History of the Russian police force
Soloveichik, M.V. (2024). Organization of the activities of the prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72446
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the organization of the activities of the prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. The object of the study is the main directions of the organization of prison guards of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century. The study of the experience of organizing the activities of prison guards of the specified period in our country is necessary to understand the origins of the organization of services for the maintenance and protection of persons in modern similar institutions. The author used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis, description, comparison. It was necessary to study the historical experience of the organization of the prison service of the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century in order to understand the main strengths and weaknesses of these measures to ensure the safety and security of persons in custody. It was concluded that the activities in penitentiaries depended on the situation in the country from the point of view of the law enforcement legislation. Therefore, every penitantiary employee must remember that tricks of the persons held in custody will be circumvent if made by competent preventive actions. Therefore, it is necessary to study the historical experience of prison guards in order to adopt positive aspects and exclude violations of the conditions of service of modern places of detention of suspects and accused of committing a crime.
camera, supervision, search, arrest, prisoner, jail, security, escape, guards, riots
Operative investigation in police work
Namsaraev , A.C. (2024). Operational investigative activities of criminal investigation officers to identify stolen property in the context of digitalization. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 15–24. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72265
within the framework of the conducted research, the author comes to the con-clusion that currently the practice is experiencing an acute shortage of scientific and methodological materials to ensure compensation for material damage caused as a result of crimes against property. The subject of this study is the specifics of the activities of the criminal investigation units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to find and identify stolen property, as a result of the commission of a crime for non-obvious crimes, that is, when the person who committed the crime has not been identified, as well as after the arrest of a suspect in the commission of a crime. Based on the analysis of empirical mate-rials, the author identified a general characteristic of damage compensation ac-tivities, the total amount of stolen property. The purpose of the study is to iden-tify some problems and solutions for finding and identifying property stolen during the commission of crimes. The methodological basis of the research is formed by dialectical, formal-logical, system-structural, statistical methods, as well as the method of statistical analysis and other methods of scientific re-search. The main measures aimed at organizing the activities of employees of criminal investigation departments to identify stolen property are considered. The scientific novelty lies in the development of recommendations, through the conduct of operational investigative measures aimed at organizing the activities of employees of the criminal investigation units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to identify the person who committed the crime, to find stolen property, as well as the actions of employees of the criminal investigation units of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, when detaining a suspect, if not The location of the stolen property has been established.
disclosure, pawnshop, stolen property, damage caused, Findface Security, crimes against property, identification of the stolen, organization of operational investigative activities, search for the stolen, operational investigative characteristics
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Ageev, V.N. (2024). The causes and methods of combating corruption in the internal affairs bodies in the Russian Federation. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 25–40. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72720
The object of the research of this article is scientific research devoted to the issues of combating corruption in the Russian Federation in general, and the issues of combating corruption in the internal affairs bodies, in particular. The subject of this study is the reasons for the commission of corruption offenses by employees of internal affairs agencies, as well as ways to combat these offenses. The importance of the research is determined by the fact that public authorities at all levels are subject to corruption, but corruption in law enforcement agencies causes a particularly acute negative reaction among citizens. The author analyzes in detail the causes of corruption in the internal affairs bodies, summarizes the available experience, and also sets out his vision on this issue, pays special attention to the psychological characteristics of corrupt behavior of police officers, suggests ways to counter corruption in law enforcement agencies. The methodology of the study was compiled by the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the works of Russian scientists. The article used both general scientific and special research methods. The novelty of the research lies in the author's comprehensive approach to the problem under study, an attempt to systematize the existing scientific experience of Russian scientists, as well as the formulation of new legal definitions on the problem under study. As a result of the research, the author comes to the following conclusions: corruption in the internal affairs bodies discredits these bodies and the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the person of citizens and organizations; combating corruption in the internal affairs bodies should be systematic and comprehensive; as a separate type of causes of corruption in the internal affairs bodies, it is necessary to identify the so-called corporate causes. These include both unfair managerial decisions and executive orders, as well as compliance with certain tacitly established corporate rules that exist in a particular department of internal affairs bodies; in order to effectively combat corruption, it is necessary to establish state control over the coverage of corruption-related cases, shift the focus to the available positive results; a value system should be developed in law enforcement agencies focused on the rejection of corruption in its various forms and manifestations.
internal affairs agencies, bribery, anti-corruption activities, corrupt behaviour, corruption crimes, fight against corruption, anti-corruption, corruption, police, law enforcement agencies
The police and protection of human rights
Chabukiani, O.A., Zaitseva, E.V. (2024). The activities of the investigator, the inquirer to ensure compensation for property damage to the victim. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 41–54. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72742
The object of this study is social relations arising during pre-trial proceedings to ensure the realization of the victim's right to compensation for harm caused by a socially dangerous act. The subject of the study is the norms of criminal procedure law, which determine the procedure for compensation for harm to the victim, materials of investigative practice, statistical data regarding the scope of realization of victims' rights to compensation and compensation for harm caused by a crime. The relevance of the topic is determined by the importance and significance of the actions of the investigator, the inquirer in terms of establishing property that can be seized in the event that the suspect or accused does not want to compensate for the damage caused by criminal actions, as well as the importance of ensuring the possibility of compensation for damage in order to achieve one of the purposes of criminal proceedings. At the moment, there is a need to improve measures aimed at stimulating positive post-criminal behavior and the possibility of compensation for damage caused within a reasonable period of criminal proceedings. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) the activities of an investigator, inquirer in terms of ensuring guarantees of compensation for harm caused by a crime should be based on a set of measures aimed at clarifying the rights of participants, including the possibility of using alternatives to punishment; 2) it is advisable to provide for the procedure for concluding an agreement on compensation for harm caused by a crime, allowing installments or postponement of appropriate payments to the victim; 3) expand the list of other measures of criminal procedural coercion by adding a list of pledged property as a guarantee of the possibility of restoring or compensating the rights of the victim.
reconciliation, pre-trial proceedings, the right to compensation, restorative justice, powers of the investigator, civil action, compensation, compensation for harm, the victim, damage
The police and protection of human rights
Krehovets, A.V., Nikiforova, A.A. (2024). The legal experiment of the domestic legislator in the regulation of liability for trash streams. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 55–66. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72300
Currently, the issue of regulating responsibility for trash streams is quite relevant for all countries of the world, including the Russian Federation. Trash streams, as a relatively new phenomenon for the Russian legal reality, quickly became the object of attention of public authorities due to the potential and real social danger that they carry. The subject of the study is trash streams as a negative phenomenon, the responsibility for which is regulated by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The purpose of the study is to evaluate the legal experiment conducted by the domestic legislator in terms of regulating liability for public demonstration of criminal acts committed using information and telecommunications technologies, in particular, using social networks, various digital platforms, etc. The methods used in the study were general (dialectical method, systematic and integrated approaches) and special (formal-legal, comparative-legal, etc.). In the course of the study, the following results of the work were obtained: doctrinal approaches to regulating responsibility for conducting trust streams were analyzed, the position of the domestic legislator on the issue of establishing responsibility for the public demonstration of criminal acts committed using information and telecommunications technologies, in particular, using social media, was studied networks, various digital platforms, etc., as well as prospects for improving the current Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the issue of regulating responsibility for trash streams are outlined. The results obtained have scientific novelty due to the fact that they clarify and substantiate the technical and legal approach of the domestic legislator in regulating responsibility for conducting trash streams and can be applied in the practical activities of various public authorities, in improving regulatory regulation in the designated areas, as well as in the framework of scientific and representative events on the subject of research.
public danger, criminal law counteraction, Criminal law, information and telecommunication network, public demonstration, criminalization, live broadcast, digital platforms, the Internet, trash streams
Preventative work of the police
Anuchina, O.V., Yakubova, S.M. (2024). Investigative prevention in criminal cases of crimes committed in the field of state defense order. Police and Investigative Activity, 4, 67–80. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-7810.2024.4.72625
The subject of the study is the regularities of the mechanism of committing a crime, organizational, tactical and legal bases for identifying and eliminating circumstances that contribute to the commission of crimes in the field of state defense orders. The object of the study is illegal activity and investigative prevention in the field of state defense orders. The purpose of the study is to determine the optimal approaches to improving preventive work in criminal cases of crimes committed in the field of state defense orders. Methods of description and generalization of typical circumstances contributing to the commission of crimes and other violations were used in the preparation of the material. The logical method was used to present the material. Dialectical and formal legal methods were used in the study of regulatory legal acts and areas of interaction between the bodies of preliminary investigation and other government agencies for preventive purposes. The novelty of the research lies in obtaining new knowledge about the negative circumstances that contribute to the commission and concealment of a crime at various stages of the implementation of a state defense order, taking into account the specifics of legal regulation. Among such circumstances, there are those that contain signs of administrative offenses. In this regard, the authors conclude that it is necessary to involve specialists of antimonopoly, budgetary, financial and other legislation in the investigation of crimes committed in the field of state defense orders. The intensification of work on attracting specialists in procedural and non-procedural forms is the most promising direction for improving operational and service activities in the designated area. The approximate requirements and recommendations for the elimination of circumstances contributing to the commission of crimes in the field of state defense orders are given.
administrative offenses, latency, special knowledge, criminal circumstances, purchases, Antimonopoly Service, State defense order, criminal case, budget funds, prevention