The police and protection of human rights
Grudtsyna, L.Y. (2014). Legal aspects of civil society development. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 1–14.
It is noted in the article that, on the one hand, many public norms and public law functions in general are mostly aimed at private interests protection. On the other hand, any legal norm, stating the private-law bases of any social relations, is per se the public one at least because it is, firstly, authorized by the state and becomes a part of the national legislation, secondly, it can't contradict and threaten the very state system and the nature of public management. The methodological base of the article contains the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional juridical methods (formal logical method), and methods, used in specific sociological research (statistical method, expert evaluation, etc). Existence and development of civil society is impossible beyond a complex system of social relations and without participation (direct of inderict) of the state, particularly by means of issuing and implementation of norms of private and public law. Civil society is also influenced by the political system of the state, the quality of which affects the models of social development.
public administration, civil society, private law, public law, state, human rights, business, economics , law, problems
Reforming and upgrading the police
Semenov, A.O. (2014). Legal status of police in Georgia. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 15–29.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation always paid special attention to enhancement of legality and discipline of the Ministry of Internal Affairs offices and bodies personnel. For this purpose and in order to carry out personnel policy and educational work special structures had been established within the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. It resulted in legality and discipline level decrease among the personnel, resonant incidents with the participation of the Internal Affairs Bodies members and officials, and gross and cynical violation of citizens' rights. It influenced negatively the image of the Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel and the prestige of the service. It is necessary to sophisticate forms and methods of personnel policy, to carry out systematic educational work, and to change the criteria of evaluation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel work. The author of the article uses general scientific methods (system method, structural and functional, axiological, culturological methods) and special methods (comparative legal method, historical legal method, formal juridical method). In order to solve the abovementioned and other problems in the sphere of internal affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is being reformed at present time, and various organizational and rule-making measures are being assumed to put things in order in the office, to enhance legality, and to combat corruption. For all these measures to have their results, theoretical research in the sphere of legal and organizational issues of legality maintenance within the system of internal affairs of the Russian Federarion is necessary.
police, reform, modernization, law, law and order, legality, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, defence, act, internal affairs bodies
Preventative work of the police
Chvyakin, V.A. (2014). Analysis of teenagers' aggressive personality and its use in police preventive activities . Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 30–51.
The article presents the results of teenagers' social aggression research. The most important is the influence of singnificant, personality forming factors. Thus the mistakes in developmental psychological and pedagogical work with children determine manifestation of aggressive personality. The forms of social, biological and individual determination of behaviour play a significant role in teenager's personality sociogenesis. Psychical features of personality and its condition during the process of sociogenesis are flexible and unstable. The methodological base of the research contains the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses theoretical and general philosophical methods (dialectics, system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional juridical methods (formal logical method), and methods used in special sociological research (statistical method, expert evaluation, etc.). Therefore the breaches of the process of aggressive patterns of behaviour formation can occur. There are initial features in this process which can be called prior deviant. These are social phenomena, personality features and social situations, violating the normal process of personality formation and threatening its harmonious maturing. But one has to keep in mind that the processes of socialization and sociogenesis are in methodological correlation, being linked to each other and at the same time directed at the formation of personal individuality.
teenager, feature, personality, prevention, aggression, use, sociogenesis, child, children, activity
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Kostennikov, M.V., Kurakin, A.V., Vatel', A.Y. (2014). Anti-corrupt and ethic standards of public servants' code of behaviour . Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 52–76.
The article considers the legal and organizational problems of realization of anti-corrupt standards of public servants' code of behaviour. It is stated that these standards are the part of their administrative and legal status. The author notes that with the help of various administrative and legal measures the state forms the milieu which is not susceptible to the deliquencies connected with corruption. Corruption threatens the Russian national security, impedes the development of democratic institutes and civil society in Russia, hampers the realization of citizes' constitutional rights. Corruption negatively affects the economical development, the development of the financial system and the infrastructure of the Russian state. The methodological base of the article contains the up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses general philosophical, theoretical methods. Corruption in the state bodies favours the development of organized crime, creates conditions for the development of hotbeds of extremism and terrorism, threatens the realization of national projects, undermines all state legal reforms which are being held in Russia. These and other problems make it necessary to create administrative and legal mechanism of combating corruption in the work of public servants, and to establish the institute of administrative justice.
corruption, delinquency, standard, ethics of behaviour, status, responsibility, control, regulation, resistance, law
International police cooperation
Olimpiev, A.Y., Admiralova, I.A. (2014). Legal regulation of the OSCE activities in the enhancement of combating human trafficking on the international level. Police and Investigative Activity, 2, 77–84.
The article reveals the aims and functions of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, devoted to prevention of human trafficking on the international level. The author studies the work of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for combating trafficking in human beings. It is stated in the article that the OSCE actively contributes to combating trafficking in human beings, which is at the same time a violation of human rights and a crime. This work is reflected in various political commitments. The commitments acknowledging the member-states' responsibility for combating human trafficking, and stating particular problems for the OSCE institutes, structures and bodies, are basic for the solution of this problem. The methodological base of the article contains the most up-to-date achievements of epistemology. The author uses general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, system approach, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional juridical methods (formal logical method), and methods, applied at specific sociological research (statistical method, expert evaluation, etc).
organization, security, cooperation, Europe, human trafficking, human beings, state, office, participant, representative