influencing the re-commission of crimes by foreign migrants and in the development of modern methods for solving the identified problems. The article analyzes the provisions of current legislation aimed at preventing repeated crimes of foreign migrants, as well as the Convention of the member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Transfer of Execution of Non–custodial Sentences. An assessment is given of the latency of the crime of foreign migrants who have committed crimes for which penalties are imposed that are not related to imprisonment. In order to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of repeated crimes of foreign migrants after serving or executing non-custodial sentences, it is proposed to consider four groups of specific factors: 1) political factors that led to the commission of the first and subsequent crimes; 2) shortcomings in legislation as a factor that does not deter the criminality of migrants; 3) factors related to the activities of courts and law enforcement agencies (shortcomings); 4) weak interaction with law enforcement agencies of foreign states whose citizens commit crimes on the territory of the Russian Federation. Logically formulated solutions are proposed for each group of factors.
fine, correction, expulsion, prevention, latency, causes and conditions, foreign migrants, imprisonment, punishment, convention
Khimedenova D.N., Tarikin V.K..
Shadows of Freedom: a modern look at escaping from correctional institutions
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2025. № 1.
P. 71-82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2025.1.73457 EDN: DZFXAV URL:
In recent years, there has been a permanent downward trend in the number of escapes from prisons. However, despite this, there still an urgent problem that requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to prevention of escapes. The subject of the study is the analysis of the key reasons influencing the escape of convicts and the identification of existing problems in the activities of correctional institutions. The purpose of the work is to assess the current state of the penal enforcement service in Russia in the context of work on preventing escapes; to draw up a portrait of a modern convict who escaped; to determine what the phenomenon of escapes lies in; to develop a set of measures to improve the prevention of escape activity; to formulate development directions for minimizing and preventing escapes from correctional institutions. The methodological basis of this work combines theoretical and practical aspects: criminological, regulatory and comparative analysis, statistical method, sociological approach, induction, deduction. The research paper proposes a list of a set of measures to eliminate existing problems and improve the work of the penal enforcement system to prevent escapes from places of deprivation of liberty. The results of the work indicate the importance of the problem of prisons' escapes and emphasize the need for a thorough study of escape activity both at the legislative level and at the level of each correctional institution, which as a result will be regarded as a competent investment in the normal functioning of the penal system. The scope of the results includes the practical use of the proposed recommendations by the territorial bodies of the penal enforcement system to monitor the state of escape activity and the full performance of assigned duties by correctional officers. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of author's recommendations on minimizing escape activity. The conclusions that were formulated in the work made it possible to draw attention to such an acute problem that exists in modern realities in correctional institutions, to the need to eliminate gaps and shortcomings that affect escapes from correctional institutions, as well as to develop optimal ways to minimize and solve these problems.
problems, improvement measures, causes, escape activity, penal system staff, strategies, correctional facilities, inmate, escape, places of detention
Anuchina O.V., Yakubova S.M..
Investigative prevention in criminal cases of crimes committed in the field of state defense order
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2024. № 4.
P. 67-80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72625 EDN: ZCJGGF URL:
The subject of the study is the regularities of the mechanism of committing a crime, organizational, tactical and legal bases for identifying and eliminating circumstances that contribute to the commission of crimes in the field of state defense orders. The object of the study is illegal activity and investigative prevention in the field of state defense orders. The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal approaches to improving preventive work in criminal cases of crimes committed in the field of state defense orders. Methods of description and generalization of typical circumstances contributing to the commission of crimes and other violations were used in the preparation of the material. The logical method was used to present the material. Dialectical and formal legal methods were used in the study of regulatory legal acts and areas of interaction between the bodies of preliminary investigation and other government agencies for preventive purposes. The novelty of the research lies in obtaining new knowledge about the negative circumstances that contribute to the commission and concealment of a crime at various stages of the implementation of a state defense order, taking into account the specifics of legal regulation. Among such circumstances, there are those that contain signs of administrative offenses. In this regard, the authors conclude that it is necessary to involve specialists of antimonopoly, budgetary, financial and other legislation in the investigation of crimes committed in the field of state defense orders. The intensification of work on attracting specialists in procedural and non-procedural forms is the most promising direction for improving operational and service activities in the designated area. The approximate requirements and recommendations for the elimination of circumstances contributing to the commission of crimes in the field of state defense orders are given.
administrative offenses, latency, special knowledge, criminal circumstances, purchases, Antimonopoly Service, State defense order, criminal case, budget funds, prevention
Makhmutova L.R..
Illegal hunting: history and modernity
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.2.71757 EDN: EGBCFO URL:
Conservation of natural resources and rational use of natural resources is a priority within the framework of the National Security Strategy. In recent years, there has been an alarming trend towards an increase in poaching, especially in regions with a low level of economy and particularly rich natural resources. This article provides a historical sketch of the development of legal norms governing hunting issues and an analysis of modern legislation in the field of hunting. The review of judicial practice of bringing persons to responsibility for illegal hunting is given. A number of preventive methods to combat this crime are also being introduced. Thus, the problem of preventing illegal hunting is complex and requires an integrated approach when studying it. The subject of this work is the analysis and coverage of the history of the emergence and development of hunting legislation. Namely, its applied significance, which became the basis for the design of legal relations in this area. The research is based on general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition, which made it possible to analyze and synthesize knowledge about the evolution of hunting legislation. The method of comparative historical jurisprudence made it possible to determine the nature of legal relations in various periods, starting from Ancient Russia. Previously, the legislation regulating relations regarding hunting resources was of an economic nature and regulated contractual relations in order to obtain benefits. Currently, a large block of legislation is devoted to the rules for the use of hunting resources in order to preserve them, increase them and preserve their role in maintaining the stability of ecosystems. During the analysis, a number of modern acts were examined, which allowed us to draw the following conclusions: today it is advisable to update strategies to combat illegal hunting. It requires significant financial, human and time resources. In addition to the revision of hunting legislation, it is necessary to use new technologies for monitoring and protecting wildlife, as well as active cooperation between various levels and areas of public authority. And also to convey the importance of protecting natural resources, including the protection of wildlife, to the legal consciousness of citizens.
environmental protection, crime, biodiversity, ecosystem, historical essay, legal analysis, poaching, illegal hunting, prevention, legislation
Sergeeva A.A..
On the question of the public danger of jealousy as a motive for a crime (in the context of preventive police activities)
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2022. № 2.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2022.2.38155 URL:
The subject of the study is the characteristics of jealousy as an emotional state that generates criminal aggression and circumstances that increase the public danger of violent crimes committed on the motive of jealousy. The study used a set of generally recognized scientific methods (the method of dialectical cognition, analysis and synthesis, historical-legal, formal-logical, etc.), which allowed us to obtain reliable and representative results. In the text of the article, the author refers to the legal, religious, psychological characteristics of the phenomenon of jealousy, as well as to the provisions of domestic criminal legislation of various historical periods. On this basis, relevant recommendations have been developed that have the prospect of being used in the preventive activities of the police. The main results of the study are the refutation of the ideas of jealousy as a socially neutral motive of crimes, which are widespread in the legal doctrine. The scope of application of the research results is the preventive activity of the police in the direction of preventing violent crimes in the sphere of family and household relations. The scientific novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive understanding of the destructive phenomenon of jealousy, based on the synthesis of scientific knowledge related to a number of humanitarian areas. As conclusions, the parameters of increased public danger of crimes committed on the motive of jealousy are substantiated. Their accounting will be useful in order to optimize the preventive activities of the police in terms of preventing violent crimes.
punishment, motive of the crime, crime, prevention, police, family and household relations, public danger, violent crime, crime prevention, the phenomenon of jealousy
Ayupova G.S..
On the issue of interpreting particular constituent elements of cruelty to animals
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2021. № 4.
P. 39-52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2021.4.34787 URL:
The research object is social relations in the field of criminal-legal regulation of components of crime establishing liability for cruelty to animals (art. 245 of the Criminal Code of Russia). The research subject is Russia’s legislation establishing liability for cruelty to animals, materials of investigative and judicial practice, official statistics, and theoretical views of scholars on the problem of cruelty to animals. The research methodology is based on the general dialectical approach. The author also uses such methods as the logical method, formal-legal method, and teleological method. During the research, the author also uses general scientific and specific methods of scientific cognition. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the fact that, based on a comprehensive system analysis of Russian legislation, it formulates theoretical provisions about the improvement and use of criminal regulations establishing responsibility for cruelty to animals. In particular, with account for the regulations of the Federal Law of December 27, 2018 No. 498 «On responsible attitude to animals and amending particular legal regulations of the Russian Federation», the author formulates the definition of the term «cruelty to animals» and proposals about particular issues of qualifying crimes considered in article 245 of the Criminal Code of Russia.
criminalization, criminal law, euthanasia, crime, sadistic methods, animals, morality, cruelty to animals, criminal liability, public demonstration
Teunaev A.S., Cherkasova A.M..
COVID-19 and criminality in Russia
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2021. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2021.1.35175 URL:
At the present time, the global community is facing unprecedented development of a pandemic which has created a threat to internal and external security of countries. The COVID-19 containment policy helped minimize the negative consequences of governmental, social, information, environmental and economic nature and, to a greater extent, negative effects on personal safety. The authors consider Russian and foreign researches on the issue of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the negative effects of the deadly virus. The detected trends and patterns of criminality in Russia in the period of the pandemic will help develop effective measures for the prevention of delinquencies. The system approach used for explaining the dynamic rates of transformation of criminality deserves high attention. Besides, the authors use the comparative-legal, the logic-legal and the statistical research methods. The main result of the research is the analysis of the state of criminality in Russia in the period of lockdown. The detected positive and negative indicators are explained in terms of changed circumstances. Special attention is given to criminal activities involving information technologies in the context of their duplication. All the above mentioned factors require urgent steps to be taken aimed at the prevention of delinquencies involving information and telecommunication technologies. A comprehensive approach is needed along with a prompt response aimed at the prevention of mass victimization of vulnerable segments of the population.
information and telecommunication technologies, prevention, quantitative indicators, criminology, COVID-19, deterrence policies, fraud, crime, pandemic, cybercrime
Goncharov D.Y..
Classification of factors determining criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2021. № 1.
P. 14-25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2021.1.35562 URL:
The research object is criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure. The research subject is the combination of factors determining criminality in this sphere. The topicality of such a classification is conditioned by a special role of the housing and utilities infrastructure in the country’s economy. All crimes committed in the housing and utilities infrastructure, trespassing upon property, also threaten public safety. The author uses general scientific methods of dialectics, analysis and generalization, as well as specific methods of summarizing and grouping. The author formulates the classification of factors determining criminality in the sphere of housing and utilities infrastructure. The classification is based on the distinction between objective (external) and subjective (internal) factors. The former ones are historically determined, i.e. caused by the existing mechanisms functioning in the sphere, which can be overwhelmed only by means of reforming the regulating legislation and modernizing the engineer infrastructure. The latter ones are caused by the drawbacks in the organization of public authorities supervising the housing and utilities infrastructure, and law enforcement bodies. The proposed determination system allows organizing comprehensive and targeted planning of measures preventing this type of criminality.
theft, factors, classification, determination, HCS, housing and communal services, crime, production of resources, counteraction, managing organizations
Chuklina E..
Criminal law principles with double prevention: a concept and a preventive action mechanism
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2020. № 3.
P. 61-75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2020.3.34053 URL:
The research subject is the scope of criminal law principles with double prevention which prevent not only the acts directly prohibited by law, but also other, usually much gravier crimes. The author considers the existing approaches to the definition of the term and the legal essence of principles with double provision. It is noted that the conventional definition is not universal and doesn’t reflect the essence and the mechanism of the preventive action of the principles. In its turn, the insufficient knowledge of the mechanism of preventive action of the principles with double prevention hampers their differentiation and systematization. Using the method of systems analysis and structural-functional analysis as a basis, as well as the dialectical, logical and formal legal methods as additional methods, the author arrives at the conclusion about the existence of two types of legal principles with double prevention which differ in the specificity of the mechanism of preventive action. The first type of principles with double prevention is aimed at preventing criminal deformation of a person at the early stages, while the second one - on the neutralization of criminogenic situations. The author formulates the definition of principles with double prevention which reflects the specificity of the mechanism of preventive action, and systematizes them in order to analyze the practical implementation of principles with double prevention.
preventive mechanism, private prevention, general prevention, crime situation, criminal deformation, criminal law, double prevention, crime prevention, criminal conditions, suppression of crimes
Khokhlov E.E..
Pro-drug segment of DarkNet: the origins and the present
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2020. № 2.
P. 10-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2020.2.32672 URL:
The evolution of the drug market in DarkNet and the dynamic character of development of drug markets oriented towards mass users-dealers and users-consumers have breached traditional methods of detection, prevention and combating crimes in the field of illegal drug trafficking. The purpose of the research is comprehensive analysis of a pro-drug segment of DarkNet, and development of a mechanism of counter-drugs activities by means of creation of a mirror digital counter-drugs space. The research subject is theoretical aspects of anti-narcotics policy and the key criminological characteristics of illegal drug trafficking in DarkNet. The research object is the set of social relations in the field of combating illegal actions in DarkNet. The author uses the methods of empirical research (observation, description), methods of theoretical research (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, expert assessment), general logical methods (generalization, idealization, analogy). The scientific novelty of the research is substantiated by the suggestions about the improvement of a single mechanism of counter-drugs activities on the Internet and creation of conditions for the formation of an ideology of anti-narcotic behavior in social media. The research contributes to the scientific development of the issues of criminological characteristics and the basis of criminal-legal prohibition of crimes in the field of illegal drug trafficking committed in DarkNet. Practical importance of the research consists in the fact that its conclusions and recommendations can be used for the development of international programs of combating drug-related crimes, interstate interaction, cooperation and partnership; in law-making activity aimed at the improvement of anti-drug legislation; in law-enforcement activity of law-enforcement agencies; in educational process and professional training of internal affairs officers.
anti-drug content, drug prevention, drug market, DarkNet network, Pro-drug segment, drug threat, drug trafficking, information and telecommunications network Internet, digital anti-drug patrol, media volunteer
Teunaev A.S..
Statistical measurement of criminal activity of the insurance industry in modern Russia
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2019. № 4.
P. 32-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2019.4.30850 URL:
The research subject is the official statistical results of the activities of law-enforcement bodies of Russia relating to the detection of crimes in the insurance industry. Based on the empirical data, the author assesses the current state and the dynamics of crimes in the field in question. Special attention is given to the organized crime rate which has increased nearly sevenfold. The author defines federal districts and territories with the highest rates of crimes in the insurance industry. The most common type of crime in this field is fraud. The author uses general scientific methods: the systems approach, the structural-functional, logical, historical and comparative methods, and specific methods: statistics, documents study, mathematical and sociological methods. The author describes the current state and the dynamics of crimes in the insurance industry. The research results allow asserting that the official statistical data don’t fully reflect the actual scale of criminal activity in this field. The acquired results help reinterpret the data on the current state of crime in the insurance industry.
organized crime, state and dynamics, crime, criminology, MTPL, fraud, insurance, statistics, law enforcement agencies, criminological policy
Garmaev Y.P., Ladoshkin A.S., Garmaeva D.A., Vasil'eva L.G..
The notion and the signs of crimes connected with evidence tampering in civil and arbitration proceedings (criminalistic aspect)
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2019. № 2.
P. 21-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2019.2.29521 URL:
Crimes connected with evidence tampering in civil and arbitration proceedings are not only widespread, but also highly latent. Judicial practice needs a system of scientifically grounded recommendations which could improve combating these criminal acts. The research subject is the detection, investigation and solution of crimes connected with evidence tampering in civil and arbitration proceedings. In this context, the purpose of this article is to define the key criteria of creating a system of criminalistic recommendations aimed at raising the effectiveness of the above mentioned areas of activity of law enforcement bodies officers. The authors use the general method of the reality cognition, and the system, formal-logical and sociological methods, analysis, synthesis, modeling and abstraction. Based on the analysis of judicial practice, the authors conclude that the criminalistic approach to the essence of the notion of evidence tampering (article 303 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) doesn’t conform with the aims and tasks of criminalistic studies. To be used for creating the appropriate criminalistic technique, this notion should be wider and should include several types of accompanying crimes: 1) against justice, 2) economic and corruption crimes, 3) crimes involving violence against the trial participants, 4) other crimes. Criminologically important peculiarities of the accompanying crimes should also be taken into account, such as the specificity of the situation, subjects and their goals, the typical lucrative impulse, etc. The authors formulate the criminologically significant definition of a group of crimes if this type and substantiate the reason for forming a specific criminalistic technique of investigating crimes connected with evidence tampering in civil and arbitration proceedings.
destruction of evidence, fake evidence, unrecognizable crimes, mercenary motive, crime, forensic science, arbitration proceedings, civil proceedings, falsification of evidence, substitution of evidence
Zubenko E.V., Kuklin O.B..
Legal Education of Road Users as the Means of Prevention of Road Accidents
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2018. № 3.
P. 26-31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2018.3.27383 URL:
The subject of the research is the features of legal education of such a category of persons as road users. The object of the research is the public relations that regulate issues of legal education of citizens in the field of road safety at the legislative level in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the category of “legal education of citizens” is investigated as the means of preventing road traffic crimes and offenses as part of a preliminary investigation in a criminal case on criminal violations of traffic rules. The research methodology consists the dialectic and formal legal methods of scientific knowledge as well as the analysis of legal literature and the study of the practice of investigating criminal cases for the commission of road traffic crimes. Based on an in-depth study of the scientific literature, the authors come to the conclusion that the conceptual foundations of the category “legal education in the investigation of criminal cases of traffic accidents” are insufficiently developed theoretically. Summarizing and analyzing the existing theoretical approaches to the definition of legal education, as well as the content of federal targeted programs aimed at improving road safety, the authors formulate the legal definition of the concept under consideration. In conclusion, it is pointed out the need to develop and introduce modern means of legal education for participants in criminal proceedings in cases of accidents, which will contribute to improving the prevention of road traffic crimes and incidents.
prevention, investigation, accused, victim, investigator, road accident, legal education, driver, pedestrian, crime
Vavilin M.V..
The Targets of Prosecutor's Supervision over Patriotic Education of the Youth
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2018. № 2.
P. 24-34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2018.2.26726 URL:
The subject of the research is the activity of prosecution authorities aimed at supervision over patriotic education of young people as well as compliance with the legal acts that regulate the aforesaid activity. The object of the research is the legal relations arising in the course of organisation and performance of prosecutor's supervision over observation of laws in the sphere of patriotic education of the youth. The aim of the research is to develop theoretical provisions and recommendations of the legal, organisational, and methodological nature that would be aimed at increasing efficiency of prosecutor's supervision over patriotic education of the youth. The methodological basis of the research implies a set of general and special research methods. The main metho is the dialectical analysis. In addition, the author has applied such methods as analysis, synthesis, questionnaire survey, generalisation, comparison, statistical, logical and formal law analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the present research is one of the first to study prosecutor's supervision over observation of laws on the patriotic education of the youth and develop the issue theoretically and practically. The author defines the tasks of prosecutor's supervision over patriotic education, in particular, arrange for the monitoring over the legal base of patriotic education and elimination of gaps in the legal regulation thereof; adoption of measures of prosecutor's response; and enforcement of the requirements of the Federal Law No. 14 'Concerning Military Duty and Militar Service' by the means of prosecutor's supervision.
program of Patriotic education, education law, prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, military duty, tasks of prosecutor’s supervision over patriotic education, system of patriotic education, patriotic education, prosecutor’s supervision, military service, youth policy
Panshin D.L..
Criminological Characteristics of Economic Crime in the Russian Federation: the Case Study of Official Statistics of 2010 - 2016
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2017. № 3.
P. 32-43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.0.0.23302 URL:
The present article is devoted to the analysis of data on economic crimes in the Russian Federation based on the official statistics of 2010-2016. In his research Panshin gives a comparative and contrastive analysis and describes dynamics of indicators of serious and extremely serious economic crimes with reference to the total number of criminal activities. The coefficients of correlation of the number of persons who committed crimes in this category of crimes with a common number of criminal acts are given. The presented correlative changes in the indicators of quantitative and qualitative data contribute to the awareness of the current criminal component of modern Russian society. The revealed coefficients allowed to draw a conclusion about the scale of the described social dynamically changing phenomenon, its organization, and professionalism of its actors which causes great damage not only to the economy of the country but to society in general. As the research methodology, the author of the article selected traditional methods of dialectical materialism, general research methods of analysis and synthesis, visual method, dialectical methods (induction and deduction), as well as special research methods of comparative and contrastive analysis of the coefficients of the population criminalization. Legal methods were also used to identify the legal regulation of the formation of statistical indicators of economic crimes. The conclusions of this research revealed tendencies of decrease in the indices of economic crime in the Russian Federation during the period of 2010 - 2016 including the reduction of registered serious and extremely serious crimes. However, the presented diagrams provided an opportunity to identify the repeated committal of economic crimes and well-organized nature of this type of crime causing great damage to the state.
dynamics, coefficient, particular, damage, crimes, statistics, economy, crime, correlation, complex
Chernyaev G.M., Bystryantsev A.F..
On the issue of public order and security provision by law-enforcement agencies at sports events
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2015. № 2.
P. 10-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2015.2.15196 URL:
Today the provision of public order at mass sports events is a difficult task involving decision-making, significant efforts, sources, and specialists from different sectors. Mass sports events are an important social phenomenon which requires the complex use of sources of the Ministry of Internal affairs for public order protection and public security provision, coordinated work of different units of the internal affairs bodies. The abovementioned conditions predetermine the importance of the study of management of public order provision by law-enforcement bodies at mass sports events. The object of the research covers the legally regulated public relations connected with public order and security provision during mass sports events. The subject of the research is the legal organization of management activity aimed at public order protection. The authors use the following methods of research: the formal logical method, the method of system analysis, the comparative-legal, historical-legal methods and others. The theoretical base of the research contains the works of the scholars in the sphere of administrative law, the works in the field of general theory of state and law, public administration, administrative and legal organization of public order and security provision. The article studies and generalizes the experience of the internal affairs bodies in development and enhancement of officers training. The authors generalize the positive and negative experience of the police activities during mass sports events in Russia and abroad. They consider the tasks, the main spheres of activity, the structure and the responsibilities of the internal affairs units, and the stages of public order provision. The authors offer the ways of the police officers training. The article considers the tactics of law-enforcers’ actions during mass sports events and under extraordinary circumstances and offers the ways of the police’ efficiency enhancement.
ordinary police units, public events, law enforcement, viewers' rules of conduct , internal affairs agencies, sports events, public security, public order, special police squads, offence
Astishina T.V., Markelova E.V..
Prevention of minor crimes by the police
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2014. № 4.
P. 19-38.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2014.4.13923 URL:
The article notes that prevention of crimes among minors is an important direction of the Internal Affairs bodies’ preventive activities, since teenagers’ delinquent behavior not only influences the general criminality at present, but also in many respects determines the future criminality, therefore, a special attention should be paid to the correct organization of this work. Though the rate of crimes committed by minors or with their participation is not high in general statistics, the preventive work among teenagers is very important. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observing, modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), and the methods which are used in the special sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluation, etc.). At present there is a range of agencies, working in the sphere of minor crimes prevention, and the Internal Affairs bodies should cooperate with these agencies. It is important for them to adjust directions and mechanisms of eradication of harmful processes among youth to the current conditions. The comprehensive and objective measures in minor crimes prevention are impossible without a proper interaction of the Internal Affairs bodies with the civil society institutions.
the police, branches, minors, prevention, compulsion, persuasion , assistance , measures, interaction, cooperation
Chvyakin V.A..
Analysis of teenagers' aggressive personality and its use in police preventive activities
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2014. № 2.
P. 30-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2014.2.13954 URL:
The article presents the results of teenagers' social aggression research. The most important is the influence of singnificant, personality forming factors. Thus the mistakes in developmental psychological and pedagogical work with children determine manifestation of aggressive personality. The forms of social, biological and individual determination of behaviour play a significant role in teenager's personality sociogenesis. Psychical features of personality and its condition during the process of sociogenesis are flexible and unstable. The methodological base of the research contains the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional juridical methods (formal logical method), and methods used in special sociological research (statistical method, expert evaluation, etc.). Therefore the breaches of the process of aggressive patterns of behaviour formation can occur. There are initial features in this process which can be called prior deviant. These are social phenomena, personality features and social situations, violating the normal process of personality formation and threatening its harmonious maturing. But one has to keep in mind that the processes of socialization and sociogenesis are in methodological correlation, being linked to each other and at the same time directed at the formation of personal individuality.
teenager, feature, personality, prevention, aggression, use, sociogenesis, child, children, activity
Afon'kin G.P..
Modern problems of legal guarantees of criminal responsibility for family (domestic) violence in Russia.
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2013. № 3.
P. 56-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4218.2013.3.8912 URL:
It is noted in the article that violence inevitably appears in all spheres of human communication, which involve submission of will of one person or group of persons to another, including the relations between family members, social groups, classes and entire peoples, no matter what the level of development of society is. It also should be noted that violence may be interpreted as a purposive forceful coercion of one subject over another subject, which is performed with a certain goal against the agreement, will and interests of the latter subject. The author singles out types and forms of family (domestic) violence. Violence in families becomes a problems, which threatens the fundamentals of the public scurity, undermines its moral and ethical values, and has a negative impact upon the development of the state as a whole. Solution of the problem of family violence is only possible when a complex approach is used, and target events are held in order to arrange prophylactics of violent acts, also the conditions should be formed for the rehabilitatoin of violence victims, formation of normative legal basis regarding responsibility for the offences and crimes committed in families.
family, spouses, violence, coercion, sex, female, group, will, domestic, home
Astishina T.V., Markelova E.V., Obgol'ts I.A..
Prevention of juvenile crime by police.
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2013. № 1.
P. 45-64.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4218.2013.1.762 URL:
The author notes that prevention of juvenile crime, which to a great degree predefines the future crimes, is an important direction of preventive activities of the internal affairs law-enforcement bodies. It is noted that prevention of crime among the teenagers and the youth should hold and important place. The author provides the principles, on which the crime and offence prevention activities among the youth should be based. The author views two key forms of prevention activities - procedural and non-procedural. Then the author describes the causes for the undue performance or non-performance of duties on juvenile crime prevention by the officers acting under the requests of investigation bodies. In order to prevent juvenile crime, it is important to cooperate with other subjects of the crime and offence prevention system. The author concludes that objective and all-inclusive achievement of goals of crime prevention among the juveniles is possible due to cooperation of internal affairs bodies and the civil society institutions.
police, juvenile cases, prevention, coercion, convincing, public safety, aid, interaction, cooperation, neglect