Tahirov Z.I..
Prospective Opportunities to Improve On-Duty Management of the Operational Situation by its Deviations Based on a Network Approach
// Police and Investigative Activity. – 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 16-33.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.0.0.23129.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.0.0.23129
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Abstract: In this article, based on the subjective analysis of a part of the law enforcement system (the established subsystem of joint activities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Service for the Protection of Human Rights in Russia), in the framework of the model of network law enforcement activity previously identified by the author, the practical mechanisms for implementing this model are verbally described in connection with the organization of an operational response to deviations in a criminal situation in a certain area by law enforcement forces. The practical mechanisms described in the article lay the foundations for improving the operational management of a complex dynamic criminal system in real time. The article is written on the basis of the provisions of the general theory of social management, cybernetics, information analysis. Methods of abstraction, dialectical materialism, economic determinism, interpretation, analysis and synthesis, structural-logical, spatio-temporal dependencies, cause-effect relationships, modeling, psychological analysis; Approaches to the subject under study: operational, personal-activity and collective-activity, competence, axiological, historical, conflictological, norms and anomalies, communicative, geoinformation, playful, ideological. The novelty of the work is predetermined by the hypothesis adopted on the basis of the network structure of society. From the standpoint of the theory of social management, the operational level of law enforcement management with reference to the domestic police and some cooperating law enforcement agencies, interested (based on the common purpose, territory, facilities, methods of joint activity) in achieving a concerted effort of the overall result - an acceptable level of operational Situation. Proceeding from this object, the model of interaction at the level of operational management of modern bodies and divisions of the Russian police with Rosgvardia units, which perform traditionally "policing" functions (protection of law and order and public security, combating crime) is considered as a research task. The result of the work was a further deepening of the general provisions on the theory of network law enforcement activity, developed and previously published by the author, with the identification of a corresponding verbal model of law enforcement activity. The scope of the results of this study is determined by the breadth of social and law enforcement practice, the principles and provisions described are universal in nature and can be applied by analogy (scaled) in different areas and levels in orderly harmonized law enforcement activities. The conclusions of the study confirm the admissibility of the choice of the hypothesis, demonstrating the contradictoriness of the social modern law-enforcement practice from the point of view of public expectations and the really manifested result embodied in the modern model of the organization of law enforcement activity.
Keywords: one hundred twelve service, National Guard of the Russian Federation, Rosgvardia, police, game theory, graph theory, National Guard, Petri net, network law enforcement activity, social management theory
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