Kurakin A.V..
Once again about the use of physical force and special technical means by police officers
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2024. № 3.
P. 60-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2024.3.71874 EDN: NEYBBV URL:
The article examines the problems and grounds for the use of physical force, draws attention to the fact that physical force use by a police officer is a kind of administrative coercion from legal point of view. The use of physical force is an objective necessity, despite this the law establishes the limits of its use. The author formulates proposals on the limits of the use of physical force, analyzes such a category as "special technical means", draws attention to the role played by special technical means in police work, presents and doctrinally justifies the classification of technical means. The article draws attention to the problems of the use of special means in the conditions of digital reality, emphasizes that it is necessary to determine the mechanism and regime of legal responsibility for the use of special means in the conditions of digital reality. The methodological basis of the article is formed by a set of generally accepted methods of cognition, namely: general scientific methods, in particular, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, system-structural method; special formal legal method. In particular, through the use of methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, the concept of "the use of physical force"; "the use of special means" was formulated. The author concluded that when using physical force, it is not allowed to cause serious harm to the health of the person against whom this coercion was carried out. The principle of adequacy of physical impact should permeate the entire process of using physical force, a police officer should clearly understand that if it is enough to inflict one relaxing blow, then it is not necessary to inflict a second blow. It is also necessary to understand the anatomical features of a person, this will make it possible to prevent serious injuries to the person concerned. A police officer should also be aware that the physical and property damage caused as a result of the use of physical force can be appealed by the relevant person. The article concludes that the use of special means increases the physical impact on a person, while there are quite a lot of reasons for the use of these means, these are the grounds established both for the actual use of appropriate means and those grounds that are defined for the use of firearms.
regulation, coercion, impact, policeman, security, reality, figure, application, means, police
Kurakin A.V..
Once again about the doctrinal understanding of the terminology of "administrative-tort law"
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2023. № 4.
P. 1-22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2023.4.48493 EDN: WTLDHC URL:
The author considers such a category as "administrative offense". This issue is important from the point of view of the application of administrative responsibility, since it is this illegal act that can be the basis of the corresponding type of legal liability. The paper draws attention to the signs of an administrative offense, special attention is paid to such a sign of an administrative offense as "public danger" and "public harmfulness". After analyzing various points of view, the author came to the conclusion that an administrative offense may have varying degrees of public danger. The importance of such a category as "administrative offense" will be determined by its functionality in countering administrative delicacy. Disclosure of the signs of an administrative offense, and elements of its composition, can make it possible to improve the quality of the process of qualification of administrative offenses. The author also considers such categories as "administrative punishment" and "administrative responsibility" this issue is important from the point of view of the application of administrative coercion in general. Administrative punishment is the most serious measure of influence of an administrative and legal nature, it is administrative penalties that most measures of administrative coercion are subject to. The author noted that the importance of such a category as "administrative punishment" is predetermined by its functionality in countering the commission of administrative offenses. Disclosure of the essence of administrative punishment may make it possible to balance private and public interests in the application of various measures of administrative responsibility, as well as to avoid violations of the requirements of legality and the rights of citizens. The author reveals in great detail the essence of administrative responsibility, namely administrative responsibility is a procedural form for the implementation of administrative penalties.
coercion, form, harm, danger, composition, sanction, punishment, responsibility, offense, restriction
Kurakin A.V..
Once again about the mechanism of administrative coercion
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2023. № 3.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2023.3.43775 EDN: UHMLSO URL:
The article discusses the mechanism of administrative coercion, this issue is important from the point of view of the application of various measures of administrative influence. The importance of such a category as the "legal mechanism of administrative coercion" will be predetermined by its functionality in determining methods of coercive influence. The mechanism of application of administrative coercion may make it possible to balance private and public interests in the application of various measures of administrative coercion, as well as to avoid violations of the requirements of legality. The mechanism of administrative coercion is a kind of law enforcement (police) mechanism. Despite this, the mechanism of coercion has its own specifics. The author revealed the features of the mechanism of administrative coercion measures, gave a theoretical analysis of the elements of this mechanism. The paper draws attention to the fact that constructively the mechanism of administrative and legal regulation of the use of coercive measures includes the norms of law, legal relations, acts of application of the norms of law, as well as legal culture. Based on this, the author concludes that the mechanism of action of administrative coercion harmoniously includes both legal and non-legal elements, and the importance of the latter elements is also important for the effectiveness of the implementation of the coercion. The author concluded that the legal culture as an element of the mechanism of administrative coercion has not received a proper theoretical assessment.
law and order, efficiency, offense, restriction, responsibility, impact, suppression, punishment, coercion, mechanism
Kurakin A.V..
Once again about Administrative Responsibility
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2023. № 1.
P. 29-41.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2023.1.39676 EDN: GVOTSG URL:
The institution of administrative responsibility is one of the key ones in administrative law. However, in order for it to become so, it took quite a long time, the legal support of the institution of administrative responsibility was formed almost throughout the twentieth century. Today, a two-level system of legislation on administrative responsibility has been formed. The modern period of development is simply impossible to imagine without administrative responsibility, the protective properties of which relate to the most diverse spheres of public administration. Based on this, the paper draws attention to legislative and doctrinal provisions related to issues of administrative responsibility. The paper analyzes various doctrinal positions regarding the phenomenon of "administrative responsibility", analyzes its normative basis. The author notes that the institution of administrative responsibility began to develop actively in the twentieth century, this was caused by the need to separate legal responsibility for offenses that do not pose a great public danger from acts that are of significant public danger. Today we can say that administrative responsibility makes a serious contribution to ensuring law and order, and it is no longer possible to imagine a system of legal responsibility without this type of responsibility. The institution of administrative responsibility, in its content, is a dialectical relationship of norms of a material and procedural nature that complement each other. Based on the analysis, the author gives a definition of administrative responsibility.
codification, execution, administration, process, procedure, composition, coercion, liability, offense, law
Tregubov I.S..
Measures of Administrative and Procedural Coercion
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2022. № 4.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2022.4.39449 EDN: OQNUBN URL:
The article examines the essence of administrative-procedural coercion measures and how attention is drawn to the institution of administrative coercion, the definition of administrative-procedural coercion measures in its content. The paper concludes that procedural measures did not immediately appear in the construction of administrative coercion, this was due to the development of legislation on administrative responsibility, as well as legal doctrine. The problem of administrative coercion has been the subject of scientific attention for a long time. At one time, the research of the institute of administrative coercion even had a pro-Western character, where this coercion was used very widely. The author concludes that administrative and procedural coercion is aimed at suppressing administrative offenses, ensuring the proceedings on administrative offenses, as well as the execution of decisions taken within the framework of this proceeding. The author notes that within the framework of administrative and procedural coercion, coercive and restrictive measures of influence are applied, as well as non-coercive measures that are necessary to ensure the implementation of procedural coercion. Administrative and procedural coercion is aimed at suppressing administrative offenses, ensuring the proceedings in cases of administrative offenses, as well as the execution of decisions taken within the framework of this proceeding. It should be noted that within the framework of administrative and procedural coercion, coercive and restrictive measures of influence are applied, as well as non-coercive measures that are necessary to ensure the implementation of procedural coercion.
punishment, system, production, restriction, measure, process, responsibility, impact, coercion, prevention
Izinger A.V..
Particular organizational and legal aspects of an external pat-down
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2020. № 3.
P. 29-39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7810.2020.3.34140 URL:
The research subject is the set of laws regulating the grounds for and the procedure of an external pat-down by the police officers. The research object is social relations emerging during an external pat-down carried out by the police officers for the purpose of public order and safety protection. The article deals with the questions of public order protection by the police officers using an external pat-down. The author considers the problems of legal regulation of this type of search using comparative analysis, and defines the organizational aspects of an external pat-down. The author focuses on the legal grounds for the prevention of citizens’ counteraction to police officers performing an external pat-down. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the complex analysis of an external pat-down carried out by police officers for the purpose of personal safety protection. Based on the analysis of laws and law-enforcement practice, the author defines the tactics of police officers carrying out an external pat-down in situations beyond the scope of legal regulation. The author emphasizes the necessity to strictly observe civil and political rights during an external pat-down. In this context, the author draws attention to the peculiarities of carrying out an external pat-down by a police officer of the same gender as a searched person, and the legality of actions in case the objects, potentially dangerous for the police officers but not prohibited for civilian circulation, are found.
administrative responsibility, coercive measures, police, personal inspection, personal inviolability, rights and freedoms, personal safety, external inspection, suppression of counteraction, prohibited item
Molyanov A.Y..
International law and the use of means of restraint
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2014. № 4.
P. 1-18.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2014.4.13935 URL:
The article considers the problems related to use of means of restraint by security forces of the Russian Federation in the light of its commitments in the sphere of use of weapons of war, use of force and firearms by security forces. Security forces are mainly armed with the weapons which are adopted by their states’ armies, i.e. the weapons of war. It is noted that the collective bodies of the international community call the states upon for arming their security forces with the weapons, allowing use of force differentiating and not wounding severely. The methodology of the research is based on the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses the general philosophical, theoretical, and empirical methods (dialectics, the system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, and modeling), the traditional juridical methods (formal-logical), the methods, which are used in sociological research (the statistical method, expert evaluations, etc.), and others. The analysis of international normative legal acts in the sphere of weapons of war creation and restriction of use, specifically the particular kinds of conventional weapons, and their use by security forces during the performance of their duties, had shown the necessity of further development of normative acts, enhancing the order of creation and use of non-lethal weapons.
means of restraint, weapons of war, the police, official, maintenance of order , the UN, convention, the General Assembly resolution, combating, crime
Akopdzhanova M..
The theoretical and practical aspects of socially dangerous entrenchments criminalization
// Police and Investigative Activity.
2014. № 3.
P. 1-5.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7810.2014.3.13920 URL:
The problem of socially dangerous entrenchments criminalization criteria is very urgent for the modern penal science and lawmaking. The development of penal lawmaking conceptual base is of a big importance for the international community, as it determines combating crime effectiveness. As the criteria of criminalization, the author considers theoretical substantiation of social danger of particular actions, which are based on the analysis of law enforcement activity, including the investigative practice. This article considers the existing international standards of the entrenchments on the citizens’ rights criminalization, which determine the grounds of the existing conceptual base of combating crime. The methodology of the research includes the complex of the general scientific and the special methods of the objective social and legal reality understanding in the area of the research: the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, the formal logical method, the statistical and sociological methods. The article studies and analyzes the theoretical and practical grounds, the Russian and international standards of socially dangerous entrenchments criminalization. The findings of the research can be used by the law enforcement bodies, possessing the right of law making initiative, by students, postgraduates, and others interested in jurisprudence.
protection of human rights, combating crime, international standards, grounds for entranchments criminalization, social danger, illegality, statistics, responsibility, disposition of a rule, legislation